Access original unmodified user text in custom directive - python-sphinx

I'd like to use a custom directive to wrap certain table cells in a preformatted block.
For example, suppose I want to write documentation for my exciting new calculator:
.. Calculator-Operations:: sign examples
You'll love how great this awesome calculator is.
Check out these exciting innovations!
========= ==========
you type result
========= ==========
+ 1 1
- 1 -1
* 1 ERROR!
/ 1 ERROR!
I can retrieve each table cell node in my directive's implementation, but the node has already been processed by Sphinx (of course), so the first three cells are treated as bulleted lists.
I'd like the generated document to behave as if I had surrounded each "you type" cell with double backticks. I could accomplish this if I could retrieve the raw text of the node or if I could prevent Sphinx from transforming this particular node. (I could also accomplish this by parsing the entire block's content myself, but that sounds unpleasant.)
What is the best way of transforming the original, untransformed user input in these cells?


What is wrong with this PDF file?

I have to work with a PDF form created by a person unknown to me. Why did the program with which the form was created (Word + PDF export?) split the term "Stunde" into "S", "t" and "unde" in line 6909 of the decoded PDF? There is no visual break between the three parts.
/TT1 1 Tf
11.04 0 0 11.04 59.16 476.1203 Tm
/C2_1 1 Tf
/TT1 1 Tf
0.424 -1.315 Td
-0.0022 Tc 0 11.04 -11.04 0 261.24 437.7203 Tm
/C2_1 1 Tf
0 Tc <0003>Tj
/TT1 1 Tf
-0.0021 Tc 0.935 -1.315 Td
[<2880>-6.1(/)-7.2(S)0.8(t)-4.1(unde)-4.5(\))]TJ % <<< the important line
0 Tc 11.04 0 0 11.04 340.92 468.8003 Tm
/C2_1 1 Tf
resulting in
To get the source code above, I decoded the PDF file as described here. I have no know-how concerning the PDF file format.
Background: I had to replace the word "Stunde", it drove me crazy to find the place where "Stunde" was written (in parts) within the source code, since no free PDF editor seems to be able to work with horizontal text without problems.
Academic Bonus questions: Is it possible to set the sum over a column as default value for a form field? (Modifiable; changed every time the column is changed.) Why was I able to replace "Stunde" with "Einsatz" without making the PDF file corrupt due to now irregular offsets?
Why did the program with which the form was created (Word + PDF export?) split the term "Stunde" into "S", "t" and "unde" in line 6909 of the decoded PDF?
As #gettalong mentioned in his answer, in your case this most likely has been done to apply kerning.
If you start looking into the outputs of some other PDF producers, you'll see that this export from Word actually is very unobtrusive in regard to splitting words:
there are PDF producers that draw each character individually after explicitly setting the text matrix for it, and
there also are PDF producers that have the width information for the characters of the used fonts set to zero and use the numbers in TJ instructions to forward the current text matrix between characters accordingly.
And this doesn't cover all the variants to be found, not by far...
I had to replace the word "Stunde", it drove me crazy to find the place where "Stunde" was written (in parts) within the source code
in your case replacing actually was a fairly trivial task...
Is it possible to set the sum over a column as default value for a form field? (Modifiable; changed every time the column is changed.)
If all the column values in question are stored in form fields, you can use JavaScript to recalculate sums after form changes. To have it serve as "default" only, you can use some other (hidden) field for a flag whether the field has already been touched. Beware, though: JavaScript is not supported by all PDF viewers. Furthermore, the JavaScript object model for PDF is not specified in an independent (like ISO) specification but in an Adobe one which can make interpretation of the specification biased.
Why was I able to replace "Stunde" with "Einsatz" without making the PDF file corrupt due to now irregular offsets?
As we don't know how exactly you applied the changes, this obviously is hard to tell.
Most likely, though, you did corrupt the PDF and the PDF viewers you opened it in merely repair the corruption under the hood. There is a strong tendency in PDF viewers to do such under-the-hood repairs without informing the user; the result is that a large part of the PDFs in the wild actually being broken.
You don't see a visual break but the standard distance between "S", "t" and "unde" has been changed nonetheless. This is done by PDF writers that support e.g. kerning so that the word appear nicer. This is the reason why it is split that way.

To build a flow using Power Automate to download linked csv report in gmail

I'm trying to create a flow using Power Automate (which I'm quite new to) that can get the link/URL in an email I receive daily, then download the .csv file that normally a click to the link would do, and then save the file to a given local folder.
An example of the email I get:
Screenshot of the email I get daily
I searched in Power Automate Community and found this insightful LINK post & answer almost solved it. However, after following the steps and built the flow, it kept failing at the Compose step.
Screenshot of the Flow & Error Message
The flow
Error message
Expression used:
Seems the expression couldn't really get the URL/Link? I'm not sure and searched but couldn't find any more posts that can help.
Please kindly share all insights on approaches or workarounds that you think may help me solve the problem and truly thanks!
We need to breakdown the bits of the function here which needs 3 bits of info
substring(1 text to search, 2 starting position of the text you want, 3 length of text)
For example, if you were trying to return an unknown number from the text dog 4567 bird
Our function would have 3 parts.
body('Html_to_text'), this bit gets the text we are searching for
add(indexOf(body('Html_to_text'),'dog'),4), this bit finds the position in the text 4 characters after the start of the word dog (3 letters for dog + the space)
sub(sub(indexOf(body('Html_to_text'),'bird'),2)),add(indexOf(body('Html_to_text'),'dog'),4)), I've changed the structure of your code here because this part needs to return the length of the URL, not the ending position. So here, we take the position of the end of the URL (position of the word bird minus two spaces) and subtract it from the position of the start of the URL (position of the word dog + 4 spaces) to get the length.
In your HTML to text output, you need to check what the HTML looks like, and search for a word before the URL starts, and a word after the URL starts, and count the exact amount of spaces to reach the URL. You can then put those words and counts into your code.
More generally, when you have a complicated problem that you need to troubleshoot, you can break it down into steps. For example. Rather than putting that big mess of code into a single block, you can make each chunk of the code in its own compose, and then one final compose to bring them all together - that way when you run it you can see what information each bit is giving out, or where it is failing, and experiment from there to discover what is wrong.

SPSS syntax for naming individual analyses in output file outline

I have created syntax in SPSS that gives me 90 separate iterations of general linear model, each with slightly different variations fixed factors and covariates. In the output file, they are all just named as "General Linear Model." I have to then manually rename each analysis in the output, and I want to find syntax that will add a more specific name to each result that will help me identify it out of the other 89 results (e.g. "General Linear Model - Males Only: Mean by Gender w/ Weight covariate").
This is an example of one analysis from the syntax:
COMPUTE filter_$=(Muscle = "BICEPS" & Subj = "S1" & SMU = 1 ).
VARIABLE LABELS filter_$ 'Muscle = "BICEPS" & Subj = "S1" & SMU = 1 (FILTER)'.
VALUE LABELS filter_$ 0 'Not Selected' 1 'Selected'.
FORMATS filter_$ (f1.0). FILTER BY filter_$.
GLM Frequency_Wk6 Frequency_Wk9
Frequency_Wk12 Frequency_Wk16
/WSFACTOR=Time 5 Polynomial
I am looking for syntax to add to this that will name this analysis as: "S1, SMU1 BICEPS, GLM" Not to name the whole output file, but each analysis within the output so I don't have to do it one-by-one. I have over 200 iterations at times that come out in a single output file, and renaming them individually within the output file is taking too much time.
Making an assumption that you are exporting the models to Excel (please clarify otherwise).
There is an undocumented command (OUTPUT COMMENT TEXT) that you can utilize here, though there is also a custom extension TEXT also designed to achieve the same but that would need to be explicitly downloaded via:
Utilities-->Extension Bundles-->Download And Install Extension Bundles--->TEXT
You can use OUTPUT COMMENT TEXT to assign a title/descriptive text just before the output of the GLM model (in the example below I have used FREQUENCIES as an example).
get file="C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS\Statistics\23\Samples\English\Employee data.sav".
oms /select all /if commands=['output comment' 'frequencies'] subtypes=['comment' 'frequencies']
/destination format=xlsx outfile='C:\Temp\ExportOutput.xlsx' /tag='ExportOutput'.
output comment text="##Model##: This is a long/descriptive title to help me identify the next model that is to be run - jobcat".
freq jobcat.
output comment text="##Model##: This is a long/descriptive title to help me identify the next model that is to be run - gender".
freq gender.
output comment text="##Model##: This is a long/descriptive title to help me identify the next model that is to be run - minority".
freq minority.
omsend tag=['ExportOutput'].
You could use TITLE command here also but it is limited to only 60 characters.
You would have to change the OMS tags appropriately if using TITLE or TEXT.
Given the OP wants to actually add a title to the left hand pane in the output viewer, a solution for this is as follows (credit to Albert-Jan Roskam for the Python code):
First save the python file "" to a valid Python search path (for example (for me anyway): "C:\ProgramData\IBM\SPSS\Statistics\23\extensions")
import tempfile, os, sys
import SpssClient
def _titleToPane():
"""See titleToPane(). This function does the actual job"""
outputDoc = SpssClient.GetDesignatedOutputDoc()
outputItemList = outputDoc.GetOutputItems()
textFormat = SpssClient.DocExportFormat.SpssFormatText
filename = tempfile.mktemp() + ".txt"
for index in range(outputItemList.Size()):
outputItem = outputItemList.GetItemAt(index)
if outputItem.GetDescription() == u"Page Title":
outputItem.ExportToDocument(filename, textFormat)
with open(filename) as f:
return outputDoc
def titleToPane(spv=None):
"""Copy the contents of the TITLE command of the designated output document
to the left output viewer pane"""
outputDoc = None
if spv:
outputDoc = _titleToPane()
if spv and outputDoc:
print "Error filling TITLE in Output Viewer [%s]" % sys.exc_info()[1]
Re-start SPSS Statistics and run below as a test:
get file="C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS\Statistics\23\Samples\English\Employee data.sav".
title="##Model##: jobcat".
freq jobcat.
title="##Model##: gender".
freq gender.
title="##Model##: minority".
freq minority.
begin program.
import editTitles
end program.
The TITLE command will initially add a title to main output viewer (right hand side) but then the python code will transfer that text to the left hand pane output tree structure. As mentioned already, note TITLE is capped to 60 characters only, a warning will be triggered to highlight this also.
This approach is the closest you are going to get to include a descriptive title to identify each model. To replace the actual title "General Linear Model." with a custom title would require scripting knowledge and would involve a lot more code. This is a simpler alternative approach. Python integration required for this to work.
Also consider using:
SPLIT FILE SEPARATE BY <list of filter variables>.
This will automatically produce filter labels in the left hand pane.
This is easy to use for mutually exclusive filters but even if you have overlapping filters you can re-run multiple times (and have filters applied to get as close to your desired set of results).
For example:
get file="C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS\Statistics\23\Samples\English\Employee data.sav".
sort cases by jobcat minority.
split file separate by jobcat minority.
freq educ.
split file off.

Retrieve an xpath text contains using text()

I've been hacking away at this one for hours and I just can't figure it out. Using XPath to find text values is tricky and this problem has too many moving parts.
I have a webpage with a large table and a section in this table contains a list of users (assignees) that are assigned to a particular unit. There is nearly always multiple users assigned to a unit and I need to make sure a particular user is assigned to any of the units on the table. I've used XPath for nearly all of my selectors and I'm half way there on this one. I just can't seem to figure out how to use contains with text() in this context.
Here's what I have so far:
//td[#id='unit']/span [text()='asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf (Primary); asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf, asdfasdfasdfasdf; 456, 3456'; testuser]
The XPath Query above captures all text in the particular section I am looking at, which is great. However, I only need to know if testuser is in that section.
text() gets you a set of text nodes. I tend to use it more in a context of //span//text() or something.
If you are trying to check if the text inside an element contains something you should use contains on the element rather than the result of text() like this:
span[contains(., 'testuser')]
XPath is pretty good with context. If you know exactly what text a node should have you can do:
span[.='full text in this span']
But if you want to do something like regular expressions (using exslt for example) you'll need to use the string() function:
span[regexp:test(string(.), 'testuser')]

Parsing text files in Ruby when the content isn't well formed

I'm trying to read files and create a hashmap of the contents, but I'm having trouble at the parsing step. An example of the text file is
put 3
returns 3
pargraphs 1
#foo 18
****** 2
The word becomes the key and the number is the value. Notice that the spacing is fairly erratic. The word isn't always a word (which doesn't get picked up by /\w+/) and the number associated with that word isn't always on the same line. This is why I'm calling it not well-formed. If there were one word and one number on one line, I could just split it, but unfortunately, this isn't the case. I'm trying to create a hashmap like this.
{"put"=>3, "#foo"=>18, "returns"=>3, "paragraphs"=>1, "******"=>2, "4"=>3, "between"=>3}
Coming from Java, it's fairly easy. Using Scanner I could just use for the next key and scanner.nextInt() for the number associated with it. I'm not quite sure how to do this in Ruby when it seems I have to use regular expressions for everything.
I'd recommend just using split, as in:
h = Hash[*s.split]
where s is your text (eg s = open('filename').read. Believe it or not, this will give you precisely what you're after.
EDIT: I realized you wanted the values as integers. You can add that as follows:
h.each{|k,v| h[k] = v.to_i}
