How to change additional projects with maven release plugin? - maven

We create releases and upgrade the versions of our multi module project with the maven release plugin, which is usually triggered with a Jenkins release build. The problem is that we have a couple of modules whose versions should be updated as well, but which should not be built on the server - only the version upgrade should be performed. (These are just testing stuff only used occasionally by developers.) Any good ideas how to do that?

I believe the accepted policy is that every module should be built that forms part of a project. That includes those modules intended to test others.
If internally you have a situation in which a module is intended to test another but should definitely not form part of the build you may wish to extract that module into another project and adjust the module to depend on the artefacts of the older project's module.
You may still find that your CI server (such as Jenkins) recognises this dependency and builds your test project because it detects a changed dependency. In that case disable the automatic building of this test project.
You may find it less "smelly" to correct the testing procedure to ensure your test modules are designed to be run upon each build. Having a set of tests that should not be automatically run seems contrary to modern software engineering approaches.


How can Gradle plugin access information about included builds?

I know you can access different modules (included using include) in a project via org.gradle.api.Project#getSubprojects(), and I know you can get the name and directories of separate builds that have been included (using includeBuild) via org.gradle.api.invocation.Gradle#getIncludedBuilds().
But how can my plugin get information such as the locations of Java source files and class files for projects included using includeBuild?
My goal here is to determine which files have changed in the current git branch (which I can do), and then collect their corresponding class files into a jar file that's used for our patching mechanism that inserts the patch jars at the front of the classpath rather than redeploying the whole application.
I don’t think it is a goal of Gradle to provide including builds with detailed information on included builds. Currently, the Gradle docs basically only state two goals for such composite builds:
combine builds that are usually developed independently, […]
decompose a large multi-project build into smaller, more isolated chunks […]
Actually, isolation between the involved builds seems to be an important theme in general:
Included builds do not share any configuration with the composite build, or the other included builds. Each included build is configured and executed in isolation.
For that reason, it also doesn’t seem to be possible or even desired to let an including build consume any build configurations (like task outputs) of an included build. That would only couple the builds and hence thwart the isolation goal.
Included builds interact with other builds only via dependency substitution:
If any build in the composite has a dependency that can be satisfied by the included build, then that dependency will be replaced by a project dependency on the included build.
So, if you’d like to consume specific parts of an included build from the including build, then you have to do multiple things:
Have a configuration in the included build which produces these “specific parts” as an artifact.
Have a configuration in the including build which consumes the artifact as a dependency.
Make sure that both configurations are compatible wrt. their capabilities so that dependency substitution works.
Let some task in the including build use the dependency artifact in whatever way you need.
Those things happen kind of automatically when you have a simple dependency between two Gradle projects, like a Java application depending on a Java library. But you can define your own kinds of dependencies, too.
The question is: would that really be worth the effort? Can’t you maybe solve your goal more easily or at least without relying on programmatically retrieved information on included builds? For example: if you know that your included build produces class files under build/classes/java/main, then maybe just take the classes of interest from there via org.gradle.api.initialization.IncludedBuild#getProjectDir().
I know, this may not be the answer you had hoped to get. I still hope it’s useful.

Automatically force update pom to newer versions from inside a test

This is not related to update the pom dependencies using a maven goal. I already have that sorted out.
So I am responsible for creating, packaging and maintaining common utilities. These common utilities are in turn used by all the teams in the org. Problem is that the teams using these utilities do not update the dependencies unless it is the last resort. We would like them to use the latest release version of our common utilities barring very few.
Now I have come across this Maven Versions Plugin by mojohaus which I think serves my need by using two goals - versions:update-properties and versions:use-latest-releases. It serves my purpose except two things:
I do not see a way to exclude certain groupid:artifactid from the update dependency/property
We really want this to be a compulsory thing (maybe part of the Test execution - this is for test automation utilities mainly) rather than a maven goal. Because if it is a maven goal, it needs to be invoked separately and hence becomes optional for teams.
We know that forcefully updating to latest version might cause some issues with defect re-produciblity, but we are willing to take that risk. Our utilities are really test products.
Any direction/help on this is appreciated.
Edit: We run our tests using maven goals clean install already. So they use existing pom. We want dependencies update to happen before the tests run. Also it is desirable to commit the changes to source control (bitbucket) if possible.
We have our tests setup using Jenkins but teams also run multiple test on local machines.
Edit: Found the answer to #1. The plugin provides to exlude regex for group and artifact id. using tags excludes and excludesList
Sorry for insisting. From the Maven point of view I see two main solutions:
Your projects and your utility jar are tightly coupled and every project always needs to use the latest version. Then you can bundle all projects and your utility in one multi-module project. This makes sure that everything is up to date all the time, but it requires that all projects and your utilities are always build together (not separately).
You distribute your utilities to different projects which build and release at different times. Then it is up to the projects to decide when to update. There is unfortunately no standard way to deprecate jars.
If I understand you correctly, you want something "in the middle". This may be hard to achieve.

Building and deploying native code using Maven

I've spent years trying to deploy libraries that use native code to Maven Central. I've run into the following problems:
There weren't any good plugins for building native code using Maven. native-maven-plugin was a very rigid build system that, among other things, made it difficult to debug the resulting binaries. You'd have to manually synchronize the native-maven-plugin build system with the native IDE you use for debugging.
Maven did not replace variables in deployed pom.xml files: MNG-2971, MNG-4223. This meant that libraries had to declare platform-specific dependencies once per Maven profile (as opposed to declaring the dependency once and setting a different classifier per profile); otherwise, anyone who depended on your library had to re-define those same properties in their project file in order to resolve transitive dependencies. See Maven: Using inherited property in dependency classifier causes build failure.
Jenkins had abysmal support for running similar logic across different platforms (e.g. "shell" vs "batch" tasks, and coordinating a build across multiple machines)
Running Windows, Linux and Mac in virtual machines was way too slow and fragile. Even if you got it working, attempting to configure the VMs as Jenkins slaves was a lesson in frustration (you'd get frequent intermittent build errors).
Maven Central requires a main jar for artifacts that are platform-specific: OSSRH-975
Sonatype OSS Repository Hosting and maven-release-plugin assumed that it would be possible to release a project in an atomic manner from a single machine but I need to build the OS-specific bits on separate machines.
I'm going to use this Stackoverflow question to document how I've managed to overcome these limitations.
Here is how I overcame the aforementioned problems:
I used CMake for building native code. The beauty of this system is that it generates project files for your favorite (native) IDE. You use the same project files to compile and debug the code. You no longer need to synchronize the two systems manually.
Maven didn't support CMake, so I built my own plugin:
I manually hard-coded platform-specific dependencies into each Maven profile, instead of defining the dependency once with a different classifier per profile. This was more work, but it doesn't look like they will be fixing this bug in Maven anytime soon.
I plan to investigate and as alternatives in the near future.
Jenkins pipeline does a good job of orchestrating a build across multiple machines.
Running Jenkins slaves on virtual machines is still very error-prone but I've managed to workaround most of the problems. I've uploaded my VMWare configuration steps and Jenkins job configuration to help others get started.
I now create an empty JAR file for platform-specific artifacts in order to suppress the Sonatype error. This was actually recommended by Sonatype's support staff.
It turns out that maven-release-plugin delegates to other plugins under the hood. Instead of invoking it, I do the following:
Use mvn versions:set to change the version number from SNAPSHOT to a release and back.
Tag and commit the release myself.
Use nexus-staging:rc-open, nexus-staging:deploy -DstagingProfileId=${stagingProfileId} -DstagingRepositoryId=${stagingRepositoryId}, and nexus-staging:rc-close to upload artifacts from different platforms into the same repository. This is called a Staging Workflow (referenced below).
Upon review, release the repository to Maven Central.
Important: do not enable <autoReleaseAfterClose> in the nexus-staging plugin because it closes the staging repository after each deploy instead of waiting for all deploys to complete.
Per it isn't possible to release SNAPSHOT artifacts atomically (there is no workaround). When releasing SNAPSHOTs, you need to skip rc-open, rc-close and invoke nexus-staging:deploy without -DstagingProfileId=${stagingProfileId} -DstagingRepositoryId=${stagingRepositoryId}. Each artifact will be uploaded into a separate repository.
See my Requirements API for a real-life example that works.
Other quirks to watch out for:
skipNexusStagingDeployMojo must be false in last reactor module (otherwise no artifacts will be deployed): The best workaround is to use Maven profiles to omit whatever modules you want when deploying (don't use skipNexusStagingDeployMojo at all)
skipLocalStaging prevents deploying multiple artifacts into the same repository:

Teamcity Snapshot Dependency without shared sources

I have a number of builds that creates a package that is published to a package manager (for example NPM, Nuget and Maven).
I have subsequent builds that trigger on the completion of this build, they get the artifact from this repository. The problem is they show a warning:
I'm considering adding a Snapshot dependency, however, Teamcity's UI describes snapshot dependencies as builds using the same sources:
There is no source dependency between these projects and in fact, they may have completely different VCS roots.
What is the appropriate way to link these projects? Reading the documentation on Snapshot Dependencies, it sounds like things might not work as expected if I add a dependency without shared sources.
There is no requirement to link these projects, other than by the trigger you already have I don't think.
If the triggered build always gets the latest version from the package manager, then you'll get the behaviour that you want.
Snapshot dependency simply ensures that a build which depends on another build gets the same version of the source code when it builds, and doesn't end up being built using some changes that someone else checked in between the first build starting and the second build starting. This doesn't look like its going to be an issue in your situation (and indeed the builds may use completely different repositories), so I think your finished build trigger is an appropriate solution.

Maven : Multimodule projects and versioning

What are the best practices for software versioning and multimodules projects with Maven?
I mean, when I create a multimodules project with Maven, what is the best approach for the versioning? To use a single version for all the modules (defined in the top project)? To use a version for each module (defined in the POM of each module)? Is there another approach that I'm missing? What are the pros and cons of each approach?
In general, are the different modules released together (possibly sharing the same version number)?
Honestly it depends on what you would like to do. Multimodule projects are created for multiple reasons, one of them being you only need to deploy what has changed instead of all modules.
Think about it this way: if you had a non-multi-module project and you only had to change one line in the services layer, you have to rebuild the entire project and deploy all of the code again...even though only your services layer will change.
With multi-module projects, you can regenerate your project and deploy only what changed...your services. This reduces risk and you're assured that only your services module changed.
You also have a multitude of benefits to using multi-module projects that I'm not listing here but there is certainly a huge benefit to NOT keeping your version numbers of your modules in sync.
When you build your project, consider deploying it to a repository that will hold all compatible jars together for builds (each build creates a new folder with the parent-most pom version number). That way, you don't need to keep documentation about which jars are compatible...they're all just deployed together with a build number.
I was looking for a solution for this exact problem myself and versions-maven-plugin was exactly what I needed. I don't like the release plugin communicating with the SCM system. The versions plugin does just what we need: it sets a new version number in all poms of the project:
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=2.0.0
Then I can proceed with commits, tags and an official build server build...
The versions plugin depends on how a maven multi-module project has been organised: as a result, it often does not update all POM files in a complex multi-module project.
I've found that sed and find do the job much more reliably:
sed -i 's/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/1.0.0-RC1/g' `find . -name 'pom.xml'`
Typically you create a multi-module project because you have deemed that the various modules are parts of a single whole. Maybe the client-piece, the controller-piece and the services-piece. Or maybe the UI with services.
In any case, it makes sense to have the version numbers for the various modules to move in lock-step. However Maven does not enforce that as a rule.
As to your question
are the different modules released together (possibly sharing the same
version number)
I would think so. That is one of the reasons for having it a multi-module project. Otherwise you could have the modules as independent projects.
Of course this is the kind of stuff that is rife with edge cases and exceptions ;-)
I had the same problem with a project I`m working on. I also decided to use separate versions and even the dependency to the parent pom only has to be updated if some of the managed dependencies change. (so mostly as #vinnybad describes it)
Two additions
With the usage of the "org.honton.chas.exists-maven-plugin" only the modules will be deployed to the repository that have actually changed, which is really great, because also the according docker-images will only be published if something has changed on one of the service. This avoids "polluting" the image repository with different but unchanged versions.
One main downside of the "separated versions" approach are the questions regarding versioning:
What's the current version of my project?
Which module versions work with each other? (even thought they don't directly depend on each other, one does rely on what another does, e.g. they share the database schema)
To solve that I put all module versions into the dependency management part of the parent pom, even if no other module depends on them. A "integration-test" module could solve that by depending on all of the modules - and of course testing them together.
This way I would be "forced" to update the parent pom with every change, since it's referring the released module versions. This way the parent pom would have the "leading" version and at the dependency-management block state the versions of all modules that are compatible with each other (which will be ensured by the integration test).
