Weinre remote debugging can't bind to IP - weinre

I am struggling to get the weinre server up on anything but localhost.
When I try the command weinre --boundHost -all- it runs on localhost and the list of boundhost the first two times I tried it only listed localhost and "-all-". But now I am able to get localhost, and the ip address I looked up using ifconfig and ipconfig getifaddr en0, . However when I try to go to or on either desktop or phone I don't get anything. Anyone have any success at wetting up weinre?

The parameter name is --boundHost with capital H.


windows: ping url fails but ping -4 url works in local network

I have been learning some network and system administration and encountered a puzzling problem.
I setup a small local offline network with a Windows Server 2019 and a Ubuntu server hosting gitea. In the Windows Server I have assigned a static IP of and installed DNS and DHCP roles. In the Ubuntu server I have assigned a static IP of
DNS has been configured with a primary zone funlab.abc. I created a single A record for gitea.funlab.abc. to point to DHCP has been configured to lease addresses from to Subnet mask is
With this setup, I successfully got client machines to connect to the local LAN network, transparently get a dynamic IP address, and access gitea.funlab.abc through the browser.
But in windows 10 client machines, I am unable to run ping gitea.funlab.abc in command prompt. I get an error message :
Ping request could not find host gitea.funlab.abc. Please check the name and try again
Git clone/push operations involving the URL gitea.funlab.abc also does not work.
However I can run ping -4 gitea.funlab.abc successfully. Git clone/push operations can also work if I replace the URL with the static IP. nslookup gitea.funlab.abc works correctly as well.
Why is this happening? What did I misconfigure such that ping and git commands do not work?
Turns out ping and git commands works just fine when I change the IP address to 192.168.X.X. I guess windows treat the 169.254.X.X addresses differently.

Access to localhost in virtualbox

I have a server on port 8085 (my pc - I use Ubuntu 16.04). There are also Virtualbox with installed Windows 7. I have an internet connection in Windows (it is possible to open google.com etc) but there is no connection to localhost. For localhost:8085 in Ubuntu everything works perfectly but for the same adress in virtual-machine doesn't work.
I tried to modify Settings->Network and put there bridged but there is the same problem.
How is it possible to access it?
Try instead of localhost
or get ip address with terminal command ifconfig and use the address in the url

Mac cached routing? (traceroute)

So I got a problem regarding access to my website. Whenever I run traceroute on my computer it returns the correct traceroute to the correct site. However when I run it on someone elses pc it gives a completely different traceroute but wrong traceroute (an old one).
Some info that might help:
- My PC: Windows
- His PC: Mac
We both loaded the sites a few times before and he is still on the old traceroute from a couple of months back.
I already tried clearing the DNS server of Mac OS X, Rebooting it, Clearing browser cache (even a full reset of the browsers) and still it is not loading in any of the browsers.
if IP address of remote website is different, try to manually set DNS server to check if it solves the problem
static DNS can be changed with nslookup (windows, maybe on mac also)
you can set manual DNS by the 'server' command in nslookup prompt :
Default Server: nfdns.bezeqint.net
> www.stackoverflow.com
# this is my dns
Server: nfdns.bezeqint.net
Non-authoritative answer:
Name: stackoverflow.com
# changing dns server
> server
Default Server: []
# now can check again with the new dns
> www.stackoverflow.com
Just found it, I overlooked the /etc/hosts file, so there was still an error in it. Thanks for helping!

Using port number in Windows host file

After installing TeamViewer, I have changed the wampserver port to 8080, so the address is http://localhost:8080.
For the host file located at C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\, I have also made the change as below
BEFORE www.example.com
AFTER www.example.com
When I access www.example.com, it doesn't redirect to my wampserver, how can I fix it?
I managed to achieve this by using Windows included Networking tool netsh.
As Mat points out : The hosts file is for host name resolution only, so a combination of the two did the trick for me.
| <--Link by Hosts File
| <--Link by netsh Utility
+--> localhost:8081
Started my server on localhost:8081
Added my "local DNS" in the hosts file as a new line example.app
Any free address in the network (127.x.x.x) can be used.
Note: I am assuming is not occupied by another service.
You can check with netstat -a -n -p TCP | grep "LISTENING"
added the following network configuration with netsh command utility
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=80 listenaddress= connectport=8081 connectaddress=
I can now access the server at http://example.app
- These commands/file modifications need to be executed with Admin rights
- netsh portproxy needs ipv6 libraries even only to use v4tov4, typically they will also be included by default, otherwise install them using the following command: netsh interface ipv6 install
You can see the entry you have added with the command:
netsh interface portproxy show v4tov4
You can remove the entry with the following command:
netsh interface portproxy delete v4tov4 listenport=80 listenaddress=
Links to Resources:
Using Netsh
Netsh commands for Interface IP
Netsh commands for Interface Portproxy
Windows Port Forwarding Example
The hosts file is for host name resolution only (on Windows as well as on Unix-like systems). You cannot put port numbers in there, and there is no way to do what you want with generic OS-level configuration - the browser is what selects the port to choose.
So use bookmarks or something like that.
(Some firewall/routing software might allow outbound port redirection, but that doesn't really sound like an appealing option for this.)
What you want can be achieved by modifying the hosts file through Fiddler 2 application.
Follow these steps:
Install Fiddler2
Navigate to Fiddler2 menu:- Tools > HOSTS.. (Click to select)
Add a line like this:-
localhost:8080 www.mydomainname.com
Save the file & then checkout www.mydomainname.com in browser.
Fiddler2 -> Rules -> Custom Rules
then find function OnBeforeRequest on put in the next script at the end:
if (oSession.HostnameIs("mysite.com")){
The simplest way is using Ergo as your reverse proxy:
You set your services and its IP:PORT and ergo routes it for you :).
You can achieve the same using nginx or apache but you will need to configure them.
This doesn't give the requested result exactly, however, for what I was doing, I was not fussed with adding the port into the URL within a browser.
I added the domain name to the hosts file example.com
Ran my HTTP server from the domain name on port 8080
php -S example.com:8080
Then accessed the website through port 8080
Just wanted to share in case anyone else is in a similar situation.
If what is happening is that you have another server running on localhost and you want to give this new server a different local hostname like
I think that what you are actually looking for is Virtual Hosts functionality. I use Apache so I do not know how other web daemons support this. Maybe it is called Alias. Here is the Apache documentation:
Apache Virtual Hosts examples
-You can use any free address in the network , in my case needed this for python flask and this is what I have done :
add this line in the hosts file (you can find it is windows under : C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc ) : flask.dev
Make sure the port is the default port "80" in my case this is what in the python flask: app.run("","80")
now run your code and browse flask.dev
Using netsh with connectaddress= did not work for me.
Despite looking everywhere on the internet I could not find the solution which solved this for me, which was to use connectaddress=127.x.x.x (i.e. any 127. ipv4 address, just not as this appears to link back to localhost just the same but without the restriction, so that the loopback works in netsh.
You need NGNIX or Apache HTTP server as a proxy server for forwarding http requests to appropriate application -> which listens particular port (or do it with CNAME which provides Hosting company). It is most powerful solution and this is just a really easy way to keep adding new subdomains, or to add new domains automatically when DNS records are pointed at the server.
Apache era call it Virtual host ->
NGINX -> Server Block
Alternate way
Install Redirector
Click Edit redirects -> Create New Redirect

Amazon EC2 permissions and a simple web server

I just started experiment with EC2 tonight, and got a server running locally. I know it works locally because when I curl http://localhost:8080/hello it outputs hello.
I want to access this from the outside world. I modified my permissions in my security group to allow 8080 access, and then typed in "curl http://ec2-123-45-67-891.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8080/hello" into my local terminal. I got the response "curl: (7) couldn't connect to host".
Do I need to do something differently? (Obviously yes, but what?)
Have you bound your server only to localhost? If so, you'll only be able to connect from localhost.
Check the netstat output for your process with something like:
sudo netstat -ltnp | grep your_server_process
Look for whether your server process is bound to or If the former, then you're only bound to localhost and you need to reconfigure it.
I met the same issue. Try use instead of
You allowed access on 8080, but in your localhost example, it's running on port 80.
