How to add extra price to cart total in magento checkout shipping method step - magento

I have a custom field in shipping method step in checkout page. I want to add the custom field value with total amount of cart value. So that, custom field value will show with the total amount.
How can i do this?

yes you can do with the custom extension
as it is working in one of my application to add extre fees on checkout process
just follow step as on
and it will sure help you to solve your issue.
Above link only for knowledge purpose, i am not associate with any more with above link


Modify 'order view' total credit card in one page checkout based on selected currency

In Magento 1.8.1, if I am changing the base currency then at the final step of the checkout i.e., order review section, we come across a row "Your credit card will be charged for".
I wanted to change the amount shown beside this in the selected currency instead of the base currency of the store! This is the core functionality of Magento but I want to change it.
I think it requires me to override the core code but I don't know how to achieve this.
Check this out -
Hope this works.

Add coupon code to an existing order in admin panel

I am currently working on adding a discount for an existing order which is not invoiced yet in Magento admin panel. To do that I thought it is better to use Coupon codes. What I am trying to do is adding a coupon code for an existing order to make a discount on that order.
Till now I have added the coupon code input box into Order control panel. I need to connect that field with the Coupon controller and add a new function to add coupon code for an existing order. Is this the correct thing to do to make a discount on an existing order or is there a better way to do that? Is there anyone who can guide me to accomplish that?

How to add certain % tax to the order sub total based on some condition?

The Magento store that i am working has custom order wizard where one can select products with wizard like steps and finally items are added to the cart.
And client wants to add certain % tax or surcharge to the sub-total of the cart items placed using this wizard.
Can anyone recommend the proper way of adding extra charge to the sub-total?
Thanks in advance!

Doubled Subtotal and grand total in checkout magento 1.5

After adding products in shopping cart, move to checkout page. when return back to Shopping Cart page again either clicking back link or top menu Cart item link, Subtotal and Grand Total price becomes doubled.
When adding new product to cart again subtotal and total price become doubled.
Earlier It was working fine, when move to cloud server, this issue raised.
I am using magento 1.5
Please anyone help me out, this issue is coming in live site.
I had a similar problem. Check this post out: And check the sales_flat_quote_address table if there are to much address entries for the quote_id. I don't know how that happens but if there are more addreses it could happen that the quote is been doubled or trippled
You have not provided enough information.
First of all, magento 1.5 does not have this bug. The bug you are facing is likely to come from custom work that was done on the project.
Is the site using an ajax cart? if so, follow the add to cart methods it uses.
Was there any custom work done on the cart controller?
other than that you really have not given enough information for people to attempt to answer this.

Increase product amount in shopping cart

We are selling ready made packs ( total weight 18 kg ) which is include several food products. But we want to make a special thing to our customers which they should make their packs by selecting our product range.
So that, they should make first a base pack with selected products then they can multiply this package in the checkout section.
What I want to do, modify the checkout section of magento to multiply selected products with a text field and calculate total amount by button.
Like in image...
Does anybody help me to make such a thing?
Personally I would do this with frontend code, in prototype. The reason being that you will have to modify your template anyway and your customers will need javascript enabled to get to your cart anyway.
General approach is to have the onclick for your apply button take the id.value for your quantity text box and then update everything with the quantity class in the cart page. Then have this script call the same update url as the standard update quantities button.
Here is my suggestion: in your module you create an observer listening to controller_action_predispatch_checkout_cart_index. In your observer's method you can get the items in cart with $itemCollection = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getQuote()->getAllItems();. now you just have to loop through this condition and set the quantity:
foreach ($itemCollection as $item) {
edit: sorry, didn't read about the input and button.
For the input and button, you just have to edit the template (app/design/frontend/base/default/template/checkout/cart.phtml). Or, if you want tom make an independant extension, you could add them by an observer. Check out inchoo's post. This form you've just created will call your controller/action, where you can set the items quantity (so no need for an observer anymore), with the same technique I've put earlier.
Let me know if that's not clear.
