Run a bootable USB of command prompt compatible with multiboot - cmd

I need to know if a program exists ( or if I can create) that runs that computer's command prompt from a USB, without having to log in. I guess I don't really care if it is that computers cmd, but I need all of the modern functions of today's cmd. I also need to make sure that it has full administrative privileges. I know that it is possible, because just about every Linux system uses a similar system when it initially boots up, even when just downloaded to USB.
I guess I really need something that I can use with multiboot (a pure ISO file, not something like Rufus, which requires you to format usb). I don't know, but I don't think an ms dos thingy would have all of today's commands in cmd.
Any help much appreciated. Piece.
Edit: I just need the equvolent of single user mode in a Mac. Administrative access to the terminal without login info.

You can boot windows to safe mode limited command prompt, or you can launch a cmd window via the startup group (but you can't get a full screen after XP and the window can be closed with the latter method).
That is the first issue for you to solve, and then you can consider booting from USB.


Starting windows apps from cmd using path executables

I have an app that listens to certain process events, such as starting a program and than recording the full commands. I would like to replay starting the programs using the commands as well. For some programs e.g. word, this works very well.
For windows app programs, this does not work. For example, starting calculator:
Command inputs: "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_10.1709.2703.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Calculator.exe"
Access is denied.
I could start the calculator using calc, but unfortunately, I don't have that information in my program. Is there any way to start such a program using the executable path?
I used admin mode for the latter command.
Have you tried running cmd as administrator?
Just kidding ;-)
Actually, starting Windows Store apps (or UWP apps, or whatever they are called these days) is not easy. Finding the correct command line for them is a very long-winded process. It's described here:
I know it's bad form to just give links as answers, but on this occasion the answer itself would take pages to write. If the above link disappears, google "Starting Windows Store apps from the command line".
I think cmd running as a normal user it required administrator access, try cms as administrator.

Make system calls (Windows Command Prompt) answer in english

I'm working on a Perl script that needs to do a few system calls to obtain some system data. In order to parse the output of those calls reliably on any computer, I need to be sure the output of the call is set to English.
The problem I'm facing is that, for example in my PC, I get localized output from those commands. My Windows is setup in Spanish so, calls like systeminfo return data in Spanish.
Is there a command (or something else) I can run in a command call to make all system calls act like if the system was in English always, without having to modify anything in the system configuration?
Thanks in advance for your comments.
NOTES for bounty: The answer to this problem must not interfere with the system in any way. It should be a way to obtain english answers from system calls/commands that works in any machine without modifying its configuration, registry or else.
This solution allows you to make Command Prompt act in english. It does alter some registry keys but it also changes them back if you want. You can run the same commands that they put in the .bats to make the system go to english and them go back to localized.
If you're trying to run commands that require adminsitrator privileges, then you can include these calls in your program without problems.
I think the WMIC command is your best best. It has been a standard feature of Windows since Windows XP.
WMIC has full access to the Windows system (subject to user permissions, etc.), and has a locale option that selects the locale in effect (for the command) from the installed language packs.
The locale is selected from the list here.
To get the current username using US English (if it's available) you'd use wmic /locale:ms_409 netlogin get name
Through the WMI interface, you may not even need to localise the results (i.e.: with sufficient care, you may just get the raw data).

copy clipboard of linux into windows clip-board in network

I am writing a small tool, that copies clipboard of linux into windows clip-board. Let me take an example, both linux and windows in network connection. I copy something in linux to clip-board, then when I press some keys in windows lets take CTRL+ALT+v what is copied in linux should print in linux.
What I thought is executing some script in linux from windows through ssh connection. That script shall copy the clip-board into some file in windows, then windows shall put the file content into windows clip-board.
My problem is connection with linux from windows and executing the script. How can I achieve this ?
And please share if you have any better idea to do this.
Thanks a lot :).
There is a free, cross-platform, open-source program called Synergy that does exactly what you are describing (and more), and I have tested it with a Windows/Linux connection. You could take a look at the source code and see how the clipboard functions are implemented, or it might fit your needs already.

Disabling an input device (keyboard, mouse) which is used in current session

I'm developing a filter driver which works on top of an input device. Notably I'm testing it on my development machine (and yes, I know this is a bad idea).
On Windows XP whenever I needed to reload the filter driver, I'd just execute a batch file that would disable-enable the relevant devices through devcon, thus cause my filter driver to unload and reload.
However, on Windows 7 there seems to be a specific measure built against disabling the input device which your session is using. The option simply becomes unavailable in the Device Manager and even devcon no longer works. It does work from a remote desktop session, along with the kernel debug print "Trying to disable physical device not enabled in this session." (which hints that something explicit is allowing me to do this).
Is there a way to disable this functionality of Windows 7? Or perhaps a workaround you can offer to run my disable-enable batch file from an unrelated session?
Using Sysinternals psexec to run dpinst.exe works around this limitation. (Not sure why, since the DpInst UI is still being displayed.)

How do I add the NULL device to Windows XP Embedded?

Windows XP Embedded is missing the NULL or "NUL" device. For one thing, Visual Studio seems to require it and trying to build a project aborts with a PRJ0015 error.
Anyone know how to configure an XPe image to include support for the NUL device?
"Null Device Driver" is available in the XPe Target Designer, but it's normally hidden. Apparently each component has a visibility level, and if it's lower than that set in the Target Designer options (Tools->Options), it's hidden. Null Device Driver is at level 200, so I set the level to 100 and could see it and install it.
There's another important situation where you're going to want the NUL device: if you're installing some or all of the Cygwin UNIX solutions for Windows. In particular, if you're doing something like, oh, I don't know, to pick a completely random example, trying to put an SSH server on the damned thing so you can, just on a lark, say, log in and maintain it.
That's right-- Cygwin actually maps its UNIX /dev/null device to the Windows NUL device. You know, for maximum compatibility. Just in case the platform-specific implementation of IMMEDIATELY THROWING DATA INTO THE TOILET AND OBLITERATING IT, NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN, UNTIL THE HEAT DEATH OF THE UNIVERSE, happened to be novel and innovative.
While cygwin will INSTALL without NUL available, it will not, in fact, actually enjoy a typical work day. This is most evident the first time you try to launch a bash shell, and notice a slew of error messages about /dev/null resulting in no such file or directory errors. One presumes the device is perhaps actually just an NTFS link, but who knows.
In any case, the fix is to add the "Null Device Driver" component, helpfully located under Software -> System -> Other, a surprisingly small category which also contains such useful components as Internet Checkers, the Schedule Service Command Line Utility, the 1394 Kernel Debugger Support Library, EBCDIC support for Microsoft Bob, some cheat codes for Zork, and the code pages to say "(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (F)ail?" in Muppet Swedish ("(B)ork, b(o)rk, bo(r)k, bor(k)?")
Hope this helps,
Matt "Breakpoint" Heck
Running Visual Studio itself on XP Embedded doesn't seem like it'd be supported. You should build on a full OS and then just deploy your application to XP embedded.
