Passing Multiple variables to an application using VBScript - windows

I am trying to path multiples variables to an application using vbscript but it is not working for me and I do not know how to fix:
Set SH = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set colFiles = objFolder.Files
For Each objFile in colFiles
SH.Run ".\Resizer.exe /resize /overwrite /width: " & strResize & objFile.Path & objFile.Path,,True
Resizer.exe will resize objFile.path (example: D:\pic.jpg) with strReszie width and will save it again as objFile.path
Where is the problem?

Two things:
You're not putting any spaces between your params:
strResize & objFile.Path & objFile.Path
should be:
strResize & " " & objFile.Path & " " & objFile.Path
Make sure you surround any file paths with quotes, in case they contains spaces:
strResize & " " & Chr(34) & objFile.Path & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & objFile.Path & Chr(34)


vbscript - object required error

For some reason when I run my vbscript, I am getting an object required at Line 4 Char 1 for the InstallLog. Any idea why this might be occurring?
Dim wshShell, FSO, strDexcomFolder, strDexcom, SysRoot, intRunError, strGroup, strDomain, InstallLog
Const ForWriting = 2
Set InstallLog = FSO.OpenTextFile("Install_Log.txt", ForWriting)
Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
SysRoot = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SystemDrive%")
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strDexcomFolder = "c:\Program Files (x86)\Bioex"
strDomain = "xxxxxxxx"
strGroup = "domain users"
msgbox strDexcomFolder
If FSO.FolderExists(strDexcomFolder) Then
intRunError = WshShell.Run("icacls """ & strDexcomFolder & """ /grant " & strDomain & "\" & strGroup & ":(OI)(CI)(M) ", 2, True)
msgbox intRunError
If Err.number <> 0 Then
InstallLog.WriteLine("Error Assigning Permissions!")
InstallLog.WriteLine("Error #: "&Err.Number&", "&Err.Description&"")
MsgBox"Error assigning permissions!"
End If
Wscript.Echo "Error: folder " & strDexcomFolder & " does not exist"
End If
Here. This should get you going. The icacls command is now being echoed into the log so you can confirm your syntax is being passed correctly. Edit - Some command line programs do not pass arguments correctly without preceding them with "cmd.exe /C". I added that also along with full path to icacls.exe in case you are running from a location that is not in the system path.
Option Explicit
Dim wshShell, objFSO, strDexcomFolder, strDexcom, SysRoot, intRunError, strGroup, strDomain, InstallLog, strWinDir
Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
SysRoot = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SystemDrive%")
strWinDir = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
Const ForAppending = 8
Const ReadOnly = 1
strDexcomFolder = "c:\Program Files (x86)\Bioex"
strDomain = "xxxxxxxx"
strGroup = "domain users"
Set InstallLog = objFSO.CreateTextFile("Install_Log.txt", True)
MsgBox strDexcomFolder
If objFSO.FolderExists(strDexcomFolder) Then
MsgBox "Start"
InstallLog.WriteLine("Running Command - " & strWinDir & "\System32\cmd.exe /C " & strWinDir & "\System32\icacls.exe " & Chr(34) & strDexcomFolder & Chr(34) & " /grant " & Chr(34) & strDomain & "\" & strGroup & chr(34) & ":(OI)(CI)(M)")
intRunError = WshShell.Run(strWinDir & "\System32\cmd.exe /C " & strWinDir & "\System32\icacls.exe " & Chr(34) & strDexcomFolder & Chr(34) & " /grant " & Chr(34) & strDomain & "\" & strGroup & chr(34) & ":(OI)(CI)(M)", 2, True)
MsgBox intRunError
If intRunError <> 0 Then
InstallLog.WriteLine("Error Assigning Permissions!")
InstallLog.WriteLine("Error #: " & Err.Number & ", " & Err.Description)
MsgBox "Error assigning permissions!"
End If
InstallLog.WriteLine("Error: folder " & strDexcomFolder & " does not exist")
WScript.Echo "Error: folder " & strDexcomFolder & " does not exist"
End If
You will definitely need to have this line of code PRECEDES those which are using the FSO object or calling a function like FSO.OpenTextFile
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Moving Windows 7 user library (desktop, my docs...etc) to another location

In Windows 7, I cut the user library folders and then I paste them to another location (including the content of them). When I do it that way, Windows 7 makes the changes needed (registry, path ... etc.) in order to get those special folders working again.
Is there a way to script it (in VBS if possible)?
I've given a look at WshShell.SpecialFolders commands and the fso.MoveFolder but I don't find the way...
Does anyone have an idea or a link in order to help me? Thanks by advance.
You need to use shell objects from Shell32. This lists or executes a command on a file/folder object (eg Cut). You can use Shell.namespace to get a special folder, see
HelpMsg = vbcrlf & " ShVerb" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & " David Candy 2014" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & " Lists or runs an explorer verb (right click menu) on a file or folder" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & " ShVerb <filename> [verb]" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & " Used without a verb it lists the verbs available for the file or folder" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
HelpMsg = HelpMsg & " The program lists most verbs but only ones above the first separator" & vbcrlf & " of the menu work when used this way" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
HelpMsg = HelpMsg & " The Properties verb can be used. However the program has to keep running" & vbcrlf & " to hold the properties dialog open. It keeps running by displaying" & vbcrlf & " a message box."
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set Ag = WScript.Arguments
set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Ag.count = 0 then
wscript.echo " ShVerb - No file specified"
wscript.echo HelpMsg
Else If Ag.count = 1 then
If LCase(Replace(Ag(0),"-", "/")) = "/h" or Replace(Ag(0),"-", "/") = "/?" then
wscript.echo HelpMsg
End If
ElseIf Ag.count > 2 then
wscript.echo vbcrlf & " ShVerb - To many parameters" & vbcrlf & " Use quotes around filenames and verbs containing spaces" & vbcrlf
wscript.echo HelpMsg
End If
If fso.DriveExists(Ag(0)) = True then
Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(fso.GetFileName(Ag(0)))
' Set objFolderItem = objFolder.ParseName(fso.GetFileName(Ag(0)))
Set objFolderItem = objFolder.self
msgbox ag(0)
ElseIf fso.FolderExists(Ag(0)) = True then
Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(fso.GetParentFolderName(Ag(0)))
Set objFolderItem = objFolder.ParseName(fso.GetFileName(Ag(0)))
ElseIf fso.fileExists(Ag(0)) = True then
Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(fso.GetParentFolderName(Ag(0)))
Set objFolderItem = objFolder.ParseName(fso.GetFileName(Ag(0)))
wscript.echo " ShVerb - " & Ag(0) & " not found"
wscript.echo HelpMsg
End If
Set objVerbs = objFolderItem.Verbs
'If only one argument list verbs for that item
If Ag.count = 1 then
For Each cmd in objFolderItem.Verbs
If len(cmd) <> 0 then CmdList = CmdList & vbcrlf & replace(, "&", "")
wscript.echo mid(CmdList, 2)
'If two arguments do verbs for that item
ElseIf Ag.count = 2 then
For Each cmd in objFolderItem.Verbs
If lcase(replace(cmd, "&", "")) = LCase(Ag(1)) then
Exit For
End If
'Properties is special cased. Script has to stay running for Properties dialog to show.
If Lcase(Ag(1)) = "properties" then
WSHShell.AppActivate(ObjFolderItem.Name & " Properties")
msgbox "This message box has to stay open to keep the " & ObjFolderItem.Name & " Properties dialog open."
End If
End If
End If
Copying files in a folder to a blank or existing zip file. Cause zip files are folders in the shell.
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set Ag=Wscript.Arguments
set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set SrcFldr=objShell.NameSpace(Ag(1))
Set DestFldr=objShell.NameSpace(Ag(0))
Set FldrItems=SrcFldr.Items
DestFldr.CopyHere FldrItems, &H214
Msgbox "Finished"

Vbscript msgbox out of file list

I’m new to vbs, but I need to make a script that copies files from one folder to another, then reads a hole list of copied files and make a log file with those names. This is where I got it covered. Next thing I need to do is to make some sort of msgbox/IEmsg out of this list. This msgbox should have all of the file names, line under the line, that script just copied.
This is my script:
StrMonth = Month(Date)
If Len(strMonth) = 1 Then
strMonth = "0" & strMonth
End If
StrDay = Day(Date)
If Len(strDay) = 1 Then
strDay = "0" & strDay
End If
StrYear = Year(Date)
FolderName = "c:\Rafel" & strDay & "." & strMonth & "." & StrYear
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
SET objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(FolderName)
objFSO.CopyFile "c:\Rafel\files\*.*", FolderName & "\"
Wscript.Sleep 1000
IF objFSO.FileExists( FolderName & "\database.txt") THEN
Wscript.Echo "Folder created, files are copied."
SET objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
SET objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(FILEFOLDER)
SET filelist = objFolder.Files
FILELOG = FolderName & "\file log.log"
FOR EACH objFile IN filelist
FILENAME = FILENAME & "###" & Now & " File copied" & "###" & vbCrlf &_
" File name:" & objFile.Name & vbCrlf &_
" Create date:" & objFile.DateLastModified & vbCrlf &_
" Size:" & objFile.Size & vbCrlf &_
SET objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(FILELOG)
objFile.Write vbCrlf
As you can see, it works as far as making copies and creating log file with a list of files. But how can I make a one message box with a list of those files? I’ve tried, for each but it just “spam” msgbox for each file.
I'm a noob so pls take that in mind. :)
Use a custom popup box to expand your maximum amount of characters of the msgbox and display the msgbox accordingly.
More info
StrMonth = Month(Date)
If Len(strMonth) = 1 Then
strMonth = "0" & strMonth
End If
StrDay = Day(Date)
If Len(strDay) = 1 Then
strDay = "0" & strDay
End If
StrYear = Year(Date)
FolderName = "c:\Rafel" & strDay & "." & strMonth & "." & StrYear
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
SET objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(FolderName)
objFSO.CopyFile "c:\Rafel\files\*.*", FolderName & "\"
Wscript.Sleep 1000
IF objFSO.FileExists( FolderName & "\database.txt") THEN
Wscript.Echo "Folder created, files are copied."
SET objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
SET objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(FILEFOLDER)
SET filelist = objFolder.Files
FILELOG = FolderName & "\file log.log"
FOR EACH objFile IN filelist
FILENAME = FILENAME & "###" & Now & " File copied" & "###" & vbCrlf &_
" File name:" & objFile.Name & vbCrlf &_
" Create date:" & objFile.DateLastModified & vbCrlf &_
" Size:" & objFile.Size & vbCrlf &_
SET objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(FILELOG)
objFile.Write vbCrlf
Dim objShell : Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
objShell.Popup FILENAME, 0, "Filenames", 0

synchronize run methods vbscript

I have a problem. I need to throw some synchronized commands in vbscript (one Run method, Delete one and moveFile one) in every cycle to my loop. I don't know how I do it.
My code is that:
Public Function UnificarCRIs(ByVal path, ByVal FICRIEC, ByVal sessio, ByVal CIBAA)
Dim objFile, objCurrentFolder, filesys, origenFitxers
Dim FileName, WshShell
On error resume next
Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objCurrentFolder = filesys.getFolder(path)
For Each objFile In objCurrentFolder.Files
FileName = objFile
If (right(FileName, 4) = ".cri") Then
If filesys.FileExists(path & FICRIEC & sessio) Then
'WshShell.Run ("copy " & path & FICRIEC & sessio & "+" & FileName & " " & path & FICRIEC & sessio & "_tmp") ("cmd /K " & "copy /Y " & path & FICRIEC & sessio & "+" & FileName & " " & path & FICRIEC & sessio & "_tmp",8,TRUE)
Set WshShell = Nothing
filesys.DeleteFile path & FICRIEC & sessio
'filesys.MoveFile path & FICRIEC & sessio & "_tmp", path & FICRIEC & sessio
Else "cmd /K " & "copy /Y " & FileName & " " & path & FICRIEC & sessio,8,TRUE
Set WshShell = Nothing
End If
End If
End Function
Read the docs for .Run completely and reflect on the bWaitOnReturn parameter.
Sorry, I didn't read your code carefully enough. The .Run should wait. But I see that you use a global On Error Resume Next and param list () in ("cmd /K " & "copy /Y " & path & FICRIEC & sessio & "+" & FileName & " " & path & FICRIEC & sessio & "_tmp",8,TRUE)
What happens, when you remove those mistakes? Are you sure, that you have a usable WshShell in the second pass thru the loop?

script to pull info from windows Drive

I need a script that could ran and pull information from any drive on a windows operating system (Server 2003), listing all files and folders which contain the following fields:
Full file path (e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\testPage.doc)
File type (e.g. word document, spreadsheet, database etc)
When Created
When last modified
When last accessed
Any help is appreciated.
try this vbscript
Set objFS=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
strFolder = objArgs(0)
Set objFolder = objFS.GetFolder(strFolder)
Go (objFolder)
Sub Go(objDIR)
If objDIR <> "\System Volume Information" Then
For Each eFolder in objDIR.SubFolders
Go eFolder
End If
For Each strFile In objDIR.Files
WScript.Echo "Full Path: " & strFile.Path
WScript.Echo "File Size(bytes): " & strFile.Size
WScript.Echo "File Date modified: " & strFile.DateLastModified
WScript.Echo "File Date Created: " & strFile.DateCreated
WScript.Echo "File Date accessed: " & strFile.DateLastAccessed
End Sub
on command line
c:\test> cscript //nologo myscript.vbs c:\
To save the results to a csv file modify ghostdog74's code as follows.
Set objFS=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
WScript.Echo Chr(34) & "Full Path" &_
Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & "File Size" &_
Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & "File Date modified" &_
Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & "File Date Created" &_
Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & "File Date Accessed" & Chr(34)
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
strFolder = objArgs(0)
Set objFolder = objFS.GetFolder(strFolder)
Go (objFolder)
Sub Go(objDIR)
If objDIR <> "\System Volume Information" Then
For Each eFolder in objDIR.SubFolders
Go eFolder
End If
For Each strFile In objDIR.Files
WScript.Echo Chr(34) & strFile.Path & Chr(34) & "," &_
Chr(34) & strFile.Size & Chr(34) & "," &_
Chr(34) & strFile.DateLastModified & Chr(34) & "," &_
Chr(34) & strFile.DateCreated & Chr(34) & "," &_
Chr(34) & strFile.DateLastAccessed & Chr(34)
End Sub
Then call it from the command line like this.
c:\test> cscript //nologo myscript.vbs "c:\" > "C:\test\Output.csv"
