Ansible - read inventory hosts and variables to group_vars/all file - ansible

I have a dummy doubt that keeps me stuck for a long time. I have a very banal inventory file with hosts and variables:
The problem is that I need to access all these hosts and variables, in the inventory file, from the group_vars/all file.
I've tried the following manners to access the host IP:
{{ lb }}
"{{ hostvars[lb] }}"
"{{ hostvars['lb'] }}"
{{ hostvars[lb] }}
To access a host variable I tried:
"{{ hostvars[tests].['data_base_host'] }}"
All of them are wrong!!! Can anyone help me find out the best practice to access hosts and variables, not from a playbook but from a variables file?
Ok. Let's clarify.
Problem: Use a host declared in the inventory file in a variable file, let's say: group_vars/all.
Example: I have a DB host with IP:
Inventory file:
In the group:vars/all file I want to use that IP to build a variable.
group_vars/all file:
data_base_url=jdbc:oracle:thin:#{{ db }}:1521/ssdenwdb
In a template I use the variable built in the group_vars/all file.
Template file:
oracle_url = {{ data_base_url }}
The problem is that the {{ db }} variable in the group_vars/all file is not replaced by the DB host IP. The user can only edit the inventory file.

- name: host
debug: msg="{{ item }}"
- "{{ groups['tests'] }}"
This piece of code will give the message:
as groups['tests'] basically return a list of unique ip addresses ['',''] whereas groups['tomcat'][0] returns

If you want to programmatically access the inventory entries to include them in a task for example. You can refer to it like this:
{{ hostvars.tomcat }}
This returns you a structure with all variables related with that host. If you want just an IP address (or hostname), you can refer to it like this:
{{ hostvars.jboss5.ansible_ssh_host }}
Here is a list of variables which you can refer to: click. Moreover, you can declare a variable and set it with for example result of some step in a playbook.
- name: Change owner and group of some file
file: path=/tmp/my-file owner=new-owner group=new-group
register: chown_result
Then if you play this step on tomcat, you can access it from jboss5 like this:
- name: Print out the result of chown
debug: msg="{{ hostvars.tomcat.chown_result }}"

Just in case if the problem is still there,
You can refer to ansible inventory through ‘hostvars’, ‘group_names’, and ‘groups’ ansible variables.
To be able to get ip addresses of all servers within group "mygroup", use the below construction:
- debug: msg="{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_eth0']['ipv4']['address'] }}"
- "{{ groups['mygroup'] }}"

Considering your previous example:
inventory file:
data_base_url=jdbc:oracle:thin:#{{ db }}:1521/ssdenwdb
template file:
oracle_url = {{ data_base_url }}
You might want to replace your group_vars/all with
data_base_url="jdbc:oracle:thin:#{{ groups['db'][0] }}:1521/ssdenwdb"

Yes the example by nixlike works very well.
myhost1 user=barbara
myhost2 user=heather
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
- name: loop debug inventory hostnames
msg: "the docker host is {{ item }}"
with_inventory_hostnames: docker-host
- name: loop debug items
msg: "the docker host is {{ hostvars[item]['user'] }}"
with_items: "{{ groups['docker-host'] }}"
ansible-playbook ansible/tests/vars-test-local.yml
PLAY [localhost]
TASK [setup]
******************************************************************* ok: [localhost]
TASK [loop debug inventory hostnames]
****************************************** ok: [localhost] => (item=myhost2) => {
"item": "myhost2",
"msg": "the docker host is myhost2" } ok: [localhost] => (item=myhost1) => {
"item": "myhost1",
"msg": "the docker host is myhost1" }
TASK [loop debug items]
******************************************************** ok: [localhost] => (item=myhost1) => {
"item": "myhost1",
"msg": "the docker host is barbara" } ok: [localhost] => (item=myhost2) => {
"item": "myhost2",
"msg": "the docker host is heather" }
********************************************************************* localhost : ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0

If you want to refer one host define under /etc/ansible/host in a task or role, the bellow link might help:

If you want to have your vars in files under group_vars, just move them here. Vars can be in the inventory ([group:vars] section) but also (and foremost) in files under group_vars or hosts_vars.
For instance, with your example above, you can move your vars for group tests in the file group_vars/tests :
Inventory file :
group_vars/tests file :


Ansible Task Using 'ansible.builtin.unvault' lookup

The ansible code below takes an ansible vault (vault.yml) and then uses the ansible.builtin.unvault lookup to retrieve and save the entire vault as the variable full_vault. The output of the debug shows the code in json. This code is working as expected.
- name: Pull vault into Variable from encrypted YAML file
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
- name: Get specific value from vault file
full_vault: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.unvault', 'vault.yml') | from_yaml }}"
- name: Display Vault
msg: "Vault: {{ full_vault }}"
The challenge I am having is trying to use the ansible.builtin.vault lookup to put the full_vault variable back into an ansible vault. How can I accomplish this in a single task?
I am using the environment variable ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=pass.txt for encryption/decryption.
Your question and example is focusing on the ansible.builtin.unvault lookup which is abolutely not needed in your situation. The only case I can think of where this would be needed is if you fetch your vault password from an other system/app/source while running your playbook. But since it is available with classic env vars to ansible, you just have to use the encrypted file which will be decrypted on the fly.
For the rest of the example, let's imagine your vault.yml file contains (decrypted):
my_login: vip
my_pass: v3rys3cr3t
some_other_key: toto
Using the above encrypted file is as easy as
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
- vault.yml
- name: Dummy use of login and pass
msg: "Login in {{ my_login }} and password is {{ my_pass }}"
Now if you want to easily load that file with all its content, change a value for a key in the contained dict and push back the content encrypted with the same configured password, here is a first draft that you will probably have to enhanced. But it worked for my local test with your current configuration.
The update_vault.yml playbook
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
vault_file: vault.yml
new_pass: n3ws3cr3t
- name: Import vaulted variables in a namespace (for further easier manipulation)
file: "{{ vault_file }}"
name: my_vault
- name: Dummy task just to show above worked
- Login is {{ my_vault.my_login }}.
- Password is {{ my_vault.my_pass }}
- Some other key is {{ my_vault.some_other_key }}
- name: Update an element and push back to encrypted file
new_vault_content: "{{ my_vault | combine({'my_pass': new_pass}) }}"
vault_pass_file: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.env', 'ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE') }}"
vault_pass: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.file', vault_pass_file) }}"
content: "{{ new_vault_content | to_nice_yaml | ansible.builtin.vault(vault_pass) }}"
dest: "{{ vault_file }}"
decrypt: false
$ ansible-playbook update_vault.yml
PLAY [localhost] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [Import vaulted variables in a namespace (for furthre easier manipulation)] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [Dummy task just to show above worked] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": [
"Login is vip.",
"Password is v3rys3cr3t",
"Some other key is toto"
TASK [Update an element and push back to encrypted file] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]
PLAY RECAP *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=3 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
And you can easilly check the file was correctly updated:
$ ansible-vault view vault.yml
my_login: vip
my_pass: n3ws3cr3t
some_other_key: toto
Note that the above playbook is not idempotent. If you run it a second time, the decrypted content of your file will stay identical (with the same new password), but the file will still be changed as the vault salt will change and the encrypted content will be different.

Ansible How to store multiple "register" in one file with one playbook

Ansible store only the first output in a file
I have 3 hosts inside the inventory
My playbook ask for memory info.
- name: Check memory
hosts: all
- name: Check Memory
shell: free
register: memory_output
- name: save
path: "mypc/test.log"
line: "--{{ memory_output.stdout }}% "
create: yes
delegate_to: localhost
output write in file sometimes all the hosts memory,sometimes only the first,sometimes only the last
How i append every result from every hosts in one file.
Sometimes it export all the results but not every time
For example, given the inventory
shell> cat hosts
declare the below variable and put it into the vars
vmstat: "{{ out.stdout|community.general.jc('vmstat') }}"
Get the free memory
- command: vmstat
register: out
- set_fact:
free_mem: "{{ vmstat.1.free_mem }}"
- debug:
var: free_mem
gives (abridged)
ok: [test_11] =>
free_mem: '3434124'
ok: [test_12] =>
free_mem: '3496908'
ok: [test_13] =>
free_mem: '3434992'
Q: "How to store multiple 'register' in one file with one playbook."
A: Write it to the log
- lineinfile:
create: true
path: /tmp/test.log
line: >-
{{ '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'|strftime() }}
{{ item }}
{{ hostvars[item].free_mem }}
loop: "{{ ansible_play_hosts }}"
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: true
shell> cat /tmp/test.log
2022-09-12 13:39:48 test_11 3434124
2022-09-12 13:39:49 test_12 3496908
2022-09-12 13:39:49 test_13 3434992
Example of a complete playbook for testing
- hosts: test_11,test_12,test_13
vmstat: "{{ out.stdout|community.general.jc('vmstat') }}"
- command: vmstat
register: out
- set_fact:
free_mem: "{{ vmstat.1.free_mem }}"
- debug:
var: free_mem
- lineinfile:
create: true
path: /tmp/test.log
line: >-
{{ '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'|strftime() }}
{{ item }}
{{ hostvars[item].free_mem }}
loop: "{{ ansible_play_hosts }}"
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: true
Here's the simplest example. Assuming that you are running ansible in controller machine and you have to append the output of executing tasks in remote machines. The host list will obviously be different for you and will have all the remote machines.
- hosts: localhost
## Playbook to copy the file from controller machine to remote machine
- name: Copy the file from controller machine to remote machine
src: /tmp/tmpdir/output.txt
dest: /tmp/tmpdir/output.txt
## Playbook to store the shell output to a variable
- name: Store the output of the shell command to a variable
shell: "echo '\nHello World'"
register: output
- name: Print the output of the shell command
msg: "{{ output.stdout }}"
## Playbook to append output to a file
- name: Append output to a file
path: /tmp/tmpdir/output.txt
line: "{{ output.stdout }}"
create: yes
## Playbook to copy the file from remote machine to controller machine
- name: Copy the file from remote machine to controller machine
src: /tmp/tmpdir/output.txt
dest: /tmp/tmpdir/output.txt
flat: yes
After running it the third time
╰─ ansible-playbook test.yaml
[WARNING]: No inventory was parsed, only implicit localhost is available
[WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note that the implicit localhost does not match 'all'
PLAY [localhost] *******************************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] *************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [Copy the file from controller machine to remote machine] *********************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [Store the output of the shell command to a variable] *************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [Print the output of the shell command] ***************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "\nHello World"
TASK [Append output to a file] *****************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [Copy the file from remote machine to controller machine] *********************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=6 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
╰─ cat output.txt
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World
So on every machine you run the controller machine will get the latest file output. We will copy the file to remote, add contents to the file and then copy it back to controller. Continue the same until all the hosts have been completed.
If you want to take the result from selective servers then the last task can be replaced by following. Replace the hostnames with required values
## Playbook to copy the file from remote machine to controller machine if the hostname maches localhost1 or localhost2
- name: Copy the file from remote machine to controller machine if the hostname maches localhost1 or localhost2
src: /tmp/tmpdir/output.txt
dest: /tmp/tmpdir/output.txt
flat: yes
fail_on_missing: yes
when: inventory_hostname == 'localhost1' or inventory_hostname == 'localhost2'

ansible-playbook command raising undefined variable error while variable is set in inventory file

I'm facing a mysterious ansible behaviour.
I've set groups, hosts and groups vars in my inventory file, but the ansible-playbook command is raising Undefined Variable for all my group vars, while printing them with the ansible debug module show the variable well.
Here is my inventory.ini file:
web_server ansible_host=
the playbook file (set-hostname-and-dns.yml):
- name: Debug vars
debug: var=hostvars[inventory_hostname]['dns_zone']
delegate_to: ad_server
- name: Set hostname and make DNS registrations
- name: Set hostname
name: "web.{{ dns_zone }}"
delegate_to: web_server
- name: Create a DNS registration of type A
name: "web"
type: "A"
value: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
zone: "{{ dns_zone }}"
computer_name: "{{ dns_server }}"
delegate_to: "{{ ad_server }}"
- name: Create a DNS registration of type PTR
name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
type: "PTR"
value: "web"
zone: "{{ ptr_zone }}"
computer_name: "{{ dns_server }}"
delegate_to: "{{ ad_server }}"
Running the ansible-playbook command gives :
$ ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i inventory-files/inventory.ini
PLAY [localhost] *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [create-linux-vm : Debug vars] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost ->] => {
"hostvars[inventory_hostname]['dns_zone']": "VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED!"
TASK [create-linux-vm : Set web_server hostname] **************************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: 'dns_zone' is undefined\n\nThe error appears to be in 'set-hostname-and-dns.yml': line 14, column 7, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n block:\n - name: Set {{ vm_name }} hostname\n ^ here\nWe could be wrong, but this one looks like it might be an issue with\nmissing quotes. Always quote template expression brackets when they\nstart a value. For instance:\n\n with_items:\n - {{ foo }}\n\nShould be written as:\n\n with_items:\n - \"{{ foo }}\"\n"}
PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
Running debug module:
$ ansible -m debug -i inventory-files/inventory.ini -a "var=hostvars[inventory_hostname]['dns_zone']" all
ad_server | SUCCESS => {
"hostvars[inventory_hostname]['dns_zone']": ""
web_server | SUCCESS => {
"hostvars[inventory_hostname]['dns_zone']": ""
So as you can see, ansible-playbook command is unable to retrieve my host vars, while ansible debug module does.
The result is the same even if I define those variables in inventory-files/group_vars/linux.yml or inventory-files/group_vars/windows.yml, the variable is still as undefined by ansible. The problem is the same if try to access any other variable than special variables from inventory running ansible-playbook
What could be wrong there?
I tried with delegate_facts set to true, it didn't work.
Then defined a local group in the inventory containing localhost and defined my local group vars there like this :
and remove those var from remote hosts facts, as I don't really those variables there. All my tasks are executed on the localhost and delegated to the remote hosts depending to the action.
I'd also like to precise that specifically ask for var/fact like #Zeitounator mentioned above ({{ hostvars['ad_server'].ptr_zone }}) in his comment works too.

How to loop through inventory and assign value in Ansible

I have a task in my Ansible playbook that I'm wanting iterate over each host in the group that I have and for each host I would like to assign a name from the hostname list that I've created in the vars folder.
I'm familiar with looping through inventory already by writing loop: "{{ groups['mygroup'] }}" and I have a list of hostnames I would like to assign each IP in 'mygroup' within the host file.
# In tasks file - roles/company/tasks/main.yml
- name: change hostname
name: "{{ item }}"
loop: "{{ hostname }}"
register: res
# In the Inventory file
# In vars - roles/company/vars/main.yml
- GL-WKS-18
- GL-WKS-19
- GL-WKS-20
# site.yml file located under /etc/ansible
- hosts: company
- common
- company #This is where the loop exists mentioned above.
# Command to run playbook
ansible-playbook -i hosts company.yml
I seem to have the individual pieces down or know about it, but how can I combine iterating over hosts from an inventory group and assign names that I have in an already created list (in roles vars folder) already?
the task mentioned above has been updated to reflect changes mentioned in answer:
- name: change hostname
name: "{{ item.1 }}"
loop: {{|zip(hostname)|list }}"
register: res
However the output I'm getting is incorrect, this should not run 9 times rather only three times, once per IP in the [company] group in the inventory. Also there are only three hostnames in a list that need to be assigned to each of the hosts in the inventory sheet.
changed: [] => (item=[u'', u'GL-WKS-18'])
changed: [] => (item=[u'', u'GL-WKS-18'])
changed: [] => (item=[u'', u'GL-WKS-18'])
changed: [] => (item=[u'', u'GL-WKS-19'])
changed: [] => (item=[u'', u'GL-WKS-19'])
changed: [] => (item=[u'', u'GL-WKS-19'])
ok: [] => (item=[u'', u'GL-WKS-20'])
ok: [] => (item=[u'', u'GL-WKS-20'])
ok: [] => (item=[u'', u'GL-WKS-20'])
Whenever I have a question about looping in Ansible I also go visit the Loops documentation. It sounds like you want to iterate over two lists in parallel, pairing an item from the list of hosts in your inventory with an item from the list of hostnames. In previous versions of Ansible that would suggest using the with_together loop, while with more recent versions of Ansible that suggests the zip filter (there's an example in the docs here).
To demonstrate this for your use case, I started with an inventory file that has three hosts:
hostA ansible_host=localhost
hostB ansible_host=localhost
hostC ansible_host=localhost
And the following playbook:
- hosts: all
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
- hostname01
- hostname02
- hostname03
- name: change hostname
name: "{{ item }}"
loop: "{{ groups.mygroup|zip(hostnames)|list }}"
Here I'm using a debug task instead of actually running the win_hostname task. The output of running:
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml
Looks like:
TASK [change hostname] ********************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=[u'hostA', u'hostname01']) => {
"msg": {
"win_hostname": {
"name": [
ok: [localhost] => (item=[u'hostB', u'hostname02']) => {
"msg": {
"win_hostname": {
"name": [
ok: [localhost] => (item=[u'hostC', u'hostname03']) => {
"msg": {
"win_hostname": {
"name": [
As you can see, it's paired each host from the inventory with a hostname from the hostnames list.
Based on the additional information you've provided, I think what you
actually want is this:
- name: change hostname
name: "{{ hostnames[ }}"
This will assign one value from hostname to each host in your
inventory. We're looking up the position of the current
inventory_hostname in your group, and then using that to index into
the hostnames list.

Ansible - Access inventory alias

Having an inventory file like:
my_host ansible_ssh_host=
my_host2 ansible_ssh_host=
I want to gather some debug information in my templates.
How do I acces the alias variable in a playbook/template?
debug: msg=Myhost is {{ ansible_host_alias }}
# Myhost is my_host
# Myhost is myhost2
I tried to gather facts using ansible -m setup my_host . The variables ansible_hostname , HOSTNAME and HOST contain the machine's hostname, i.e. echo $HOSTNAME which differs from my ansible alias.
The variable I was searching for is a built in feature: inventory_hostname
Ansible documentation about inventory_hostname and inventory_hostname_short is found from chapter Magic Variables, and How To Access Information About Other Hosts.
Original question:!topic/ansible-project/Oa5YXjHecIw
You can use the inventory_hostname special variable.
You can just simply use {{ ansible_ssh_host }} For example:
my_host ansible_ssh_host= my_host_alias=my_host
- name: My Good playbook
user: ubuntu
hosts: all
- name: My message
debug: msg="Myhost is {{ ansible_ssh_host }}"
- name: My message bogus
debug: msg="My host alias is {{ my_host_alias }}"
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory play.yml
PLAY [My Good playbook] *******************************************************
GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
ok: [my_host]
TASK: [My message] ************************************************************
ok: [my_host] => {
"msg": "Myhost is"
TASK: [My message bogus] ******************************************************
ok: [my_host] => {
"msg": "My host alias is my_host"
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
my_host : ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
