Multiple Projects, android library - android-library

I need to create multiple projects from one source code.
Must have different logo, color backgrounds and fonts
Must have some constants defined differently
Each of these projects will be in different packages, else I wont be able to release them on the store.
I have developed a project that works, now I need to make this into a library project.
What I tried was
working project -> properties -> android -> is library
created a new project -> properties -> add -> working project
copied the android manifest from working to new project
exported the new project
installed it on the device, it shows in settings -> applications -> manage applications, but does not show as a app.
What am I doing wrong here ?

I was missing out on 2 things
Changing the package name in the new project
Deleting the default ic_lanchner.png from all folders


Add target to iOS/macOS Multi-Platform Project (Xcode 12)

Xcode 12 (Beta) introduced the new multi-platform project template for iOS/macOS apps. If I add a new target (File -> New -> Target... -> Watch App), Xcode adds a new app project to the existing one.
My preference is, that the watchOS-Project uses the shared folder, like the iOS and macOS app.
My question is, how to integrate another app project, like watchOS or tvOS, to an existing multi-platform project? As a reference, I found a GitHub-Project, which integrated watchOS and tvOS in a multi-platform project:
I also struggled adding an new target for an additional platform. I ended up doing it like this:
Create new project for iOS platform and name it "iOS"
Rename project (first file in the file list) to your product name. Xcode will ask you if you want to rename all other project files -> click on "Don't rename"
While the project file is still selected, you see a column with the targets. Click on the "+" on the bottom and select the app template for an other platform (e.g. tvOS). Set the product name to "tvOS" and click on "Finish".
Add more platforms if needed.
Go through all targets and change the Bundle Identifier for each of them to the correct product name.
Create the following folders by right-clicking on the project file and choosing "New Group": Shared, Shared Tests, Shared UITests.
Now you move the files you want to share between all platforms from one of the platform folders to the "Shared" folder (e.g. ContentView.swift). Delete all those files from the other platforms folders.
Go through all the files in the "Shared" folder and select the other platforms under "Target Membership":
9. Do the same for the Tests und UITests
It's cumbersome, but it works. Maybe somebody else finds a better way...

Appcelerator Studio new project alternatives

I am new to Appcelerator Studio and a bit confused over the different alternatives when starting a new project.
I started two projects, one with menu
"New - Mobile App Project - (Project Template) Default Project", and the second with
"New - Mobile App Project (Project Template) Single Window Application".
Both projects have, Titanium SDK version 5.2.0.GA, Deployment Targets: iPhone, Mobile Web, and Unchecked Enable Appcelerator Platform Services.
Please see image link below from Studio Project Explorer on how these two projects look like:
The first project (DefaultProject) makes a single window with two tabs. The second project (SingleWindowApplication) just makes a single window.
Why are the structure of these to projects/apps that different?
In the first, the window creation etc. are done in app.js.
In the second, the code has been moved around to directories like common, handheld and tablet.
What should be the right questions to ask (for an app making beginner) in order to choose between those two "template" projects?
In the second project, why do I get the android and tablet directories? I did specify targets iPhone and Mobile Web.
Why is directory i18n present in the second project but not in the first?
At first, if you start learning Ti, I would start with an Alloy project and straight learn this route. Helps you to be more organized in your projects (MVC structure).
The projects you've created are classis Ti projects (works fine too). The different folders are just a way to organize your projects. You can create them in the first example if you like to. E.g. the i18n is just not part of the first template but if you start to create a multilanguage project you would just add it.
The targets you define are used during compiling. So if you compile it for iphone it won't add the android assets in there, so just ignore those folders (the template creates them). If you create a empty project from the command line ti create select app and android it will just create the android folder in the Resources directory. But if you run alloy new to create an Alloy project inside this directory it will automatically create all other asset folders (again, ignore them, they won't be used)

How to Importing files from one project to another

I want to copy some files "Classes" from another project to my current project, but when I run it I get dozen of errors, its seem there are some steps to copying file from one project to another project using Xcode ,
I can make a collection of files "Classes" accessible in my project?
One project is Objective c, the another one seems to be Objective C++
Individual Files
Organize your files
Place the files you will need at a location that is accessible by the Xcode project. Usually, you place these files is a directory below your Xcode project, but that is absolutely not necessary.
Drag & drop
Grab all the files you need and drop them onto your project organizer. You will be prompted with this dialog, to which the settings should look like this (ensure that your target is selected):
If you want to include a Cocoa Touch Static Library, in the form of an Xcode project, drag & drop will suffice.
No there are not exactly steps we need to follow. Just make sure all dependencies are fulfilled while importing classes from other project. Don't forget to click at checkbox Copy files if needed so that Xcode can make separate copy for your project.
In order to import files in your project click following sequence:
command + option + A
or you can also add files by
Xcode -> File -> Add files to "Project Name"

Xcode auto include header for sibiling project

i have a workspace in xcode with two project (sibiling, not parent->child) a project is a static library, and other project is a standard app.
Now i need to drag headers file from library project to app project but this a bit annoying, how i need to configure 'header search path' parameter?
I add other details: now the path is:
i create a Build folder and from xcode preferences i configured this folder to receive all builed prioject.

How to build a VST-plugin with OSX/XCode

I want to build a VST plugin on OSX. I can compile it just fine, but the VST-host (Cubase Essential 4) always crashes when trying to load it or reports that the plugin is somehow broken.
Probably, this is because I am missing some ingredients to the VST-bundle.
Which preferences need to be set in XCode and what stuff has to be put into the bundle to make this work? Or is there even a sample project somewhere?
Thank you in advance
I have written up a guide for developing VST plugins by hand on Mac OSX here:
Making a VST plugin from scratch with Xcode
Also I have developed a set of Xcode project templates which you can use which do all of this for you and simply give you a base project for VST effects/instruments:
Teragon Audio Xcode VST Templates
Both of these are written for the VST 2.x SDK, as I have not worked with the 3.x SDK and am not using any sequencers which have migrated to it yet.
I searched the net looking for complete guide on how to build VST2 plugin using Xcode and found some guides, especially guide in previous post by Nik was useful, but some steps were missing in them (Ex. Ableton Live 9.1.1 doesn't see plugin without step 3), some were redundant. So I decided to write complete guide for most recent Xcode.
Complete guide for creating optimized VST2 plugin using Xcode 5 on OSX
Download VST SDK, it can be VST3 sdk (3.6 in my case), vst2.x folder is still there. Unpack it and put to folder Documents/Xcode so that it looks Documents/Xcode/VST3 SDK
Open Xcode. Create New Project OSX -> Framework & Library -> Bundle Choose Cocoa Framework in dialog.
When the project is created, in Info tab:
Add new key Resource should be file-mapped with value YES
In Build Settings tab:
Deployment -> Deployment Location -> set Yes
Deployment -> Deployment Postprocessing -> set Yes
Deployment -> Installation Built Products Location -> set /
Deployment -> Installation Directory -> set /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST
Packaging -> Wrapper Extension -> set vst
Search Paths -> Header Search Paths -> add path "$(HOME)/Documents/Xcode/VST3 SDK" with quotes, with recursive flag
Menu -> Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme -> Run -> Info -> Build Configuration -> set Release
Drag vst2.x folder from VST3 SDK/public.sdk/source/ to project tree. In adding files dialog:
uncheck Copy items into destination group's folder
check Create groups for any added folder
check your project in Add to targets
Add your .h and .cpp files for your effect or instrument.
You can simply add again.h and again.cpp files from https: // just to check.
Press Run (it may warn about inappropriate typecast in SDK source - let Xcode fix it)
The sample project at VST3 SDK/public.sdk/samples/vst/mac could also be a good place to start.
This guide covers everything you asked and more.
