Equivalent of /dev/urandom on Windows? - windows

My application would like to get a random number, preferably with entropy if available, but does not need cryptographic quality, and would like to do ensure that the call does not block if the system entropy pool is depleted (e.g. on a server in a farm).
I am aware of CryptGenRandom, but its behaviour with respect to blocking under adverse entropy conditions is not specified.
On Unix, /dev/urandom supports this use case. Is there equivalent functionality available on Windows? I would prefer to avoid using a non-system RNG simply to get non-blocking semantics.

For a toy application, you could use the standard library function rand(), but the implementation on Windows is of notoriously poor quality. For cryptographically secure random numbers, you can use the rand_s() standard library function.
A better bet is simply to include a suitable pseudo-random number generator in your program. The Mersenne Twister is a good choice IMO, particularly as there are plenty of available implementations (including in the C++11 standard library and in Boost).

If I need non-blocking behaviour on random numbers, I generally pre-generate n numbers and store them in an in memory variable: ie if I know I will need 30 random numbers per second, takes 3 seconds to compute them (including blocks), then I will pre-generate 300 while the main code is loading, store them in an array or vector and use them at need; whilst using them I generate another one on a separate thread every time I use one up, replacing the utilised random number with the newly generated one and moving on to the next one in the list, that way when I hit the limit (in this case 300) I know when I can simply start again at the start of my array/vector/list and all the random numbers are fresh and will be non-blocking (as they are pre-generated).
This means you can use any random number generator you like and not worry about blocking behaviour, however it has the expense of utilising more ram, negligible however for the sort of coding I need random numbers for.
Hope this helps, as I couldn't fit this all into a comment:)

You could wait for one good seed full of entropy and follow GMasucci advice to pre-generate a long list of random numbers.
Unless your system is already compromised it seems that a good seed it's good enough to generate a series of non-related numbers as discussed in http://www.2uo.de/myths-about-urandom/
From the discussion I get that a continuous feed of ("true"/"fresh") random numbers it's only needed if your system state (your sources of entropy are known and the attacker knows their current state) it is compromised at some point. After feeding your block cypher more randomness, the predictability of its output will get lower.
Source of seeds? Two or more pieces of trusted software that are less likely to be already compromised. I try to blur out the predictability of the functions that use time functions as seed: local rand_function() + some variable delay + mysql's rand().
From there, a list of pseudo-random numbers generated by some good library.


What should be used as a PRNG seed?

Most papers either do not even mention it or just say get an "initial vector" from somewhere somehow.
The approach posted in a lot of places is to use system time. However isn't this a serious vulnerability (assuming the algorithms are known)? If the time is known withing a few seconds I estimate (by doing a few trivial tests using QueryPerformanceCounter) there would be less than 24 bits of actual information (quite pathetic). Plus since time has a somewhat predictable nature, one could generate necessary information for a hypothetical attack in advance.
Is there a way to initialize a PRNG and not feel sad?
If you are needing to generate cryptographically secure random numbers, you should almost always use the operating system's CSPRNG; that is, /dev/urandom, CryptGenRandom, getrandom, getentropy, or the like. This will be secure, well-seeded, well-tested, and generally foolproof.
In the unlikely event that you actually need a different CSPRNG, then the PRNG entropy should either be drawn from the system CSPRNG or another CSPRNG that is seeded from the system one. For example, in the event you really need to generate random numbers very quickly and the OS generator is not fast enough, you could use a per-thread CSPRNG seeded from the OS generator.
We assume that an attacker knows how your code is designed and structured, so if you seed a CSPRNG with easily guessable values like the PID, time, or user ID, then it's likely that an attacker will be able to guess future output based on seeing a small amount of output.
If you don't need cryptographic security, you can draw the seed from any source you like, but the OS CSPRNG is not a bad choice if you don't care very much but just want a good seed. For non-cryptographic purposes, I like ChaCha8 (which is a cryptographic algorithm, but with 8 rounds is insufficiently conservative) as my PRNG because it is generally faster than most alternatives, has good statistical properties, and can easily be seeded with any 32- or 64-bit value by just repeating that value as the key. In such a case, as long as the seed is unlikely to repeat, it will probably produce good output.

What are typical means by which a random number can be generated in an embedded system?

What are typical means by which a random number can be generated in an embedded system? Can you offer advantages and disadvantages for each method, and/or some factors that might make you choose one method over another?
First, you have to ask a fundamental question: do you need unpredictable random numbers?
For example, cryptography requires unpredictable random numbers. That is, nobody must be able to guess what the next random number will be. This precludes any method that seeds a random number generator from common parameters such as the time: you need a proper source of entropy.
Some applications can live with a non-cryptographic-quality random number generator. For example, if you need to communicate over Ethernet, you need a random number generator for the exponential back-off; statistic randomness is enough for this¹.
Unpredictable RNG
You need an unpredictable RNG whenever an adversary might try to guess your random numbers and do something bad based on that guess. For example, if you're going to generate a cryptographic key, or use many other kinds of cryptographic algorithms, you need an unpredictable RNG.
An unpredictable RNG is made of two parts: an entropy source, and a pseudo-random number generator.
Entropy sources
An entropy source kickstarts the unpredictability. Entropy needs to come from an unpredictable source or a blend of unpredictable sources. The sources don't need to be fully unpredictable, they need to not be fully predictable. Entropy quantifies the amount of unpredictability. Estimating entropy is difficult; look for research papers or evaluations from security professionals.
There are three approaches to generating entropy.
Your device may include some non-deterministic hardware. Some devices include a dedicated hardware RNG based on physical phenomena such as unstable oscillators, thermal noise, etc. Some devices have sensors which capture somewhat unpredictable values, such as the low-order bits of light or sound sensors.
Beware that hardware RNG often have precise usage conditions. Most methods require some time after power-up before their output is truly random. Often environmental factors such as extreme temperatures can affect the randomness. Read the RNG's usage notes very carefully. For cryptographic applications, it is generally recommended to make statistical tests the HRNG's output and refuse to operate if these tests fail.
Never use a hardware RNG directly. The output is rarely fully unpredictable — e.g. each bit may have a 60% probability of being 1, or the probability of two consecutive bits being equal may be only 48%. Use the hardware RNG to seed a PRNG as explained below.
You can preload a random seed during manufacturing and use that afterwards. Entropy doesn't wear off when you use it²: if you have enough entropy to begin with, you'll have enough entropy during the lifetime of your device. The danger with keeping entropy around is that it must remain confidential: if the entropy pool accidentally leaks, it's toast.
If your device has a connection to a trusted third party (e.g. a server of yours, or a master node in a sensor network), it can download entropy from that (over a secure channel).
Pseudo-random number generator
A PRNG, also called deterministic random bit generator (DRBG), is a deterministic algorithm that generates a sequence of random numbers by transforming an internal state. The state must be seeded with sufficient entropy, after which the PRNG can run practically forever. Cryptographic-quality PRNG algorithms are based on cryptographic primitives; always use a vetted algorithm (preferably some well-audited third-party code if available).
The PRNG needs to be seeded with entropy. You can choose to inject entropy once during manufacturing, or at each boot, or periodically, or any combination.
Entropy after a reboot
You need to take care that the device doesn't boot twice in the same RNG state: otherwise an observer can repeat the same sequence of RNG calls after a reset and will know the RNG output the second time round. This is an issue for factory-injected entropy (which by definition is always the same) as well as for entropy derived from sensors (which takes time to accumulate).
If possible, save the RNG state to persistent storage. When the device boots, read the RNG state, apply some transformation to it (e.g. by generating one random word), and save the modified state. After this is done, you can start returning random numbers to applications and system services. That way, the device will boot with a different RNG state each time.
If this is not possible, you ned to be very careful. If your device has factory-injected entropy plus a reliable clock, you can mix the clock value into the RNG state to achieve unicity; however, beware that if your device loses power and the clock restarts from some fixed origin (blinking twelve), you'll be in a repeatable state.
Predictable RNG state after a reset or at the first boot is a common problem with embedded devices (and with servers). For example, a study of RSA public keys showed that many had been generated with insufficient entropy, resulting in many devices generating the same key³.
Statistical RNG
If you can't achieve a cryptographic quality, you can fall back to a less good RNG. You need to be aware that some applications (including a lot of cryptography) will be impossible.
Any RNG relies on a two-part structure: a unique seed (i.e. an entropy source) and a deterministic algorithm based on that seed.
If you can't gather enough entropy, at least gather as much as possible. In particular, make sure that no two devices start from the same state (this can usually be achieved by mixing the serial number into the RNG seed). If at all possible, arrange for the seed not to repeat after a reset.
The only excuse not to use a cryptographic DRBG is if your device doesn't have enough computing power. In that case, you can fall back to faster algorithm that allow observers to guess some numbers based on the RNG's past or future output. The Mersenne twister is a popular choice, but there have been improvements since its invention.
¹ Even this is debatable: with non-crypto-quality random backoff, another device could cause a denial of service by aligning its retransmission time with yours. But there are other ways to cause a DoS, by transmitting more often.
² Technically, it does, but only at an astronomical scale.
³ Or at least with one factor in common, which is just as bad.
One way to do it would be to create a Pseudo Random Bit Sequence, just a train of zeros and ones, and read the bottom bits as a number.
PRBS can be generated by tapping bits off a shift register, doing some logic on them, and using that logic to produce the next bit shifted in. Seed the shift register with any non zero number. There's a math that tells you which bits you need to tap off of to generate a maximum length sequence (i.e., 2^N-1 numbers for an N-bit shift register). There are tables out there for 2-tap, 3-tap, and 4-tap implementations. You can find them if you search on "maximal length shift register sequences" or "linear feedback shift register.
from: http://www.markharvey.info/fpga/lfsr/
HOROWITZ AND HILL gave a great part of a chapter on this. Most of the math surrounds the nature of the PRBS and not the number you generate with the bit sequence. There are some papers out there on the best ways to get a number out of the bit sequence and improving correlation by playing around with masking the bits you use to generate the random number, e.g., Horan and Guinee, Correlation Analysis of Random Number Sequences based on Pseudo Random Binary Sequence Generation, In the Proc. of IEEE ISOC ITW2005 on Coding and Complexity; editor M.J. Dinneen; co-chairs U. Speidel and D. Taylor; pages 82-85
An advantage would be that this can be achieved simply by bitshifting and simple bit logic operations. A one-liner would do it. Another advantage is that the math is pretty well understood. A disadvantage is that this is only pseudorandom, not random. Also, I don't know much about random numbers, and there might be better ways to do this that I simply don't know about.
How much energy you expend on this would depend on how random you need the number to be. If I were running a gambling site, and needed random numbers to generate deals, I wouldn't depend on Pseudo Random Bit Sequences. In those cases, I would probably look into analog noise techniques, maybe Johnson Noise around a big honking resistor or some junction noise on a PN junction, amplify that and sample it. The advantages of that are that if you get it right, you have a pretty good random number. The disadvantages are that sometimes you want a pseudorandom number where you can exactly reproduce a sequence by storing a seed. Also, this uses hardware, which someone must pay for, instead of a line or two of code, which is cheap. It also uses A/D conversion, which is yet another peripheral to use. Lastly, if you do it wrong -- say make a mistake where 60Hz ends up overwhelming your white noise-- you can get a pretty lousy random number.
What are typical means by which a random number can be generated in an embedded system?
Giles indirectly stated this: it depends on the use.
If you are using the generator to drive a simulation, then all you need is a uniform distribution and a linear congruential generator (LCG) will work fine.
If you need a secure generator, then its a trickier problem. I'm side-stepping what it means to be secure, but from 10,000 feet think "wrap it in a cryptographic transformation", like a SHA-1/HMAC or SHA-512/HMAC. There are others ways, like sampling random events, but they may not be viable.
When you need secure random numbers, some low resource devices are notoriously difficult to work with. See, for example, Mining Your Ps and Qs: Detection of Widespread Weak Keys in Network Devices and Traffic sensor flaw that could allow driver tracking fixed. And a caveat for Linux 3.0 kernel users: the kernel removed a couple of entropy sources, so entropy depletion and starvation might have gotten worse. See Appropriate sources of entropy on LWN.
If you have a secure generator, then your problem becomes getting your hands on a good seed (or seeds over time). One of the better methods I have seen for environments that are constrained is Hedging. Hedging was proposed for Virtual Machines where a program could produce the same sequence after a VM reset.
The idea for hedging is to extract the randomness provided by your peer, and use it to keep you secure generator fit. For example, in the case of TLS, there is a client_random and a server_random. If the device is a server, then it would stir in the client_random. If the device is a client, then it would stir in server_random.
You can find the two papers of interest that address hedging at:
When Good Randomness Goes Bad: Virtual Machine Reset
Vulnerabilities and Hedging Deployed Cryptography
When Virtual is Harder than Real: Resource Allocation Challenges in
Virtual Machine Based IT Environments
Using client_random and a server_random is consistent with Peter Guttman's view on the subject: "mix every entropy source you can get your hands on into your PRNG, including less-than-perfect ones". Gutmann is the author of Engineering Security.
Hedging only solves part of the problem. You will still need to solve other problems, like how to bootstrap the entropy pool, how to regenerate system key pairs when the pool is in a bad state, and how persist the entropy across reboots when there's no filesystem.
Although it may not be the most complex or sound method, it can be fun to use external stimuli as your seed for random number generation. Consider using analogue input from a photodiode, or a thermistor. Even random noise from a floating pin could potentially yield some interesting results.

Truly random number generator

From what I understand PRNG uses a seed that generates a sequence of numbers that is not truly random. Would it be possible to create a truly random number generator by reusing PRNG over and over with different seeds each time it is used. The seed could be extracted from dev/random or the current time or clock tick. If not then is there a truly random number generator implemented in software?
If you re-seed the PRNG every time you need a random number you can just cut out the middle man and use the seed directly as random number.
But what you're talking about is done in practice. Those are so-called cryptographically-secure PRNGs and they are employed in many operating systems to provide random numbers for cryptographic applications. They get re-seeded frequently from the entropy pool and are designed so that it is computationally very hard to figure out the next number from knowing past ones (something that's very trivial to do for an LCG, for example) and also to figure out past numbers from the current one.
The benefot of this approach is that you don't block generating random numbers. Entropy in a system is a limited resource and can only come from outside sources, so by using a CSPRNG you can safely stretch it and not compromise security at the same time.
The simple answer is that there is no such implementation because, as far as I know, it's simply not possible. To generate truly random numbers you need an outside source of entropy like a hardware random number generator.
The clock is not very random, but /dev/random has some randomness - it's actually like a bucket of randomness that you can deplete depending on the rate of randomness production and consumption. If you use dev/random, then you don't have use an RNG. Seeding an RNG from /dev/random is redundant.
Intel is working on something that could be truly groundbreaking if it works as advertised. It would practically render hardware PRNGs redundant.

True Random Number Generator using atmospheric noise

I have to build an One Time Pad system and for that, I have to build my own TRNG. I want to know how to make record atmospheric noise and use that to generate random numbers. I've tried so far to record a .wav file and read it in Java, but the values don't seem very...random. Any suggestions? I know about Random.org, but I can't really use their generators, I have to build my own, so what I want is some insight into how the folks at Random.org have built their numbers generator, with atmospheric noise as a source of 'randomness'.
Non Real-time solution
What you can do is record the audio surrounding the room before in and save a temporary WAV file. If you know how the WAV file works which is based on the RIFF specification. Then strip the WAV header which is 44 bytes in length. Then read the audio bytes and do the proper conversions depending on whether you want to generate WORDS, DWORDS, or BYTES, it is up to you. Then you should have some random values to work with. Then use those random values accordingly.
Real-time solution
Since I do not know whether you want to program this in Java or some other language. In addition, I do not know the intended platform; so I cannot recommend you any realtime audio processing libraries.
For C# you can use NAudio and you can record the audio in realtime and recieve the audio bytes. Then you can convert the audio bytes into either a DWORD, QWORD, WORD, etc. You should be able to have some random values. Remember to stop recording and to release unmanaged resources when generating random numbers has ceased.
Good Resources On The WAV File Specification
Link to the specification (Easy to understand)
The answer is unknown and probably intentionally so. Although hard to be sure, the site seems to be a combination of charity and for-profit work. Each radio source only produces a few Kbps of random data. How he describes it in many links, I don't see evidence of a CSRNG. It doesn't matter. For OTP purposes, if it's not truly random, it's a glorified stream cipher. (I think that's what Bruce and others have always said.)
I find it hard to recall when a good CSRNG was broken. I'd recommend you use something like ISAAC or a properly implemented block/stream cipher. Perfect Paper Passwords does this. Use a Fortuna construction with the internals of Fortuna using the above ciphers/algorithms to produce the majority of the random data. The Fortuna system can regularly have data injected into it by a TRNG. The very best TRNG on a budget is random.org plus locally generated stuff. The best cheap, hardware solution is a VIA Artigo board with VIA Padlock (TRNG + acceleration for SHA-1, SHA256, AES, & RSA) for $300. They have libraries to help you use things, too. (There's even a pseudo-TRNG that uses processor timing under network load.)
Remember, the crypto is usually the strongest link in the chain. System security exists on many levels: processor, firmware, peripheral firmware (esp DMA), kernel mode code, OS, trusted middleware or OS functions, application. Security as a whole includes users, policy, physical security, EMSEC, etc. Anyone worrying way too much about RNG's is usually wasting effort. Just use an accepted solution or something I mentioned above. Then, focus on the rest. Especially, how people and systems interact. Configuration, patching, choice of OS, policies. Most problems happen there.
I recall an article on random.org that I can't seem to find now. I all remember is that they used the lsb of the noise they were measuring. The MSBs will certainly not be random. Then then generated a string of 1s and 0's based on the lsb. Don't do something silly like a simple binary conversion, that won't work. You maybe have to sample the noise in binary, to make the distribution of the lsb have a more uniform sampling.
The trick they used to ensure an even distribution was to not use this string of 1's and 0's as the random numbers. Instead they would parse the string, 2 bits at a time. Every time the bits matched (ie 00 or 11) they added a 1 to their random string. Every times the bits flipped (ie 01 or 10) they added a 0 to their random string.
If you make your own TRNG, make sure you verify it!
It is hardly possible to get real random numbers out of software. Even the static in your wav file is likely to be influenced by periodic EMI generated by your computer and is therefore not purely random.
Can you use special hardware or are you forced to stick to pure software? Why won't pseudo random numbers satisfy your needs? They will do fine on a relatively small number of random samples. Because you want to use the random numbers in an OTP, I guess you won't be using it in a big scale.
Can you provide a little more detail?
The atmospheric noise approach to generating random numbers is complex because the atmosphere is filled with non-random signals, all of which pollute the entropy you seek. There is an easier way.
Chances are good your CPU already contains a true random number generator, assuming you have an Intel Ivy Bridge-based Core/Xeon processor, which became available in April, 2012. (The new Haswell architecture also has this feature).
Intel's random generator exploits the random effects of thermal noise inside an unstable digital circuit. Thermal noise is just random atomic vibrations, which is pretty much the same underlying physical phenomenon that Random.org uses when it samples atmospheric noise. The sampled random bits go through a sophisticated conditioning and testing process to eliminate pollution from non-random signals. I highly recommend this excellent article on IEEE Spectrum which describes the process in detail.
Intel added a new x86 instruction called RDRAND that allows programs to directly retrieve these random numbers. Although Java does not yet support direct access to RDRAND, it's possible using JNI. This is the approach I took with the drnglib project. For example:
DigitalRandom random = new DigitalRandom();
The nextInt() method is implemented as a JNI native call that invokes RDRAND. The performance is pretty good considering the quality of randomness. Using eight threads, I've generated ~760 MB/sec of random data.
True random number generators (TRNGs) are usually from natural sources like seismic signals, non-stationary bio-signals, etc. The two issues faced by these generators are:
1) The data points are non-uniformly distributed
2) It takes very long time to generate large sequence of numbers (specially when the requirement is in millions).
However, the most important advantage on their part is their unpredictable nature. To overcome their issues and to retain its advantage, it is better to fuse the output of TRNG to seed a pseudo-random number generator. For this, you may try using the amplitude values of atmospheric noise at random time points and use it to seed a PRNG.
This will help you to get large numbers of uniformly distributed values. As the seed is unpredictable, the output of PRNG too becomes unpredictable.

Do stateless random number generators exist?

Is there a difference between generating multiple numbers using a single random number generator (RNG) versus generating one number per generator and discarding it? Do both implementations generate numbers which are equally random? Is there a difference between the normal RNGs and the secure RNGs for this?
I have a web application that is supposed to generate a list of random numbers on behalf of clients. That is, the numbers should appear to be random from each client's point of view. Does this mean I need retain a separate random RNG per client session? Or can I share a single RNG across all sessions? Or can I create and discard a RNG on a per-request basis?
UPDATE: This question is related to Is a subset of a random sequence also random?
A random number generator has a state -- that's actually a necessary feature. The next "random" number is a function of the previous number and the seed/state. The purists call them pseudo-random number generators. The numbers will pass statistical tests for randomness, but aren't -- actually -- random.
The sequence of random values is finite and does repeat.
Think of a random number generator as shuffling a collection of numbers and then dealing them out in a random order. The seed is used to "shuffle" the numbers. Once the seed is set, the sequence of numbers is fixed and very hard to predict. Some seeds will repeat sooner than others.
Most generators have period that is long enough that no one will notice it repeating. A 48-bit random number generator will produce several hundred billion random numbers before it repeats -- with (AFAIK) any 32-bit seed value.
A generator will only generate random-like values when you give it a single seed and let it spew values. If you change seeds, then numbers generated with the new seed value may not appear random when compared with values generated by the previous seed -- all bets are off when you change seeds. So don't.
A sound approach is to have one generator and "deal" the numbers around to your various clients. Don't mess with creating and discarding generators. Don't mess with changing seeds.
Above all, never try to write your own random number generator. The built-in generators in most language libraries are really good. Especially modern ones that use more than 32 bits.
Some Linux distros have a /dev/random and /dev/urandom device. You can read these once to seed your application's random number generator. These have more-or-less random values, but they work by "gathering noise" from random system events. Use them sparingly so there are lots of random events between uses.
I would recommend using a single generator multiple times. As far as I know, all the generators have a state. When you seed a generator, you set its state to something based on the seed. If you keep spawning new ones, it's likely that the seeds you pick will not be as random as the numbers generated by using just one generator.
This is especially true with most generators I've used, which use the current time in milliseconds as a seed.
Hardware-based, true [1], random number generators are possible, but non-trivial and often have low mean rates. Availablity can also be an issue [2]. Googling for "shot noise" or "radioactive decay" in combination with "random number generator" should return some hits.
These systems do not need to maintain state. Probably not what you were looking for.
As noted by others, software systems are only pseudo-random, and must maintain state.
A compromise is to use a hardware based RNG to provide an entropy pool (stored state) which is made available to seed a PRNG. This is done quite explicitly in the linux implementation of /dev/random [3] and /dev/urandom [4].
These is some argument about just how random the default inputs to the /dev/random entropy pool really are.
modulo any problems with our understanding of physics
because you're waiting for a random process
/dev/random features direct access to the entropy pool seeded from various sources believed to be really or nearly random, and blocks when the entropy is exhausted
/dev/urandom is like /dev/random, but when the entopy is exhausted a cryptographic hash is employed which makes the entropy pool effectively a stateful PRNG
If you create a RNG and generate a single random number from it then discard the RNG, the number generated is only as random as the seed used to start the RNG.
It would be much better to create a single RNG and draw many numbers from it.
As people have already said, it's much better to seed the PRNG once, and reuse it. A secure PRNG is simply one which is suitable for cryptographic applications. The only way re-seeding each time will give reasonably random results is where it comes from a genuinely random "real world" source - ie specialised hardware. Even then, it's possible that the source is biased and it will still be theoretically better to use the same PRNG over.
Normally seeding a new state takes quite while for a serious PRNG, and making new ones each time won't really help much.
The only case I can think of where you might want more than one PRNG is for different systems, say in a casino game you have one generator for shuffling cards and a separate one to generate comments done by the computer control characters, this way REALLY dedicated users can't guess outcomes based on character behaviors.
A nice solution for seeding is to use this (Random.org) , they supply random numbers generated from the atmospheric noise for free. It could be a better source for seeding than using time.
Edit: In your case, I would definitely use one PRNG per client, if for no other reason than for good programming standards. Anyways if you share one PRNG among clients, you will still be providing pseudo-random values to each, of a quality equal to your PRNG's quality. So that's a viable option but seems like a bad policy for programming
It's worth mentioning that Haskell is a language which attempts to entirely eliminate mutable state. In order to reconcile this goal with hard-requirements like IO (which requires some form of mutability), monads must be used to thread state from one calculation to the next. In this way, Haskell implements its pseudo-random number generator. Strictly speaking, generating random numbers is an inherently stateful operation, but Haskell is able to hide this fact by moving the state "mutation" into the bind (>>=) operation.
This probably sounds a little abstract, and it doesn't really answer your question completely, but I think it is still applicable. From a theoretical standpoint, it is impossible to work with a RNG without involving state. Regardless, there are techniques which can be used to mitigate this interaction and make it appear as if the entire operation is of a stateless nature.
It's generally better to create a single PRNG and pull multiple values from it. Creating multiple instances means you need to ensure that the seeds for the instances are guaranteed unique, which will require incorporating instance-specific information.
As an aside, there are better "true" Random Number Generators, but they usually require specialized hardware which does things like derive random data from electrical signal variance inside the computer. Unless you're really worried about it, I'd say the Pseudo Random Number Generators built into the language libraries and/or OS are probably sufficient, as long as your seed value is not easily predictable.
The use of a secure PRNG depends on your application. What are the random numbers used for?
If they're something of real value (e.g. anything cryptographically related), you wouldn't want to use anything less.
Secure PRNGs are much slower, and may require libraries to do operation of arbitrary precision, and primality testing, etc etc...
Well, as long as they are seeded differently each time they're created, then no, I don't think there'd be any difference; however, if it depended on something like the time, then they'd probably be non-uniform, due to the biased seed.
