Where to add dependencies in MAVEN multi-module project - maven

I am trying to make sense of all the dependency thing in maven multiple module projects. As a starting point I used appfuse to create a new spring mvc multi-module project. It initially has web and core modules.
I found the knowledge of deploying this project. But when I get an error. I am confused of where to add a dependency or a plugin always. I would like to clarify with the following issue.
I created a appfuse mvc multimodule project. I maven installed the core and then maven jetty7:run on web (initially I ran mvn install on root folder and then I tied to mvn tomcat:run on the same folder. But it has to be done as below.
mvn install on core folder
mvn tomcat7:run on web folder
I initially got an error like missing prefix "Tomcat7". I resolved it by adding the following plugin to the pom in web.
And that error was resolved. But I was unsure about that because I can add the plugin to the parent pom. Then I ran again mvn tomcat7:run on web file and now I am getting the following error.
[INFO] >>> tomcat7-maven-plugin:2.0:run (default-cli) # test-web >>>
[WARNING] The POM for org.aspectj:aspectjweaver:jar:1.8.0.M1 is missing, no depe
ndency information available
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
I am not sure where to add the dependency to which pom. I would like know some basics of how the poms can work together to do the installation. For example, There is also a parent pom. But I am not doing a mvn install or anything on the parent pom. I am going to the core and do a mvn install and then go to the web and do a mvn tomcat7:run
I this case how the parent pom contribute to the installation and ruining process? and how should I resolve the above warning and resolve the error.
Some informative answer is very much appreciated. Thanks

You should add the Tomcat plugin to the web project as it will only work in a project that's type "war". There should already be a jetty plugin configured, so "mvn jetty:run" should work from the web folder.


mvn site fails due to dependency resolution

I want to run the site lifecycle after an mvn verify, but it fails.
to be precise:
mvn versions:set -DnextSnapshot=true
mvn install
mvn site
# works
mvn versions:set -DnextSnapshot=true
mvn verify
mvn site
# fails
The project is a bom-based multimodule project consisting of:
pom.xml - root bom
modules/pom.xml - has pom.xml as parent
modules/ci-lib/pom.xml - has modules/pom.xml as parent - library project
modules/ci-main/pom.xml - has modules/pom.xml as parent - uses the library project
for more details, see https://github.com/helt/ez-ci
Error details are quite obvious (mvn -X), but I wonder why the dependency resolution does not look into the project artifacts itself...
[DEBUG] Could not find metadata de.fhg.igd.iva.examples:ci-lib:1.0.3-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml in local (C:\Users\foobar\.m2\repository)
Is there a way to tell maven-site-plugin to look up all information in the respective target/ directories of this project? Any other idea how to fix it is also appreciated...

Could not resolve dependencies for project, except when called with package

I have an EAR project, defined very similarly as the reference project of WildFly. In addition to that, I have another JAR project JarProject
which is included in:
parent's pom.xml (as a <module> and in its <dependencyManagement>)
the EjbProject's pom.xml (with the scope provided)
the EarProject's pom.xml (with the default scope, compile)
The problem is that when executing mvn eclipse:eclipse or mvn wildfly:deploy (from the parent project) it fails with the error
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project EjbProject: Could not resolve dependencies for project groupId:EjbProject:jar:0.0.4-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact groupId:JarProject:jar:0.0.4-SNAPSHOT -> [Help 1]
It somehow looks the JarProject in the local repository, and does not see it in the parent project.
Very important note: mvn package works without problems, as mvn package wildfly:deploy or mvn package eclipse:eclipse do, but without pacakgeing before eclipse:eclipse, it fails.
Maven version: 3.0.4 and 3.3.3
I'm not sure I got the question. Hope this will help...
Goals "eclipse:eclipse" and "wildfly:deploy" do not trigger building of your projects. To use a project as a dependency it needs to be built from the parent pom or installed in you repository.
When you do mvn package eclipse:eclipse the package triggers the build of the JarProject.
If you want do be able to do only mvn eclipse:eclipse then you need to perform a mvn install on your JarProject first.

Spring-core dependency version error with a Jenkins Plugin

I'm trying to make a Jenkins plugin that uses a library that requires spring-core 3.2.2 (cloudfoundry-client-lib). I simply used the mvn command to create a skeleton plugin, then added my Maven dependency to pom.xml and a few simple code lines that uses the library. I'm not getting any problem running the skeleton plugin without my dependency.
Upon compiling with "mvn package", I'm getting a test error:
WARNING: Failed to scout hudson.security.PAMSecurityRealm
java.lang.InstantiationException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/core/env/EnvironmentCapable
Looks like this is a class that appeared in spring-core 3.1.0. So I looked at the Maven dependency tree:
[INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:2.3:tree (default-cli) # stackato-jenkins ---
[INFO] org.wiwiweb:cf-test-jenkins:hpi:1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] \- org.cloudfoundry:cloudfoundry-client-lib:jar:1.0.2:compile
[INFO] \- org.springframework:spring-webmvc:jar:3.2.2.RELEASE:compile
[INFO] \- org.springframework:spring-core:jar:2.5.6.SEC03:compile
So Maven tells me it's using spring-core 2.5.6 because of spring-webmvc 3.2.2? This is strange because, looking online, spring-webmvc 3.2.2 depends on spring-core 3.2.2. Looking at the verbose version of the tree, looks like jenkins-core depends on spring-core 2.5.6... This makes me suspicious that the problem is from Jenkins.
Anyway, if it's just a version conflict, then overriding Maven's decision by explicitly saying I want spring-core 3.2.2 in my pom.xml should solve the problem, right?
I did this, then did not get a compile error. Problem solved!... not.
In runtime, after activating this plugin in Jenkins and running a build with this, as soon as the code runs into a line that uses the library I added, the Jenkins output tells me this:
FATAL: org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils.unmodifiableMultiValueMap(Lorg/springframework/util/MultiValueMap;)Lorg/springframework/util/MultiValueMap;
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils.unmodifiableMultiValueMap(Lorg/springframework/util/MultiValueMap;)Lorg/springframework/util/MultiValueMap;
UnmodifiableMultiValueMap() is a method that was added in spring-core 3.1, so this means Jenkins is still trying to run my plugin with the old version of spring-core, even though I explicitly said I wanted the newest one in my plugin's pom.xml!
So I'm stuck on this. I'm not even sure if it's a Maven or a Jenkins issue. I'll sum up the whole thing in two questions:
Why is Maven not compiling the plugin with a correct version of spring-core unless I explicitly tell him to? It should be able to follow dependencies without me giving it hints.
Why is Jenkins running my plugin with an older version of spring-core than the one it was compiled with, and how can I make it use the correct one?
If you're picking up dependencies from the Jenkins install rather than from your plugin the solution is actual quite easy to implement. Per the Jenkins documentation, simply add the maven-hpi-plugin to the build in the pom.xml of your Jenkins plugin and set it to load the plugin classes first:
Try to "shade" the CF client lib using the Maven Shade plugin, as it seems Jenkins doesn't like plugins that are using a different version of Spring than the one it uses internally itself.
Even if your own plugin doesn't use Spring directly, but the CF library does, I believe this still applies. The person that suggested shading in the jenkinsci-dev mailing list seems to be involved in Jenkins plugins development, so he might know about this more than others.
These being said, I would get the source code for cf-client-lib, I would change the pom.xml to consider shading for org.springframework package, as well (because cf-client-lib already uses shading for org.codehaus.jackson package) and I would use this "shaded" version of cf-client-lib in the Jenkins plugin.

"mvn clean generate-sources" could not resolve dependencies

I met a weird problem. I have a multi-modules enterprise project that is built in Maven. I setup the project hierarchy like this
--MyEar (packaging ear)
--MyUtilJar (packaging jar)
--MyEJB (packing ejb)
--MyWeb (packaging war)
In the MyEJB project, the pom.xml actually binds the apt plugin to the generate-sources phase to generate some java codes. MyEJB depends on MyUtilJar project.
My problem is that when I execute the mvn clean compile, everything works fine. But if I execute mvn clean generate-sources instead, it throws error, complaining it cannot resolve dependency for artifact mygroup:MyUtilJar:jar:1.0.
How can I solve this issue?
In order for the generate-sources to work, you need to have all dependencies in a repository - your local one or a remote one. Just having the dependency in a folder near where it's needed won't work.
Try building and installing the until to put it in your local repository then running the generate-sources.

Maven-ear plugin: could not resolve dependencies to ejbModule

I am probably missing something but how is the maven ear plugin (I'm using version 2.5) resolving ejbModule dependencies? I have the following structure:
my-parent (multimodule)
-- pom.xml
-- myEar
In the ear I have the dependency to myEjb.
2 things that are unexpected when i execute mvn package under myEar
It does not build (package) myEjb.
It does try to resolve the depedency to myEjb via repository, which is in our case our custom sonar repository that we configured in settings.xml. I would like not to have to install myEjb to our custom sonar respository in a separate step.
What I expected from the plugin would be: check the ejbModules dependencies, build and package them if not done or something changed, copy the jar to the target directory of the ear project and package the whole thing correctly.
Obviously I am missing something though, anybody can enlighten me?
Based on your structure you have to build from the root of your project which means you have to change to my-parent directory
my-parent (multimodule)
-- pom.xml
-- myEar
and do
mvn clean package
The behaviour you described that maven tries to solve the dependencies against your local repository is the usual process. You can do partialy building a single module within a multi-module build but in your case this won't work cause you depend on your myEjb which neeeds to be rebuilded. Otherwise you can do a
mvn install
first and after that you can do from the root:
mvn -pl myEjb clean test
which will only build the myEjb module and uses the dependencies from the repository (localy in this case).
