Sending generic class with ajax call - ajax

I'm trying out a generic approach when calling an MVC controller via ajax. So, if we have something like this:
url: '/ChartReporting/GetChartReportingResults'
data: JSON.stringify({Type: 'Pie', some more properties...})
Is there a way to not have to specify the concrete class in the controller method as in:
public JsonResult GetChartReportingResults(ChartingData chartingData)...
I'd love to be able to say ChartingBase instead of ChartingData. ChartingBase would be an abstract class. So the params I pass within the JSON.stringify would be a class of type ChartingBase. I can easily do this type of thing once inside the controller but to get this generic info over in the first place is the tricky part. Basically, Im trying to have one method to use for all charting needs based on this ChartingBase class.
Hope this makes sense.

I thought about this and decided to just simply pass in an array of key/value pairs with paramname, param value. I can easily build a paramlist for the proc with that info.
Thanks for letting me vent and think this through myself. Of course ideas from others would have been cool too :-)


Laravel Create Function to be used in different Controllers/in the same Controller

It's more a general question, I want someone to point me to the direction I should go.
1) FUNCTION FOR SAME CONTROLLER: I have two methods: Store and Update in the same controller. They both should contain some complex request validation (which I can't do via validator or form request validation because it's too complex). This means for me now using the same code twice in two methods... How can I take this code, create a function and use it in both Store and Update methods just with a single line, like:
2) FUNCTION FOR DIFF. CONTROLLERS: I have another code which I use in many different Contollers. It transliterates Russian letters into Latin ones ('Сергей' = 'Sergey' and so on). How and where should I register this function to be able using it in different Contollers?
I have read something about helpers. Should I use them? If you an experienced Laravel develper and say so, I will read everything about them. Or, if you advice something else - I'll read about that.:) I just don't want to spend time reading about something useless or "not right way to-do-it".
Appreciate any help!
1) You could create a form request validation or you could just create a private function that would handle the validation and return the result.
2) You can create a helpers.php file, see here, and you put your translation function inside. Then you can call it from anywhere:
In a controller transliterate_this($data);
In a view {{ transliterate_this($data); }}.
You can do complex validation even inside a FromRequest. You can override the getValidatorInstance for example, or any other method from the base class to plug your validation logic on top of the basic validation rules. Else just consider making an external class to handle that complex validation and inject it in your controllers using Laravel's IoC container.
You should create a facade to provide that feature. Then you can easily use it anywhere (and additionally create a helper method for it if that makes you feel better). Something like Transliterate::toLatin($str)
everyone! Thank you all for great answers. But I have discovered that the problem was that I didn't know anything about Object-Oriented Programming.
(Ans I was working in Laravel:)).
After I took an Object Oriented Bootcamp from Laracasts, I started 'seeing' how Laravel actually works and I know can easily create methods inside classes and use them in other classes.
(of course, you can read something else on OOP, but Jeffrey Way has really outstanding explanation talent!)

Ruby on Rails - Where to put these helper type methods

I've been looking around for best practices on where to put some helper methods that do all this calculation / sorting for me but I haven't found a definitive answer yet and was wondering if someone had some good insight for me.
Basically I have an action method that takes a string user input, finds similar words to that string, does a bunch of string manipulation, and then ordering to return an array.
I don't know whether I should have module in /lib, make a controller helper module, ... Where I'm looking for some feedback!
But essentially I just want to:
POST a word to a controller action method
Call a helper method or execute some logic on the word outside of the controller
Have that helper method or wherever that logic will be, return to me the result
Just put that method in your application helper, wherever it is called from it will return the resulting values after processing your logic, you should not over complicate things so the good old application helper is a good place to put the common method used in views and in your controllers
I wouldn't call a helper method from your controller. Personally I would use either a module/plain old ruby object or a concern to handle calculations. The controller stores the object in an instance variable so it can be used througout your views.
Also worth noting are decorators, you should take a look at draper:

Is it possible to call directly from a model method from another model of the same component

Is it possible to call directly from a model method from another model of the same component?
Is there any default Joomla option to call in such a way.
Yes You can
It will not break MVC architecture,
You can check like this
if(!class_exists('VirtueMartModelUser')) require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'models'.DS.'user.php');
$usermodel = VmModel::getModel('user');
$currentVMuser = $usermodel->getUser();
First you should include the model file in the required model then create the object.
then call like above.
This example is Virtue-mart using method
According to the my knowledge NO. Otherwise it will break the MVC architecture.
What you can do is
Replicate the function you want to use.
Make the call from the controller to the both method.
My Advice is to you is even if you figure out a way to do it, Don't do it. It will mess up your whole architecture.
If you have any issues please ask.

Accessing "this" from a Helper method in ASP.NET MVC 3

I have a Helper method that I need to use across multiple views. In an attempt to accomplish this, I tried to implement the approach shown by Scott Guthrie here: For the sake of reference, my helper method looks like the following:
#helper MyMethod(string parameter)
MyNamespace.MyClass.HelperMethod(this.Request, parameter)
As you can see, I need to get access to the HttpRequestBase object associated with the view. The code works fine if I define the method at the top of _Layout.cshtml. However, I need to use it in other views. So, as mentioned, I used the approach highlighted by scottgu. Unfortunately, I get a runtime error now that says:
"CS0026: Keyword 'this' is not valid in a static property, static method, or static field initializer"
How can I get over this hump?
If it's the HttpRequestBase object you need, try passing in HttpContext.Current.Request instead of this.Request.

RESTful design pattern in MVC?

I'm designing an application trying to follow the REST spec. I'm trying to figure out the best way to design it.
So let's say I'm doing a POST call that so I have a "post" method in my controller and model
// in controller
function post()
//call post model here
In my post request I need to make the following checks:
-validate fields
-make sure item name is unique for that user
-make sure there are less than 10 items
-etc (there could be more cases)
Now in controller post function I will return a REST message and status code based on whatever happens, which is fine, but I'm curious to know where it's better to keep all those checks.
I can put all the checks in the model and then return some kind of array like:
array('text' => 'return response text/array or whatever here', 'code' => '200/400/etc')
Then just return this in the controller, or is it better to break up those checks into individual functions within the model and then do all the checks in the controller?
// in controller
function post()
//if validation fails -> send response
//if name is not unique -> send response
From a design point of view, if I ever wanted to potentially call the "post" method in the project model from other methods, it would not have an all encompassing function to handle it, however if I do keep it all in one model function it doesn't give me a lot of reusability. If I had to pick sides, chances are I probably wouldn't need to reuse those "check functions" too much anyway, however it also seems weird to have all that response info in the model rather than the controller.
Can anyone please give me some input on this.
I would not create post method inside the model (although having it in the controller is perfectly fine) simply because you just put code/model in such a frame that is not re-usable plus less readable. For instance, instead of post method in the model I would create create method.
There is no one-fits-all way for data validation. I like creating validation classes which have only one method validate for various data types (e.g. username validation class checks if it matches regex and is unique). It's better than copy pasting the validation code to every action (DRY). Where to call this class method? It depends. You can simply call that it in the action. Since the validation code is inside the validation class, it will look alright. You can also create a mapper which takes the request, determines what validations have to be performed and etc. but it might be overkill and is hard to do properly (maintainability wise).
For output again - DRY. It depends on what MVC framework are you using and there might be a good solution for this already. If not, you can create a class for that (yup, I am DRY maniac). You pass response code, array (or string) with response and class nicely wraps everything into JSON, XML format. Advantages: if you change then output format then you need to change only in one place.
Also consider using Remote Facade pattern.
Hopefully, you found something useful in this post.
I would separate the API from the MVC application and use Apify
