How can I rename a file in vbscript so as to contain timestamp? - vbscript

Problem: Rename the file to “Result_[timestamp].csv”, where timestamp has format yyyymmddhhmmss
The file is on D:/path/mytest.csv

Look at the MoveFile method of the FileSystemObject or the Name property of the File object. For example:
CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").MoveFile strOldFileName, strNewFileName
CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFile(strOldFileName).Name = strNewFileName
As for formatting the date, see this post from earlier today.
Good luck.


Need to update the csv file with the timestamp of the files from another location

I have a csv file score.csv with at path /NAS/DQ with 2 columns Scorename,filename.
These filescust.txt and bank.txt are placed at /NAS/files_path. There will be unique instance of each file placed at this path everyday.
I want to append the file timestamp from /NAS/files_path to /NAS/DQ csv file.
So the timestamp should be updated everytime to the csv file at /NAS/DQ location.
I am new to unix and currently looking for ways to do it.
Any help is appreciated!!
Sed will be a good candidate for this:
sed -ri '2,$s/(^.*$)/\1 '$(date)'/' filename
Substitute the existing line for the existing line plus a space and the date. The format of the date can be amended as required with +%.. We don't want to format the first line, so run the amendments from lines 2 to the last line ($)

How to make a folder with name as date_time and copy a specified .bat file into that

How to make a folder with name as date_time and copy a specified .bat file into that.
I want to use .bat file for above stated functionality.
Try using search because working datestamps and DOS have been around for many years.
Try this:
set "newdirectory=c:\%date:/=-%-%time::=-%"
md "%newdirectory%"
will create something like "Thu 01-15-2015-14-41-19.61" (depending on your local date/time settings)
Had to look up substring replace and found this post
-Edit, add explanations.
MD using the system variables %DATE% and %TIME% but replace the invalid characters / and :

How do I move files to appropriate folder based on Month and Year?

I have this very complicated requirement.
We have a bunch of zipped files downloaded from an ftp server into a folder in our local directory.
Then we use the code below to unzip the files.
Set objZip = CreateObject("XStandard.Zip")
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fldr = FSO.GetFolder("C:\MUSK\FTP\MainFolder\")
For Each fil In fldr.Files
If LCase( Right( fil.Name, 4 ) ) = ".zip" Then
zipFilePath = fil.Path
objZip.UnPack zipFilePath, ("C:\MUSK\FTP\Current\")
End If
So far so good.
Here is where problems come in.
These downloaded files have the following naming convention:
Example: Assuming today is May 16, 2012, the filename looks like this:
Our requirement is to grab the downloaded zipped files and place them in their correct folder.
For instance, we have folders named according month and year.
Example: We have JAN2012, FEB2012, etc
So taking as an example, the is for MAY2012.
We would like to use the script above to grab the and place it in the appropriate folder. In this example, the appropriate folder would be MAY2012 and then unzip it.
Basically, the MonthYear folder will replace this:
objZip.UnPack zipFilePath, ("C:\MUSK\FTP\Current\")
In other words, instead of the Current folder, it will be MAY2012 or whatever MonthYear combination.
Is this possible?
I would be more than happy to clarify. Sorry if I confused anyone.
This is pretty straight forward. I would:
Create a function which converts file name to appropriate MMMYYYY format
Use the FileSystemObject to determine if the folder name created in step 1 exists, and create if needed
Pass the full directory to your XStandard.Zip object
Check out the supported methods of FileSystemObject here:
You'll need .FolderExists and .CreateFolder, at least.
A quick VBScript I whipped up, could probably use some error checking and whatnot. Enjoy
' parse date, assumes file name is in foo_M-D-YYYY.ext format
Function parseDate(s)
dim dt
dt = CDate(split(split(s, "_")(1), ".")(0))
parseDate = Monthname(Month(dt)) & Year(dt)
End Function

How to update a program with a daily changing file name?

I have a program that reads in a file and does some parsing to it. The file is generated by another program every night. Due to the ICD the date is part of the file name.
The file name changes every night due to the date change so I am not sure how to have my program change the fileIn name to accommodate this.
If the current fileIn is:
Tomorrow's fileIn is:
filename ="in%Y%m%dout.dat")
require 'date'
filename ="in%Y%m%dout.dat")
strftime means string format for time. The %-parameters are placeholder for Year (Y), month (m), day (d). (There are more placeholders, e.g. year without century...)
You can use the strftime() method to generate the date portion of the filename:
t = Time.­now
filename = "in#{t.strftime('%Y%m%d')}out.dat"
And then use the filename variable to open the file as normal.

Compress a file with todays date

I want to compress a file with name I it possible with winrar/rar?
The file name ASCOnnect200_V5.0.0.0_ will be always constant and the date part will be in the format dd-mmm-yy.
In cmd:
rar.exe a -ag+YYYYMMDD arc {FolderName}
The answer is in this forum :)
