updating file in distributed cache in hadoop - hadoop

How can we update file/files in distributed cache?.
For instance I have a properties file in distributed cache Now I have added few more values in properties file.
Append new values in old file and restart the job.
Replace the old file with new one and restart the job.
Place the new file in new location and point to that location.
Which all above options are correct and Why ?

This requires an understanding of how distributed cache works:
When you add a file to distributed cache, at the time of running the job the file is copied to each task node and that file is available locally. Since it creates multiple copies : It cannot be modified.
Option 2 & 3 sound feasible but not sure if that is the right way.
If the file just has a bunch of properties you can set these in the configuration object instead of file in distributed cache. You could use the collector to write the output to the desired location. (I do not know your use case clearly so this may not be suitable).


Change Block size of existing files in Hadoop

Consider a hadoop cluster where the default block size is 64MB in hdfs-site.xml. However, later on the team decides to change this to 128MB. Here are my questions for the above scenario?
Will this change require restart of the cluster or it will be taken up automatically and all new files will have the default block size of 128MB?
What will happen to the existing files which have block size of 64M? Will the change in the configuration apply to existing files automatically? If it will be automatically done, then when will this be done - as soon as the change is done or when the cluster is started? If not automatically done, then how to manually do this block change?
Will this change require restart of the cluster or it will be taken up
automatically and all new files will have the default block size of
A restart of the cluster will be required for this property change to take effect.
What will happen to the existing files which have block size of 64M?
Will the change in the configuration apply to existing files
Existing blocks will not change their block size.
If not automatically done, then how to manually do this block change?
To change the existing files you can use distcp. It will copy over the files with the new block size. However, you will have to manually delete the old files with the older block size. Here's a command that you can use
hadoop distcp -Ddfs.block.size=XX /path/to/old/files /path/to/new/files/with/larger/block/sizes.
As mentioned here for your point:
Whenever you change a configuration, you need to restart the NameNode and DataNodes in order for them to change their behavior.
No, it will not. It will keep the old block size on the old files. In order for it to take the new block change, you need to rewrite the data. You can either do a hadoop fs -cp or a distcp on your data. The new copy will have the new block size and you can delete your old data.
check link for more information.
On point 1 - On Hadoop 1.2.1, A restart is not required after a change to dfs.block.size in hdfs-site.xml file. The file block size can be easily verified by checking the Hadoop administration page at http://namenode:50070/dfshealth.jsp
Ensure to change the dfs.block.size on all the data nodes.

How to process an open file using MapReduce framework

I have a file that get aggregated and written into HDFS. This file will be opened for an hour before it is closed. Is it possible to compute this file using MapReduce framework, while it is open? I tried it but it's not picking up all appended data. I could query the data in HDFS and it available but not when done by MapReduce. Is there anyway I could force MapReduce to read an open file? Perhaps customize the FileInputFormat class?
You can read what was physically flushed. Since close() makes the final flush of the data, your reads may miss some of the most recent data regardless how you access it (mapreduce or command line).
As a solution I would recommend periodically close the current file, and then open a new one (with some incremented index suffix). You can run you map reduce on multiple files. You would still end up with some data missing in the most recent file, but at least you can control it by frequency of of your file "rotation".

Hadoop Spark (Mapr) - AddFile how does it work

I am trying to understand how does hadoop work. Say I have 10 directory on hdfs, it contains 100s of file which i want to process with spark.
In the book - Fast Data Processing with Spark
This requires the file to be available on all the nodes in the cluster, which isn't much of a
problem for a local mode. When in a distributed mode, you will want to use Spark's
addFile functionality to copy the file to all the machines in your cluster.
I am not able to understand this, will spark create copy of file on each node.
What I want is that it should read the file which is present in that directory (if that directory is present on that node)
Sorry, I am bit confused , how to handle the above scenario in spark.
The section you're referring to introduces SparkContext::addFile in a confusing context. This is a section titled "Loading data into an RDD", but it immediately diverges from that goal and introduces SparkContext::addFile more generally as a way to get data into Spark. Over the next few pages it introduces some actual ways to get data "into an RDD", such as SparkContext::parallelize and SparkContext::textFile. These resolve your concerns about splitting up the data among nodes rather than copying the whole of the data to all nodes.
A real production use-case for SparkContext::addFile is to make a configuration file available to some library that can only be configured from a file on the disk. For example, when using MaxMind's GeoIP Legacy API, you might configure the lookup object for use in a distributed map like this (as a field on some class):
#transient lazy val geoIp = new LookupService("GeoIP.dat", LookupService.GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE | LookupService.GEOIP_CHECK_CACHE)
Outside your map function, you'd need to make GeoIP.dat available like this:
Spark will then make it available in the current working directory on all of the nodes.
So, in contrast with Daniel Darabos' answer, there are some reasons outside of experimentation to use SparkContext::addFile. Also, I can't find any info in the documentation that would lead one to believe that the function is not production-ready. However, I would agree that it's not what you want to use for loading the data you are trying to process unless it's for experimentation in the interactive Spark REPL, since it doesn't create an RDD.
addFile is only for experimentation. It is not meant for production use. In production you just open a file specified by a URI understood by Hadoop. For example:

atomic hadoop fs move

While building an infrastructure for one of my current projects I've faced the problem of replacement of already existing HDFS files. More precisely, I want to do the following:
We have a few machines (log-servers) which are continuously generating logs. We have a dedicated machine (log-preprocessor) which is responsible for receiving log chunks (each chunk is about 30 minutes in length and 500-800 mb in size) from log-servers, preprocessing them and uploading to HDFS of our Hadoop-cluster.
Preprocessing is done in 3 steps:
for each logserver: filter (in parallel) received log chunk (output file is about 60-80mb)
combine (merge-sort) all output files from the step1 and do some minor filtering (additionally, 30-min files are combined together into 1-hour files)
using current mapping from external DB, process the file from step#2 to obtain the final logfile and put this file to HDFS.
Final logfiles are to be used as input for several periodoc HADOOP-applications which are running on a HADOOP-cluster. In HDFS logfiles are stored as follows:
Problem description:
The mapping which is used on step 3 changes over time and we need to reflect these changes by recalculating step3 and replacing old HDFS files with new ones. This update is performed with some periodicity (e.g. every 10-15 minutes) at least for last 12 hours. Please note that, if the mapping has changed, the result of applying step3 on the same input file may be significantly different (it will not be just a superset/subset of previous result). So we need to overwrite existing files in HDFS.
However, we can't just do hadoop fs -rm and then hadoop fs -copyToLocal because if some HADOOP-application is using the file which is temporary removed the app may fail. The solution I use -- put a new file near the old one, the files have the same name but different suffixes denoting files` version. Now the layout is the following:
Any Hadoop-application during it's start (setup) chooses the files with the most up-to-date versions and works with them. So even if some update is going on, the application will not experience any problems because no input file is removed.
Do you know some easier approach to this problem which does not use this complicated/ugly file versioning?
Some applications may start using a HDFS-file which is currently uploading, but not yet uploaded (applications see this file in HDFS but don't know if it consistent). In case of gzip files this may lead to failed mappers. Could you please advice how could I handle this issue? I know that for local file systems I can do something like:
cp infile /finaldir/outfile.tmp && mv /finaldir/output.tmp /finaldir/output
This works because mv is an atomic operation, however I'm not sure that this is the case for HDFS. Could you please advice if HDFS has some atomic operation like mv in conventional local file systems?
Thanks in advance!
IMO, the file rename approach is absolutely fine to go with.
HDFS, upto 1.x, lacks atomic renames (they are dirty updates IIRC) - but the operation has usually been considered 'atomic-like' and never given problems to the specific scenario you have in mind here. You could rely on this without worrying about a partial state since the source file is already created and closed.
HDFS 2.x onwards supports proper atomic renames (via a new API call) that has replaced the earlier version's dirty one. It is also the default behavior of rename if you use the FileContext APIs.

Hadoop Distributed Cache - modify file

I have a file in the distributed cache. The driver class, based on the output of a job, updates this file and starts a new job. The new job need these updates.
The way I currently do it is to replace the old Distributed Cache file with a new one (the updated one).
Is there a way of broadcasting the diffs (between the old file and the new one) to all the tasks trackers which need the file ?
Or is it the case that, after a job (the first one, in my case) is finished, all the directories/files specific to that job are deleted and consequently it doesn't even make sense to think in this direction ?
I think that distributed cache is not build with such scenario in mind. It simply put files locally.
In Your case I would suggest to put file in HDFS and make all interested parties to take it from there
As an optimization you can give this file high replication factor and it will be local to most of the tasks.
