How to change Related product title block in Magento - magento

Want to know, how can i change the block title of Related product block in magento? I mean that, i want to replace the title named "Related product" with my own text.

Hello check below file
app/design/frontend/base/default/template/catalog/product/list/related.phtml or
Hope this help you.

After GO to Your related page and see the red line with book
icon to click on it and replace your text without Going To file System.
For Backend Related Product Tab Label Change for
1) direct change on core file:
find Related and replace
2)Create Module to dynamic :


Magento: change link from cart

I have Magento 1.7 installed, I have this theme called ves_gift, at the end of the Checkout (before clicking "checkout" actually) I have the terms of agreement:
The checkbox contains a link connected to the "privacy terms".
The point is that is a wrong/broken link, and I need to change its href, how do I fix it?
Also the word "Aaccetto" should be with one A only, not double. "Accetto" is the right word. Where is the translation file for that?
You need to find the template where the HTML contents of the checkbox. Then you can modify as per your wish.
Try installing Magento-Debug from magentocommerce, and find the template being used.
If you want to translate, then use the CSV file for translation in your theme, as per your language rather than hard-coding in Phtml files.
Remmeber : only Html strings echoed with $this->__('MYSAMPLETEXT'); can only be translated. So, in the CSV file you could do
and then magento will translate the string for you, as simple as that.
file path:-
if its work vote for me, and not let me know...

I want to add Text below Currency Select Box Magento, how do I do it?

I have a currency select box on my magento install. It is located exactly where I want it and all is good.
However I want to add a piece of text below the drop down select box just telling people that they will be charged in NZD.
Problem is I have edited app\design\frontend\base\default\template\directory\currency.phtml but no changes happen on the front end.
I have even changed __('Select Your Currency') ?> to __('HEY') ?> Just to see would it work and nothing, it didn't change the header of the box at all.
Please help, what am I doing wrong, am I am idiot?
Thanks in advance.
Hii Instead of using base theme try changing in your current working theme it will reflect
For ex:-
Are you modifying base theme for all your template requirement.This is not Magento standard practice.
Switch on Hints and check the block and html involved. Modify that .phtml ot write some code in associated block file and call that block function from your .phtml

How to change HTML of "Shipping & Handling" line on cart page

In the shopping cart page of my magento store, there is a line item for Shipping & Handling. I am trying to change the HTML output of this line. I have figured out how to change the actual text "Shipping & Handling - Method" , but I would like to change the actual HTML output. I looked through all of my theme files and could not figure out where to access this. I simply need to add a CSS class for that line so I can style it. Any ideas?
Thank you.
An easier solution to take if you are not a developer is to update the translation of that line of text in your translation file /app/locale/en_US/Mage_Checkout.csv if it isn't already in there just add a line at the end. The first part is what the text currently is and the second is what you want it to read.
tread lightly, it effects that line of text anywhere on your site.
If you just need to style some text add the html of that section and I can help you with a selector.
The file you are looking for is app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Quote/Address/Total/Shipping.php you will
$title = Mage::helper('sales')->__('Shipping & Handling');
Under fetch(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address) function and around 20th line. There you can change but editing magento core file is not recommended. So you have two solutions
Copy Shipping.php file in to local code pool and edit there
This is the best way create your own module for override Shipping.php file by extending Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Shipping class you can find a tutorial of creating module at steve perrys' blog

Magento Not Translating Wishlist Product Name and Description

I have a developmental Magento Store I'm setting up with two languages. Everything works perfect except the SideBar Wishlist and the "My Account" Wishlist displays the Spanish option no matter what. Everything switches i.e. the "My Wishlist" title header, even the email to friend box that automatically writes in "Please, enter your comments..." changes correctly. But the product name and discription remians in Spanish. I've tried this suggestion here: Wishlist donĀ“t capture store views lenguage
Has anyone figured out how to fix this or what I might have set incorrectly?
I had this problem as well on Magento 1.6.2CE. - while switching store languages product names remain in default language.
On a file Wishlist\Model\Item.php arround line 319 you need to remove the line of code:
public function getProduct()
$product = $this->_getData('product'); // <-- remove this line
The $product object is reloaded again with the correct store filter.
I don't really understand the scenario, but based on your title I had came up with this.
By any chance, did you manually code the text on a HTML block?
I have came across with this problem, and what I did is find the code snippets where the text is being called. There I changed it with the code below, instead of directly using the text itself. Hope that it makes sense.
<?php $this->__('Customers'); ?>

How to show a module in Joomla when it's not a Menu item

I am trying to show a module, but the article I want to show the module on is not linked to a menu item. Is this possible? Seems like a module can only show when it is a menu item. But I have a ton of articles that are not menu items - so what is easiest way to show the module? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The way to do this is as follows.
Let's suppose you have a group of articles that you wish to all display the same modules on.
Create a new category using the "category manager" option from the content menu
Ensure all the articles are published into this same category.
Create a new menu which you won't actually ever display anywhere (I like to publish the menu into a module position which is not present in the template)
Add a category blog layout option to this new menu
Now go through each of the modules that you wish to display for the group and add them to the new menu item you have created.
Hope this helps!
This will be my first answer after getting so many help through stackoverflow without being a member.
I will just add something to buzzki's answer. Because i was almost loosing my mind until i figure out how to solve.
If you used an article in a module with an extension like mod_articleasmodule; it adds the aliases of articles on URL of Read More.
Simply change the line;
$link = "index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=".$item->id.":".$item->alias."&catid=".$item->catid.":".$item->catalias;
$link = "index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=".$item->id."&catid=".$item->catid;
to get the pure URL Link and your menu assigned by MetaMod will work. Also great thanks to buzzki for help.
While the {loadposition xxx} technique is very handy, what it won't do is to put the module into any of the "standard" module positions (e.g. left, right, banner, or whatever your template has).
If you want your module in one of those positions, a great method is to use MetaMod. MetaMod is a placeholder module, that includes other modules inside of itself according to rules that you set up.
So you can set it up with a rule that says, in effect, "if we are on article A, B, C, D or E, display the module".
if ($content_genius->check("article_id = 50, 51, 52, 53, 54")) return XXX;
// replace XXX with the module id to show on those articles
Now, if the number of articles is going to change regularly, you don't want to have to edit the MetaMod to change the list of ids. So another way is to use the Meta Keywords field in the articles to determine whether the module will appear. Then all you have to do is include that keyword on any article you want the module to appear on. Let's say the keyword will be "SHOWMOD".
So in MetaMod you can simply use this:
if ($content_genius->check("article_metakeywords contains SHOWMOD")) return XXX;
// replace XXX with the module id to show on those articles
In that way, the module will appear on every article page where the article contains that meta keyword. And the module position can be any position on the page (wherever the MetaMod is assigned).
Step 1: On the front end of your website, click to the specific article that you want, highlight and copy the URL.
Step 2: Create a menu item, item type is URL and paste your article URL in there. (You can have the menu item be in an unpublished menu i think)
Step 3: Select it from the Menu Items list in the module.
You simply name your module position whatever you want, say 'monkey' where your module offers a 'select position'. You actually type it in. Then in the article you want to place it in, you add
{loadposition monkey}
to any location of your article you want the mod to work in the html editor.
Follow these steps in your joomla site Admin panel:
Go to the module manager, open the desired module and give a unique name in the position field. If you want to use it also at other common position such as left or right, then first create a copy of this module and then for the new copy, create a unique position name. Example: custom1.
Create a new article preferably uncategorized. Give it the name of your module.
In the body area of the article type {loadposition custom1} and save your article.
Create a Menu link to this article in the desired menu. You should select 'Article layout.'
Thats all, your module will now load from the menu link directly.
This has an added advantage of giving you SEO prominance based on the meta info you give for this article.
