How to enable Box2d debug draw with Coco2d-x 3.0 beta 2 - debugging

How I should enable debug draw with Cocos2d-x 3.0? There are some codes that do that with cocos2d-x 2.0 but they don't even compile on Cocos2d-x. Unfortunately I am new to both cocos2d-x and Box2d and I don't know how to port them. That would be great if you would share the method how you draw shapes.
I have found this:
I have overridden the draw method of my applications main Layer like this:
void HelloWorld::draw()
And also have done this:
GLESDebugDraw *debugDraw = new GLESDebugDraw(PTM_RATIO);
uint32 flags = 0;
flags += b2Draw::e_shapeBit;
flags += b2Draw::e_jointBit;
flags += b2Draw::e_centerOfMassBit;
flags += b2Draw::e_aabbBit;
flags += b2Draw::e_pairBit;
And it worked! But when I addChild a sprite, the shapes stay blow my sprites. How to bring them front?

Open spotlight and search for GLES-Render.cpp. This file will be there in a path in the cocos2dx folder. Open the enclosing folder and drag the files GLES-Render.h and GLES-Render.cpp to the project.
Then add the following code in the init method
b2Draw *m_debugDraw = new GLESDebugDraw(PTM_RATIO);
uint32 flags = 0;
flags += b2Draw::e_shapeBit;
flags += b2Draw::e_jointBit;
flags += b2Draw::e_aabbBit;
flags += b2Draw::e_pairBit;
flags += b2Draw::e_centerOfMassBit;
Then add the draw method.
void HelloWorld::draw()
Don't forget to include GLES-Render.h

You CANNOT bring bodies to front. if you want to see your bodies behind your sprites you can set their opacity as sprite->setOpacity(100).
i use the following code to draw
void GameLayer:: setPhysics() {
b2Vec2 gravity = b2Vec2(0.0f,0.0f);// Initializing World
world = new b2World(gravity);
m_debugDraw = new GLESDebugDraw( PTM_RATIO );
uint32 flags = 0;
flags += b2Draw::e_shapeBit;
// flags += b2Draw::e_jointBit;
// flags += b2Draw::e_aabbBit;
// flags += b2Draw::e_pairBit;
// flags += b2Draw::e_centerOfMassBit;
contactListener = new MyContactListener(this);
which is same as yours.... can you please xplain your problem a bit more

For Debug Draw You Need Two File
File Download Link
After that
Inclue that file
and create a Vaiable in .h file
GLESDebugDraw *debugDraw;
and in .ccp file
b2Vec2 gravity;
gravity.Set(0.0f, -9.8f);
this->world = new b2World(gravity);
this->debugDraw = new GLESDebugDraw(PTM_RATIO);
uint32 flags = 0 ;
flags += b2Draw::e_shapeBit ;
flags += b2Draw::e_jointBit;
// flags + = b2Draw :: e_aabbBit;
// flags + = b2Draw :: e_pairBit;
flags += b2Draw::e_centerOfMassBit;
this->debugDraw->SetFlags (flags);
in . h file
void draw(Renderer *renderer, const Mat4 &transform, uint32_t flags);
in .cpp
void HelloWorld::draw(Renderer *renderer, const Mat4 &transform, uint32_t flags)
Layer::draw(renderer, transform, flags);
Director* director = Director::getInstance();
NOW Enjoy Debug draw

You could simply add another layer above your current layer.
And you can add the code you post here in the up layer then everything should be working.


Optimizations causing errors

std::vector<VkWriteDescriptorSet> writeDescriptorSets;
for (int index = 0; index < descriptorBindings.size(); index++)
VkWriteDescriptorSet writeDescriptorSet = {};
// Binding 0 : Uniform buffer
writeDescriptorSet.dstSet = descriptorSet;
// Binds this uniform buffer to binding point 0
writeDescriptorSet.dstBinding = index;
writeDescriptorSet.descriptorCount = descriptorBindings[index].Count;
writeDescriptorSet.pNext = nullptr;
writeDescriptorSet.pTexelBufferView = nullptr;
if (descriptorBindings[index].Type == DescriptorType::UniformBuffer)
VkDescriptorBufferInfo uniformBufferDescriptor = {};
uniformBufferDescriptor.buffer = descriptorBindings[index].UniformBuffer->buffer;
uniformBufferDescriptor.offset = 0;
uniformBufferDescriptor.range = descriptorBindings[index].UniformBuffer->size;
writeDescriptorSet.descriptorType = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER;
writeDescriptorSet.pBufferInfo = &uniformBufferDescriptor;
else if (descriptorBindings[index].Type == DescriptorType::TextureSampler)
VkDescriptorImageInfo textureDescriptor = {};
textureDescriptor.imageView = descriptorBindings[index].Texture->imageView->imageView; // The image's view (images are never directly accessed by the shader, but rather through views defining subresources)
textureDescriptor.sampler = descriptorBindings[index].Texture->sampler; // The sampler (Telling the pipeline how to sample the texture, including repeat, border, etc.)
textureDescriptor.imageLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL; // The current layout of the image (Note: Should always fit the actual use, e.g. shader read)
//printf("%d\n", textureDescriptor.imageLayout);
writeDescriptorSet.descriptorType = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER;
writeDescriptorSet.pImageInfo = &textureDescriptor;
vkUpdateDescriptorSets(logicalDevice, writeDescriptorSets.size(),, 0, nullptr);
I am really scratching my head over this. If I enabled optimizations inside Visual Studio then the textureDescriptor.imageLayout line, and probably the rest of the textureDescriptor, gets optimized out and it causes errors in Vulkan. If I comment out the printf below it then no problem. I suspect that the compiler detects that imageLayout is being used and doesn't get rid of it.
Do I even need optimizations? If so how can I prevent it from removing that code?
textureDescriptor is not being "optimized out". It's a stack variable whose lifetime ended before you ever give it to Vulkan.
You're going to have to create those objects in some kind of way that will outlive the block in which they were created. It needs to the call to vkUpdateDescriptorSets.

New Tango 3D Reconstruction API

I use the new 3D reconstruction API's (MIRA release). I have a problem when a call the Tango3DR_update function. It returns TANGO_3DR_INVALID code when I set the parameters associated with an image camera (const Tango3DR_ImageBuffer * image * const Tango3DR_Pose image_pose, Tango3DR_CameraCalibration const * calibration). I have checked my parameters, they seem to be correct. When I call this function without image parameters, this to work properly ... Is this a known bug?
thank you in advance for your answers.
TLDR; The support library ImageBufferManager has a bug with strides. Do color_image.stride = image_buffer->width; when creating your Tango3DR_ImageBuffer.
I think there are two things :
Image Format
First, you have to make sure to use the TANGO_HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCrCb_420_SP. You can do that by using the ImageBufferManager from the support library.
ImageBufferManager and strides
Second, there is a catch if you use the support library ImageBufferManager though. TangoSupport_getLatestImageBuffer seems to fail to initialize the stride of the returned image (I got 0 and some other very large values) which the 3DR library doesn't like. The original TangoImageBuffer from OnColorAvailable has stride=1280 (=image_width) and forcing that value on the TangoImageBuffer returned
from the ImageBufferManager seems to fix the issue. I believe this is a bug in ImageBufferManager.
This means doing
color_image.stride = image_buffer->width;
instead of
color_image.stride = image_buffer->stride
when creating the Tango3DR_ImageBuffer.
Full code example
I got it working with the following code in my Render method :
TangoImageBuffer* image_buffer;
ret = TangoSupport_getLatestImageBuffer(
image_buffer_manager_, &image_buffer);
if (ret != TANGO_SUCCESS) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error in TangoSupport_getLatestImageBuffer";
Tango3DR_ImageBuffer color_image;
color_image.width = image_buffer->width;
color_image.height = image_buffer->height;
// VERY Important - The support library ImageBufferManager seems to have
// a bug where it will always put the stride of the returned buffer
// at 0, which causes 3DR to fail
color_image.stride = image_buffer->width;
color_image.timestamp = image_buffer->timestamp;
color_image.format = (Tango3DR_ImageFormatType)image_buffer->format; = image_buffer->data;
ret = Tango3DR_update(
I am using the ImageManager from the support library. So my OnColorAvailable looks like that
void SynchronizationApplication::OnColorAvailable(
const TangoImageBuffer* buffer) {
if (tango_3dr_enabled_ && tango_3dr_use_color_) {
TangoErrorType ret = TangoSupport_updateImageBuffer(
image_buffer_manager_, buffer);
if (ret != TANGO_SUCCESS) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error in TangoSupport_updatePointCloud";
And the image_buffer_manager_ is initialized as follow (the pixel format might be important).
I am copying the calibration as follow :
void CopyCalibrationTangoTo3DR(const TangoCameraIntrinsics& tango,
Tango3DR_CameraCalibration* out) {
out->calibration_type =
out->cx =;
out->cy =;
memcpy(out->distortion, tango.distortion, sizeof(double) * 5);
out->fx = tango.fx;
out->fy = tango.fy;
out->height = tango.height;
out->width = tango.width;

OpenCV, Qt, imread, namedWindow, imshow does not work

In the .pro file:
QT += core
QT -= gui
TARGET = latihan_2
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
SOURCES += main.cpp
INCLUDEPATH += E:\OpenCV\OpenCV\opencv\build\include
LIBS += E:\OpenCV\OpenCV\opencv\build\x86\mingw\lib\libopencv_core246.dll.a
LIBS += E:\OpenCV\OpenCV\opencv\build\x86\mingw\lib\libopencv_highgui246.dll.a
LIBS += E:\OpenCV\OpenCV\opencv\build\x86\mingw\lib\libopencv_imgproc246.dll.a
LIBS += E:\OpenCV\OpenCV\opencv\build\x86\mingw\lib\libopencv_features2d246.dll.a
LIBS += E:\OpenCV\OpenCV\opencv\build\x86\mingw\lib\libopencv_calib3d246.dll.a
In main.cpp:
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
using namespace cv;
int main(){
//read image
Mat image = imread("img.jpg", 1);
//create image window named "My image"
namedWindow("My Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
//show the image on window
imshow("My image", image);
//wait key for 5000ms
return 1;
When I hit run, there is no error, but it only shows a black window named qtcreator_process_stub.exe.
Why the "My image" window doesn't come out and shows the img.jpg?
I use Qt creator 2.8.1, based on Qt 5.1.1, and openCV-
You could also display a cv::Mat on a Qt window. I demonstrate how to do that on cvImage. The code below is adapted from cvImage::_open():
std::string filename = ...
cv::Mat mat = cv::imread(filename);
// Since OpenCV uses BGR order, we need to convert it to RGB
// NOTE: OpenCV 2.x uses CV_BGR2RGB, OpenCV 3.x uses cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB
cv::cvtColor(mat, mat, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB)
// image is created according to Mat dimensions
QImage image(mat.size().width, mat.size().height, QImage::Format_RGB888);
// Copy cv::Mat to QImage
memcpy(image.scanLine(0),, static_cast<size_t>(image.width() * image.height() * mat.channels()));
// Display the QImage in a QLabel
QLabel label;
First guess is that the image is in the wrong path, so first test should be to specify the full path to the image.
Also check the return value of your program (make sure the it doesn't return some crash error code - be consistent and return 0 for success and other values for fail).
And a little bit of coding that tells you where the code fails doesn't hurt, so check or you can also use image.empty():
if(! )
std::cout << "No image to display";
//can be any other method to display the error: qDebug, a messagebox...
//you can also
return 1;
//use the image
//if nothing goes wrong:
//return 0;
Check Projects->Run Settings ->Run in Terminal checkbox. If it is disabled, enable it.
I faced same problem and I solved it by fixing path environment variable. In my path environment variable I added some opencv folders wrongly, then I deleted them and add only bin folder for opencv DLLs and then the problem was solved.

Missing debug info when debugging vala/clutter program in Nemiver

I'm new to vala/clutter development and trying to setup Nemiver to debug my vala/clutter programs. I'm using monodevelop to edit and build the clutter-demo example from the vala web page. I am passing the compiler the --pkg clutter-1.0 -g --save-temps options. I have the clutter-debuginfo package installed (I'm on Fedora 16). The program runs fine from within monodevelop.
When running the executable from Nemiver I can view certain local variables such as the integer loop counter in the code below, but I can't see a value for clutter objects properties such as the r.width value. Although the "r" is listed in the context tab as type pointer to clutterRectangle, there is no + sign next to it to expand and look at the width property. Similarly, when I highlight r.width in the code and right click and choose inspect variable, I don't get any information.
Forgive my ignorance but does anyone know what I have to do in order to make this work?
Any info at all is appreciated
private void create_rectangles () {
for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) { // Nemiver shows the value of int i correctly
var r = new Rectangle ();
r.width = r.height = stage.height / colors.length; // can't get a value for r.width
r.color = Color.from_string (colors[i]);
r.anchor_gravity = Gravity.CENTER; // *********** My Break Point is set here in Nemiver
r.y = i * r.height + r.height / 2;
stage.add_actor (r);
rectangles[i] = r;
GDB does not work with vala syntax. C queries must be used. Probably width and height are properties, so you must do something like:
Also for debugging purposes, it's better to pass -X -O0 so that gcc turns off optimizations.

GetOpenFileName fails in 64 bit, but works in 32Bit?

I have the following code, I use to Open a File Open Dialog using Win32 API. It works fine in 32bit, but fails when I use in a 64bit (In a DLL). What am I doing wrong?
char Filestring[256];
Filter = "OBJ files\0*.obj\0\0";
char* returnstring = NULL;
opf.hwndOwner = mainHWND;
opf.lpstrFilter = Filter;
opf.lpstrCustomFilter = 0;
opf.nMaxCustFilter = 0L;
opf.nFilterIndex = 1L;
opf.lpstrFile = Filestring;
opf.lpstrFile[0] = '\0';
opf.nMaxFile = 256;
opf.lpstrFileTitle = 0;
opf.lpstrInitialDir = Path;
opf.lpstrTitle = "Open Obj File";
opf.nFileOffset = 0;
opf.nFileExtension = 0;
opf.lpstrDefExt = "*.*";
opf.lpfnHook = NULL;
opf.lCustData = 0;
opf.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
returnstring = opf.lpstrFile;
if (returnstring) {
result = returnstring;
EDIT: By failing, I meant that the Open File Dialog doesn't show up. The code still returns zero without any errors.
EDIT 2: I have called CommDlgExtendedError() and it returned 1. From the MSDN reference, does it mean the dialog has invalid lStructSize? I have checked the sizeof(OPENFILENAME) and it returned 140 bytes.
UPDATE: In my Project Settings, Under Code Generation the "Struct Member Alignment" is set to 4 Bytes(/Zp4). I changed this to default and it magically worked. Look for the answers and their comments below for more information.
You aren't initialising lpTemplateName and so it contains random stack noise. This in turn will lead to 'hInstance` being references which also contains stack noise.
When calling a function like this you should first of all zero out the struct and only fill in the fields that are non-zero. Something like this:
opf.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
opf.hwndOwner = mainHWND;
opf.lpstrFilter = Filter;
opf.nFilterIndex = 1L;
opf.lpstrFile = Filestring;
opf.lpstrFile[0] = '\0';
opf.nMaxFile = 256;
opf.lpstrInitialDir = Path;
opf.lpstrTitle = "Open Obj File";
opf.lpstrDefExt = "*.*";
There was no need to exclude OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT explicitly since you were not including it in the first place!
You state in a comment that this doesn't work. Calling CommDlgExtendedError is a good idea and should tell you why it fails.
You could also try to run the minimal possible GetOpenFileName which is this:
char Filestring[MAX_PATH] = "\0";
opf.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
opf.lpstrFile = Filestring;
opf.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH;
I have the very same problem and a partial solution :
+ the simple following simple example (proposed abobe) was not working in x64 mode.
+ I changed the complie option "struct Member Alignment" from 1byte /Zp1 to default which solved this problem (by introducing others !!!)
char Filestring[MAX_PATH] = "\0";
opf.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
opf.lpstrFile = Filestring;
opf.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH;
To find out more you should call CommDlgExtendedError to get the error code what went wrong. Besides this I would initialize all member of the struct to 0 with
ZeroMemory(&opf, sizeof(opf));
Since the file open dialog is in reality a COM component it could be worth to check out if your thread apartment state is different under 64 bit.
if( RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE == CoInitialize(NULL) )
ASSERT(FALSE); // MTA Apartment found
Alois Kraus
As a note in Microsoft Office 2010 64-bit we gave up and used the internal wrappers as the structure turned into 140 bytes and we were not sure how to change alignment.
Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter, FilterIndex, Title, ButtonText, MultiSelect)
and Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFilename, FileFilter, FilterIndex, Title, ButtonText)
Needless to say we think all individuals with fairly heavy applications in Excel should start considering other options as maintaining future versions across multiple clients and platforms may just be... insane!
I managed to get around this problem by setting the packing appropriately before including the header file. That way, for the purpose of this one function, we were using the 'default' 16 byte alignment, but did not have to change the packing alignment for the rest of our program:
#ifdef _WIN64
#pragma pack( push )
#pragma pack( 16 )
#include "Commdlg.h"
#pragma pack( pop )
#include "Commdlg.h"
#endif // _WIN64
