VBS Reg error in Win7 32bit & 64bit - windows

I have made the following script in VBS but although it does work in windows xp & vista, I cant get it to work in win7 both 32 & 64 bit.
set myclip = createobject("clipbrd.clipboard")
bcode = myclip.gettext
if len(bcode) > 0 then
set wb = getobject("C:\DB.xlsx")
wb.sheets("1").range("a2").value = bcode
myclip.settext wb.sheets("1").range("c2")
set wb = nothing
end if
set myclip = nothing
Through elevated cmd regsvr32 I get the
Regsvr32 DllRegisterServer in clipboard.dll succeded.
However when I try to run the vbs I get the following error:
Line: 1 Char: 1 ActiveX component can't create object 'clipbrd.clipboard' Code: 800A01AD S
Any ideas how to get passed it?

If it registered, but can't be instantiated there may be something it expects to be able to access during creation that it cannot access. There is a comment where you got this from:
"Note the constants i copied from msdn may not all be correct, or are outdated, see
Based on that I suspect that one of the constant he copied from msdn is no longer available in Windows 7, or has changed, and that because of that it throws an error during creation.
Just a guess, but worth checking if you have VBS source.


VBS - Error opening connection using ADODB

I'm having problems trying to connect in my oracle database using an ADODB object in VBScript, the code is working on a Win7 machine but not on WinXP, I tried to search for the error code, downloaded the sdk with the help file to look for something but I didn't found nothing useful.
Here is the code sample:
ConnectionString = "DSN=(Oracle in OraClient11g_home1);UID=username ;PWD=password ;DBQ=myDatabase"
Set objCon = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objCon.Open ConnectionString 'the error occurs in this line
I don't know if the connection string must be different for winXP machines... I really don't know how to solve this, can someone help me?
The error trace information:
"Error #-2147024770:
Error reported by: ADODB.Connection
Help File:
Topic ID: 1240640"
-2147024770 = FFFFFFFF8007007E
To Decode 0x8007nnnn Errors
HResults with facility code 7 means the HResult contains a Windows' error code. You have to look up the Windows' error code not the HResult.
To decode 0x8007007e. The 0x means it's a hexadecimal number, the 8 means error, the first 7 means it a windows error, and the rest of the number, 7e, is the actual Windows error.
To look up the error we need it in decimal format. Start Calculator (Start - All Programs - Accessories - Calculator) and choose View menu - Scientific, then View menu - Hex. Enter 7e. Then View menu - Decimal. It will say 126.
Start a Command Prompt (Start - All Programs - Accessories - Command Prompt) and type
net helpmsg 126
and it will say
The specified module could not be found.
or look it up in winerror.h
// MessageText:
// The specified module could not be found.
To see what is happening start your program in ntsd.
Start a command prompt.
md c:\symbols
set _NT_SYMBOL_PATH=srv*C:\tmp*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols;c:\symbols
then (changing it to your program from notepad)
ntsd -g -o c:\windows\notepad.exe
so something
ntsd -g -o wscript "c:\folder\script.vbs"
and wait for the error.

compiling less to css from classic asp / vbscript

I'm trying to get classic asp / vbscript to run a less compiler (https://github.com/duncansmart/less.js-windows). Running the exact command from a real cmd prompt on the server works fine. So it's going to be one of those permissiony type things. My server is Win2003 x86 / IIS6.
' foo.asp
outpath = "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\site\less"
cmd = "c:\less.js-windows-v1.6.2\lessc.cmd"
Set Shell = server.createobject("WScript.Shell")
nodeCommand = cmd & " " & outPath & "\app.less " & outPath & "\app.css"
errCode = Shell.Run(nodeCommand, 0, True)
' errcode = 1
foo.asp is running somewhere on the web server, anonymously.
cmd.exe has had iusr_server added so that it has read and execute permission.
c:\less.js-windows-v1.6.2 has had iusr_server added with read/execute as well.
I've granted everyone permission to modify files in side c:\inetpub\wwwroot\site\less to make sure it's not a permission thing.
I have tried modifying my command to include CMD /C ahead of the command file name.
Use the following process:
Stop the server
Change relative paths to full paths for all files
Reconfigure the IUSR to be you
Restart the server

Install inf driver with VBScript on Windows 7

I am trying to write a VBS script that install an USB/Ethernet adapter on Windows 7.
I've got a .INF file for this device.
I first tried:
Dim WshShell, res
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
res = WshShell.Run(WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%SystemRoot%" ) & "\System32\InfDefaultInstall.exe "" C:\Users\Me\Driver.inf """, 1, True)
res equaled 2.
Then I searched another way to do that and I found:
Dim WshShell, res
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
res = WshShell.Run(WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%SystemRoot%" ) & "\System32\rundll32.exe SETUPAPI.DLL,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 ""Driver.inf""", 1, True)
res equals 0 but I've got an error popup Installation failed.
What's wrong with my code? For the record, the script is launched with administration rights.
I've tried to execute the first command directly in prompt and got: The inf file you selected does not support this method of installation..
Nothing happens with second command in prompt.
This is very weird because I can install the driver "manually" when I launch the device manager and select the inf file (with a warning: Windows can't verify the publisher of this driver software.):
Once the driver is installed, the class installer property shows NetCfgx.dll,NetClassInstaller. Could it be used?
I also tried with devcon with no success (program returns devcon.exe failed).
How about this way:
1)If you're using "Windows 7", why not take advantage of the driver pre-staging utility that is built right into the OS? W7 ships with a driver utility called "PNPUTIL". Issuing a command as such will add the drivers:
PNPUTIL -a "X:\Path to Driver File\Driver.inf"
This will process the INF and copy the CAT/SYS/INF (and any DLL, EXE, etc) into the "DriverStore" folder... which is the same place Windows stores all the in-built drivers ready for auto plug-and-play instalaltion.
2)If that's not an option for you, look for "DPInst.exe" (or "DPInst64.exe" for 64-bit systems). These are available as part of the Windows PDK (available free from Microsoft) and will process all INFs in the location you put the file and attempt to pre-stage them. This method tries to copy files to the "Drivers", "CatRoot", and "INF" locations which are not as reliable... and it can occassionally fail to copy required DLLs to "System32" folders etc... but 99% of the time (for simple drivers) it just works. I can arrange to send them to you if you can't find them.
Since I found the option (1) above, that has been my best friend. I use option 2 to isntall Canon USB printers and scanners on our base images, etc... so I know that works too.
I had same problem and solved it by explicitly using ASCII version of InstallHinfSection entry point:
res = WshShell.Run("%Comspec% /C %SystemRoot%\System32\rundll32.exe SETUPAPI.DLL,InstallHinfSectionA DefaultInstall 132 ""Driver.inf""", 1, True)
There is probably a better solution, though (like hinting at the script engine which unicode/ASCII flavor to use).
Also I'm using EN-US system so this workaround may fail on more exotic locales.
Try this:
res = WshShell.Run("%Comspec% /C %SystemRoot%\System32\rundll32.exe SETUPAPI.DLL,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 ""Driver.inf""", 1, True)

VBS Windows 64bit/32bit registry read problem

What I am trying to achieve I feel should be fairly simple yet it is driving me totally insane.
We run a system monitoring tools across our clients which has the ability to run .vbs scripts remotely. This works very well normally.
What I am trying to achieve currently is being able to read a line from the registry on both 32bit versions of windows and 64 bit versions.
The Client side.exe which monitors the machine runs as a 32bit process on BOTH platforms (This is the trick).
I want to read a key from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ for example. My script works perfectly fine on 32bit. example: objRegistry.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\anything")
The problem I have is when I run this same line on a 64bit folder is is automatically looking in the wow64node folder. Example: objRegistry.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\wow64node\").
I need to have it checking in EXACTLY the same place.
The key it is reading is part of a program that runs both 32bit and 64bit versions which is why it is not installed in the wow64node folder.
At this point I am unable to run the .VBS script as a 64bit process which would solve my problem entirely as it would then not look in the wow64node folder.
If anyone has any ideas at all please let me know.
I solved it using this piece of code.
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
sPath = ReadRegStr (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ASP.NET\2.0.50727.0", "Path", 64)
WScript.Echo sPath
' Reads a REG_SZ value from the local computer's registry using WMI.
' Parameters:
' RootKey - The registry hive (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa390788(VS.85).aspx for a list of possible values).
' Key - The key that contains the desired value.
' Value - The value that you want to get.
' RegType - The registry bitness: 32 or 64.
Function ReadRegStr (RootKey, Key, Value, RegType)
Dim oCtx, oLocator, oReg, oInParams, oOutParams
Set oCtx = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet")
oCtx.Add "__ProviderArchitecture", RegType
Set oLocator = CreateObject("Wbemscripting.SWbemLocator")
Set oReg = oLocator.ConnectServer("", "root\default", "", "", , , , oCtx).Get("StdRegProv")
Set oInParams = oReg.Methods_("GetStringValue").InParameters
oInParams.hDefKey = RootKey
oInParams.sSubKeyName = Key
oInParams.sValueName = Value
Set oOutParams = oReg.ExecMethod_("GetStringValue", oInParams, , oCtx)
ReadRegStr = oOutParams.sValue
End Function
Thank you Helen for your help!
Instead of WshShell.RegRead, use the WMI StdRegProv class — it allows you to specify whether you want to read from the 32-bit or 64-bit registry. Check out this MSDN article for more info and examples:
Requesting WMI Data on a 64-bit Platform

Script IIS 5.1 installation on Windows XP

I found an idea for scripting the installation of IIS7 on Vista
I'm looking for a similar solution for IIS 5.1 on Windows XP. Any ideas?
Create your unattend text file. Check the following document on the Windows
Server CD for all relevant options:
support\tools\deploy.cab -- unattend.doc on W2K, or ref.chm for XP/W2K3
It looks something like this; here are some common ones you can pick from:
iis_common = ON
iis_inetmgr = ON
iis_www = ON
iis_ftp = ON
iis_doc = ON
iis_htmla = ON
iis_pwmgr = ON
mts_core = ON
fp = OFF
fp_extensions = OFF
iis_smtp = OFF
iis_nntp = OFF
Set Registry key at
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\SourcePath = ""
where \server\share\i386 contains Windows files.
SYSOCMGR.EXE /i:sysoc.inf /r /n /u:
Make sure the identity which runs this command has access to \server\share
