How to prevent validation from non-selected rows in MVC3 -

I have a requirement in MVC3. I have a simple form with a gridview with edit, update and delete button.
When I update any record, validation should be fire for only that single row, not for other rows.

Upon clicking edit load a partial view into an Ajax dialog. Validation won't work on that loaded partial view, you'll have to tell jquery validate to parse that new content to validate it ala MVC 3 Razor. Partial View validation is not working


kendo grid dropdownlist editor template blank after postback

On Asp.Net MVC page, grid has two column of drop down editor template.
On Load, it works fine. I can see the dropdown populated with values.
After postback, the drop down list is getting empty/blank.
Editor template are placed under Views/Shared/EditorTemplates.
How to retain values dropdown values after postback?
Data for Editor template comes from view data. So I refilled the view data info on the POST method.

Create a Web Grid using Javascript

Can we create a WEB GRID dynamically using JAVASCRIPT ?
I am using MVC 3 and Razor as my view.
On one of my Razor view I have a drop down box what I want is to create a web grid dynamically on selection of a drop down I get the data depending on the value selected from the drop down box.
Please help me on this.
I had to use ajax for this, where I had called a method using ajax and my method (present in the controller) returned a partial view.
My partial view had the grid I needed to show. and in the method (present in the controller) I had passed value from the dropdown box using ajax, and using this value I had queried my database and sent that model to the partial view.

render partial view from a grid selection in mvc3

I have a telerik grid in an MVC 3 Razor project. Next to the grid is a partial view that uses an appropriate model template. How would I go about using the onRowSelect to render the partial view with the index from the row selected. Essentially its calling a javascript, in the java script it specifies the index int I want to pass to the partial view. However, I am unable to render the partial view with the new index.
Any thoughts?
Have you triclient selection in telerik demo page
I ended up using the ajax update targetID

MVC3 Restricting validation to the submitted form only

I have a view with two forms on it. Each form is marked like this:
Html.BeginForm("Details", "Forum", new { page = Model.PagedList.CurrentPage }, FormMethod.Post)
And each form has its own input button (type="button").
My problem is, when I click the button for one of the forms, the validation errors for the other form are added to the ModelState, so ModelState.IsValid == false.
How can I limit the scope of the validation to just the form I am clicking a button on?
Use Shared View instead to control your validations on different form.

Selected Dropdown value changes when validation fails-ASP.NET MVC

I am using MVC 3 with ASP.NET. I have a dropdown box and getting it populated from database. I am using validation on the View. If it fails the validation, I am displaying the same view with errors being caught in ViewDate.ModelState.AddModelError.
I am checking for the ViewData.Modelstate.IsValid property if true then execute the code else display the errors in the view.
It is diplaying the errors in the page, but the selected value in the drop down is getting reset when validation fails.
How do I make sure the seleceted drop down does not change when validation fails?
In the action that handles the form submission and validation, make sure you set the properties on your model object from the form before rendering the form view.
For example, in this question you can see how the Dinner object parameter in the Create action is reused when the View() is returned.
Set a breakpoint in the action handling the submission and check the property for the list of values. If it's null or empty reload it.
If your dropdownlist is being populated via javascript then it is possible that the property holding the list of values is empty on submission. This is common when using cascading dropdownlists such is the case with loading Province / State lists based off country. All cascading lists loaded after the model has been passed to the view must be reloaded using the selected value of for each dropdownlist in the controller action that is handling the submission.
