AT+CPMS "SM" Storage - sms

AT+CPMS? query to a SIM returns
+CPMS: "SM",0,60, "SM,0,60,"SM",0,60
The total storage is 60 messages maximum, and 0 are currently stored.
All messages are stored on the SIM.
An existing legacy application fails when trying to populate all 60 message boxes because message box 55 is the last successful write location.
When trying to populate the spaces 56-60, the command returns CMS Error 322 which is a memory full error.
The text in each SMS is simply "P H" which is 3 ASCII bytes, so each text doesn't use an excessive amount of memory.
Has anyone an explanation why the spaces 56-60 are unavailable, although the CPMS? query shows them as available? Thanks.


NTAG I2C FAST_READ is erring out after a particular page address

I'm using an NTAG I2C plus 2k memory tag and am able to successfully perform a FAST_READ for a particular page address range, but just beyond the range I'm getting an error.
Start address 0x04 and end address 0x46 reads successfully
await cmd([0x3a, 0x04, 0x46]);
while, start address 0x04 and end address 0x47 fails with
await cmd([0x3a, 0x04, 0x47]);
input bytes: 3A0C0C
input bytes: 3A0447
[CoreNFC] 00000002 816c6760 -[NFCTagReaderSession transceive:tagUpdate:error:]:771 Error Domain=NFCError Code=100 "Tag connection lost" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Tag connection lost}
Start address 0x04 and end address 0x49 reads successfully
await cmd([0x3a, 0x04, 0x49]);
while, start address 0x04 and end address 0x4b fails with
await cmd([0x3a, 0x04, 0x4b]);
D/NfcService: Transceive start
D/NfcService: Transceive End, Result: 0 mTransceiveSuccess: 1 mTransceiveFail: 0
D/NfcService: Transceive start
D/NfcService: Transceive End, Result: 2 mTransceiveSuccess: 1 mTransceiveFail: 1
D/ReactNativeNfcManager: transceive fail: android.nfc.TagLostException: Tag was lost.
I/ReactNativeJS: Error: transceive fail
Thanks in advance.
From the Tag's datasheet
Remark: The FAST_READ command is able to read out the entire memory of one sector with one command. Nevertheless, the receive buffer of the NFC device must be able to handle the requested amount of data as no chaining is possible
When I do a FAST_READ on a similar Tag type on Android in native code I do a getMaxTransceiveLength to find out how big the buffer is and divide that by 4 and round down to find the max number of pages a FAST_READ can do at once and break up in to multiple FAST_READ's if necessary.
Generally the max Transceive length is 253 bytes on Android or 63 pages.
The react-native-nfc-manager API for Android also has getMaxTransceiveLength in it's API so you can do the same calculation of the maximum pages a FAST_READ can do on your hardware.
I've not done FAST_READ's on iOS but expect there is a similar limit (it does have an error code for transceive packet too large but I've not seen a way to ask it the max transceive length before you send a command)
While probably getMaxTransceiveLength is meant for size of sending command this amount of bytes should be able to be returned before the transceive timeout is hit, as the send and receive data rate is identical.
The transceive timeout can set but not got using react-native-nfc-manager API
Again no options on changing any timeout values in iOS but there is an error to indicate that the communication to the Tag has timed out.
So you could try increasing the timeout value on Android instead of breaking up in to a number of FAST_READ's but working out how long the timeout should be could be difficult and might have a negative impact if you set it too big.
For Android it's probably easier to assume the max send size is safe to receive as well. For iOS assume a max receive size from your experiments or handle the error and re-read with a back off algorithm.

Redis high memory usage for almot no keys

I have a redis instance hosted by heroku ( ) and using the plan "Premium 1"
This redis is usued only to host a small queue system called Bull ( )
The memory usage is now almost at 100 % ( of the 100 Mo allowed ) even though there is barely any job stored in redis.
I ran an INFO command on this instance and here are the important part ( can post more if needed ) :
# Server
# Memory
# Keyspace
# Replication
I have a really hard time figuring out how I can be using 95 Mo with barely 50 object stored. These objects are really small, usually a JSON with 2-3 fields containing small strings and ids
I've tried but it crashes on me when I try to run it
I can't get a dump because Heroku does not allow it.
I'm a bit lost here, there might be something obvious I've missed but I'm reaching the limit of my understanding of Redis.
Thanks in advance for any tips / pointer.
We had to upgrade our Redis instance to keep everything running but it seems the issue is still here. Currently sitting at 34 keys / 34 Mo
I've tried redis-cli --bigkeys :
Sampled 34 keys in the keyspace!
Total key length in bytes is 743 (avg len 21.85)
9 strings with 43 bytes (26.47% of keys, avg size 4.78)
0 lists with 0 items (00.00% of keys, avg size 0.00)
0 sets with 0 members (00.00% of keys, avg size 0.00)
24 hashs with 227 fields (70.59% of keys, avg size 9.46)
1 zsets with 23 members (02.94% of keys, avg size 23.00)
I'm pretty sure there is some overhead building up somewhere but I can't find what.
I'm actually blind : used_memory_lua_human:267.85M in the INFO command I run when first creating this post and now used_memory_lua_human:89.25M on the new instance
This seems super high, and might explain the memory usage
You have just 45 keys in database, so what you can do is:
List all keys with KEYS * command
Run DEBUG OBJECT <key> command for each or several keys, it will return serialized length so you will get better understanding what keys consume lot of space.
Alternative option is to run redis-cli --bigkeys so it will show biggest keys. You can see content of the key by specific for the data type command - for strings it's GET command, for hashes it's HGETALL and so on.
After a lot of digging, the issue is not coming from Redis or Heroku in anyway.
The queue system we use has a somewhat recent bug where Redis ends up caching a Lua script repeatedly eating up memory as time goes on.
More info here :
Thanks for those who took the time to reply.

HWUT - exe.txt in OUT file not populating all the read data

I have an application that reads from serial port from PC. When i read using my standalone application, all the expected read bytes are received. But when i incorporate the application into HWUT ( Hello World Unit Testing), the .exe output generated in OUT folder contains a portion of the received data and fills the rest will NULL. I use the same receive buffer size for both cases. What could be the reason?
When you run the application on the command line, is the output correct?
Does 'fflush(stdout)' help?
How large is th output? Note, that HWUT has an in-buildt oversize detection. If you need larger output respond to "--hwut-info" with
... printf("SIZE-LIMIT: 4711MB;\n"); ...
Change MB to KB for kilo byte or GB for giga byte. 4711 is your size limit.

Reading multiple HID reports

I set my report size to 64 bytes and want to stream single reports (say 2 for now) to the host. My understanding is that there is a ReadFile buffer where these reports can sit. At the host, I have a 64 byte buffer that I use to read single reports. If I send one report from the device, the host reads it fine. If I use two ReadFiles in a loop, the second ReadFile times out. The device is sending two reports. I don't know if they're getting on the ReadFile buffer at the same time, so when the host reads the end point for the first report, the buffer gets purged and I lose the second report? If there are indeed 2 reports on the ReadFile buffer, do I need to read them both at once? How would I know how many reports are on the buffer?
ReadFile reads as many reports as there are in the HID driver's ring buffer up to the numberOfBytesToRead parameter.
The respective HID driver will implement everything as needed. You need not worry about whether those packets arrive "simultaneously". They won't.
The first packet should tell you the length of the report (i.e. a collection of packets), which in turn should allow you to figure out whether you have the full report, yet.
Of course you will have to keep an internal representation of the data from the report, because the packet buffers can only be at most 64 byte in size according to the specification. So to collect a full report you will have to handle that yourself or use the Hid_* routines described in the WDK.

Embedding GSM cellids in Short Messages

I'm using the WML function "providelocalinfo" to put location information into Short Messages send via a WIB menu on a GSM handset.
I'm using the WIG WML v.4 Spec from SmartTrust. The relevant section is "9.4 providelocalinfo Element"
I use the code as in the example, and then transmit the variable via SMS, and use Kannel to retrieve the message from the SMSC.
Here's the code that I'm using, with the exception of [myservicecentre] being my actual service centre:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC "-//SmartTrust//DTD WIG-WML 4.0//EN"
<wml wibletenc="UCS2">
<card id="s">
<providelocalinfo cmdqualifier="location" destvar="LOC"/>
<setvar name="X" value="loc=" class="binary"/>
<destaddress value="367"/>
<userdata docudenc="hex-binary" dcs="245">
<servicecentreaddress value="[myservicecentre]"/>
What I see in my received messages is "loc=" followed by 7 bytes (octets) or binary data. I have tried to find documentation explaining how to decode this data, but found nothing the explains this clearly.
Of the decoded 7 octets,
the first 3 octets are always the same,
The next 2 octets tend to vary between three unique values,
the last 2 octets appear to be the cellid.
So I have coded the receiver to pull the last two octets and construct a 16-bit GSM cellid. Most of the time it matches known cellids from the network. But quite often, the value does not match.
So I'm trying to find information on the following:
How to properly transmit the location information in a safe manner (encodings, casts, etc)
How to decode the information properly
How to configure Kannel to honor binary location data
I've examined the following documents in my vain searching, but not found the relevant data:
GSM 03.38, GSM 04.07, GSM 04.08, GSM 11.15, as well as the WIG WML Spec V .4
Any insight into what I might be doing wrong would be appreciated!
To decode the location info, you need to look in GSM 11.14 page 48
Byte(s) Description Length
1 Location Information tag 1
2 Length (X) of bytes following 1
3-5 Mobile Country & Network Codes (MCC & MNC) 3
6-7 Location Area Code (LAC) 2
8-9 Cell Identity Value (Cell ID) 2
The mobile country code (MCC), the mobile network code (MNC), the location area code (LAC) and the
cell ID are coded as in TS GSM 04.08 [8].
From personal experience, the first octet mentioned here is usually left off, so your first three unchanging bytes are the length and the country. The next 2 are the network operator code.
Not too many bites on this question! I wanted to summarize my findings in case others can find them useful:
Need to send messages with a dcs setting not equal to 0. dcs="0" sends data packed (honoring the lower 7-bits of each octet; this allows 160 character SMS messages when the max message size is actually 140 octets)
Need to parse the data in a binary safe manner: regex expressions that stop searching when 0x0A is encountered will fail when the binary data itself can be that value.
I found no need to change Kannel's default configuration.
Disclaimer: Safe transmission of 16-bit GSM Cell-Ids requires dealing with a few settings that I understand only because they weren't configured by default. There are probably other defaults that I've depended on but am unaware that they can vary.
