In 8086, 20-bit address is generated with two 16-bit registers by using segmentation. The first 16bit address is multiplied by 10 and the result will be added to second 16bit address.
when multiplied by 10 it will generate a 5digit HEXA number which is 20bit long.
where will this intermediate result of 20bit (obtained when multiplied by 10) be stored?
Nowhere. The address appears on the corresponding pins (AD0-AD19) of the chip when it needs to access memory. The calculation is performed internally with dedicated logic. For example there is no actual multiplication by 0x10: the segment bits are directly paired to higher-numbered bits of the offset in corresponding adder (item 3 here).
My teacher has given me the question to differentiate the maximum memory space of 1MB and 4GB microprocessor. Does anyone know how to answer this question apart from size mentioned difference ?
A 32-bit microprocessor can address up to 4 GB of memory, because its registers can contain an address that is 32 bits in size. (A 32-bit number ranges from 0 to 4,294,967,295). Each of those values can represent a unique memory location.
The 16-bit 8086, on the other hand, has 16-bit registers which only range from 0 to 65,535. However, the 8086 has a trick up its sleeve- it can use memory segments to increase this range up to one megabyte (20 bits). There are segment registers whose values are automatically bit-shifted left by 4 then added to the regular registers to form the final address.
For example, let's look at video mode 13h on the 8086. This is the 256-color VGA standard with a resolution of 320x200 pixels. Each pixel is represented by a single byte and the desired color is stored in that byte. The video memory is located at address 0xA0000, but since this value is greater than 16 bits, typically the programmer will load 0xA000 into a segment register like ds or es, then load 0000 into si or di. Once that is done, the program can read from [ds:si] and write to [es:di] to access the video memory. It's important to keep in mind that with this memory addressing scheme, not all combinations of segment and offset represent a unique memory location. Having es = A100/di = 0000 is the same as es=A000/di=1000.
I know that the 8086 addressing mode is a left shift of the segment register by four bits then add an offset. But will the information of significant bit not be lost after shifting the 16-bit register?
For example, the segment register stores 0x1000, will it not become 0x0000 after shifting four bits to the left?
Address calculation happens with 20-bit math. Or more on later CPUs. Not the same width as the inputs. The CPU doesn't shift inside the segment reg!
In CPUs that don't support other modes (like protected mode where the base comes from the GDT), I assume the selected segment register is just hard-wired to bits [20:4] of an adder in the AGU, so the "shift" is just built-in to the wiring. Not like when you run a shift instruction and the result goes back into the destination.
(Actual 8086 didn't have an AGU separate from its ALU, so presumably that's what happens when using that block of logic to do address math instead of 16-bit normal integer math. It also supports a mul instruction which produces a 32-bit product, that has to get split across DX:AX when it's done, but internally the ALU has to shift and add numbers across 16-bit boundaries for multiply to work.)
I have generated an Ethernet 10GE MAC design in VHDL. Now I am trying to implement CRC. I have a 64-bit parallel CRC-32 generator in VHDL.
- Data bus is of 64-bits
- Control bus is of 8-bits (which validates the data bytes)
Let's say, my incoming packet length is 14-bytes, (assuming no padding).
The CRC is calculated for the first 8 bytes in one clock cycle, but when I try to calculate the CRC over the remaining 6 bytes the results are wrong due to zeros being appended.
Is there a way I can generate the CRC for any length of bytes packet length using a 64-bit parallel CRC generator?
What I've tried:
I used different parallel CRC generators (8-bit parallel CRC, 16-bit parallel CRC generator and so on). But that consumes a lot of FPGA resources. I want to conserve resources using just 64-bit parallel CRC generators.
Start with a constant 64-bit data word that brings the effective CRC register to all zeros. Then prepend the message with zero bytes, instead of appending them, putting those zeros on the end of the 64-bit word that is processed first. (You did not provide the CRC definition, so this depends on whether the CRC is reflected or not. If the CRC is reflected, then put the zero bytes in the least-significant bit positions. If the CRC is not reflected, then put them in the most-significant bit positions.) Then exclusive-or the result with a 32-bit constant.
So for the example, you would first feed a 64-bit constant to the parallel CRC generator, then feed two zero bytes and six bytes of message in the first word, and then eight message bytes in the second word. Then exclusive-or the result with the 32-bit constant.
For the standard PKZIP CRC, the 64-bit constant is 0x00000000ffffffff, the 32-bit constant is 0x2e448638, and the prepended zero bytes go in the bottom of the 64-bit word.
If you are in control of the implementation of the CRC generator, then you can probably modify it to initialize the effective CRC register to all zeros when you reset the generator, avoiding the need to feed the 64-bit constant.
I can't speak for certain, but if you can pad zeros at the start of your packet instead of at the end, then you should get the right answer. It does depend on the polynomial and the initializer...
See this answer here Best way to generate CRC8/16 when input is odd number of BITS (not byte)? C or Python
Am I correct in saying that if I construct a RAM of x storage locations, each of which is y-bits wide, then I have xybits of y-bit RAM?
Questions such as this one explain with historical examples why we cannot rely on 8b == 1B, but I cannot find confirmation of what this means in terms of architecture.
Slightly older, and slightly wiser, I think I can answer my own question.
Given an N-bit address bus, there are 2^N addressable memory locations.
If an M-bit data bus is desired, then log M bits address columns, and N - log M address rows into the RAM.
So back to the question; N := x, M := y, and we have y*2^x bits of y-bit RAM.
For numerical example, suppose a 12-bit address and 16-bit data. 8 bits address 2^8 = 256 rows; the remaining 4 bits address 16x 16:1 multiplexers on the columns, giving 16 bits of data output. (As shown above).
In real mode segmented memory model, a segment always begins on a paragraph boundary. A paragraph is 16 bytes in size so the segment address is always divisible by 16. What is the reason/benefit of having segments on paragraph boundaries?
It's not so much a benefit as an axiom - the 8086's real mode segmentation model is designed at the hardware level such that a segment register specifies a paragraph boundary.
The segment register specified the base address of the upper 16 bits of the 8086's 20 bit address space, the lower 4 bits of that base address were in essence forced to zero.
The segmented architecture was one way to have the 8086's 16-bit register architecture be able to address a full megabyte(!) of address space (which requires 20 bits of addressing).
For a little more history, the next step that Intel took in the x86 architecture was to abstract the segment registers from directly defining the base address. That was the 286 protected mode, where the segment register held a 'selector' that instead of defining the bits for a physical base address was an index into a a set of descriptor tables that held information about the physical address, permissions for access to the physical memory, and other things.
The segment registers in modern 32-bit or larger x86 processors still do that. But with the address offsets being able to specify a full 32-bits of addressing (or 64-bits on the x64 processors) and page tables able to provide virtual memory semantics within the segment defined by a selector, the programming model essentially does away with having to manipulate segment registers at the application level. For the most part, the OS sets the segment registers up once, and nothing else needs to deal with them. So programmers generally don't even need to know they exist anymore.
The 8086 had 20 address lines. The segment was mapped to the top 16, leaving an offset of the bottom 4 lines, or 16 addresses.
The Segment register stores the address of the memory location where that segment starts. But Segment registers stores 16 bit information. This 16 bit is converted to 20 bits by appending 4 bits of 0 to the right end of the address. If a segment register contains 1000H then it is left shifted to get 10000H. Now it is 20 bits.
While converting we added 4 bits of 0 to the end of the address. So every segment in memory must begin with memory location where the last 4 bits are 0.
For ex:
If a segment starts at 10001H memory location, we cannot access it because the last 4 bits are not 0.
Any address in segment register will be appended with 4 bits in right end to convert to 20bits. So there is no way of accessing such an address.