bash downloading files ftp url - bash

I working with a function to parse a file that has a list of desired file names to download. I'm using curl to download them but is there a better way? The output is shown which is okay but is there way for the output not be shown? Is there way to handle exceptions if the file isn't found and move on to the next file to be download if something happens? Might wanna ignore what I do for getting the proper link name, it was pain. The directory pattern has a pattern to what the name of the file is.
# reads from the file and assigns to $MYARRAY and download to Downloads/*
function Download {
echo $VARL
echo $VAR
echo $VAR2
echo $DLADDR
curl -o Downloads/$FILECATNAME $DLADDR
gunzip Downloads/$FILECATNAME
mkdir -p Downloads
while read line ; do
done < $FILENAME
echo "MYARRAY is: ${MYARRAY[*]}"
echo "Total pdbs in the file: ${index}"
for i in "${MYARRAY[#]}"
Download $i
I'm trying to write the log file to a folder that i made before the downloading but it doesn't seem to be making it in the folder. It writes to the root directory of the file that being executed and it doesn't write it correctly either. My syntax might be wrong??
curl -o Downloads/$FILECATNAME $DLADDR >> Downloads\LOGS\$LOGFILE 2>&1

Okey, first of all, I'm not sure if I got it all right, but I'll give it a try:
I'm using curl to download them but is there a better way?
I don't know a better one. You could use wget instead of curl, but curl is much more powerful.
The output is shown which is okay but is there way for the output not be shown?
You could use nohup (e.g. nohup curl -o Downloads/$FILECATNAME $DLADDR). If you don't redirect the output to a specific file, It will be stored in nohup.out. By adding an ampersand (&) at the end of your command you can also let it run in the background, so the command is still executed, even if you loose the connection to the server.
Is there way to handle exceptions if the file isn't found and move on to the next file to be download if something happens?
You could use something like test...exists.Or you could just check your nohup.out for errors or anything else with a grep.
I hope this helped you in any way.


Run curl command on each line of a file and download the files

I have a file containing a list of pdf files.
this is a test.pdf
this is a/another test.pdf
test number 5_ example.pdf
I know that doing:
curl -O "https://report2018/this is another test.pdf"
will download the file.
So the scenario is use curl in bash script to download all the pdf's in the file one by one when the beginning of the URL should be: "https://report2018/" .
So a complete URL will be https://report2018/+PDF_NAME
Any ideas or suggestions how to do it in bash script?
It is a pretty basic script actually...
You can break your problem in two pieces:
Basic usage of bash, in general;
How to cycle a file.
Something like this will suffice:
exec 3<file.list # Put the file in a file descriptor
while read -r line <&3; do # Read line by line the file descriptor
curl -sk "https://report2018/${line}" > "${line}" # make curl and save in file
exec 3>&- # Close file descriptor
Obviously you have to change the curl with your needs (E.G. User Agent and/or authentication).
Note that with > ${line}" after curl, you will save the file with the same name read by file.list.
I hope this helps you, and please, next time, use a search engine first.

Change the output directory on command line For Loop

I have been working CSVKIT to build out a solution for parsing fixed-width data files to csv. I have put together the below code to iterate through all the files in a directory, but this same code also places the files back into the same directory it came from. As best practice I believe in using an 'IN' folder and an 'OUT' folder. I am also processing this command-line on a MAC.
for x in $(ls desktop/fixedwidth/*.txt); do x1=${x%%.*}; in2csv -f fixed -s desktop/ff/ala_schema.csv $x > $x1.csv; echo "$x1.csv done."; done
I feel that I am missing something and or that I need to change something within my snippet shown below, but I just can't put my finger on it.
Any help on this would be wonderful and I thank you in advance.
When you run,
in2csv -f fixed -s desktop/ff/ala_schema.csv $x > $x1.csv
the output of your programm will be writing to the file, ${x1}.csv.
So, just set correct path to x1:
in2csv -f fixed -s desktop/ff/ala_schema.csv $x > $output_file;
But, you should create your output_dir, before running this code. Otherwise you can receive an error, that directory doesn't exists.

bash is zipping entire home

I am trying to back up a all world* folders from /home/mc/server/ and drop the zipped in /home/mc/backup/
moment=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M")
zipping="zip -r -9 $backup $map"
eval $zipping
The zipped file is created in backup folder as expected, but when I unzipped it contants the entire /home dir. I am running this bash in two ways:
Using user's crontab
Finally, If I put an echo of echo $zipping this prints correctly the command that I need to trigger. What am I missing? Thank you in advance.
There's no reason to use eval here (and no, justifying it on DRY grounds if you want to both log a command line and subsequently execute it does not count as a good reason IMO.)
Define a function and call it with the appropriate arguments:
moment=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M")
zipping () {
zip -r -9 "$output" "$#"
zipping "/home/mc/backup/map$" /home/mc/server/world*
(I'll admit, I don't know what is causing the behavior you report, but it would be better to confirm it is not somehow specific to the use of eval before trying to diagnose it further.)

How to call a variable between double qoutes in bash?

I'm trying to execute this command in a script:
axel "$1"
Where "$1" is a URL sent to this command in a script by the firefox plugin FlashGot. However,the URL is long and it keeps cutting it off short. The only way to overcome this is to enclose the URL in single or double "http://...."
Thanks, in advance.
Ok, so an example of the URL is
Well, it keeps cutting it off at
and that is all is getting sent to axel.
I added an echo command in the script:
cd /home/caleb/Desktop
echo "$1"
axel "$1"
I can see the debug of a script by sending a URL to it through the terminal:
./ <URL>
The only error message I see is because of the shortened URL.
Here's the output of the script above:
Initializing download:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
axel "$1" should work and I'm not surprised axel ""$1"" doesn't work because that's equivalent to axel $1.
To debug this we'll need an error message or something, because saying "it doesn't work" doesn't help at all.
You say the script is called from Firefox. I'm not sure if you can easily see the error message, maybe you can't. I have an idea for that. Let's call your script Create a wrapper script like this:
for arg; do
echo arg="'$arg'" | tee $log
/path/to/ >>$log 2>&1
Make this script executable, trigger it from Firefox, and then look at the log, which will include both the output and error output of your original script. If you still can't figure out what is wrong, then edit your question, and paste in the content of /tmp/script.log so we can debug.
Based on your update, it looks like the script does not receive the URL correctly. In particular, it looks like the URL is not quoted properly when you pass it to the script. It's not surprising that the cut-off happens right in front of a & character, as that means something to the shell. You should call your script like this:
./ "http://....?version=4&lid=..."
But this is not happening, it looks it's getting called without the double-quotes, which will result in the behavior you're observing.
Just using
axel "$1"
will work. If it isn't, you're going to need to give a lot more information...

Bash command route malfunction

Given this (among more...):
compile_coffee() {
echo "Compile COFFEESCRIPT files..."
for folder in ${COFFEE_FOLDER[*]}
for file in $folder/*.coffee
file_name=$(echo "$file" | awk -F "/" '{print $NF}' | awk -F "." '{print $1}')
if [ -f $file_path ]; then
echo "+ $file -> $file_destination"
$COFFEE_CMD $COFFEE_PARAMS $file > $file_destination #FAIL
#$COFFEE_CMD $COFFEE_PARAMS $file > testfile
echo "done!"
And just to clarify, everything except the #FAIL line works flawessly, if I'm doing something wrong just tell me, the problem I have is:
the line executes and does what it have to do, but dont write the file that I put in "file_destination".
if a delete a folder in that route (it's relative to this script, see below), bash throws and error saying that the folder do not exist.
If I make the folder again, no errors, but no file either.
If I change the $file_destination to "testfile", it create the file with correct contents.
The $file_destination path its ok -as you can see, my script echoes it-
if I echo the entire line, copy the exact command with params and execute it onto a shell in the same directory the script is, it
I don't know what is wrong with this, been wondering for two hours...
Script output (real paths):
(alpha)[pyron#vps herobrine]$ ./ compile && ls -l database/static/js/
=== Compile ===
Compile COFFEESCRIPT files...
+ ./database/static/coffee/ -> ./database/static/js/test.js
Linking static files to django staticfiles folder... done!
total 0
Complete command:
coffee --compile --print ./database/static/coffee/ > ./database/static/js/test.js
What am I missing?
EDIT I've made some progression through this.
In the shell, If I deactivate the python virtualenv the script works, but If I call deactivate from the script it says command not found.
Assuming destination files have no characters as spaces in their names, directories exist etc. I'd try adding 2>&1 e.g.
$COFFEE_CMD $COFFEE_PARAMS $file > testfile 2>&1
compilers may put desired output and/or compilation messages on stderr instead of stdout. You may also want to put full path to coffee , e.g. /usr/bin/coffee instead of just compiler name.
Found that the problem wasn't the bash script itself. A few lines later the deploy script perform the collectstatic method from django. Noticed that until that line the files were there, I started reading that the collecstatic have a cache system. A very weird one IMO, since I have to delete all the static files and start from scratch to have the script working.
So... the problem wasn't the bash script but the django cache system. Im not givin' reputation to me anyways.
The full deploy script is here: and everyone is welcome if you can improve it.
