Trying to migrate Rally Defect Requirement to JIRA - ruby

Using the Rally/JIRA connection I am trying to synchronise them.
I am trying to map the Requirement (UserStory) field for Defects to a custom field in JIRA.
Here are my field mappings
<Field><Rally>Name</Rally> <Other>Summary</Other></Field>
<Field><Rally>Description</Rally> <Other>Description</Other></Field>
<Field><Rally>FormattedID</Rally> <Other>RallyKey</Other></Field>
<Field><Rally>Status</Rally> <Other>Status</Other></Field>
<Field><Rally>Priority</Rally> <Other>Priority</Other></Field>
<Field><Rally>Requirement</Rally> <Other>RallyUserStory</Other></Field>
I am using the RallyReferenceFieldHandler to map this to a custom field
I am getting this error message:
RallyEIF::WRK::JiraRestConnection.block in validate - Field Handler field_name Requirement not found

would you mind posting more of your config with all of your field mappings and field handlers?
My only guess at the moment is that your is inside your block. If it were in the wrong place, you might get an error like you are seeing. It should be inside a block - for example:
<!-- Other Field Handlers here -->


Adding Custom "trace id with Alpha numeric values and spiting it out in application Log "

I am using Sleuth 2.1.3.
I want to add a custom "trace ID" as "correlation id" with alpha numeric value and want to spit in logs with spanid and parent id.
If i use below implementation for creating new custom trace id. does it get printed in logs ?
I tried below implementation but does not see any custom trace in log
.addPrefixedFields("x-baggage-", Arrays.asList("country-code", "user-id"))
I tried with above code from but didnt see any custom trace id in log
You've passed in the B3Propagation.FACTORY as the implementation of the propagation factory so you're explicitly stating that you want the default B3 headers. You've said that you want some other field that is alphanumeric to be also propagated. Then in a log parsing tool you can define that you want to use your custom field as the trace id, but it doesn't mean that the deafult X-B3-TraceId field will be changed. If you want to use your custom field as trace id that Sleuth understands, you need to change the logging format and implement a different propagation factory bean.
One of the way which worked for me is
using ExtraFieldPropagation
and adding those keys in sleuth properties under propagation-keys
and whitelisted-keys
sample code
' #Autowired Tracer tracer;
Span currentSpan = tracer.nextSpan().start();
"customkey", "customvalue");
whitelisted-mdc-key : customkey
enabled: true
propagation-keys : customkey '

Undeclared property when creating a record via Web API In Dynamics CRM Online

I am trying to create an entity in Dynamics CRM online with a custom lookup field. Even after providing the SchemaName(sg_DepartmentalProjectId) as mentioned here 'An undeclared property' when trying to create record via Web API I am still getting the same error.
An error occurred while validating input parameters: Microsoft.OData.ODataException: An undeclared property 'sg_DepartmentalProjectId' which only has property annotations in the payload but no property value was found in the payload. In OData, only declared navigation properties and declared named streams can be represented as properties without values.
Below is my JSON Post
"sg_invoicenumber": "SIAIR402742-416805",
"sg_accountnumber": "5400",
"sg_description": "xxxx",
"sg_fy": "20",
"sg_name": "Operational Journal: yyy - 09/20/2019",
"sg_departmentid": "CC10530",
"sg_postingdate": "2019-09-20",
"sg_invoicedate": "2019-09-20",
"sg_checkdate": "2019-09-20",
"sg_paidfulldate": "2019-09-24",
"sg_amount": 5597.4,
"sg_effectivedate": "2019-09-20",
Please Download Odata Metadata from the Developer resources & verify the exact casing. Jason Lattimer also confirmed that the bug while investigating the CRM REST builder issue:
I've come to figure out the metadata is in fact not the source of truth - it's the CSDL
I know it's super annoying when this is working different & getting solved by different solutions. Make sure you verify in all these places for the custom lookup attribute.
Microsoft reference: CSDL $metadata document
I had the same problem, but in my case using the schema name didn’t work. I believe it’s because my field is setup as a navigation property to either of two different entities. I found the correct name by pulling the metadata for the entity from the API and looking at the navigation properties. There were two navigation properties defined for this field, one for each target entity, so I had to use the name of the correct one in my payload.
ReferencedProperty="accountid" />
The correct value was parentcustomerid_account above.
I had same issue
"activityid": "cbf73794-9e42-ec11-8c62-00224815945f",
"subject": "Test 22",
"new_AppointmentTypeId#odata.bind": "new_tasktypes(a97ec3cf-3e1a-ea11-a811-000d3a799417)"
Error I was getting:
An error occurred while validating input parameters: Microsoft.OData.ODataException: An undeclared property 'new_AppointmentTypeId' which only has property annotations in the payload but no property value was found in the payload. In OData, only declared navigation properties and declared named streams can be represented as properties without values.
Use Metadata Browser
Find ReferencingEntityNavigationProperty from Metadata Browser for fields you need it.
Working JSON:
"activityid": "cbf73794-9e42-ec11-8c62-00224815945f",
"subject": "Test 22",
"new_AppointmentTypeId_Appointment#odata.bind": "new_tasktypes(a97ec3cf-3e1a-ea11-a811-000d3a799417)"

Angular Formly : required validation doesn't work if used as model[field] instead of model.field

below is the failure jsbin, where conditional required validation is not working,output
if i remove the dot's form the field name and change them to as below, i can use these fields as model.field instead of model[field] and everything starts working
Employment_Information__c.Other_Income_Picklist__c --> Other_Income_Picklist__c
Employment_Information__c.Annual_Income__c --> Annual_Income__c
not sure what's the issue
The expression has to be valid. It needs to appear as: model['field'] (with the field as a string). Here's an updated version: (the double !! is to make sure that the required attribute gets assigned a boolean, rather than the value of model['field']).

How To invoke a model's template from another model in xpand for AUTOSAR

I've been trying to develop an AUTOSAR 4.2.1 module to generate code using Xpand/Xtend. I'm using artext demonstrator 1.6.0. But my query is that the concept of defining a variation point is not found in the PDF(ECUConfigurationParameters.arxml) when I create a new Ecu platform project in the demonstrator (or maybe I'm not familiar with finding out how).
By default I'm able to fetch parameter values from an arxml. But when there is more than one value for a parameter which is defined in a different post build variant condition, I'm getting only the first value.
For example, if the arxml contains this
it gives me value as 'true' in Xpand if I do Com.ComConfig.ComIpdus.ComIPduCancellationSupport. I’m unable to access the second value ‘false’.
How may I proceed to fetch the parameter values based on the post-build variant conditions?
I'm trying to do the following:
«DEFINE Gen1 FOR varianthandling::VariationPoint»
«EXPAND Gen1::GetThings»
«DEFINE GenMain FOR AUTOSAR::EcucDefs::Com»
«EXPAND Gen1 FOR varianthandling::VariationPoint»
This gives me an error as 'Couldn't find definition ComOtherVarGen for type xpand2::Type'. How do I achieve the above?
Please note that I am not trying to add/modify any functionality to the template of 'MainObj' so 'AROUND' is not what I'm looking for.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
The tool which you are using to create the model (which is created from the PDF file + EcuC Values file) must be able to build a model which is post-build compatible.
If you are sure, this being done- Then try the below method
Com.ComConfig.ComIpdus.ComIPduCancellationSupport changes to
<FOREACH Com.ComConfig.ComIpdus.ComIPduCancellationSupport AS ele>

How to sync Tags to Labels with the RallyAPI and JIRA connector

I am using the RallyConnector to sync user stories and defects with JIRA.
here is my field mapping
<Field><Rally>Name</Rally> <Other>Summary</Other></Field>
<Field><Rally>Description</Rally> <Other>Description</Other></Field>
<Field><Rally>FormattedID</Rally> <Other>RallyKey</Other></Field>
<Field><Rally>Tags</Rally> <Other>Labels</Other></Field>
When I added the Tags field and map it to the Labels (JIRA's version of Tags) to the connector, I get the following error:
ERROR : RallyEIF::WRK::JiraRestConnection.rescue in attempt_update - Attempt to update issue JM-25 failed, undefined method `split' for # < RallyAPI::RallyCollection:0x007fd1950b2890 #results=[]>
I suppose this has something to do with the fact that it is a list of values, and just not a single value.
Only Bugzilla and CQ connectors support tags, but not the Jira connector. It's mentioned here, in the Best Practices. You are correct that in WS API Tags is a collection.

