Joomla user authorization with external SSO - joomla

I am trying to integrate a Joomla website with an internal Single Signon System. The SSO user authentication & authorization system was home grown and handles all of our user access.
I have an SSO website that I would like to send all Joomla users to, once they are authenticated they will be re-rerouted back to the Joomla website and they would be logged in.
What I need to be able to do is set a session variable and check this session id against our authentication server to see if the User session is still valid, essentially augmenting the Joomla Session / authorization check. If the session is invalid, I would redirect the user to the SSO login page.
Is there a core Joomla event that I can attach to that would allow be to perform authorization also??

This is a high level overview where you can do some things.
There are two events which you can use to trigger and to intercept the authentication process.
As a system plugin, using onAfterInitialise() you can trigger very early in the execution cycle an authentication request:
// Get the application object.
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$result = $app->login($credentials, $options);
Basically when the user loads a page, if it does not already have a session / is a guest JFactory::getUser()->guest === 1, you can try to authenticate the user, based on whatever you like.
The request earlier triggered can be intercepted with a authentication plugin, implementing the method onUserAuthenticate(). Inside this method you can actually make a request to the external system by whatever means you like (see existing authentication plugins).

You need an authentication bridge.
JFusion should allow you to do what you want. As well as integrating with various existing systems it allows for a custom authentication bridge.


AWS Cognito alternatives to set/comunicate session to different domains using cookies or callbacks or any aws cognito endpoint

currently, I'm working on an application in which we want to offer a single sign-on experience, but let me put you in the context:
We have two different Cognito clients created for the same Cognito pool, both are configured to allow the users to login into two different applications:
App A:
App B:
well, the thing is that when a user uses the hosted UI to log in to the first application, I noticed that the Cognito server creates a cookie called "Cognito" as can see in the image:
Cookie set by the auth server
Then, when a user tries to access the other application, and the application, instead of showing the hosted UI, the user automatically enters the application without going to all the login process again, and this is possible because of the cookie I mentioned (when I delete that cookie, then the user is requested to login again using its credentials).
So, that's nice because the user doesn't need to go through all the login process again. But my situation is the following:
I want to create a login page in with my own customized form and using the Cognito SDK. I already have the backend working, also the frontend. The backend can authenticate users to get the JWT tokens (IDtoken, refresh token, etc.) as you can see in the next image:
Tokens I get when I authenticate a user
But at this point I'm not able to redirect the user to with a valid session, I mean, I have the JWT tokens, and I tried to do the same thing that the hosted UI clients are doing, that is setting a cookie somehow containing the JWT session. But I don't know how to make the application to be able to detect this cookie. But the most important problem is that I really don't know how to construct a valid cookie (like Cognito's) to be detected by (this domain is shared for both Hosted UI clients).
I don't know if this approach is feasible, or if there is another approach to send a JWT token to the auth server with a callback to redirect the user to the
without going to all the login process again or something like that.
Do you have any advice on how to implement this kind of SSO Experience? I'm using .Net Core in the backend.

spring oauth2 authorize flow in single page app

I am implementing an oauth2 authorization server for providing access to our apis.
Our application is a single page application, with the a jwt token in the authentication header to provide access.
We want to setup an oauth2 Authorization Code flow like,
User is on external site and wants to get access to our apis
External site redirects to our site/spa with oauth2 params, client_id etc.
SPA checks authentication, users needs to login to continue
User sees page for confirming access
User confirms access, code is returned and redirected to external site
External site does backchannel call to obtain token from code
My problem is in 4 and 5, in standard Spring setup this is provided by,
on /oauth/authorize GET oauth params are stored in the session and the confirmation page is shown, and on post of that the code is returned in the redirect.
But I cannot find any guidance/examples on how to do this with a page hosted in a SPA.
You have to be authenticated in this endpoint and I cannot really use the top level page that /oauth/authorized provides because we use header based authentication on rest api calls only, all our top level calls are unauthenticated.
Is there some obvious way to make this work?
I think I do not want to put my authentication token in a cookie.
I was thinking of just then creating a controller that sort of does what the AuthorizationEndpoint does and returning a redirect to the redirect in Javascript. But I am not sure if I would be breaking some other security requirement.

auth0.js checkSession() returns a login_required error after logging in with login() from an embedded page

I am trying to add ‘keep me logged in’ functionality to my auth0 v9.3.0 authentication flow in my SPA. I have an embedded page at where the user enters their credentials. When they hit the sign-in button, the app calls the login() method from auth.js, passing in the username and password. If they checked the box, a permission cookie is set to true.
When the user launches the page later, after the token expires, a router guard calls auth0.js’s checkSession() method to get a new token. At this point, checkSession returns a login_required error even after the user logged in with auth0.js’s login() method. If I instead call the authorize() method and have the user log in on the hosted page, checkSession succeeds and does not return a login_required error.

Why does calling the login() method from the embedded page not fulfill the login_required requirement that authorize() fulfills? I want to get this working without ever redirecting the user to the hosted auth0 page.
Update: 03/28/18
I am currently using auth0 v9.3.0.
Instead of calling the login() method, I am now using axios to make a request to the co/authenticate endpoint. This succeeds and returns a login_ticket, co_id, and co_verifier.
When I call authorize() from auth0.js and pass in the login_ticket as mentioned in the documentation (, I get a ‘No verifier returned from client’ error. I have the co_verifier, but I’m not sure what to do with it.
Here is a fully working sample to follow (SPA using plain JavaScript). The sample illustrates both embedded login and universal login (auth0 hosted login page) approaches.
If you have a codebase on Github and don't mind sharing, then I can take a look for you. Please also update your question to indicate version of auth0.js you are using (or put in comment section below). Do you know (you can check using web browser developer tools) whether you are using co/authenticate endpoint when authenticating using auth0.js embedded login? If so, then you would have a Single Sign On session. However, if you are using oauth/token endpoint then this would not create a single sign on session. the checkSession() function calls authorize?prompt=none under the covers, which detects whether a SSO session is present as part of the authentication process.
Finally, and just for the record, the strong recommendation is to use Auth0 Hosted Login Page (Universal Login). It is a superior approach from security standpoint, and offers other benefits like easy opt-in to services like MFA out of the box. Finally, you could also enable Custom Domains so that your website and the Auth0 Hosted Login Page share the same URL base origin (domain) - end users of your site would not recognise they have been redirected to Auth0 for the authentication. So it is pretty seamless from a UX perspective too.
This issue was solved by calling auth.crossOriginAuthentication.login() instead of auth.client.login(). auth.crossOriginAuthentication.login() goes through co/authenticate, auth.client.login() goes through oauth/token.

Changing password after successful login with Okta API

I'm currently building an application that uses Okta for authentication, and I'd like to build a feature that allows users to change their password once they've logged in. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find an endpoint that will serve this purpose. The main change password API, api/v1/authn/credentials/change_password only works for users currently in the PASSWORD_WARN, and PASSWORD_EXPIRED states. Is there any way to use this or another similar endpoint once the user has logged in?
Yes, in this case you'll want to look at the Users API (and specifically the Change Password section).
Generally, the /api/v1/authn/credentials/change_password endpoint that you mentioned in the prompt is strictly for the authn flow - it's the endpoint you use to transition the user from PASSWORD_WARN or PASSWORD_EXPIRED to the next authentication state (by providing a new password).
The /api/v1/users/:id/credentials/change_password endpoint can be called at any time by your backend service, and doesn't strictly require the user to be authenticated - it's not CORS enabled and you'll need to provide an ApiToken when sending a request to it.

Spring security, AJAX and SiteMinder

I am implementing Spring Security login and I am trying to understand something, here is the scenario I want to implement:
For initial login show login page and let user in.
If after some inactivity session expired and user makes some action show him popup window to authenticate (js-based popup in browser). Continue with the action like there was no login form.
Implementing form is easy, but how do I make the popup work - let's say I make the request to some protected URL after session expired, how do I make sure it's not forwarded to login page, but to my login handler that shows popup window?
Another issue - I need to integrate with SiteMinder, so I would need to read the Login/Password combination and after it's read, forward to SiteMinder for authentication, after that's done I want to return without forwarding.
Answer to SiteMinder issue:
Siteminder is generally installed on a Webserver behind your servlet container.
Also, Siteminder manages the authentication and an application does not have access to a user password at all.
To integrate with Siteminder use this filter:
Answer to the login with the popup issue: since you need to integrate with Siteminder, I would not recommend to implement the login via the popup.
The sample given on the above springsource website is quite primitive and can break in several use cases. Using the SM_USER header alone has several caveats, see my answer here: How to validate SM_USER header in Spring Security preauthentication for siteminder
CA SSO aka SiteMinder, as well as other traditional html-form-request-response SSO systems, have a hard time dealing with Single Page Applications and protecting the web services that you invoke via AJAX, without breaking the flow of your application.
