Get the running time T(n) - performance

A algorithm core is like the following.
CHECK_VALUE_IN_ARRAY(array, n, value)
for i = 1 to n
binary_search(array, i, n, value)
And already know binary_search(array,1,n,value)'s T(n) = Theta(lgn)
how to get T(n) ?
My steps:
T(n) = t(n) + t(n-1) + ... + t(1)
= lg(n) + lg(n-1) + ... + lg(1)
= lgn!
Is this right?

If binary_search(array, i, n, value) searches elements i ... n of the array for value using binary search, then yes, your analysis is correct. The runtime will be
Θ(log 1 + log 2 + log 3 + ... + log n) = Θ(log n!)
Note that by Stirling's approximation, log n! = Θ(n log n), so the total runtime would be Θ(n log n).
Hope this helps!


What is the tightest asymptotic growth rate

I have solved all of them however i have been told there are some mistakes, can somebody please help me
n^4 - 10^3 n^3 + n^2 + 4n + 10^6 = O(n^4)
10^5 n^3 + 10^n = O(10^n)
10 n^2 + n log n + 30 √n = O(n^2)
25^n = O(1)
n^2+ n log n + 7 n = O(n^2)
(n^3 + 10) (n log n+ 1) / 3 = O(n^4 log n)
20 n^10 + 4^n = O(4^n)
n^2 log n^3 + 10 n^2 = O(n^2 log n)
10^20 = O(1)
n^2 log (6^2)n = O(n^2 log n)
n log(2n) = O(n log n)
30 n + 100 n log n + 10 = O(n log n)
(n+√n) log n^3 = O(n+√n log n)
n (n + 1) + log log n = O(n^2)
4n log 5^(n+1) = O(n log 5^n)
3^(n+4) = O(3^n)
n^2 log n^2 + 100 n^3 = O(n^3)
(n log n) / (n + 10) = O(n^2 log n)
5n + 8 n log(n) + 10n^2 = O(n^2)
2n^3 + 2n^4 + 2^n + n^10 = O(2^n)
if you have n on the left, you should have it on the right
there should not be any + operations on the right
log(x^y) can be simplified
Most of your answers look correct, but you have 25^n = O(1) which looks wrong (unless it's 0.25^n), and also you have (n log n) / (n + 10) = O(n^2 log n) which does not look like the tightest possible bound (I'm assuming you want the tightest possible upper bound function). Also you should never have to add functions in your big-O, unless your original function is taking the sum or max of two functions or something and the two functions have cris-crossing different growth rates at different values of n as n goes to infinity. And that very rarely happens.

Solving the recurrence T(n) = 2T(sqrt(n))

I would like to solve the following recurrence relation:
T(n) = 2T(√n);
I'm guessing that T(n) = O(log log n), but I'm not sure how to prove this. How would I show that this recurrence solves to O(log log n)?
One idea would be to simplify the recurrence by introducing a new variable k such that 2k = n. Then, the recurrence relation works out to
T(2k) = 2T(2k/2)
If you then let S(k) = T(2k), you get the recurrence
S(k) = 2S(k / 2)
Note that this is equivalent to
S(k) = 2S(k / 2) + O(1)
Since 0 = O(1). Therefore, by the Master Theorem, we get that S(k) = Θ(k), since we have that a = 2, b = 2, and d = 0 and logb a > d.
Since S(k) = Θ(k) and S(k) = T(2k) = T(n), we get that T(n) = Θ(k). Since we picked 2k = n, this means that k = log n, so T(n) = Θ(log n). This means that your initial guess of O(log log n) is incorrect and that the runtime is only logarithmic, not doubly-logarithmic. If there was only one recursive call being made, though, you would be right that the runtime would be O(log log n).
Hope this helps!
You can solve this easily by unrolling the recursion:
Now the recurrence will finish when T(1) = a and you can find the appropriate a. When a = 0 or 1 it does not make sense but when a=2 you will get:
Substituting the k into latest part of the first equation you will get the complexity of O(log(n)).
Check other similar recursions here:
T(n) = 2T(n^(1/2)) + log n
T(n) = T(n^(1/2)) + Θ(lg lg n)
T(n) = T(n^(1/2)) + 1

Time Complexity of Sequential search

I am trying to find the time complexity for selection sort which has the following equation T(n)=T(n-1)+O(n)
First I supposed its T(n)=T(n-1)+n .. n is easier though..
Figured T(n-1) = T(n-2) + (n-1)
and T(n-2) = T(n-3) + (n-2)
This makes T(n) = (T(n-3) + (n-2)) + (n-1) + n so its T(n) = T(n-3) + 3n - 3..
K instead of (3) .. T(n) = T(n-k) + kn - k and because n-k >= 0 .. ==> n-k = 0 and n=k Back to the eqaution its.. T(n) = T(0)// which is C + n*n - n which makes it C + n^2 -n.. so its O(n^2).. is what I did ryt??
Yes, your solution is correct. You are combining O(n) with O(n-1), O(n-2) ... and coming up with O(n^2). You can apply O(n) + O(n-1) = O(n), but only finitely. In a series it is different.
T(n) = (0 to n)Σ O(n - i)
Ignore i inside O(), your result is O(n^2)
The recurrence relationship you gave T(n)=T(n-1)+O(n) is true for Selection Sort, which has overall time complexity as O(n^2). Check this link to verify
In selection sort:
In iteration i, we find the index min of smallest remaining entry.
And then swap a[i] and a[min].
As such the selection sort uses
(n-1)+(n-2)+....+2+1+0 = (n-1)*(n-2)/2 = O(n*n) compares
and exactly n exchanges(swappings).
And from the recurrence relation given above
=> T(n) = T(n-1)+ O(n)
=> T(n) = T(n-1)+ cn, where c is some positive constant
=> T(n) = cn + T(n-2) + c(n-1)
=> T(n) = cn + c(n-1) +T(n-3)+ c(n-2)
And this goes on and we finally get
=> T(n) = cn + c(n-1) + c(n-2) + ...... c (total no of n terms)
=> T(n) = c(n*(n-1)/2)
=> T(n) = O(n*n)
Its always better to replace theta(n) as cn, where c is some constant. Helps in visualizing the equation more easily.

Timecomplexity analysis of function, Big O

What time-complexity will the following code have in respect to the parameter size? Motivate.
// Process(A, N) is O(sqrt(N)).
Function Complex(array[], size){
if(size == 1) return 1;
if(rand() / float(RAND_MAX) < 0.1){
return Process(array, size*size)
+ Complex(array, size/2)
+ Process(array, size*size);
I think it is O(N), because if Process(A, N) is O(sqrt(N)), then Process(A, N*N) should be O(N), and Complex(array, size/2) is O(log(n)) because it halves the size every time it runs. So on one run it takes O(N) + O(log(N)) + O(N) = O(N).
Please correct me and give me some hints on how I should think / proceed an assignment like this.
I appreciate all help and thanks in advance.
The time complexity of the algorithm is O(N) indeed, but for a different reason.
The complexity of the function can be denoted as T(n) where:
T(n) = T(n/2) + 2*n
^ ^
recursive 2 calls to
invokation Process(arr,n*n),
each is O(n(
This recursion is well known to be O(n):
T(n) = T(n/2) + 2*n =
= T(n/4) + 2*n/2 + 2*n =
= T(n/8) + 2*n/4 + 2*n/2 + 2*n
= ....
= 2*n / (2^logN) + ... + 2*n/2 + 2*n
< 4n
in O(n)
Let's formally prove it, we will use mathematical induction for it:
Base: T(1) < 4 (check)
Hypothesis: For n, and for every k<n the claim T(k) < 4k holds true.
For n:
T(n) = T(n/2) + n*2 = (*)
< 2*n + 2*n
= 4n
Conclusion: T(n) is in O(n)
(*) From the induction hypothesis

Recurrence Relation for a loop

The question is to set up a recurrence relation to find the value given by the algorithm. The answer should be in teta() terms.
foo = 0;
for int i=1 to n do
for j=ceiling(sqrt(i)) to n do
for k=1 to ceiling(log(i+j)) do
Not entirely sure but here goes.
Second loop executes 1 - sqrt(1) + 2 - sqrt(2) + ... + n - sqrt(n) = n(n+1)/2 - n^1.5 times => O(n^2) times. See here for a discussion that sqrt(1) + ... + sqrt(n) = O(n^1.5).
We've established that the third loop will get fired O(n^2) times. So the algorithm is asymptotically equivalent to something like this:
for i = 1 to n do
for j = 1 to n do
for k = 1 to log(i+j) do
This leads to the sum log(1+1) + log(1+2) + ... + log(1+n) + ... + log(n+n). log(1+1) + log(1+2) + ... + log(1+n) = log(2*3*...*(n+1)) = O(n log n). This gets multiplied by n, resulting in O(n^2 log n).
So your algorithm is also O(n^2 log n), and also Theta(n^2 log n) if I'm not mistaken.
