firefox web developer toolbar - can i see the posted data? - firefox

I am stuck using the Firefox web developer tool for testing out a web app.
I would like to see the contents of the "post" data that is sent - using the web developer tool, I can see a log of all the gets/posts and their responses, and I can see a little box called "Inspect Network Request".... but I cannot see the contents of the POST data.
Is there some way to set the web developer to be slightly more useful?
Here is what I have to work with:


Google Oauth2 in embedded browser (web view)

I added Google OAuth2 to my website. I noticed that when the website was opened in a embedded browser (web view), redirecting to google auth page (see the link below) will fail with error:
"403 disallowed_useragent".
Here is the link:
I get that Google no longer allows OAuthrequests to Google in web view. But here is the strange thing. The google sign in demo work fine when opened in web view. I managed to find the client_idand redirect_uri used in the demo and replace them into the my google auth link (see the updated link below), the updated link can now magically open in web view.
Notice that I changed only client_idand redirect_url and nothing else. Later I found more client_idsthat also works with webview. I am wondering is there any specific settings for these client_ids to work?
Also I want to know what's the recommended fix to:
"403 disallowed_useragent"?
My website has no native app. And most likely, people will just open the website they received on online chat in a webview. I'd like to avoid showing the :
"403 disallowed_useragent"
error when they click *sign-in by Google*.

How do I get XHR/Ajax resource timing data from window.performance?

When I open the Firefox "network" tab in the developer tools, I'm able to see the timing data from all the requests my page is making, including application/json (XHR) calls. I want to be able to get this timing information programmatically.
In Selenium, I let my page load fully and then ask the window.performance.getEntries() method for all of the resources. It gives me back a ton, including CSS, javascript, etc, but I don't see the calls to our RESTful services that show up in the Firefox window as "json" requests.
Since Firefox shows them in its Network tab in the developer tools, is a way for me to get them programatically? Our app is an angular app that is not using iframes.
I figured out my issue after a day of googling and trying different things. Thanks to this article I discovered that I needed to add Timing-Allow-Origin: * to the response header of all the services.
Once I did that, the timing information started to appear. It's apparently because the services are hosted at a different domain than my client. I don't understand the ramifications of leaving that header in there so I'll make sure it doesn't get deployed to production.

How to make Office Web App Server able to edit a document with Cobalt

I am trying to build my own WOPI host using ASP.NET MVC and its WebAPI functions according to this example
I successfully used that example to connect to my Office Web App Server and I can use that to access files of Excel and PowerPoint in local path and I am able to edit it, but I cannot use it to open word document in editing mode as the Post action handler isn't implemented completely without any response so that it cannot handle any edit request.
In order to add support for editing of Office document, I tried this example with POST request handler based on Cobalt library extracted from Office Web App Server.
With this example I managed to edit ans save all kinds of document with Office Web App Server. However, when I tried to integrate these two together I found that even if I can enter the edit window of Excel and PowerPoint and I can see that Post Requests from Office Web App Server like locking and Cobalt are handled by my WOPI Post API action handler. Those change doesn't take any effect on my local file at all. Moreover, I still cannot edit word document and when I checked the back log of Office Web App Server, I found the error message is Cobalt is not supported while I have already set the SupportsCobalt in CheckFileInfo response to true! Any help is very appreciated!
I think I have exactly what you are looking for. Check out my implementation of the WOPI host. It's an MVC6 app that takes the best from the both examples you are referring to and adds some extra features.

Monitor AJAX requests from browser

I'm browsing a webpage that seems to populate data through javascript. I want to use an extension for my browser that will allow me to see what requests are being made to what url and what data is returned from the request.
Any help would be appreciated.
Firefox has a plugin called Firebug, or you can open its native console with Ctrl+Shift+K in newer versions. Chrome has developer tools with a Network tab.

Debugging tools and tips for dual execution environment of KRL

Because of the dual execution environment of KRL, I'm looking for better ways to debug my Kynetx applications.
What applications can I run on my local computer to help with debugging Kynetx apps that interact with the web domain?
What web services could I use to help debug applications as my users are using the app?
What tools can I use to help debug twilio or webhook domain Kynetx applications?
What tools can I use to monitor the uptime of a web domain Kynetx application?
Web domain debugging of KRL events
Using the Firebug Net tab is really great for getting event responses when working in the web domain. You can filter by type, view the event url, and the response from the Kynetx server.
Firebug Net tab showing all resources loaded on
Firebug Net tab filtering by JavaScript resource:
Firebug Net tab showing request parameters of pageview event being raised to Kynetx server by bookmarklet:
You can also view the response which is where the server log will be if logging is turned on in your app.
