How do I copy cookies from Chrome? - bash

I am using bash to to POST to a website that requires that I be logged in first. So I need to send the request with login cookie. So I tried logging in and keeping the cookies, but it doesn't work because the site uses javascript to hash the password in a really weird fashion, so instead I'm going to just take my login cookies for the site from Chrome. How do get the cookies from Chrome and format them for Curl?
I'm trying to do this:
curl --request POST -d "a=X&b=Y" -b "what goes here?" ""

Hit F12 to open the developer console (Mac: Cmd+Opt+J)
Look at the Network tab.
Do whatever you need to on the web site to trigger the action you're interested in
Right click the relevant request, and select "Copy as cURL"
This will give you the curl command for the action you triggered, fully populated with cookies and all. You can of course also copy the flags as a basis for new curl commands.

In Chrome:
Open web developer tools (view -> developer -> developer tools)
Open the Application tab (on older versions, Resources)
Open the Cookies tree
Find the cookie you are interested in.
In the terminal
add --cookie "cookiename=cookievalue" to your curl request.

There's an even easier way to do this in Chrome/Chromium.
The open source Chrome extension
cookies.txt exports cookie data in a cookies.txt file, and generates an optional ready-made wget command.
*I have nothing to do with the extension, it just works really well.

Can't believe no one has mentioned this. Here's the easiest and quickest way.
Simply open up your browser's Developer Tools, click on the Console tab, and lastly within the console, simply type the following & press ENTER...
The results will be immediately printed in proper format. Simply highlight it and copy it.

I was curious if others were reporting that chrome doesn't allow "copy as curl" feature to have cookies anymore.
It then occurred to me that this is like a security idea. If you visit, copying requests as curl to will have cookies. However, copying requests to other domains or subdomains will sanitize the cookies. or will not have cookies for example.

For anyone that wants all of the cookies for a site, but doesn't want to use an extension:
Open developer tools -> Application -> Cookies.
Select the first cookie in the list and hit Ctrl/Cmd-A
Copy all of the data in this table with Ctrl/Cmd-C
Now you have a TSV (tab-separated value) string of cookie data. You can process this in any language you want, but in Python (for example):
import io
import pandas as pd
cookie_str = """[paste cookie str here]"""
# Copied from the developer tools window.
cols = ['name', 'value', 'domain', 'path', 'max_age', 'size', 'http_only', 'secure', 'same_party', 'priority']
# Parse into a dataframe.
df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(cookie_str), sep='\t', names=cols, index_col=False)
Now you can export them in Netscape format:
# Fill in NaNs and format True/False for cookies.txt.
df = df.fillna(False).assign(flag=True).replace({True: 'TRUE', False: 'FALSE'})
# Get unix timestamp from max_age
max_age = (
.replace({'Session': np.nan})
start = pd.Timestamp("1970-01-01", tz='UTC')
max_age = (
((max_age - start) // pd.Timedelta('1s'))
.fillna(0) # Session expiry are 0s
.astype(int)) # Floats end with ".0"
df = df.assign(max_age=max_age)
cookie_file_cols = ['domain', 'flag', 'path', 'secure', 'max_age', 'name', 'value']
with open('cookies.txt') as fh:
# Python's cookiejar wants this header.
fh.write('# Netscape HTTP Cookie File\n')
df[cookie_file_cols].to_csv(fh, sep='\t', index=False, header=False)
And finally, back to the shell:
# Get user agent from navigator.userAgent in devtools
wget -U $USER_AGENT --load-cookies cookies.txt $YOUR_URL


proxy.pac - exception for images

I'm a web developer and I use squid as a proxy, which I entered in firefox as the proxy server.
So when I enter in firefox, I see the site on my local machine, by having configured squid accordingly.
Now problem is, that some of our customers have GBs of images, and it's a pain to load them all on my machine. So basically I want to use my offline webpage, but loading the images from the live server, so I don't have a broken site without images.
In order to do this I've tried to create a proxy.pac and configured it this way:
function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
if (shExpMatch(url, "*.jpg")) {
return "DIRECT";
} else {
return "PROXY; DIRECT";
Unfortunately it doesn't really work. What am I doing wrong, and how can I achieve my goal?
According to the Mozilla document on PAC files:
The path and query components of https:// URLs are stripped. In Chrome, you can disable this by setting PacHttpsUrlStrippingEnabled to false, in Firefox the preference is network.proxy.autoconfig_url.include_path.
What this means is when you enter a url such as, what gets passed to the PAC script is the url As a result, you're never going to enter the first condition of your if statement.
In Firefox, you can change this by going to the about:config page and setting network.proxy.autoconfig_url.include_path to true.

How to set a session id in Postman

I need to hit a post request to an API service which requires a session id along with other parameters in its post request field in order to get the required information.
I am using Postman to test this API.
I would like to know how to send a 'session id' in a post request when using Postman?
I am aware of pre-request script in Postman, but I am unaware of how to use the variable in post request.
In Postman native app:
Turn on the Interceptor.
Go to Headers
Key: Cookie
Value : sessionid=omuxrmt33mnetsfirxi2sdsfh4j1c2kv
This post is bit old but I want to still answer incase someone else is looking for an answer.
First, you need to see if intercepter is enabled in the toolbar, it is present one step away from sign-in
If does not not get enabled when you click on it, you can install extension. I think there is one for Chrome. Go ahead and add the extension.
After that you can go back to Postman and enable intercepter
You will be able to see cookies in postman and at this point you can add _session_id
I hope this will help.
Hit inspect on the site you are working on, when logged in
On your Chrome/browser, go to application - cookies.
Copy your PHPSESSID.
On postman headers Key: Cookie
Value: PHPSESSID=dsdjshvbjvsdh (your key)
For standalone Postman app
You can use global variables in postman. First in the Tests tab of the first request set the session as global variable:
var a = pm.cookies.get('session');
pm.globals.set("session", a);
It might be 'session_id' as well (check in the headers of your first request) instead of session. To check if this variable is set, after you do your first request, go to the gear icon and click on globals.
Then go to your second request -> Headers and for key add 'Cookie' while for value add 'session={{session}}'
Side note: be careful not to save keys that are used by your framework or they might be deleted for some reason.
On your browser:
Open the developer tools (right click and Inspect).
Go to Application Tab > Storage > Cookies.
Open your site Cookie and copy the Name and Value.
In Postman 8+:
In your Request tab, go to Headers.
Click in the eye icon to see the hidden headers.
Click in the "Cookie" link that is in the top right corner.
In the "Manage Cookies" popup, select your domain, click on "+Add" button, or edit the existent cookie.
Paste the values that you copy from the browser. The complete value will look like PHPSESSID=f20nbdor26v9r1k5hdfj6tji0p; Path=/;
Click on "Save", and close the popup.
Select Tests Section below the Request URL
postman.setGlobalVariable("token","Bearer " + postman.getResponseHeader("authorization") );
Here u can use SessionId to get SessionId from Header and put in global variable .

How to set nginx cache headers to never expire?

Right now I'm using this:
location ~* \.(js|css)$ { # |png|jpg|jpeg|gif|ico
expires max;
#log_not_found off; # what's this for?
And this is what I see in firebug:
Did it work? If I didn't get it wrong, my browser is asking for the file again, and nginx is answering 'not modified', so my browser uses the cache. But I thought the browser shouldn't even ask for the file, it already knows it will never expire.
Any thoughts?
Do not use F5 to reload the page. Use click on the url + enter, or click in a link. That's how I got only 1 request.
Clearly , your file is not stale as its max-age and expiry date are still valid and hence the browser will not communicate with server.The Browser doesn't ask for the file unless it is stale. i.e. its cache-control ( max -age) is over or Expiry date is gone. In that case it will ask the serve if the given copy is still valid or not. if yes, it will serve same copy, else it will get new one.
Update :
See, here is the thing. F5/refresh will always make browser to request the server if anything is modified or not. It will have If-Modified-Since in Request header. While it is different from just navigating the site, coming back to pages and click events in which browser will not ask server , and load from cache silently( no server call). Also, if you are testing on firefox Live HTTP Headers, it will show you exactly what is requested, while Firebug will always show you If-Modified-Since. Safari's developer menu should show load time as 0. Hope it helps.

How can I open a list of URLs on Windows

I'm looking for a way to open a list of URLs in all of my browsers ( Firefox, Chrome, and IE ) on Windows using a scriptable shell such as Powershell or Cygwin.
Ideally I should be able to type in a list of URLs as arguments to the command, i.e. `openUrl
I would also need this script to pass authentication info into the http header (encoded usename and password).
With chrome it's not hard.
$chrome = (gi ~\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe ).FullName
$urls = "",""
$urls | % { & $chrome $_ }
First, how to open URLs in PowerShell. In PowerShell open a URL is very simple, just use start
I think you can simple use foreach to handle the list of URLs.
Second, pass authentication via URL. There is a standard way for HTTP based authentication. (not HTML form based). You could construct the URL like:
Again, it only works for HTTP based authentication.
Look at HKCR\http\shell\open\command how each browser handles urls. Then just use the normal methods to launch the browsers with appropriate urls.

How to manually send HTTP POST requests from Firefox or Chrome browser

I want to test some URLs in a web application I'm working on. For that I would like to manually create HTTP POST requests (meaning I can add whatever parameters I like).
Is there any functionality in Chrome and/or Firefox that I'm missing?
I have been making a Chrome app called Postman for this type of stuff. All the other extensions seemed a bit dated so made my own. It also has a bunch of other features which have been helpful for documenting our own API here.
Postman now also has native apps (i.e. standalone) for Windows, Mac and Linux! It is more preferable now to use native apps, read more here.
CURL is awesome to do what you want! It's a simple, but effective, command line tool.
REST implementation test commands:
curl -i -X GET
curl -i -X GET
curl -i -X DELETE
curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "New item", "year": "2009"}'
curl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "Updated item", "year": "2010"}'
Open Network panel in Developer Tools by pressing Ctrl+Shift+E or by going Menubar -> Tools -> Web Developer -> Network. Select a row corresponding to a request.
Newer versions
Look for a resend button in the far right. Then a new editing form would open in the left. Edit it.
Older versions
Then Click on small door icon on top-right (in expanded form in the screenshot, you'll find it just left of the highlighted Headers), second row (if you don't see it then reload the page) -> Edit and resend whatever request you want
Forget the browser and try CLI. HTTPie is a great tool!
CLI HTTP clients:
HTTP Prompt
If you insist on a browser extension then:
Postman - REST Client (deprecated, now has a desktop program)
Advanced REST client
Talend API Tester - Free Edition
Having been greatly inspired by Postman for Chrome, I decided to write something similar for Firefox.
REST Easy* is a restartless Firefox add-on that aims to provide as much control as possible over requests. The add-on is still in an experimental state (it hasn't even been reviewed by Mozilla yet) but development is progressing nicely.
The project is open source, so if anyone feels compelled to help with development, that would be awesome:
* the add-on available from will always be slightly behind the code available on GitHub
You specifically asked for "extension or functionality in Chrome and/or Firefox", which the answers you have already received provide, but I do like the simplicity of oezi's answer to the closed question "How can I send a POST request with a web browser?" for simple parameters. oezi says:
With a form, just set method to "post"
<form action="blah.php" method="post">
<input type="text" name="data" value="mydata" />
<input type="submit" />
I.e., build yourself a very simple page to test the POST actions.
I think that Benny Neugebauer's comment on the OP question about the Fetch API should be presented here as an answer since the OP was looking for a functionality in Chrome to manually create HTTP POST requests and that is exactly what the fetch command does.
There is a nice simple example of the Fetch API here:
// Make sure you run it from the domain ''. (cross-origin-policy)
fetch('',{method: 'POST', headers: {'test': 'TestPost'} })
.then(response => response.json())
.then(json => console.log(json))
Some of the advantages of the fetch command are really precious:
It's simple, short, fast, available and even as a console command it stored on your chrome console and can be used later.
The simplicity of pressing F12, write the command in the console tab (or press the up key if you used it before) then press Enter, see it pending and returning the response is what making it really useful for simple POST requests tests.
Of course, the main disadvantage here is that, unlike Postman, this won't pass the cross-origin-policy, but still I find it very useful for testing in local environment or other environments where I can enable CORS manually.
Here's the Advanced REST Client extension for Chrome.
It works great for me -- do remember that you can still use the debugger with it. The Network pane is particularly useful; it'll give you rendered JSON objects and error pages.
For Firefox there is also an extension called RESTClient which is quite nice:
RESTClient, a debugger for RESTful web services
It may not be directly related to browsers, but Fiddler is another good software.
You could also use Watir or WatiN to automate browsers. Watir is written for Ruby and Watin is for .NET languages. I am not sure if it's what you are looking for, though.
There have been some other clients born since the rise of Postman that is worth mentioning here:
Insomnia: with both desktop application and Chrome plugin
Hoppscotch: previously known as Postwoman, and with a Chrome plugin available as well. You can also make it work locally with docker if you want to get funny
Paw: if you are on Mac
Advanced Rest Client: already mentioned as a Chrome plugin, but it is worth pointing out that it also has a desktop application
soapUI: written in Java and with lots of testing functionality
Boomerang: yet another way to test APIs. It comes with SOAP integration and it also has a Chrome plugin available
Thunder Client: if you use VS Code as your text editor then you should go and check out this awesome extension
Try Runscope. A free tool sampling their service is provided at
You can set the method, authentication, headers, parameters, and body. The response shows status code, headers, and body. The response body can be formatted from JSON with a collapsable hierarchy.
Paid accounts can automate test API calls and use return data to build new test calls.
COI disclosure: I have no relationship to Runscope.
Check out http-tool for Firefox...
Aimed at web developers who need to debug HTTP requests and responses.
Can be extremely useful while developing REST based API.
Add header(s) to request.
Add body content to request.
View header(s) in response.
View body content in response.
View status code of response.
View status text of response.
So it occurs to me that you can use the console, create a function, and just easily send requests from the console, which will have the correct cookies, etc.
so I just grabbed this from here:
// Example POST method implementation:
async function postData(url = '', data = {}, options = {}) {
// Default options are marked with *
let defaultOptions = {
method: 'POST', // *GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.
mode: 'cors', // no-cors, *cors, same-origin
cache: 'no-cache', // *default, no-cache, reload, force-cache, only-if-cached
credentials: 'same-origin', // include, *same-origin, omit
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
// 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
redirect: 'follow', // manual, *follow, error
referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer', // no-referrer, *no-referrer-when-downgrade, origin, origin-when-cross-origin, same-origin, strict-origin, strict-origin-when-cross-origin, unsafe-url
body: JSON.stringify(data) // body data type must match "Content-Type" header
// update the default options with specific options (e.g. { "method": "GET" } )
const requestParams = Object.assign(defaultOptions, options);
const response = await fetch(url, requestParams);
return response.text(); // displays the simplest form of the output in the console. Maybe changed to response.json() if you wish
IF YOU WANT TO MAKE GET REQUESTS, you can just put them in your browser address bar!
if you paste that into your console, then you can make POST requests by repeatedly calling your function like this:
postData('', { answer: 42 })
.then(data => {
console.log(data); // you might want to use JSON.parse on this
and the server output will be printed in the console (as well as all the data available in the network tab)
This function assumes you are sending JSON data. If you are not, you will need to change it to suite your needs
You can post requests directly from the browser with ReqBin.
No plugin or desktop application is required.
I tried to use postman app, had some auth issues.
If you have to do it exclusively using browser, go to network tab, right click on the call, say edit and send response. There is a similar ans on here about Firefox, this right click worked for me on edge and pretty sure it would work for chrome too
Windows CLI solution
In PowerShell you can use Invoke-WebRequest. Example syntax:
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://localhost:3000 -Method POST -Body #{ username='clever_name', password='hunter2' } -UseBasicParsing
On systems without Internet Explorer, you need the -UseBasicParsing flag.
The question being 12 years old now, it is easy to understand why the author asked a solution for Firefox or Chrome back then. After 12 years though, there are also other browsers and the best one which does not involve any add-ons or additional tools is Microsoft Edge.
Just open devtools (F12) and then Network Console tab (not the Network or Console tab. Click on + sign and open it, if it is not visible.).
And here is the official guide:
Have fun!
