ElasticSearch Multicast not working in Linode - elasticsearch

I have 2 fresh Ubuntu Linodes in the same data centre with the same ES config except different node names. The cluster name is the same. They can each curl to each other's ElasticSearch server and there's no firewall yet in place, but multicast isn't working and I can't figure out why. They both elect themselves as master and nothing is logged about the other node or the cluster.
Is there any reason why multicast wouldn't work in an environment like this?

As Konstantin says in the comments, multicast is typically not supported in a multitenant environment, which makes sense, but still could have been useful for testing. Some more info here: http://blog.killtheradio.net/how-tos/keepalived-haproxy-and-failover-on-the-cloud-or-any-vps-without-multicast/
"The problem with multicast in reality is that most “cloud” (VPS) providers (AWS, Linode, Slicehost, Rackspace, etc) don’t support it on their networks. You can send a multicast message to a group, but your other machines listening on that group won’t hear it."
While there are workarounds, the simplest thing in this case is to switch to unicast.


Im trying to host a SRCDS server behind a CGNAT

I'm trying to host a SRCDS (among other things) for people to join. But after trying to port forward and talking to my ISP it turns out they are using a CGNAT. I am aware of services like NGROK, Hamachi, and other VLAN and VPN type services. But the issue with VLAN is for my server to appear in the browser everybody needs to install hamachi and log into my VLAN. For obvious reasons that are not possible. One note I need to add is I looked at ZeroTier, but I'm not sure how it works or if it works for what I'm trying to do.
Some things I have tried:
ngrok. it doesn't work with srcds since it only forwards TCP and HTTP. srcds need TCP and UDP ports.
I tried looking for VPN services but neither it doesn't work for what I'm trying to do but I could figure it out.
I looked at ZeroTier but haven't tried it yet since I'm not sure it works.
I tried talking to my ISP about port forwarding but once again they are using CGNAT.
Note: paid server hosting is not an option for me due to multiple reasons. One being I need to host multiple things not just SRCDS.
With that being said. How do I make my server public for people to join etc. I have seen it is possible but I can't reproduce them with the same outcome.

Kafka Client Bind IP (Secondary NIC)

I have a .NET Kafka client (using librdkafka via a Confluent's .NET client) running on a physical server with two network interfaces active. One is 10G and the other is 1G, both of them have static IP addresses assigned. Our networking team handles the configurations and is unlikely to change their practices for one application so I'd like to handle this client-side. I should also mention that the 1G interface and 10G interfaces are on the same network.
Since my Kafka cluster (3-node) is all 10G, I would like to require my application's consumer to bind to the 10G IP address. Looking through all of the documentation, I can't find anything about defining this on the client.
I would like to avoid any "hacky" solutions like setting Kafka to deny any non-whitelisted IP addresses or DNS tomfoolery.
Thanks in advance!
Just to be sure.., Do you know if your server is doing interface bonding (means the traffic will load balance between each interface, though, it's unlikely to do binding on different speed interfaces..)?
If not, as your two interfaces are on the same network, it means you will only use one interface to reach the network (except if you have exotic routing config). This interface will be defined by your default route.
If it's a Linux server, you can do as follows :
ip route
If it's the 10G, you have nothing to do and you can be sure it will use this interface.
If not, you cannot do anything Kafka side, as it's purely OS settings side. Your Kernel will forward any traffic through this default interface.
Again.. I insist on the fact that this is because both your interfaces are in the same network.
If you have any doubts with this, please share your network configuration in details ( result of ip addr and ip route)

Wildfly clustering with VirtualBox

I am using VirtualBox on a WINDOWS7 as host of two DEBIAN7.7 guests, deb1 and deb2. Each guest can comunicate with the other one. Using one guest browser I can see the Wildfly istance welcome page that's running on the other guest. I run each istance in standalone-ha mode, network interfaces have mutlicast enabled, I can see on Wildfly node named srv1 that the two istances build a cluster:
...ISPN000094: Received new cluster view: [srv2/web|3] (2) [srv2/web, srv1/web]
where srv1 and srv2 are the node names of the istances. A tcpdump show UDP packets come across the multicast address, just where JGroups is listening. Despite all this goodness, http-session is not shared, this is my problem.
The application I use is very simple and <distributable/>, I have already used it succesfully in a multiple nodes on a single host scenario.
UPDATE: I made some tests using jgroups's test application McastReceiverTest and McastSenderTest with the following addresses:, and Every test worked, on the receiver guest I can read what I sent by the sender guest. I tried to change my application too, I use this one https://github.com/liweinan/cluster-demo but http session is not shared.
Wildfly work well, I was looking at the problem as if I was still running multiple istances on my host. As JBoss forum suggests, I tried with curl retreiving my JSESSIONID and I see the cluster responding as expected. Happy ending.

Full Clustering in Apache Traffic Server

I followed the steps mentioned in the official documentation for full clustering of multiple ATS instances. I installed 2 instances of ATS on 2 different Ubuntu machines (having the same specs, OS versions and hardware), and both of these act as a reverse proxy for web service hosted on a Tomcat server in a different machine. I wasnt able to set up the cluster. Here are some of the queries that I have.
They are on the same switch or same VLAN : The two Ubuntu machines on which I installed the ATS are connected to the same switch. They have the same interface mentioned in the /etc/network/interfaces. Are these enough or there is something else that has to be done to get the clustering?.
Running the comment traffic_line -r proxy.process.cluster.nodes : This returned 1 after I ran the traffic_line -x and traffic_line -L commands. But, in the cluster.config file, there isnt any additions or changes.
Moreover, when I make a query to one of these ATS instances (I have mapped the URLs in the remap.config file), both of them cache the responses locally and is not shared across.
From this information, can anyone tell me if I am doing something wrong. Let me know if anymore info is required.
Are these on virtual machines? I almost wasted 2 days trying to figure out what is wrong, when I initially set it up on openvz containers. Out of a wild guess, I decided to migrate to 2 physical nodes, and it went well. See Apache Traffic Server Clustering not working
proxy.process.cluster.nodes returns 1
means that it is just the standalone single node, and the second node on the cluster is not discovered.
Try a tcp dump for multicast and broadcast messages. If the other server's IP is not showing in the discovery packet, it has something to do at the network level, where the netops might have disabled multicast packet forwarding across switches.

Multicast Ping (Windows)

I am trying to implement server auto discovery so that clients will be able to see a list of servers available to connect to. I would like to auto discover servers even if they are in different subnets.
I have read that windows does not respond to broadcast ping, but is it possible to make all these servers to join a multicast group and use multicast ping on the group to see what servers are up?
Try Zero configuration networking (Zeroconf).
Note multiple LAN segments requires routers to be configured to route multicast traffic, they do not by default. Similarly IGMP enabled switches are usually recommended for computer connectivity.
