Sublime SFTP file upload issue - sublimetext

I am having directory issues when using sublime sftp to upload files. Currently am using ftp type, and the issue is this:
My local and remote folders match, but when I take a file from the local side that is say 3 directories deep and modify/upload, it's putting the file to the root folder and not the directory location.
Any ideas are appreciated.
NOt sure if this helps, but
Uploading "/Volumes/--/Dropbox/ItsJustFood/web/wp-content/themes/justfood/library/css/style.css" to "/library/css/style.css" ..... success
looks like it's only going two directories up when it should be going to the root?

Turns out you have to make sure the .json file is also in the root folder of your remote copy.


Publishing a web site: from a directory tree to server

Does anyone know of a script to publish a web site directory hierarchy to a web server from a local git repo? I'm trying to avoid re-inventing the wheel.
I was thinking the solution could either be scripted visiting file by file or a directory tree using rsync. If scripted file by file, a configuration file would contain tuples; each file to be published and its permissions. This configuration file may also contain path names for folders to be created as well.
Appreciate your guidance.
The solution was to use rsync and ssh with the chmod command to edit permission after syncing the directories.

apache nifi recursively fetch files from web server directory

I have web server with autoindex module that lists all files and folders. Something like that:
How can i recursively fetch all files using Apache NiFi? I tried to use ListFTP/FetchFTP processors, but without any luck.
Can someone tell me what processors should i use for this task?
As remote path you should specify the root folder from which you want to List/Fetch all files and sub folders.
In your case, you put /FILE/store/0002550267/ as remote path, so only files and folders in this directory will be picked up.
Change remote path to /File (or / if you want all files on the server) and you should see all files being listed.

Update Magento extension using ssh to extract .tgz tar file

I am trying to update a module to a newer version. In the past I have manually uploaded each file carefully into the new directory and overwritten older files using FTP. However I wanted to use SSH to try and do this more easily and without any file permission problems.
I have:
Uploaded the .tgz file to the root folder (/http) on the server
Logged into the server via SSH
Changed the directory to the correct directory
Run the following command: tar -zxvf fishpig_splash.tgz
In the command line I was then given a list of all the files that had been extracted. However if I use FTP to go to any of these files I can see that they are still the older version and have not been overwritten.
I was expecting that the files would extract into the correct directories and overwrite any that already existed. I have tested the extraction by creating a temporary directory and extracting into that and everything worked fine.
Is there another part to this script I need to use to overwrite the files?
Sorry this was just me being stupid! When extracting the tar file there was a subfolder within it for the extension, I completely missed it. I just went down a level in the file and zipped up the contents only then extracted them at the root and everything worked fine. Thanks for the help though!

Mule FTP move file from one temp/work directory to another

I have a scenario where I am inserting the data from FTP file into various systems. I have a couple of questions regarding FTP in Mule
-Is it possible to have a temp/work directory in FTP Inbound endpoint? The moveToDirectory works as a processed folder, I would like to move my source file into temp directory first and then have Mule download it.
-On success, the scenario demands, the original file to be moved from source/temp folder to success Folder. On an occurrence of an error, the original file should be moved to Failure Folder. Is it possible to only move and rename original file rather than storing the file in the payload and write it back in success or failure scenario?

accessing image from public_html not possible

I am using to host a JSF application. The problem that I am facing is that whenever I am trying to access image files from public_html folder I am getting a 404 error. I have kept my war file in webapps folder. I am using c-panel, the thing is that I want to take backup of files for my website so I have kept them in public_html folder. Initially I was saving the files under webapps/[WAR FILE NAME] but when ever I was trying to overwrite webapps/[WAR FILE NAME] I was getting permission denied error.
You should upload image files on their location that you have mentioned in your code, otherwise you should change the location in website code of the same.
Also check permissions/ownership of files
