xamarin studio stops debugging - debugging

I'm using xamarin studio and monotouch for developing iphone applications. When I set break points on my code and start debugging with the xamarin studio, the debugger breaks the codes on the break point correctly, but the problem is that when I trace the codes with debugger after some seconds ( maybe 30-40 sec) the debugger stops debugging, just like a crash. What should I do?
I noticed that it is not because of the break point. Whenever I do not work with the phone after a few seconds the debugger disconnect and stop debugging. Is this really a bug? I think maybe there is a setting that if I change it then the issue will be fix.

Isn't this done by the iOS operating system??? doesn't it only give you ~30 seconds to return from the first event otherwise it kills the application process ? So if you sit in the debugger then it will kill that too?

If it's a bug, verify if there is a newer release and update you copy.
Otherwise, report it to the software providers for a solution.


Visual Studio delays when Start Without Debugging on a console application

Recently my Visual Studio started to experience a delay before the program Starts Without Debugging.
This happens only when the following are met:
Console application
Start Without Debugging
There has been any change in the editor window from the last time program run.
After pressing Ctrl+F5 console application window opens and the cursor is active, but the execution is delayed.
The delay seems to be consistent in length (7-10 seconds), and not depend on the size of the code. I have checked two different installations of VS (2013 and 2015) on the same computer and the problem persists.
I have also checked that this delay occurs even for an empty Main().
There is a possibility that I have enabled some kind of an option/function in VS that causes this very specific delay, but I am not sure when this issue started occurring so I cannot trace back the change.
What could be the reason for this delay?
I will be grateful for help in this matter.
I made many attempts to diagnose the issue of the delay and one of the times that I pressed ctrl + F5 I have spotted a window opening in the background.
(It was definitely not visible everytime i tried to run without debugging).
It turns out that a functionality of Avira anti-virus had been scanning the code before it run for the first time. That is why when I made no changes to the code there was no delay.
Avira "Protection Cloud" is the name of the functionality responsible for the delays.
Link to Avira page about it and how to disable it: https://www.avira.com/en/support-for-home-knowledgebase-detail/kbid/1514
Sometimes if I have multiple editting windows open, this slows starting and stopping the debugger. Close all but those you are interested in and try again.

Windows Phone 8.1: App crashes in fast app switcher when not attached to debugger

I have been developing this app for quite a long time, and have had little or no issues. But when I decided to test it without the debugger attached, it caused problems with the fast app switcher. Whenever I switch the app with fast app switcher (or by pressing Start button), it causes the app to crash.
I am using VS2015 and tried enabling break for all exceptions, but still nothing happens while debugging, so I can't understand what the actual problem is.
Any ideas how can I solve this??
P.S. There seem to be a solution for this in this thread: Fast App Resume crashing on WP8.1 when not attached to debugger, but it is intended for Windows Phone 8 and doesn't match with the 8.1 api. Any similar solutions for WP8.1??
have you tried to implement the NavigationHelpers in your app ?
I think that may help you :)

directx 11 c++ application in vs 2012 -- full screen crashes after running for a while

Win7 Directx 11 with VS 2012 -- When I let my app run in full screen on my development computer, eventually, the program exits full screen back to windowed, all by itself, and pops up a dialog telling me windows resources are running low. The dialog tells me something about turning off interactive themes or something to that end. When I run the program in release mode on one of our client machines, the app runs fine, does everything it should, but after a while, instead of popping up the dialog about windows resources, I get an exception window with exception 0x40000015 as the error. This only happens if I am in full screen, windowed, it never crashes. Event Viewer shows nothing at all about the crash. Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance. Basically what my app is, is a wrapper graphics library. When it says I am using all the resources, my resource monitor shows that I never went above 20% of memory and the cpu never went above 14%. The 0x40000015 error number is rather general and doesn't exactly point me in any real direction.
This is not related to trying to exit an app in full screen, as that I have the code required to prevent the exception related to that problem.
It turned out to be a component issue on the target platform. The ReportLiveDeviceObjects info was helpful and will continue to help down the line.

How do I step through Cordova code when the app starts?

When I debug a Cordova app what I constantly do is step through its code inside Chrome's WebInspector. In order to be able to do this, however, I have to wait for the device to become ready in chrome://inspect/#devices (only then can I click on the appearing link for the started app). But if I do this the inspector will not halt on breakpoints if I am not quick enough. How do experienced Cordova developer tackle this issue?
Additionally to frank's comment I just found GapDebug which offers instant debug and, thus, comes close to what I deserve.

Debugging mobile software in the VS device emulator - app switching to background

I have this issue when debugging mobile apps on the emulator. When I press F5, the build starts, then the deploy, then the app pops up in the emulator.
Because this takes a minute or 2, I am checking my SO score and maybe ask a question while I wait, and the emulator is in the background. When I finally switch back to the emulator, it shows the start page, not my app.
I figured out that by pressing the back button I can bring the debugged application to the foreground, but still, I don't know what is pushing it into the background to begin with. Has anybody noticed this, and found a way to prevent it?
The default behavior in WinMo is that if the device has no activity for a certain period of time (set in Settings->Today->Items->Today Timeout), the Today screen will come to the fore. Check to see if that's what's happening (though I think the smallest interval is still larger than a couple minutes).
