Control data locality in Impala by partitioning - hadoop

I would like to avoid Impala nodes unnecessarily requesting data from other nodes over the network in cases when the ideal data locality or layout is known at table creation time. This would be helpful with 'non-additive' operations where all records from a partition are needed at the same place (node) anyway (for ex. percentiles).
Is it possible to tell Impala that all data in a partition should always be co-located on a single node for any HDFS replica?
In Impala-SQL, I am not sure if the "PARTITIONED BY" clause provide this feature. In my understanding, Impala chunks its partitions into separate files on HDFS but HDFS does not guarantee the co-location of related files nor blocks by default (rather tries to achieve the opposite).
Found some information about Impala's impact on HDFS development but not clear if these are already implemented or still in plans:
(slides 23-24)
Thank you in advance for all.

About the slides you mention ("Co-located block replicas") - it's about an HDFS feature (HDFS-2576) implemented in Hadoop 2.1. It provides a Java API to give hints to HDFS as to where the blocks should be placed.
It's not used in Impala as of 2014, but it definitely seems like building some groundwork for that - as it would give Impala a performance equivalent of specifying distribution key in traditional MPP databases.

No, that completely defeats the purpose of having a distributed file system and MPP computing. It also creates a single point of failure and a bottleneck especially if you're talking about a 250GB table that is joined to itself. Exactly the kind of problems that Hadoop was designed to solve. Partitioning data creates sub-directories in HDFS on the namenode and that data is then replicated throughout the datanodes in the cluster.


is it possible to convert from hbase to spark rdd efficiency?

I have a large dataset of items in hbase that I want to load into a spark rdd for processing. My understanding is that hbase is optimized for low-latency single item searches on hadoop, so I am wondering if it's possible to efficiently query for 100 million items in hbase (~10Tb in size)?
Here is some general advice on making Spark and HBase work together.
Data colocation and partitioning
Spark avoids shuffling : if your Spark workers and HBase regions are located on the same machines, Spark will create partitions according to regions.
A good region split in HBase will map to a good partitioning in Spark.
If possible, consider working on your rowkeys and region splits.
Operations in Spark vs operations in HBase
Rule of thumb : use HBase scans only, and do everything else with Spark.
To avoid shuffling in your Spark operations, you can consider working on your partitions. For example : you can join 2 Spark rdd from HBase scans on their Rowkey or Rowkey prefix without any shuffling.
Hbase configuration tweeks
This discussion is a bit old (some configurations are not up to date) but still interesting :
And the link below has also some leads:
You might find multiple sources (including the ones above) suggesting to change the scanner cache config, but this holds only with HBase < 1.x
We had this exact question at Splice Machine. We found the following based on our tests.
HBase had performance challenges if you attempted to perform remote scans from spark/mapreduce.
The large scans hurt performance of ongoing small scans by forcing garbage collection.
There was not a clear resource management dividing line between OLTP and OLAP queries and resources.
We ended up writing a custom reader that reads the HFiles directly from HDFS and performs incremental deltas with the memstore during scans. With this, Spark could perform quick enough for most OLAP applications. We also separated the resource management so the OLAP resources were allocated via YARN (On Premise) or Mesos (Cloud) so they would not disturb normal OLTP apps.
I wish you luck on your endeavor. Splice Machine is open source and you are welcome to checkout out our code and approach.

HDFS vs HIVE partitioning

This may be a simple thing but i'm struggling to find the answer. When the data is loaded to HDFS its distributed and loaded into multiple nodes. The data is partitioned and distributed.
For HIVE there is a separate option to PARTITION the data. I'm pretty sure that even if you don't mention the PARTITION option, the data will be split and distributed to different nodes on the cluster, when loading a hive table. What additional benefit does this command give in this case.
summarizing comments and for Hadoop v1-v2.x:
a logical partitioning, eg. related to a date or field in a string, as written in the comments above, is only possible in hive, hcat or a another sql or parallel engine working on top of hadoop, using a fileformat which supports partitioning (Parquet, ORC, CSV are ok, but eg. XML is hard or nearly impossible to partition)
logical partitioning (like in hive, hcat) can be used as a replacement for not having an indexes
'partitioning of hdfs storage' on local or distributed nodes is possible by defining the partitions during setup of hdfs, see
HDFS is able to "balance" or 'distribute' blocks over nodes
Natively, blocks can't be split and distributed to folders by HDFS according to their content, only moved at whole to another node
blocks (not files!) are replicated in the HDFS cluster according to the HDFS replication factor:
$ hdfs fsck /
(thanks David and Kris for your discussion above, also explains most of it and please take this post as summary)
HDFS partition : Mainly deals with the storage of files on the node. For fault tolerance, files are replicated across the cluster( Using replication factor)
Hive partition : It's an optimization technique in Hive.
Inside Hive DB, while storing tables and for better performance on the queries we go for partitioning.
Partitioning gives information about how data is stored in hive and how to read the data.
Hive Partitioning can be controlled on the column level of the table data.

Cassandra vs HDFS to store analytics data

we have an Apache Spark cluster that analyse data stored in HDFS (.parquet).
The solution is optimal in terms of performance but it's not disaster safe as we would like, indeed, HDFS architecture has a single point of failure (the namenode) even using two namenode (you just have 2 point of failure but it's not enough).
To improve our cluster fault tolerance we would like to move to another data store solution like Cassandra.
Questions are:
With Cassandra as datastore is Spark able to leverage on DataLocality as it do with HDFS?
How this change can affect the performance?
There's article about data locality, spark and Cassandra, so yes, it is possible:
I didn't done any performance checks with Spark on HDFS vs Cassandra, and i believe it will vary depending on different workflows, but since Netflix and Microsoft using Cassandra with Spark, i believe performance is acceptable in most cases, and probably is a trade-off between data ingestion speed, existence/nonexistence of ETL and speed of the analytical process.
About hadoop single point of failure - If you will run Cassandra with replication factor 3 and consistency level quorum, you will get same 2 nodes down that will make data unavailable :) , keep it in mind.
And maybe consider MapR hadoop distribution, they've tried to solve namenode problem.

HBase on Hadoop, data locality deep diving

I have read multiple articles about how HBase gain data locality i.e link
or HBase the Definitive guide book.
I have understood that when re-writing HFile, Hadoop would write the blocks on the same machine which is actually the same Region Server that made compaction and created bigger file on Hadoop. everything is well understood yet.
Assuming a Region server has a region file (HFile) which is splitted on Hadoop to multiple block i.e A,B,C. Does that means all block (A,B,C) would be written to the same region server?
What would happen if HFile after compaction has 10 blocks (huge file), but region server doesn't have storage for all of them? does it means we loose data locality, since those blocks would be written on other machine?
Thanks for the help.
HBase uses HDFS API to write data to the distributed file sytem (HDFS). I know this will increase your doubt on the data locality.
When a client writes data to HDFS using the hdfs API, it ensures that a copy of the data is written to the local datatnode (if applicable) and then go for replication.
Now I will answer your questions,
Yes. HFile(blocks) written by a specific RegionServer(RS) resides in the local datanode until it is moved for load balancing or recovery by the HMaster(will be back on major compaction). So the blocks A,B,C would be there in the same region server.
Yes. This may happen. But we can control the same by configuring region start and end key for each regions for HBase tables at creation time, which allows the data to be equally distributed in the cluster.
Hope this helps.

Spark with HBASE vs Spark with HDFS

I know that HBASE is a columnar database that stores structured data of tables into HDFS by column instead of by row. I know that Spark can read/write from HDFS and that there is some HBASE-connector for Spark that can now also read-write HBASE tables.
1) What are the added capabilities brought by layering Spark on top of HBASE instead of using HBASE solely? It depends only on programmer capabilities or is there any performance reason to do that? Are there things Spark can do and HBASE solely can't do?
2) Stemming from previous question, when you should add HBASE between HDFS and SPARK instead of using directly HDFS?
1) What are the added capabilities brought by layering Spark on top of
HBASE instead of using HBASE solely? It depends only on programmer
capabilities or is there any performance reason to do that? Are there
things Spark can do and HBASE solely can't do?
At Splice Machine, we use Spark for our analytics on top of HBase. HBase does not have an execution engine and spark provides a competent execution engine on top of HBase (Intermediate results, Relational Algebra, etc.). HBase is a MVCC storage structure and Spark is an execution engine. They are natural complements to one another.
2) Stemming from previous question, when you should add HBASE between
HDFS and SPARK instead of using directly HDFS?
Small reads, concurrent write/read patterns, incremental updates (most etl)
Good luck...
I'd say that using distributed computing engines like Apache Hadoop or Apache Spark imply basically a full scan of any data source. That's the whole point of processing the data all at once.
HBase is good at cherry-picking particular records, while HDFS certainly much more performant with full scans.
When you do a write to HBase from Hadoop or Spark, you won't write it to database is usual - it's hugely slow! Instead, you want to write the data to HFiles directly and then bulk import them into.
The reason people invent SQL databases is because HDDs were very very slow at that time. It took the most clever people tens of years to invent different kind of indexes to clever use the bottleneck resource (disk). Now people try to invent NoSQL - we like associative arrays and we need them be distributed (that's what essentially what NoSQL is) - they're very simple and very convenient. But in todays world with SSDs being cheap no one needs databases - file system is good enough in most cases. The one thing, though, is that it has to be distributed to keep up the distributed computations.
Answering original questions:
These are two different tools for completely different problems.
I think if you use Apache Spark for data analysis, you have to avoid HBase (Cassandra or any other database). They can be useful to keep aggregated data to build reports or picking specific records about users or items, but that's happen after the processing.
Hbase is a No SQL data base that works well to fetch your data in a fast fashion. Though it is a db, it used large number of Hfile(similar to HDFS files) to store your data and a low latency acces.
So use Hbase when it suits a requirement that your data needs to accessed by other big data.
Spark on the other hand, is the in-memory distributed computing engine which have connectivity to hdfs, hbase, hive, postgreSQL,json files,parquet files etc.
There is no considerable performance change while reading from a HDFS file or Hbase upto some gbs. After that Hbase connectivity is becoming faster....
