phoenix hbase not connecting remotely - hadoop

I have two cloudera VM and on both i've configured phoenix and it is working fine as long as it is localhost.
When i'm trying to connect hbase from one VM from phoenix of another VM, i'm using this command
$ ./ xxx.xx.xx.xx:2181
The connection is successful, but phoenix is still referencing the local HBASE and not the remote HBASE. Can anyone tell me where is the problem?


Is thrift running on my HBase master? How to connect to it with Happybase?

I am running krejcmat/hadoop-hbase docker in pseudo distributed mode. That is master and slaves are running in separate containers on the same machine. After starting the Hadoop cluster and HBase, I start the thrift server on the master node with:
hbase thrift start -threadpool
I also expose node 9090 (the default Thrift port on the start with --expose=9090). I want to use the Happybase library to connect from my host machine to the Hbase running in the Hadoop cluster via the Thrift API. This is the command I use:
connection = happybase.Connection('hadoop-hbase-master', 9090)
But I receive the error:
TTransportException(message="Could not connect to ('hadoop-hbase-master', 9090)", type=1)
Which means the Thrift API is not reachable. Is it because the Thrift server is not running? Or shall I use some sort of a Thrift client on my host machine? Or shall I run the thrift server on one of the slaves instead of the master?
I start thrift through
hbase thrift start
and then the following codes are OK.
import happybase
connection = happybase.Connection('localhost')
You may try.

Hive : The application won't work without a running HiveServer2

I am new to this field. I was checking CDH 5.8 quick-start VM to try some basic hive/impala example.
But I hit an issue, while I am opening HUE it's giving below error. I searched solution for but didnt get anything which can resolve my issue.
Configuration files located in /etc/hue/conf.empty
Potential misconfiguration detected. Fix and restart Hue.
Hive The application won't work without a running HiveServer2.
I checked the and it's up & running. Tried restarting the service & CDH, didnt help.
Hive Server2 is running [ OK ]
When navigated to Hive tried some command it gave me below error.
Could not connect to quickstart.cloudera:10000 (code THRIFTTRANSPORT): TTransportException('Could not connect to quickstart.cloudera:10000',)
FOR Impala I am getting
AnalysisException: This Impala daemon is not ready to accept user requests. Status: Waiting for catalog update from the StateStore.
Tried starting hive --service metastore but got error
[cloudera#quickstart conf.empty]$ hive --service metastore
2017-03-03 05:37:14,502 WARN [main] mapreduce.TableMapReduceUtil: The hbase-prefix-tree module jar containing PrefixTreeCodec is not present. Continuing without it.
Starting Hive Metastore Server
org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException: Could not create ServerSocket on address
Not sure what is wrong or if I need to change some config. Can you anyone guide me towards the solution ?
You HiveServer2 requires Metastore up and running. Seems your Metastore Server cannot start because the port 9083 is already used by some service. Check it:
netstat -tulpn | grep 9083
If something is using this port you need to either change the port of you metastore in hive configuration or stop the application which already uses this port.

Apache Phoenix Installation not done properly

We are trying to install Phoenix 4.4.0 on HBase 1.0.0-cdh5.4.4 (CDH5.5.5 four nodes cluster) via this installation document: Phoenix installation
Based on that we copied our phoenix-server-4.4.0-HBase-1.0.jar to hbase libs on each region server and master server, so that, on each /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.4.4-1.cdh5.4.4.p0.4/lib/hbase/lib folder in the master and three region servers.
After that we reboot the HBase service via Cloudera Manager.
Everything seems to be ok, but when we are trying to access to phoenix shell via ./ localhost command, we get a Zookeeper error in that way:
15/09/09 14:20:51 WARN client.ZooKeeperRegistry: Can't retrieve clusterId from Zookeeper
org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$ConnectionLossException: KeeperErrorCode = ConnectionLoss for /hbase/hbaseid
So we are not sure that the installation is properly done. Is necessary any further configuration?
We are not even sure wether we are using the sqlline command properly.
Any help will be appreciated.
After reinstalling the 4 nodes cluster on AWS, phoenix is now working properly.
It's a pitty that we don't know exactly what was really happening, but we think that after several changes in our config, we broke something that made phoenix impossible to work.
One thing to take into consideration is that sqllline command has to be executed with an ip that is in the zookeeper quorum, and this is something we were doing wrong, since we were trying to run it from the namenode, and it wasn't in the zookeeper quorum.Once we run from a datanode, everything is working fine.
Btw, the installation guide that we finally followed is Phoenix Installation

Beeline command issue

I am new to Hive and hopefully this is going to be an easy thing to solve
for someone with more experience, but I am having trouble doing it on my
On my EC2 app server I am running the following command with no error:
beeline -u jdbc:hive2://master
This is working on Hive 13 which was installed through a bootstrap action
using the latest AMI version. 'master' is pointing to my EMR cluster
Then I downloaded the source for Hive 14 and built it. I have replaced my
/home/hadoop/hive directory with the package that was built.
However, if I try to execute the same command, I get an error:
scan complete in 6ms
Connecting to jdbc:hive2://master
Error: Could not open client transport with JDBC Uri: jdbc:hive2://master:
Cannot open without port. (state=08S01,code=0)
Beeline version 0.14.0 by Apache Hive
0: jdbc:hive2://master (closed)>
Running it with the port provided works correctly:
beeline -u jdbc:hive2://master:10000
I would like to be able to able to run the command without providing the
default port number.
Can anyone direct me with an instruction.
Hive Beeline Connection in Two Modes:
1.Embedded Mode:
If both Hive Client and Hive server are same then connect beeline by using below url:
!connect jdbc:hive2://
2.Remote Mode:
If server in one machine but client in one machine you can connect beeline using below url:
!connect jdbc:hive2://<host>:<port>

Hadoop HDFS connection in PowerCenter

I have installed Cloudera's Hadoop QuickStart VM and I am attempting to pass records from my local database to HDFS using a PowerCenter mapping.
I've set up the Hadoop_HDFS_Connection in PowerCenter Workflow Manager but when I run the workflow I get the following error: "Unable to establish a connection with the specified HDFS host". It gives a "" error when trying to connect to the host name and port.
I think the error may be in the hostname notation. On Cloudera Manager on the VM, the host name is listed as 'localhost.localdomain' but I don't know how to translate this in the PowerCenter connection settings.
Anybody got this connection to work?
Many thanks.
