Magento Use of undefined constant tmp in core file - magento

My magento store is returning that error:
Notice: Use of undefined constant tmp - assumed 'tmp' in /lib/Zend/Cache.php on line 153
But my line is:
return new $backendClass($backendOptions);
I cannot see what file is exactly the error. How can I proceed?

It looks like somewhere in your code you put tmp instead of $tmp. Run a search over all of your code for tmp.


how to get current running code line and directory name in go [duplicate]

In C/C++ you can use __FILE__ and __LINE__ to get access to the current file and line number.
Does Go provide something similar?
Indeed it does:
runtime.Caller can also be used to get the file name/line number of calling functions, too.

Can't use in home directory - Lua

I'm writing a Mac OS program, and I have the following lines:
os.execute("cd ~/testdir")
configfile ="configfile.cfg", "w")
The problem is, it only creates the configfile in the scripts current directory instead of the folder I have just cd' into. I realised this is because I'm using a console command to change directory, then direct Lua code to write the file. To combat this I changed the code to this:
configfile ="~/testdir/configfile.cfg", "w")
However I get the following result:
lua: ifontinst.lua:22: attempt to index global 'configfile' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
ifontinst.lua:22: in main chunk
My question is, what's the correct way to use IO.Open to create a file in a folder I have just created in the users home directory?
I appreciate I'm making a rookie mistake here, so I apologise if you waste your time on me.
You have problems with ~ symbol. In your os.execute("cd ~/testdir") is the shell who interprets the symbol and replaces it by your home path. However, in"~/testdir/configfile.cfg", "w") is Lua who receives the string and Lua doesn't interprets this symbol, so your program tries to open a file in the incorrect folder. One simple solution is to call os.getenv("HOME") and concatenate the path string with your file path:
configfile ="HOME").."/testdir/configfile.cfg", "w")
In order to improve error messages I suggests you to wrap using assert() function:
configfile = assert("HOME").."/testdir/configfile.cfg", "w") )

Magento font_color phtml error no idea where to even start

I keep getting the following error filling up my system log constantly.
2014-03-04T11:52:56+00:00 ERR (3): Notice: Undefined index: font_color in /var/www/html/ on line 31
Im not sure whats wrong with it or how to go about fixing it.
This is whats in line 31 on the error path within the header.phtml file
$text_color = isset($_COOKIE['textColor']) ? $_COOKIE['textColor'] : $config['font_color'];
Anyone got any heads up to what could be the issue
$config of yours do not have any index like 'font_color'. Either $config is not an array of array without 'font_color' as its key.

how to read file using path in ruby by function IO.readlines("path")[0]

i want to read first line of file by using following function in ruby
But file is not in current directory, so i use path there
puts IO.readlines("Home/Documents/vikas/SHIF.doc")
but it is giving error as
a1.rb:1:in `readlines': No such file or directory # rb_sysopen - Home/Documents/vikas/SHIF.doc (Errno::ENOENT)
from a1.rb:1:in `<main>'
You can also open a file and read only the first line instead of the entire file"Home/Documents/vikas/SHIF.doc").readline
You can use File.expand_path:
puts IO.readlines(File.expand_path("Home/Documents/vikas/SHIF.doc", __FILE__))
Note however that it will create path relatively to a file directory, not to a root directory.
If you are using rails, you could use:
puts IO.readlines(Rails.root.join 'Home', 'Documents', 'vikas', 'SHIF.doc')

Ruby require_relative not loading file, not throwing error

I am having trouble getting constant definitions loaded via an external file. I have narrowed the problem down to the following.
require_relative '../../common/config.rb'
A_CONSTANT = 'something'
When I run this as written, it prints the message correctly. The same constant is declared in the file common/config.rb. The relative path is correct for the location of this file. Just for completeness, the above code is in /watir/dashboard/spec/ex.rb. The constant is declared in /watir/common/config.rb.
As I see it, the above code should error out for a duplicate constant declaration. It does not. If I comment out the constant declaration above and rerun, the puts statement shows an error for 'uninitialized constant.' Any ideas what's wrong?
Edit - The contents of the file common/config.rb are below.
A_CONSTANT = 'something'
On a lark, I changed the filename to common/conf.rb. When I modify the require_relative statement to load the renamed file, I get the results I originally expected. The file is loaded and the second constant declaration throws a warning saying 'already initialized constant.' If I comment out the second declaration, the script runs perfectly.
It appears that the filename 'config.rb' is somehow special when loaded by a relative path. I have use that filename in other scripts where it was in the same folder as the loading script or a sub-folder. This is the first time I have had to move up the tree to load it.
Ruby allows redefining constants, and will only print a warning. Some setting in your Ruby is just hiding that warning from you.
