Cannot load /WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml - spring

Saw same issues in others queries, but did not find the answer, hence posting it afresh.
Created a sample Helloworld service in Rest and deployed it in Tomcat-Jersey. Not using Maven.
Injecting a spring bean define in applicationContext.xml which is present in WEB-INF directory.
Deployed the service in Tomcat within Eclipse.
But when I execute the rest service, cannot find file applicationContext.xml.
Once I copy the file to WEB-INF/classes only, it works.
What is the way to make it work by keeping it only in WEB-INF?
web.xml :
Rest service code snippet :
ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath:applicationContext.xml");

It seems reasonable to work when you drop the context descriptor under /WEB-INF/classes because this location is the root of classpath.
So try loading with below uri (without prefix) if you want to drop your applicationContext.xml under WEB-INF folder:
ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml");
Otherwise, can you explain why are you trying to load your applicationContext.xml within your web application?
Alternatively, you can load your application context programatically as follows:
ApplicationContext ctx = WebApplicationContextUtils.getRequiredWebApplicationContext(this.getServletContext());

If you are using Intellj IDEA and having problem with ApplicationContext.xml path;
Go to File and click Project Structure. Under the Project Settings, click Facets, at the Web Section you will see Web Resource Directories. You should define Web Resource Directory to your /WEB-INF folder. If your /WEB-INF folder is in the subpath like below;
Then choose /web directory to cover all your files.


Spring Security tag lib not working with JSF

I want to use springboot with security and primefaces.
I have followed this article but with one little change, I don't want to use JoinFaces. Everything works fine except the spring sec taglib.
Now I'm not sure how to configure servletContext so that the sec tags would work.
Here is GitHub repo for now its really simple project just to test the combination SB + SS + PF.
I had the same scenario before and I ended up adding springsecurity.taglib.xml in my project. You can copy the file content from here and then register it in your web.xml file as follow:

How to configure logback context-param using jHipster?

Fact 1: in this answer it is mentioned that the web.xml file has been replaced by the (generated) WebConfigurer class.
Fact 2: in the logback documentation it is explained that, in order to avoid the logback facility shutting down before the application shutdown is completed, which would cause loss of logging messages, the web.xml file should be edited by adding the following stanza:
Putting it all together, how can I set this configuration parameter while using jHipster?
Bonus question(s): how are the contents of the web.xml file mapped to the WebConfigurer class's contents? Can the WebConfigurer be customized during the generation phase, or should it be edited manually after generation?
As reported in the answer to this question, the web.xml file can be found (and edited) in the "src/main/webapp/WEB-INF" folder, although it is discouraged to use it. However, there does not seem to be another way to operate in this case.

Set log4j file path param in execution time

In Spring I have slf4j with log4j to resolve logging.
I put relative path in log4j.xml configuration, but when i execute app in Netbeans Tomcat and independent Apache Tomcat, relative path is different, and I must change manually.
My idea is obtain context realpath from Spring Controller and set it in log4j configuration in execution time. But I dont know...
How can I change file path param of log4j from Spring Controller?
Two suggestions for you to try:
Add a WebAppRootListener to your web.xml - this will configure a system property pointing (default to webapp.root, but you can customize using a context-param - see the Javadocs link) to the root of your web application, which you can then use in the file:
<!-- log4.appender.File=${webapp.root}/logs/web-app.log -->
Or use the Log4jConfigListener in your web.xml (which ultimately delegates to a Log4jConfigurer) - this is similar to the above, but allows you to define a custom log4j configu file and also allows for your web application to monitor the log4j config file for changes made at runtime and automatically update your loggers:
<!-- Configure Log4J from the following config file location -->
I would also recommend you read the Javadocs for the above in detail - there are some gotchas with regards to deploying multiple webapps in Tomcat and sharing of system properties, but this can all be worked around (providing a custom key for each webapp, rather than the default ${webapp.root}

What is the best way to load spring config xmls?

I have to load 3 spring config xml files in myproj spring mvc app named myproj-controllers.xml, myproj-services.xml and myproj-dao.xml. I have two options to load them.
Firstly Use import resources in myproj-servlet.xml
<import resource="myproj-controllers.xml"/>
<import resource="myproj-services.xml"/>
<import resource="myproj-dao.xml"/>
or secondly in the web.xml using context param like this
and adding ContextLoader listener
Which approach is recommend? And why? In my opinion I find import approach easier as we only need to make changes to myproj-servlet.xml instead of web.xml.
Spring lets you declare multiple contexts in a parent-child relation so I always went for one root applicationContext.xml containing my application beans (services, DAOs etc) and one action-servlet.xml for servlet contexts (request mappings, view resolvers etc).
I once needed action-servlet-2.xml file but still had just one root applicationContext.xml for both servlet contexts.
So (for me) it was always parent context + child context.
The only need for splitting the files into more pieces was just to reduce the size of the XMLs (which is what <import> does best).
For me, the contextConfigLocation param refers to application context files being loaded together into a single application context instance. But your files (myproj-controllers.xml, myproj-services.xml, myproj-dao.xml) seem like parts of one application context file.
For this reason I would personally go for the <import> statements and have just one value (for the root application context) in the contextConfigLocation param.
I prefer the context loader listener approach, but perhaps that's because I've never considered the import method. I'll try it out. Thanks.
I don't see any performance advantages. The WAR file has to be redeployed in either case. It's modifying one file as opposed to another. I don't see any difference. It has a bike shed feel to me, but I could be wrong.

Component Scan not finding #Component's in a JAR in Tomcat webapp

I just filed a bug in the Spring bugsystem ( ), but I am still unsure if I am missing something
I tracked down a problem with <context:component-scan/> to this statement.
Given the two following classes which are in the same JAR in WEB-INF/lib of a web application (The JAR file has the directory structure):
package test;
public class TheBean{
package test;
public class BeanSearcher{
public void init(){
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();
TheBean b= ctx.getBean(TheBean.class);
// What is the value of b?
If I run new BeanSearcher().init() in a jUnit test case or other type of standalone application, b is getting assigned an instance of TheBean, but if I run it, say, in a JSP, ctx.getBean() is returning null.
So, am I doing something wrong or not taking something into account, is this just a bug...?
EDIT 8/8/2011: It seems to work good as I tried to simplify the problem, but still, when I try to make it work, in the initialization of OpenCms, it fails. Now I am trying to look for the differences between working versions and the one which doesn't work. (Classloader, ubication of the relevant classes in different JARs or directly in WEB-INF/classes, calls via reflection, etc.)
As I wrote in the comment, the solution is given by the answer here:
Spring Annotation-based controllers not working if it is inside jar file
When you export the jar file using the export utility in eclipse there
is a option called Add directory entries.
The obvious question is whether you have things like these in your web.xml:
Without these, Spring won't actually load at all, let alone properly build beans…
