How to get items to be displayed in left navigation pane of windows explorer - winapi

I need to get all the items in the left navigation pane of windows explorer.Same as a new explorer window would display i.e. taking into account the user settings.
i am not getting any API or registry where i can get these settings.
I can get the details of these folder (Favorites, Libraries, Network etc. ) in general using IKnownFolderManager and IKnownFolder COM interfaces.
But my problem is i only want to get the items which user has enabled/customized to display in explorer. where these explorer settings are saved ?
please suggest any Win32/COM API or any other programmable way to get this done.
thanks in advance.

Take a look at windows libraries api.


Open Task pane from command in Outlook add-in using Office.js

I am working on an outlook add-in and I need the ability to open a task pane from one of the button commands.
Long story short the command will reach out to an API. The result of the API call will let the client side know if any user interaction is required. If it is I want to present the user with the task pane to fill in any required information.
From what I have found you should be able to call Office.addin.showAsTaskpane().
However this only works if you are using the Shared runtime requirement set which is only supported in Powerpoint, Word, and Excel.
In Outlook you can open a task pane by clicking on the ribbon button or notification item which can be added programmatically, i.e. dynamically. So, you may consider adding a notification item with a link for opening a task pane as a possible workaround. However, it requires a user interaction.
Web add-ins don't provide any way in Outlook to open a task pane programmatically. You can file a new feature request at .
This is not supported yet
You can refer from here Duplicate question OR similar

Disable "Open Document" in Oracle Attachments (Oracle Applications)

Up to recently I had disabled Attachments for a responsibility.
I have now been asked to activate them (fine) but only allow for the agent to upload attachments and not view them.
The (what I thought would be) simplest way of doing this was to remove the "Open Document" button in the Attachments window but can not find it in any menu.
Is this even possible? I only have access to Oracle Applications so can not query the backend directly.
Set FND Diagnostics profile to Yes for your user.
Navigate to your screen and then Help > Diagnostics > Properties > Item
You will be able to find the internal name of the button. You can then use Forms personalisation to remove it.
You can disable or hide that button through form personalisation as we can do for any field in any forms.

Windows 10 - Adding application to left navigation pane

I have an application which when I install in Windows 10, need to show up in left navigation pane. Now, I checked how other applications like OneDrive, DropBox which when installed in Windows 10, show up in the navigation pane. Apparently, it was mentioned that there is a DWORD value in registry which controls this behavior which is System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree. This value should be set to 1. But, when I tried to create this value in registry manually for my application's registry entries, it did not work for me. I am kind of stuck here. So, can somebody please help me in this regard ?
After lot of search and studying Dropbox entries in the Windows registry, I figured out the answer. We have to create new keys and sub keys with the following values similar to this GUID {E31EA727-12ED-4702-820C-4B6445F28E1A}:
Create a new GUID for the application online.
Search for the Dropbox GUID as mentioned above and add keys/subkeys similar to Dropbox.
After putting entries similar to Dropbox into Windows registry, I am able to see my application in the left navigation pane :-)
However, there is still one issue with this change. After changing the registry entries, a folder in Desktop got created with the name of my application and there is not even a delete option on it, somewhat like Recycle Bin. Any idea how to fix this issue ?

Is there an API in Windows 7 for creating "split menu items"?

I don't know what their official name is, but I mean these things:
Is there an official API for creating those in my own program?
And related question: Did you ever see these "split menu items" used anywhere other than the start menu? Where? This could point at an API.
Glancing at my own start menu, I'm guessing that most are generated the same way "Recent Documents" used to be done. i.e., observing the files that programs open.
As for new APIs, this page might be a good place to start sniffing around:
To create tasks like internet explorer etc, use ICustomDestinationList->AddUserTasks(), the recent items should show up for file types you are registered to handle (They are added by the open/save dialog or manually by calling SHAddToRecentDocs())

How to locate a file in windows explorer

I have a application to list all music files in user machine, a "Explorer" button is using to quickly open Windows Explorer and highlight the file in Windows Explorer. I tried ShellExecute, but it doesn't work, the API will launch associate application. Any Windows API can do that? Thanks in advance.
You can simply start explorer.exe with the /select argument, as detailed in this Knowledge Base article:
Explorer /select,C:\TestDir\TestApp.exe
You can create an IE instance and navigate to your folder, then query the IShellBrowser service from the top level browser service and get the active view's IShellView interface. Use IShellView::SelectItem to select items.
Remember to call IWebBrowser::Quit when you don't need the explorer window.
This method can not get around Windows Vista's User Interface Privilege Isolation. If the folder is opened in a process with a different integrity level, a broker IE extension is needed to continue the automation.
