jqplot: two y axis (decimal & percentage) for line chart - jqplot

Is it possible for jqplot to have two y axis for one series in line chart: one for decimal values another for percentages?
Here is my code. There are two lines and their values are in percentages. I need to show two y-axis.
var irr1 = [['2008-09-30', -100], ['2008-10-30', -99.81], ['2008-11-30', -95.73],
['2008-12-30', -80.28], ['2009-01-30', -56.67], ['2009-02-28', -41.54],
['2009-03-30', -30.33], ['2009-04-30', -23.31], ['2009-05-30', -19.93],
['2009-06-30', -8.57], ['2009-07-30', 0.14], ['2009-08-30', 11.24], ['2009-09-30', 20.35]];
var irr2 = [['2008-09-30', -100], ['2008-10-30', -99.10], ['2008-11-30', -86.44], ['2008-12-30', -60.00], ['2009-01-30', -34.43],
['2009-02-28', -20.80], ['2009-03-30', -12.54], ['2009-04-30', -7.88], ['2009-05-30', -5.52],
['2009-06-30', -0.96], ['2009-07-30', 2.09], ['2009-08-30', 5.47], ['2009-09-30', 7.92]];
var data = [irr1, irr2];
var plot1 = $.jqplot(elem.attr('id'), data, {
animate: true,
grid: {
backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF",
gridLineColor: '#000000',
drawBorder: false,
shadow: false,
gridLineWidth: 0.5
//title: 'Default Date Axis',
seriesDefaults: {
rendererOptions: {
// Turn on line smoothing. By default, a constrained cubic spline
// interpolation algorithm is used which will not overshoot or
// undershoot any data points.
smooth: true
legend: {
renderer: $.jqplot.EnhancedLegendRenderer,
show: true,
location: 'n',
placement: 'outsideGrid',
//shrinkGrid: true,
rendererOptions: {
numberRows: 1
//legend: {
// renderer: $.jqplot.EnhancedLegendRenderer,
// show: true,
// rendererOptions: {
// numberRows: 1
// }
axes: {
xaxis: {
renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
tickOptions: { formatString: '%Y-%m-%d' },
min: '2008-09-01',
tickInterval: '1 month'
series: [{ lineWidth: 4, markerOptions: { style: 'square' } }],
series: [
{ label: 'IRR' },
{ label: 'MIRR' }


set y axis values as zero for nonexisting x axis values in jqplot

I am using jqplot to create a graphic.
I have an issue about the nonexisting values.
I create a graphic with 5 lines as shown http://www.popularjava.net/wp-content/uploads/statisticGraphic.png
As you see from the picture, there is only one value for some lines such as orange line.
However, I would like to show such nonexisting values with y=0.
I mean, I want to put y=0 for all dates if there is no point for any date.
Here is my code.
var minGraphicXValue = response.minGraphicXValue;
var maxGraphicXValue = response.maxGraphicXValue;
var dataSeriesList = response.dataSeriesList;
var plot1 = $.jqplot('countGraphicGrid', response.countArray, {
title: 'Count/Time Graphic - ' + selectedItemType + ":" + itemValue + " - " + StatisticGraphic.selectedGraphicPeriod,
axes: {
xaxis: {
label: "Time",
labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
labelOptions: {
fontFamily: 'Helvetica',
fontSize: '14pt'
renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
tickRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer,
tickOptions: {
formatString: StatisticGraphic.tickFormatPattern,
angle: -30
tickInterval: StatisticGraphic.tickIntervalTime,
min: minGraphicXValue,
max: maxGraphicXValue,
drawMajorGridlines: false
yaxis: {
label: "Count",
tickOptions: {
formatString: '%d'
min: 0,
max: 100,
autoscale: true
legend: {
show: true,
placement: 'outside'
seriesDefaults: {
rendererOptions: {
smooth: true,
animation: {
show: true
showMarker: true
series: dataSeriesList,
highlighter: {
show: true,
sizeAdjust: 7.5,
tooltipOffset: 9
grid: {
background: 'rgba(57,57,57,0.0)',
drawBorder: false,
shadow: false,
gridLineColor: '#666666',
gridLineWidth: 1
I think the best way to do it is to format your data before your render them on your plot.
I mean add values for your nonexisting ones. You can use your (min|max)GraphicXValue and set them to 0 if non existing.

How to show Profit or loss percentage for each month in a bar chart?

I have a bar chart where the first three series represent the expenses and the last series represent the revenue. I want to show the profit or loss for each month in percentage. Below is the image of current graph.
Here is my code for the same.
var s1 = [27362, 45273, 77020, 42059, 23764, 12803];
var s2 = [15920, 30220, 32800, 21900, 19500, 17300];
var s3 = [4100, 1800, 7150, 3600, 2400, 2400];
var s0 = [27208, 46371, 169374, 114879, 35692, 37669];
var ticks = ['March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August'];
$.jqplot.config.enablePlugins = true;
var plot3 = $.jqplot('chart1', [s1, s2, s3, s0], {
stackSeries: true,
animate: true,
seriesDefaults: {
renderer: $.jqplot.BarRenderer,
pointLabels: {
show: true,
location: 'n',
rendererOptions: {
fillToZero: true,
barPadding: 0,
barMargin: 0,
barWidth: 55,
barDirection: 'vertical',
series: [
label: 'Equipment',
color: '#c5b47f'
label: 'Salaries',
color: '#eaa228'
label: 'O&M',
color: '#4bb2c5'
label: 'Revenue',
color: '#579575',
disableStack: true
axesDefaults: {
tickRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer,
tickOptions: {
fontSize: '13pt'
axes: {
xaxis: {
renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
ticks: ticks
yaxis: {
legend: {
show: true,
location: 'e',
placement: 'outside'
I want it to show the profit or loss as shown below
I'm trying to achieve this by three different approaches.
1) First approach is with pointLabels. With pointLabel I have to use 'stackedValue:true' which does not give me individual value of the series in a stack. Secondly, the position of the pointLabel is above the stacked bar and not above the group.
2) Second approach is to add a trendline. But the problem is y-axis values are in absolute number and the values of the trendline will be in percentage. Is it possible to show the percentage series in the same chart ?
2) Third approach is to calculate the % profit or loss for each month and then display it by inserting a div into the graph for each month. Sounds tricky but is it feasible ?
Any different approach from your side most welcome.

jqplot - Unwanted line at the left of the canvas

Does anyone see the problem in my code why this border apears?
I know that asking for the solution of a problem is not "best practice" but I have wasted some hours already and could not fix it...
I'm sure its just a simple config problem I just can not see but someone with more practice in jqplot can find in a few seconds...
Here is the code I'm using:
jQuery.jqplot(this.getNonHasheContainerName(), chartDrawingData, {
animate: false,
seriesColors: barChartColors,
seriesDefaults: barChartSeriesDefaults,
grid: ChartGridDefaults,
series: this.getBarChartSeriesLabels(chartMetadata.series),
legend: barChartLegendDefaults,
title: { show: false },
axes: barChartAxisDefaults(ticks, chartMetadata.showGrid)
var barChartColors = ['#9FC0DF', '#EFAD81'];
var barChartSeriesDefaults = {
renderer: jQuery.jqplot.BarRenderer,
rendererOptions: {
barMargin: 10,
highlightMouseOver: true,
speed: 2500
pointLabels: { show: true },
shadow: false
var barChartLegendDefaults = {
show: true,
location: 'e',
placement: 'outsideGrid'
var barChartAxisDefaults = function (ticks, showGrid) {
return {
xaxis: {
show: false,
renderer: jQuery.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
tickRenderer: jQuery.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer,
ticks: ticks,
tickOptions: {
angle: 45,
fontSize: "11px",
showGridline: false,
showMark: true,
//labelPosition: 'end',
mark: 'inside',
markSize: 10
yaxis: {
show: false,
min: 0,
tickOptions: {
showMark: false,// showGrid,
showLabel: false,// showGrid,
showGridline: false,
tickInterval: 1,
formatString: '%d',
//borderWidth: 1
x2axis: {
show: false
y2axis: {
show: false
var ChartGridDefaults = {
shadow: false,
background: '#ffffff',
borderWidth: 1,
drawGridlines: false,
drawBorder: false
var pieChartSeriesDefaults = {
renderer: jQuery.jqplot.PieRenderer,
rendererOptions: {
showDataLabels: true,
dataLabels: 'value',
fill: true,
sliceMargin: 2,
lineWidth: 5
shadow: false
var pieChartLegendDefaults = {
show: true,
location: 'e'
There is an other hidden (or i have overseen it in the documentation...) setting for the renderer:
yaxis: {
show: false,
min: 0,
tickOptions: {
showMark: false,// showGrid,
showLabel: false,// showGrid,
showGridline: false,
tickInterval: 1,
formatString: '%d',
**rendererOptions: {
drawBaseline: false

After replot the chart grid lines are disappear

I am using jqplot charting library to draw the bar chart in my application.
I have used following code to draw the horizontal bar chart.
var plot = $.jqplot('chart', [dataSlices], {
seriesDefaults: {
shadow: false,
renderer: $.jqplot.BarRenderer,
pointLabels: { show: true, location: 'e', edgeTolerance: -55 },
rendererOptions: {
barDirection: 'horizontal',
barMargin: 5,
highlightMouseOver: false,
fillToZero: true
axesDefaults: {
axes: {
grid: {
drawBorder: false
xaxis: {
pad: 0,
tickOptions: {
show: true,
mark: 'cross',
thousandsSeparator: ',',
formatString: "%d"
numberTicks: null,
min: null,
max: null,
showTickMarks: true
yaxis: {
renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
ticks: yAxisLabels,
tickOptions: {
showMark: false,
showGridline: false
grid: {
gridLineColor: '#ffffff', /**/
borderColor: '#509790',
background: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
shadowWidth: 0,
borderWidth: 0,
shadow: false
series: [{ color: '#f39f02' }]
$.jqplot.thousandsSeparator = ',';
//$.jqplot.formatString = "%'d";
gridCanvas = $($('.jqplot-grid-canvas')[0])
seriesCanvas = $($('.jqplot-series-canvas')[0])
plot.replot({ resetAxes: true });
I am getting the chart without grid lines.
Is there any idea, how to do this?
Call the following lines after replot, you will get the expected result
gridCanvas = $($(item + ' .jqplot-grid-canvas')[0])
seriesCanvas = $($(item + ' .jqplot-series-canvas')[0])
I tried its working fine for me,.
GridLineColor set to white (#FFFFFF) explains why you aren't wiewing vertical lines.
BorderWidth set to 0 explains why you aren't viewing borders of your plot (drawn with a size of 0px)
If you doesn't need particular color and/or size of your grid (vertical lines and border) remove the grid part of your code.
If you need particular color and/or size choose carefully your values (#FFFFFF if your background if already white - or a borderWidth of 0px) :
grid: {
gridLineColor: '#FF0000',
borderColor: '#509790',
background: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
shadowWidth: 0,
borderWidth: 2,
shadow: false
Please see working example here (I have delete yAxisLabels and add fictional data in order to draw a plot)

Want pie chat without percentage slice

I want a pie chat using jqplot which will show the exact number (not percentage) inside each slice of pie chat.
var s1 = [['Sony',200], ['Samsumg',40]];
var plot8 = $.jqplot('chart1', [s1], {
seriesColors: [ "#533E6A","#B4150C"],
grid: {
drawBorder: false,
drawGridlines: false,
background: '#ffffff',
axesDefaults: {
rendererOptions: {
showDataLabels: true,
// sliceMargin: 2,
startAngle: -90
// diameter:30
legend: {
// show: false,
rendererOptions: {
numberRows: 1
location: 's'
Below is the jsfiddle(http://jsfiddle.net/JWhmQ/2032/) but it is showing the slice in percentage..instead i want the actual number(like 200 and 40).
You need to add
, in the rendererOptions, as described here. I fixed your jsfiddle here.
