Worklight - Error ADMA0007E and ADMA0007E - websphere

I'm using worklight 6.1 for my mobile app project. My problem is I got this error when trying to upload .war file into websphere in step 7 according to this documentation.
ADMA0007E: A Validation error occurred in task Mapping resource references to resources. The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name is not specified for reference binding jdbc/WorklightDS in module Worklight with EJB name .
ADMA0007E: A Validation error occurred in task Mapping resource references to resources. The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name is not specified for reference binding jdbc/WorklightReportsDS in module Worklight with EJB name .
I extract my .war file and open my web.xml. Then I got this details.
<description>Worklight Server Database</description>
<description>Reports Database</description>
I had no idea regarding to this database. It's like reporting tools in worklight. Why it happen? Why?

The resource reference from your application doesn't match any resources defined in the websphere JNDI namespace. You have to define the connections to the database, give them a JNDI name and define them in the screen shown in your screenshot.

I already got the answer. I need to install worklight server first before deploy war file.


Adding ActiveMQ as a JMS Provider, Topic Connection Factory and Topic definitions

I am trying to add ActiveMQ as a JMS Provider in Websphere Application Server.
I have followed the instructions described here ActiveMQ 5.11 with WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and adapted to the topic.
Unfortunately I am not sure what I need to add in External JNDI name for both Topic Connection Factory and Topic definitions.
As per IBM documentation:
"External JNDI Name The JNDI name that is used to bind the queue into
the application server name space.
As a convention, use the fully qualified JNDI name; for example, in
the form jms/Name, where Name is the logical name of the resource.
This name is used to link the platform binding information. The
binding associates the resources defined by the deployment descriptor
of the module to the actual (physical) resources bound into JNDI by
the platform."
From my understanding this should be the name that I am using in my app to access the resource defined in WAS.
I also have added the resources in my deployment descriptor as resources.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Given that you are accessing the resources via resource references (defined in your deployment descriptor), the configured JNDI name should match the lookup name that is defined in your resource reference.
For example, if your resource reference looks like this,
or if your resource-ref lacks lookup-name and you instead have a ibm-web-bnd.xml file with a binding-name,
<resource-ref name="java:comp/env/jms/topicConnectionFactoryRef"
then specify jms/myTopicConnectionFactory as the JNDI name.
Application code will then be able to do:
TopicConnectionFactory tcf = InitialContext.doLookup("java:comp/env/jms/topicConnectionFactoryRef");
Application code could also perform a direct lookup of the JNDI name as follows (although using the resource reference is preferred because it is more spec compliant and standard across app servers),
TopicConnectionFactory tcf = InitialContext.doLookup("jms/myTopicConnectionFactory");
The same applies to javax.jms.Topic.
If your resource environment reference in your deployment descriptor looks like this,
or if your resource-ref lacks lookup-name and you instead have a ibm-web-bnd.xml file with a binding-name,
<resource-ref name="java:comp/env/jms/topicRef" binding-name="jms/myTopic">
then specify jms/myTopic as the JNDI name of the Topic.
Application code will then be able to do:
Topic topic = InitialContext.doLookup("java:comp/env/jms/topicRef");
Some optimizations/special cases:
If you have neither lookup-name nor binding-name, then WebSphere Application Server computes a default binding via the resource reference name. If this is the case for your resource reference, then you will have a deployment descriptor such as the following without any bindings file,
In the above case, specify jms/myTopicConnectionFactory as the JNDI name.
The application will be able to look it up as,
TopicConnectionFactory tcf = InitialContext.doLookup("java:comp/env/jms/myTopicConnectionFactory");

JPA2 in liberty using MySQL database

I'm new to JPA and Liberty. Could anyone please explain how to relate/link the server.xml, web.xml and persistence.xml configuration to set up the database connection?
your help on this is much appreciated.
In Liberty, you define the location of the JDBC driver jar files and configure a dataSource element with a JNDI name. This knowledge center page contains an example for MySQL,
Directly quoting from the above page,
<dataSource id="DefaultDataSource" jndiName="jdbc/mySQL">
<jdbcDriver libraryRef="MySQLLib"/>
<properties databaseName="SAMPLEDB" serverName="localhost" portNumber="3306"/>
<library id="MySQLLib">
<file name="C:/mysql-connector-java-x.x.xx/mysql-connector-java-x.x.xx.jar"/>
After this, you can configure the jta-data-source element in your persistence.xml pointing at the JNDI name that you chose. For example,
<persistence-unit name="ExamplePersistenceUnit">
The above is sufficient to get it working, without involving web.xml.
The deployment descriptor (web.xml) gives you the option of adding a level of indirection/mapping and the ability to configure some additional settings such as shareability and container vs application authentication. You can do this by defining a resource reference in web.xml pointing to the data source. Resource references have names in java:comp/env, java:module/env, java:app/env or java:global/env that reflect their visibility. I'll use java:module in the following example, meaning that the reference we are defining is only visibility within the same module (the web module that provides the web.xml),
After defining the resource reference above, the data source continues to be available at the JNDI name specified in server.xml, but also becomes available via the JNDI name of the resource reference, meaning you could alternately specify,
Deployment descriptors can also do some more advanced things like defining a data source in place of the server config. However, to keep this answer simple, I've skipped over that possibility.
This IBM KnowledgeCenter topic is a good place to start

Which JNDI datasource name works both on Wildfly and Websphere?

I've a java/spring web app that needs to be deployed as war file both on Wildfly and Websphere
The app is using datasource with JNDI names:
The contains:
public DataSource dataSource() {
final JndiDataSourceLookup dsLookup = new JndiDataSourceLookup();
DataSource dataSource = dsLookup.getDataSource("jdbc/myDS");
return dataSource;
... and run perfectly on Websphere where JNDI datasource name is jdbc/myDS.
but Wildfly JNDI name has to start with 'java:/' or 'java:jboss/'
Changing does the work:
DataSource dataSource = dsLookup.getDataSource("java:/myDS");
Which JNDI datasource name works both on Wildfly and Websphere (and maybe on others application servers?)
If you use resource references to do the lookup they would be relative to java:comp/env in both Liberty and Wildfly.
There are two ways to define a datasource. One is using the javax.annotation.Resource annotation. This can be used on a type, method, or field definition.
You can also do it in the web.xml or ejb-jar.xml using a resource-ref element:
<description />
If you are providing the userid/password in the application code then the res-auth element should contain Application
I was in the same situation (though I had an ejb-jar.xml).
On WebSphere we were asked to let the DataSource be bound to the right JNDI name manually at deploy-time, so in order for it to work, I declared the resource-ref like this:
[ ... ]
[ other stuff... ]
[ ... ]
In the code, I would do the lookup like so:
(DataSource) InitialContext.doLookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/myDatasource");
Now, my boss wanted me to make it so that the same application could be deployed on WildFly where the DataSource's JNDI name would always be java:/myDatasource, and it had to work without adding checks in the code to use another lookup string (so, with just the same line I wrote above).
After a few hours, I had a working solution.
I added in the ejb's META-INF folder a jboss-ejb3.xml file in which I overrode that resource-ref like so:
[ ... ]
<lookup-name>java:/myDatasource</lookup-name><!-- JNDI name of the DataSource -->
[ ... ]
Since the jboss-ejb3.xml file is ignored by WebSphere, the application could be deployed on both web servers.
Notice how I had to define the node as a resource-env-ref. The reason (by what I understood) is that resource references (not resource environment references) whose names start with "java:" aren't found in the java:comp/env "node". As such, I had to configure the DataSource's reference as a resource environment reference. The lookup-name node maps it to the correct JNDI name. This way it could be found by doing the lookup with the same string "java:comp/env/jdbc/myDatasource".
Here's the documentation about the jboss-ejb3.xml file.
One thing to take notice of: I encountered what is probably a bug in WildFly when I deployed my application after doing those changes in the ejb-jar.xml and adding the jboss-ejb3.xml file. The previous version of the application was already deployed, and when I replaced it the deployment failed with this error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: WFLYEE0047: Incompatible conflicting binding at java:jboss/exported/MyApp/my-ejb/MyEjb!com.example.MyEjbRemote source:$2#65f33ac5
Stopping WildFly, clearing the "tmp" folder and re-starting it allowed my application to deploy.

Configuring env-entry values in WebSphere Liberty?

In WAS Full Profile you can change the values for env-entries defined in an application's web.xml file while and after deployment. Is there any such feature in WebSphere Liberty profile?
Sample env-entry:
<description>Some Config String</description>
<env-entry-value>Dev-Value to be replaced in Production during deployment</env-entry-value>
This env-entry is injected with an #Resource(name = "MyConfigString") annotation.
The infocenter for IBM Worklight (which runs on Liberty) describes a way using jndiEntry elements in server.xml . I tried this on Liberty but it does not work and still injects the default value from web.xml.
Has anybody found a working way to configure env-entry values in Liberty?
The Liberty profile doesn't currently support configuring bindings without modifying the ibm-*-bnd.xml files in the application. As a workaround, you can use:
#Resource(lookup="MyConfigString") the application and:
<jndiEntry jndiName="MyConfigString" value='"xyz"'/> server.xml as described in the knowledge center.

Worklight 6.0 does not start on Liberty - HSQLDB

I have followed the infocenter docs to setup Worklight on Liberty and Oracle Database all on Windows 2008.
( - Deploying IBM Worklight applications to test and production environments)
When I start the liberty server, I get this error on the browser
Exception thrown by application class 'com.worklight.core.auth.impl.AuthenticationFilter.doFilter:110'
javax.servlet.ServletException: Worklight Project not initialized
at com.worklight.core.auth.impl.AuthenticationFilter.doFilter(
at [internal classes]
Going thru the logs, it shows it did not start because the HSQLDB driver is not found.
The server.xml has the following:
<application id="finance" name="finance" location="finance.war" type="war">
<classloader delegation="parentLast">
<fileset dir="${shared.resource.dir}/worklight/lib" includes="worklight-jee-library.jar"/>
<library id="worklight/OracleLib">
<fileset dir="${shared.resource.dir}/worklight/oracle" includes="*.jar"/>
<!-- Declare the IBM Worklight Console database. -->
<dataSource jndiName="worklight/jdbc/WorklightDS" transactional="false">
<jdbcDriver libraryRef="worklight/OracleLib"/>
< driverType="thin" URL="jdbc:oracle:thin:#localhost:1521:ORCLWL" user="WORKLIGHTDIS" password="WORKLIGHTDIS"/>
I took a step further and checked how the WAR file links to database jndi entries. Going thru the web.xml file I found this:
<description>Worklight Server Database</description>
The res-ref-name is slightly different from what is declared in the server.xml. Bear in mind that these entries were created by the ant script. This seems to be inconsistent from what the war file contains (created by the WL Studio).
Anyway I gave it a try and changed the server.xml jndi entry to be exactly the same as the web.xml entry (jdbc/WorklightDS). When I restarted the liberty server It did not change the final result at all. The error message and the HSQL driver thing kept showing in the log.
This is the exception
nested exception is java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Class org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver not found in Worklight platform or project /finance
Later on I found out that if I change the element in the server.xml to be worklight value for all atributes it works. How odd it is.
<application id="worklight" name="worklight" location="finance.war" type="war">
Please, any help is much appreciated to help me understand and fix it.
The error message "java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Class org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver not found in Worklight platform or project ..." is indeed misleading. It should better read something like "Worklight server cannot be started because no data-source is bound to resource reference: 'jdbc/WorklightDS'. Re-configuring the server will solve this problem. for more information search for "Creating and configuring the databases" in IBM Worklight information center."
The explanation for the error message is that by writing <application id="finance" name="finance" location="finance.war" type="war"> you selected a context root /finance, according to the WebSphere Liberty rules at Deploying a web application to the Liberty profile. For this context root, you need to write
<dataSource jndiName="finance/jdbc/WorklightDS" transactional="false">
This is similar to how JNDI environment entries need to be declared for Worklight (see here).
