Running Glassfish asadmin Commands via Jenkins - bash

I'm trying to create an automated deployment via Jenkins that deploys an application to Glassfish-2.1.
The problem comes when Jenkins is running the following commands:
sh /usr/local/glassfish/bin/asadmin start-domain --user admin --passwordfile /usr/local/glassfish/passwordfile.txt domain1
sh /usr/local/glassfish/bin/asadmin deploy -s --contextroot admin /tmp/artifacts/$admin_war_file_name
But Jenkins just hangs, apparently waiting for the password. However, I can run this script manaually on the server and it works.
Also, I was curious if this ok from a security standpoint? Should I actually be storing the master password (if in fact I can even get Jenkins to run these commands in the first place!)
Any help is greatly appreciated.


Connect to Jenkins server via SSH

I was wondering if I can ssh a local instance of Jenkins. When I go to Jenkins CLI menu in the UI, there's a comment saying the below:
You can access various features in Jenkins through a command-line
tool. See the documentation for more details of this feature. To get
started, download jenkins-cli.jar, and run it as follows:
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ -webSocket help
So I tried it and it worked but it only gave a list of limited commands which I can execute. So I searched more and found I can use -ssh instead of -webSocket but I get the same result as -webSocket.
What I want to do is accessing the Jenkins bash so I can test my build scripts.
I'm trying
ssh -p 23 // I set this port in the settings
but I keep getting :
shell request failed on channel 0
is it impossible what I'm trying to do? if not, how can I achieve it?

Using Jenkins to SSH into EC2 Ubuntu instance and run shell scripts

I have installed Jenkins on my local, I have created my own EC2 instance, I can ssh into my instance and run some shell scripts to shut down my Wildfly server installed on my instance.
This is what I do when I do it manually on my Mac.
open my mac terminal, type
ssh -i /Users/xxx/tools/xxxx.pem
It will login to my Instance, and then I type:
cd /srv/wildfly-10.1.0.Final/bin
sudo -s
source /etc/profile
./ --connect command=:shutdown
The screen will output
{"outcome" => "success"}
Now, I want to using Jenkins, when I click build button, it will ssh into that instance and run these shell scripts for me. The output is expected the same as I run it after I ssh into the instance.
My question is: what steps should I follow, after I login to my Jenkins local environment: localhost:8080
Create a New Item, which one? Is there some plugin I can use? Where to put my shell scripts, will it run successfully?
A guide would be helpful, thanks a lot!
when I try to login: using my ssh command, I get this error:
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
Host key verification failed.
Too many questions to answer in one post. but this should get you started.
ssh from jenkins to your ec2 should be password less, should you need to set the keys in jenkins. use the credential manager and create one, by pasting the private key
Refer remote command execution over ssh for the rest of the task.
you will find how to do this in tons.. but this should give you an idea.
For the question on job type, at this point just go with the freestyle .. And later, you may plan for fancy stuff.
You need to add the PEM file details in place where it asks for Private Key

Why Jenkins isn't able to start the service, but it is starting fine when I start it manually?

I am trying to start HYBRIS server from Jenkins.
When I run the sh start command manually in the server it starts correctly.
But, when I try to run the same command through Jenkins it is not able to start the service.
The Hybris server and Jenkins master are connected through a slave (node).
What could be the issue?
You can include following line of entry on jenkins job and it will start nicely.
export CATALINA_BASE="<Your Hybris DIR>/hybris/bin/platform/tomcat"
export WRAPPER_CONF="$CATALINA_BASE/conf/wrapper.conf"
sudo sh <Your Hybris DIR>/hybris/bin/platform/tomcat/bin/ start
try setting up tools environment
then set up required env variable and run slave as cmd through admin rights

How to deploy SpringBoot Maven application with Jenkins ?

I have a Spring Boot application which runs on embedded Tomcat servlet container mvn spring-boot:run . And I don’t want to deploy the project as separate war to standalone Tomcat.
Whenever I push code to BitBucket/Github, a hook runs and triggers Jenkins job (runs on Amazon EC2) to deploy the application.
The Jenkins job has a post build action: mvn spring-boot:run, the problem is that the job hangs when post build action finished.
There should be another way to do this. Any help would be appreciated.
The problem is that Jenkins doesn't handle spawning child process from builds very well. Workaround suggested by #Steve in the comment (nohuping) didn't change the behaviour in my case, but a simple workaround was to schedule app's start by using the at unix command:
> echo "mvn spring-boot:run" | at now + 1 minutes
This way Jenkins successfully completes the job without timing out.
If you end up running your application from a .jar file via java -jar app.jar be aware that Boot breaks if the .jar file is overwritten, you'll need to make sure the application is stopped before copying the artifact. If you're using ApplicationPidListener you can verify that the application is running (and stop it if it is) by adding execution of this command:
> test -f && xargs kill < || echo 'App was not running, nothing to stop'
I find very useful to first copy the artifacts to a specified area on the server to keep track of the deployed artifacts and not to start the app from the jenkins job folder. Then create a server log file there and start to listening to it on the jenkins window until the server started.
To do that I developed a small shell script that you can find here
You will also find a small article explaining how to configure the project on jenkins.
Please let me know if worked for you. Thnaks
The nohup and the at now + 1 minutes didn't work for me.
Since Jenkins was killing the process spun in the background, I ensured the process to not be killed by setting a fake BUILD_ID to that Jenkins task. This is what the Jenkins Execute shell task looks like:
java -jar -Dserver.port=8053 /root/Deployments/my_application.war &
As discussed here.
I assume you have a Jenkins-user on the server and this user is the owner of the Jenkins-service:
log in on the server as root.
run sudo visudo
add "jenkins ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" at the end (jenkins=your Jenkins-user)
Sign In in Jenkins and choose your jobs and click to configure
Choose "Execute Shell" in the "Post build step"
Copy and paste this:
if ps ax | grep -v grep | grep -v $0 | grep $service > /dev/null
sudo service myapp stop
sudo unlink /etc/init.d/myapp
sudo chmod +x /path/to/your/myapp.jar
sudo ln -s /path/to/your/myapp.jar /etc/init.d/myapp
sudo service myapp start
sudo chmod +x /path/to/your/myapp.jar
sudo ln -s /path/to/your/myapp.jar /etc/init.d/myapp
sudo service myapp start
Save and run your job, the service should start automatically.
This worked for me on jenkins on a linux machine
kill -9 $(lsof -t -i:8080) || echo "Process was not running."
mvn clean compile
echo "mvn spring-boot:run" | at now + 1 minutes
In case no process on 8080 it will print the message and will continue.
Make sure that at is installed on your linux machine. You can use
sudo apt-get install at
to install at

How to force Jenkins to launch webpage/ cmd prompt in client (user's) machine?

The job that I was trying to create in Jenkins would require launching a webpage on the user’s browser once the build is successful (Jenkins is installed on a remote server). For doing this I put the following line in the " Build - Execute Windows batch command" section of the job’s Configure page:
While the build was successful, it did not launch the page. I have a hunch, this line will try to launch the webpage in the remote Jenkins server (it did not launch anything in the slave node though). My question is, how do I force the Jenkins job to launch the webpage in the user’s default browser?
I tried launching client's cmd.exe - this did not work either.
Jenkins master, slave, user's client - everything is on Windows. Jenkins version 1.46.
By "launch in client's machine" you mean the user that is accessing the web interface of Jenkins? No, this won't happen. It can be quite a security risk too.
You can do what you are asking either on the master or the slave. Jenkins does not directly execute anything that is not on master/slave. It is possible to spawn a slave on user's machine, and when the job is run, it will execute the command on the slave.
Or if the user provides his/her computer IP address as a parameter to the job, you could use PsExec to connect to user's computer to execute a command.
