gnu sed - delete lines between first X and last Y lines - bash

the goal is to shorten a large text:
delete everything between the first X lines and the last Y lines
and maybe insert a line like "file truncated to XY lines..." in the middle.
i played around and achieved this with weird redirections ( Pipe output to two different commands ), subshells,
tee and multiple sed invocations and i wonder if
sed -e '10q'
sed -e :a -e '$q;N;11,$D;ba'
can be simplified by merging both into a single sed call.
thanks in advance

Use head and tail:
(head -$X infile; echo Truncated; tail -$Y infile) > outfile
Or awk:
awk -v x=$x -v y=$y '{a[++i]=$0}END{for(j=1;j<=x;j++)print a[j];print "Truncated"; for(j=i-y;j<=i;j++)print a[j]}' yourfile
Or you can use tee like this with process substitution if, as you say, input is coming from a pipe:
yourcommand | tee >(head -$x > p1) | tail -$y > p2 ; cat p[12]

You can do it through a magical incantation of tee, process substitutions, and stdio redirections:
x=5 y=8
seq 20 | {
tee >(tail -n $y >&2) \
>({ head -n $x; echo "..."; } >&2) >/dev/null
} 2>&1
This version is more sequential and the output should be consistent:
x=5 y=8
seq 20 | {
# read and print the first X lines to stderr
while ((x-- > 0)); do
IFS= read -r line
echo "$line"
done >&2
echo "..." >&2
# send the rest of the stream on stdout
cat -
} |
# print the last Y lines to stderr, other lines will be discarded
tail -n $y >&2
} 2>&1

You can also use sed -u 5q (with GNU sed) as an unbuffered alternative to head -n5:
$ seq 99|(sed -u 5q;echo ...;tail -n5)

if you know the length of the file
EndStart=$(( ${FileLen} - ${Y} + 1))
sed -n "1,${X} p
${X} a\\
--- Truncated part ---
${EndStart},$ p" YourFile

This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '1,5b;:a;N;s/\n/&/8;Ta;$!D;s/[^\n]*\n//;i\*** truncated file ***' file
Here x=5 and Y=8.
N.B. This leaves short files unadulterated.

Here is a sed alternative that does not require knowledge of file length.
You can insert a modified "head" expression into the sliding loop of your "tail" expression. E.g.:
sed ':a; 10s/$/\n...File truncated.../p; $q; N; 11,$D; ba'
Note that if the ranges overlap there will be duplicate lines in the output.
seq 30 | sed ':a; 10s/$/\n...File truncated.../p; $q; N; 11,$D; ba'
...File truncated...
Here is a commented multi-line version to explain what is going on:
:a # loop label
10s/$/\n...File truncated.../p # on line 10, replace end of pattern space
$q # quit here when on the last line
N # read next line into pattern space
11,$D # from line 11 to end, delete the first line of pattern space
ba # goto :a


Is there a command for substituting a set of characters by a set of strings?

I'm would like to substitute a set of edit: single byte characters with a set of literal strings in a stream, without any constraint on the line size.
for (( i = 1; i <= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF; i++ ))
printf '\a,\b,\t,\v'
done |
chars_to_strings $'\a\b\t\v' '<bell>' '<backspace>' '<horizontal-tab>' '<vertical-tab>'
The expected output would be:
I can think of a bash function that would do that, something like:
chars_to_strings() {
local delim buffer
while true
IFS='' read -r -d '.' -n 4096 buffer && (( ${#buffer} != 4096 )) && delim='.'
if [[ -n "${delim:+_}" ]] || [[ -n "${buffer:+_}" ]]
# Do the replacements in "$buffer"
# ...
printf "%s%s" "$buffer" "$delim"
But I'm looking for a more efficient way, any thoughts?
Since you seem to be okay with using ANSI C quoting via $'...' strings, then maybe use sed?
sed $'s/\a/<bell>/g; s/\b/<backspace>/g; s/\t/<horizontal-tab>/g; s/\v/<vertical-tab>/g'
Or, via separate commands:
sed -e $'s/\a/<bell>/g' \
-e $'s/\b/<backspace>/g' \
-e $'s/\t/<horizontal-tab>/g' \
-e $'s/\v/<vertical-tab>/g'
Or, using awk, which replaces newline characters too (by customizing the Output Record Separator, i.e., the ORS variable):
$ printf '\a,\b,\t,\v\n' | awk -vORS='<newline>' '
gsub(/\a/, "<bell>")
gsub(/\b/, "<backspace>")
gsub(/\t/, "<horizontal-tab>")
gsub(/\v/, "<vertical-tab>")
print $0
For a simple one-liner with reasonable portability, try Perl.
for (( i = 1; i <= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF; i++ ))
printf '\a,\b,\t,\v'
done |
perl -pe 's/\a/<bell>/g;
Perl internally does some intelligent optimizations so it's not encumbered by lines which are longer than its input buffer or whatever.
Perl by itself is not POSIX, of course; but it can be expected to be installed on any even remotely modern platform (short of perhaps embedded systems etc).
Assuming the overall objective is to provide the ability to process a stream of data in real time without having to wait for a EOL/End-of-buffer occurrence to trigger processing ...
A few items:
continue to use the while/read -n loop to read a chunk of data from the incoming stream and store in buffer variable
push the conversion code into something that's better suited to string manipulation (ie, something other than bash); for sake of discussion we'll choose awk
within the while/read -n loop printf "%s\n" "${buffer}" and pipe the output from the while loop into awk; NOTE: the key item is to introduce an explicit \n into the stream so as to trigger awk processing for each new 'line' of input; OP can decide if this additional \n must be distinguished from a \n occurring in the original stream of data
awk then parses each line of input as per the replacement logic, making sure to append anything leftover to the front of the next line of input (ie, for when the while/read -n breaks an item in the 'middle')
General idea:
chars_to_strings() {
while read -r -n 15 buffer # using '15' for demo purposes otherwise replace with '4096' or whatever OP wants
printf "%s\n" "${buffer}"
done | awk '{print NR,FNR,length($0)}' # replace 'print ...' with OP's replacement logic
Take for a test drive:
for (( i = 1; i <= 20; i++ ))
printf '\a,\b,\t,\v'
sleep 0.1 # add some delay to data being streamed to chars_to_strings()
done | chars_to_strings
1 1 15 # output starts printing right away
2 2 15 # instead of waiting for the 'for'
3 3 15 # loop to complete
4 4 15
5 5 13
6 6 15
7 7 15
8 8 15
9 9 15
A variation on this idea using a named pipe:
mkfifo /tmp/pipeX
sleep infinity > /tmp/pipeX # keep pipe open so awk does not exit
awk '{print NR,FNR,length($0)}' < /tmp/pipeX &
chars_to_strings() {
while read -r -n 15 buffer
printf "%s\n" "${buffer}"
done > /tmp/pipeX
Take for a test drive:
for (( i = 1; i <= 20; i++ ))
printf '\a,\b,\t,\v'
sleep 0.1
done | chars_to_strings
1 1 15 # output starts printing right away
2 2 15 # instead of waiting for the 'for'
3 3 15 # loop to complete
4 4 15
5 5 13
6 6 15
7 7 15
8 8 15
9 9 15
# kill background 'awk' and/or 'sleep infinity' when no longer needed
don't waste FS/OFS - use the built-in variables to take 2 out of the 5 needed :
echo $' \t abc xyz \t \a \n\n ' |
mawk 'gsub(/\7/, "<bell>", $!(NF = NF)) + gsub(/\10/,"<bs>") +\
gsub(/\11/,"<h-tab>")^_' OFS='<v-tab>' FS='\13' ORS='<newline>'
<h-tab> abc xyz <h-tab> <bell> <newline><newline> <newline>
To have NO constraint on the line length you could do something like this with GNU awk:
awk -v RS='.{1,100}' -v ORS= '{
$0 = RT
That will read and process the input 100 chars at a time no matter which chars are present, whether it has newlines or not, and even if the input was one multi-terabyte line.
Replace gsub(foo,bar) with whatever substitution(s) you have in mind, e.g.:
$ printf '\a,\b,\t,\v' |
awk -v RS='.{1,100}' -v ORS= '{
$0 = RT
and of course it'd be trivial to pass a list of old and new strings to awk rather than hardcoding them, you'd just have to sanitize any regexp or backreference metachars before calling gsub().

How to generate a NUL-delimited stream of timestamped filenames with BSD `stat` command

Let's suppose that you need to generate a NUL-delimited stream of timestamped filenames.
On Linux & Solaris I can do it with:
stat --printf '%.9Y %n\0' -- *
On BSD, I can get the same info, but delimited by newlines, with:
stat -f '%.9Fm %N' -- *
The man talks about a few escape sequences but the NUL byte doesn't seem supported:
If the % is immediately followed by one of n, t, %, or #, then a newline character, a tab character, a percent character, or the current file number is printed.
Is there a way to work around that? edit: (accurately and efficiently?)
Sorry, the glob * is misleading. The arguments can contain any path.
I have a working solution that forks a stat call for each path. I want to improve it because of the massive number of files to process.
You may try this work-around solution if running stat command for files:
stat -nf "%.9Fm %N/" * | tr / '\0'
-n: To suppress newlines in stat output
Added / as terminator for each entry from stat output
tr / '\0': To convert / into NUL byte
Another work-around is to use a control character in stat and use tr to replace it with \0 like this:
stat -nf "%.9Fm %N"$'\1' * | tr '\1' '\0'
This will work with directories also.
Unfortunately, stat out of the box does not offer this option, and so what you ask is not directly achievable.
However, you can easily implement the required functionality in a scripting language like Perl or Python.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pathlib import Path
from sys import argv
for arg in argv[1:]:
arg, end="\0")
The demo exhibits a small discrepancy in the mtime which does not seem to be a rounding error, but the result could be different on MacOS (the demo platform is Debian Linux, apparently). If you want to force the result to a particular number of decimal places, Python has formatting facilities similar to those of stat and printf.
With any command that can't produce NUL-terminated (or any other character/string terminated) output, you can just wrap it in a function to call the command and then printf it's output with a terminating NUL instead of newline, for example:
nulstat() {
local fmt=$1 file
for file in "$#"; do
printf '%s\0' "$(stat -f "$fmt" "$file")"
nulstat '%.9Fm %N' *
For example:
$ > foo
$ > $'foo\nbar'
$ nulstat '%.9Fm %N' foo* | od -c
0000000 1 6 6 3 1 6 2 5 3 6 . 4 7 7 9 8
0000020 0 1 4 0 f o o \0 1 6 6 3 1 6 2
0000040 5 3 9 . 3 8 8 0 6 9 9 3 0 f o
0000060 o \n b a r \0
1. What you can do (accurate but slow):
Fork a stat command for each input path:
for p in "$#"
stat -nf '%.9Fm' -- "$p" &&
printf '\t%s\0' "$p"
2. What you can do (accurate but twisted):
In the input paths, replace each occurrence of (possibly overlapping) /././ with a single /./, make stat output /././\n at the end of each record, and use awk to substitute each /././\n by a NUL byte:
shopt -s extglob
stat -nf '%.9Fm%t%N/././%n' -- "${#//\/.\/+(.\/)//./}" |
awk -F '/\\./\\./' '{
if ( NF == 2 ) {
printf "%s%c", record $1, 0
record = ""
} else
record = record $1 "\n"
N.B. If you wonder why I chose /././\n as record separator then take a look at Is it "safe" to replace each occurrence of (possibly overlapped) /./ with / in a path?
3. What you should do (accurate & fast):
You can use the following perl one‑liner on almost every UNIX/Linux:
LANG=C perl -MTime::HiRes=stat -e '
foreach (#ARGV) {
my #st = stat($_);
if ( #st > 0 ) {
printf "%.9f\t%s\0", $st[9], $_;
} else {
printf STDERR "stat: %s: %s\n", $_, $!;
' -- "$#"
note: for perl < 5.8.9, remove the -MTime::HiRes=stat from the command line.
ASIDE: There's a bug in BSD's stat:
When %N is at the end of the format string and the filename ends with a newline character, then its trailing newline might get stripped:
For example:
stat -f '%N' -- $'file1\n' file2
For getting the output that one would expect from stat -f '%N' you can use the -n switch and add an explicit %n at the end of the format string:
stat -nf '%N%n' -- $'file1\n' file2
Is there a way to work around that?
If all you need is to just replace all newlines with NULLs, then following tr should suffice
stat -f '%.9Fm %N' * | tr '\n' '\000'
Explanation: 000 is NULL expressed as octal value.

Grep all content of File 1 from File 2

This is regarding grepping all the Thread IDs which are mentioned in one file from the thread dump file in unix.
I also require at least 5 lines below each thread id from thread dump while grepping.
Like below:-
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5
Line 6
Line 7
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5
Line 6
Line 7
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5
Line 6
Line 7
Output should contain :-
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5
If possible I would like to have the above output in the mail body.
I have tried the below code but it sends me the thread IDs in the body with thread dump file as an attachment
How ever I would like to have the description of each thread id in the body of the mail only
MAX_CPU_PID=`ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%mem | head -2 | sed -n '1!p' | awk '{print $1}'`
ps -eLo pid,ppid,tid,pcpu,comm | grep $MAX_CPU_PID > MAX_CPU_PID_SubProcess.out
cat MAX_CPU_PID_SubProcess.out | awk '{ print "pccpu: "$4" pid: "$1" ppid: "$2" ttid: "$3" comm: "$5}' |sort -n > MAX_CPU_PID_SubProcess_Sorted_temp1.out
rm MAX_CPU_PID_SubProcess.out
sort -k 2n MAX_CPU_PID_SubProcess_Sorted_temp1.out > MAX_CPU_PID_SubProcess_Sorted_temp2.out
rm MAX_CPU_PID_SubProcess_Sorted_temp1.out
awk '{a[i++]=$0}END{for(j=i-1;j>=0;j--)print a[j];}' MAX_CPU_PID_SubProcess_Sorted_temp2.out > MAX_CPU_PID_SubProcess_Sorted_temp3.out
rm MAX_CPU_PID_SubProcess_Sorted_temp2.out
awk '($2 > 15 ) ' MAX_CPU_PID_SubProcess_Sorted_temp3.out > MAX_CPU_PID_SubProcess_Sorted_Highest_Consuming.out
rm MAX_CPU_PID_SubProcess_Sorted_temp3.out
awk '{ print $8 }' MAX_CPU_PID_SubProcess_Sorted_Highest_Consuming.out > MAX_CPU_PID_SubProcess_Sorted_temp4.out
( echo "obase=16" ; cat MAX_CPU_PID_SubProcess_Sorted_temp4.out ) | bc > MAX_CPU_PID_TD_Ids_temp.out
rm MAX_CPU_PID_SubProcess_Sorted_temp4.out
$JAVA_HOME/bin/jstack -l $MAX_CPU_PID > MAX_CPU_PID_TD.txt
#grep -i -A 10 'error' data
awk 'BEGIN{print "The below thread IDs from the attached thread dump of OUD1 server are causing the highest CPU utilization. Please Analyze it further\n"}1' MAX_CPU_PID_TD_Ids_temp.out > MAX_CPU_PID_TD_Ids.out
rm MAX_CPU_PID_TD_Ids_temp.out
tr -cd "[:print:]\n" < MAX_CPU_PID_TD_Ids.out | mailx -s "OUD1 MAX CPU Utilization Analysis" -a MAX_CPU_PID_TD.txt <My Mail ID>
Answer for the first part: How to extract the lines.
The solution with grep -F -f MAX_CPU_PID_TD_Ids.out -A 5 MAX_CPU_PID_TD.txt as proposed in a comment is much simpler, but it may fail if the lines Line 1 etc can contain the values from MAX_CPU_PID_TD_Ids.out. It may also print a non-matching TDID= line if there are not enough lines after the previous matching line.
For the grep solution it may be better to create a file with patterns like ...TDID=1001....
The following script will print the matching lines ...TDID=XYZ... and at most the following 5 lines. It will stop after fewer lines if a new ...TDID=XYZ... is found.
For simplicity an empty line is printed before every ...TDID=XYZ... line, i.e. also before the first one.
awk 'NR==FNR {ids[$1]=1;next} # from the first file save all IDs as array keys
/\.\.\.TDID=/ {
sel = 0; # stop any previous output
id=gensub(/\.*TDID=([^.]*)\.*/,"\\1",1); # extract ID
if(id in ids) { # select if ID is present in array
print "" # empty line as separator
sel = 1;
count = 0; # counter to limit number of lines
sel { # selected for output?
if(count > 5) { # stop after ...TDID= + 5 more lines (change the number if necessary)
sel = 0
}' MAX_CPU_PID_TD_Ids.out MAX_CPU_PID_TD.txt > MAX_CPU_PID_TD.extract
Apart from the first empty line, this script produces the expected output from the example input as shown in the question. If it does not work with the real input or if there are additional requirements, update the question to show the problematic input and the expected output or the additional requirements.
Answer for the second part: Mail formatting
To get the resulting data into the mail body you simply have to pipe it into mailx instead of specifying the file as an attachment.
( tr -cd "[:print:]\n" < MAX_CPU_PID_TD_Ids.out ; cat MAX_CPU_PID_TD.extract ) | mailx -s "OUD1 MAX CPU Utilization Analysis" <My Mail ID>

Continuously-updated (running-count) output from a program reading from a pipeline

How can I get continuously-updated output from a program that's reading from a pipeline? For example, let's say that this program were a version of wc:
$ ls | running_wc
So I'd like this to output instantly, e.g.
0 0 0
and then every time a new output line is received, it'd update again, e.g.
1 2 12
2 4 24
Of course my command isn't really ls, it's a process that slowly outputs data... I'd actually love to dynamically have it count matches and non matches, and sum this info up on a single line, e.g,
$ my_process | count_matches error
This would constantly update a single line of output with the matching and non matching counts, e.g.
$ my_process | count_matches error
0 5
then later on it might look like so, since it's found 2 matches and 10 non matching lines.
$ my_process | count_matches error
2 10
dd will print out statistics if it receives a SIGUSR1 signal, but neither wc nor grep does that. You'll need to re-implement them, more or less.
count_matches() {
local pattern=$1
local matches=0 nonmatches=0
local line
while IFS= read -r line; do
if [[ $line == *$pattern* ]]; then ((++matches)); else ((++nonmatches)); fi
printf '\r%s %s' "$matches" "$nonmatches"
printf '\n'
Printing a carriage return \r each time causes the printouts to overwrite each other.
Most programs will switch from line buffering to full buffering when used in a pipeline. Your slow-running program should flush its output after each line to ensure the results are available immediately. Or if you can't modify it, you can often use stdbuf -oL to force programs that use C stdio to line buffer stdout.
stdbuf -oL my_process | count_matches error
Using awk. First we create the "my_process":
$ for i in {1..10} ; do echo $i ; sleep 1 ; done # slowly prints lines
The match counter:
$ awk 'BEGIN {
print "match","miss" # print header
m=0 # reset match count
if($1~/(3|6)/) # match is a 3 or 6 (for this output)
m++ # increment match count
print m,NR-m # for each record output match / miss counts
Running it:
$ for i in {1..10} ; do echo $i ; sleep 1 ; done | awk 'BEGIN{print "match","miss";m=0}{if($1~/(3|6)/)m++;print m,NR-m}'
match miss
0 1
0 2
1 2
1 3
1 4
2 4
2 5
2 6
2 7
2 8

How do I pick random unique lines from a text file in shell?

I have a text file with an unknown number of lines. I need to grab some of those lines at random, but I don't want there to be any risk of repeats.
I tried this:
jot -r 3 1 `wc -l<input.txt` | while read n; do
awk -v n=$n 'NR==n' input.txt
But this is ugly, and doesn't protect against repeats.
I also tried this:
awk -vmax=3 'rand() > 0.5 {print;count++} count>max {exit}' input.txt
But that obviously isn't the right approach either, as I'm not guaranteed even to get max lines.
I'm stuck. How do I do this?
This might work for you:
shuf -n3 file
shuf is one of GNU coreutils.
If you have Python accessible (change the 10 to what you'd like):
python -c 'import random, sys; print("".join(random.sample(sys.stdin.readlines(), 10)).rstrip("\n"))' < input.txt
(This will work in Python 2.x and 3.x.)
Also, (again change the 10 to the appropriate value):
sort -R input.txt | head -10
If jot is on your system, then I guess you're running FreeBSD or OSX rather than Linux, so you probably don't have tools like rl or sort -R available.
No worries. I had to do this a while ago. Try this instead:
$ printf 'one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n' > input.txt
$ cat rndlines
# default to 3 lines of output
# default to "input.txt" as input file
# First, put a random number at the beginning of each line.
while read line; do
printf '%8d%s\n' $(jot -r 1 1 99999999) "$line"
done < "$input" |
sort -n | # Next, sort by the random number.
sed 's/^.\{8\}//' | # Last, remove the number from the start of each line.
head -n "$lines" # Show our output
$ ./rndlines input.txt
$ ./rndlines input.txt
Here's a 1-line example that also inserts the random number a little more cleanly using awk:
$ printf 'one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n' | awk 'BEGIN{srand()} {printf("%8d%s\n", rand()*10000000, $0)}' | sort -n | head -n 3 | cut -c9-
Note that different versions of sed (in FreeBSD and OSX) may require the -E option instead of -r to handle ERE instead or BRE dialect in the regular expression if you want to use that explictely, though everything I've tested works with escapted bounds in BRE. (Ancient versions of sed (HP/UX, etc) might not support this notation, but you'd only be using those if you already knew how to do this.)
This should do the trick, at least with bash and assuming your environment has the other commands available:
cat chk.c | while read x; do
echo $RANDOM:$x
done | sort -t: -k1 -n | tail -10 | sed 's/^[0-9]*://'
It basically outputs your file, placing a random number at the start of each line.
Then it sorts on that number, grabs the last 10 lines, and removes that number from them.
Hence, it gives you ten random lines from the file, with no repeats.
For example, here's a transcript of it running three times with that chk.c file:
pax$ testprog chk.c
} else {
newNode->next = NULL;
pax$ testprog chk.c
printf (" [%s] n", currNode->value);
free (tempNode->value);
pax$ testprog chk.c
char tagBuff[101];
return ERR_OTHER;
#define ERR_MEM 1
pax$ _
sort -Ru filename | head -5
will ensure no duplicates. Not all implementations of sort have the -R option.
To get N random lines from FILE with Perl:
perl -MList::Util=shuffle -e 'print shuffle <>' FILE | head -N
Here's an answer using ruby if you don't want to install anything else:
cat filename | ruby -e 'puts"\n").uniq.shuffle.join("\n")'
for example, given a file (dups.txt) that looks like:
1 2
1 3
1 2
1 3
You might get the following output (or some permutation):
cat dups.txt| ruby -e 'puts"\n").uniq.shuffle.join("\n")'
1 2
1 3
Further example from the comments:
printf 'test\ntest1\ntest2\n' | ruby -e 'puts"\n").uniq.shuffle.join("\n")'
Of course if you have a file with repeated lines of test you'll get just one line:
printf 'test\ntest\ntest\n' | ruby -e 'puts"\n").uniq.shuffle.join("\n")'
