Native mapreduce VS hbase mapreduce - hadoop

If I create MR job by using TableMapReduceUtil(Hbase), it seems that hbase scanner feeds data into mapper and converts data from reducer to specific hbase output format to store it in hbase table.
For this reason, I expect hbase mapreduce job will take more time than native MR job.
So, How definitely long does Hbase job take more than native MR?

In regards to reads going through HBase can be 2-3 times slower than native map/reduce that uses files directly.
In the recently announced HBase 0.98 they've added the capability to do map/reduce over HBase snapshots. You can see this presentation for details (slide 7 for API, slide 16 for speed comparison).
In regard to writes you can write into HFiles directly and then bulk load to HBase - however since HBase caches data and does bulk writes you can also tune it up and get comparable or better results


Impala vs Hive. How Impala circumvents MapReduce?

How is Impala able to achieve lower latency than Hive in query processing?
I was going through, where it is stated:
To avoid latency, Impala circumvents MapReduce to directly access the
data through a specialized distributed query engine that is very
similar to those found in commercial parallel RDBMSs. The result is
order-of-magnitude faster performance than Hive, depending on the type
of query and configuration.
How Impala fetches the data without MapReduce (as in Hive)?
Can we say that Impala is closer to HBase and should be compared with HBase instead of comparing with Hive?
Or can we say that as classically, Hive is on top of MapReduce and does require less memory to work on while Impala does everything in memory and hence it requires more memory to work by having the data already being cached in memory and acted upon on request?
Just read Impala Architecture and Components
Impala is a massively parallel processing (MPP) database engine. It consists of different daemon processes that run on specific hosts.... Impala is different from Hive and Pig because it uses its own daemons that are spread across the cluster for queries.
It circumvents MapReduce containers by having a long running daemon on every node that is able to accept query requests. There is no singular point of failure that handles requests like HiveServer2; all impala engines are able to immediately respond to query requests rather than queueing up MapReduce YARN containers.
Impala however does rely on the Hive Metastore service because it is just a useful service for mapping out metadata stored in the RDBMS to the Hadoop filesystem. Pig, Spark, PrestoDB, and other query engines also share the Hive Metastore without communicating though HiveServer.
Data is not "already cached" in Impala. Similar to Spark, you must read the data into a large portion of memory in order for operations to be quick. Unlike Spark, the daemons and statestore services remain active for handling subsequent queries.
Impala can query HBase, but it is not similar in architecture and in my experience, a well designed HBase table is faster to query than Impala. Impala is probably closer to Kudu.
Also worth mentioning that it's not really recommended to use MapReduce Hive anymore. Tez is far better, and Hortonworks states Hive LLAP is better than Impala, although as you quoted, it largely "depends on the type of query and configuration."
Impala use "Impala Daemon" service to read data directly from the dataNode (it must be installed with the same hosts of dataNode) .he cache only the location of files and some statistics in memory not the data itself.
that why impala can't read new files created within the table . you must invalidate or refresh (depend on your case) to tell impala to cache the new files and be able to read them directly
since impala is in memory , you need to have enough memory for the data read by the query , if you query will use more data than your memory (complexe query with aggregation on huge tables),use hive with spark engine not the default map reduce
set hive.execution.engine=spark; just before the query
you can use the same query in hive with spark engine
impala is cloudera product , you won't find it for hortonworks and MapR (or others) .
Tez is not included with cloudera for exemple.
it all depends on the platform you are using

Spark on Parquet vs Spark on Hive(Parquet format)

Our use case is a narrow table(15 fields) but large processing against the whole dataset(billions of rows). I am wondering what combination provides better performance:
env: CDH5.8 / spark 2.0
Spark on Hive tables(as format of parquet)
Spark on row files(parquet)
Without additional context of your specific product and usecase - I'd vote for SparkSql on Hive tables for two reasons:
sparksql is usually better than core spark since databricks wrote different optimizations in sparksql, which is higher abstaction and gives ability to optimize code(read about Project Tungsten). In some cases manually written spark core code will be better, but it demands from the programmer deep understanding of the internals. In addition sparksql sometimes is limited and doesn't permit you to control low-level mechanisms, but you can always fallback to work with core rdd.
hive and not files - I'm assuming hive with external metastore. Metastore saves definitions of partitions of your "tables"(in files it could be some directory). This is one of the most important parts for the good performance. I.e. when working with files spark will need to load this info(which could be time consuming - e.g. s3 list operation is very slow). So metastore permits spark to fetch this info in simple and fast way
There's only two options here. Spark on files, or Spark on Hive. SparkSQL works on both, and you should prefer to use the Dataset API, not RDD
If you can define the Dataset schema yourself, Spark reading the raw HDFS files will be faster because you're bypassing the extra hop to the Hive Metastore.
When I did a simple test myself years ago (with Spark 1.3), I noticed that extracting 100000 rows as a CSV file was orders of magnitude faster than a SparkSQL Hive query with the same LIMIT

Loading data into HIVE to support front end application

We have a datawarehousing application which we are planning to convert to Hadoop.
Currently, there are 20 feeds that we receive on daily basis and load this data into MySQL database.
As the data is getting large, we are planning to move to Hadoop for faster query processing.
As the first step we are planning to load the data into HIVE on a daily basis instead of MySQL.
1.Can I convert Hadoop similar to a DWH application to process files on daily basis?
2.When I load the data in Master Node, will it be sync'd automatically?
It really depends on the size of your data. The Question is a bit complex but in general you will have to design your own pipeline.
If you are analyzing raw logs HDFS will be a good choice to start from. You can use Java, Python or Scala to schedule the Hive jobs on daily basis and use Sqoop if you still need some MySQL data.
In Hive you will have to create partitioned table to be synced and available upon query execution. Partition creation can be also scheduled.
I would suggest to go with Impala instead of Hive as it is more tunable, fault tolerant and easier to use.

Processing very large dataset in real time in hadoop

I'm trying to understand how to architect a big data solution. I have historic data of 400TB of data and every hour 1GB of data is getting inserted.
Since data is confidential, I'm describing sample scenario, Data contains information of all activities in a bank branch. With every hour, when new data is inserted(no updation) into hdfs, I need to find how many loans closed, loans created,accounts expired, etc ( around 1000 analytics to be performed). Analytics involve processing entire 400TB of data.
I was plan was to use hadoop + spark. But I'm being suggested to use HBase. Reading through all the documents, I'm not able to find a clear advantage.
What is the best way to go for data which will grow to 600TB
1. MR for analytics and impala/hive for query
2. Spark for analytics and query
3. HBase + MR for analytics and query
Thanks in advance
About HBase:
HBase is a database that is build over HDFS. HBase uses HDFS to store data.
Basically, HBase will allow you to update records, have versioning and deletion of single records. HDFS does not support file updates, so HBase is introducing something you can consider "virtual" operations, and merge data from multiple sources (original files, delete markers) when you are asking it for data. Also, HBase as key-value store is creating indices to support selecting by key.
Your problem:
Choosing the technology in such situations you should look into what you are going to do with the data: Single query on Impala (with Avro schema) can be much faster than MapReduce (not to mention Spark). Spark will be faster in batch jobs, when there is caching involved.
You are probably familiar with Lambda architecture, if not, take a look into it. For what I can tell you now, the third option you mentioned (HBase and MR only) won't be good. I did not try Impala + HBase, so I can't say anything about performance, but HDFS (plain files) + Spark + Impala (with Avro), worked for me: Spark was doing reports for pre-defined queries (after that, data was stored in objectFiles - not human-readable, but very fast), Impala for custom queries.
Hope it helps at least a little.

Please clarify my understanding of Hadoop/HBase

I have been reading white papers and watching youtube videos for half the day now and believe I have a proper understanding of the technology, but before I start my project I want to make sure its right.
So with that, here's what I think I know.
As i'm understanding the architecture of hadoop and hbase, they pretty much model out like this
| Mapreduce |
| Hadoop | <-- hbase export--| HBase |
| | --apache pig --> | |
| HDFS |
In a nutshell HBase is a completely different DB engine tuned for real time updates and queries that happens to run on the HDFS and is compatible with Mapreduce.
Now, assuming the above is correct, here is what else I think I know.
Hadoop is designed for big data from start to finish. The engine uses a distributed append only system which means you can not delete data once its inserted. To access the data you can use Mapreduce, or the HDFS shell and HDFS API..
Hadoop does not like small chunks and it was never intended to be a real time system. You would not want to store a single person and address per file, you would in fact store a million people and addresses per file and insert the large file.
HBase on the other hand is a pretty typical NoSql database engine that in spirit compares to CouchDB, RavenDB, etc. The notable difference is its built using the HDFS from hadoop allowing it to scale reliably to sizes only limited by your wallet.
Hadoop is a collection of File System (HDFS) and Java APIs to perform computation on HDFS. HBase is a NoSql database engine that uses HDFS to efficiently store data across a cluster
To build a Mapreduce job to access data from both Hadoop and HBase, one would be best off to use HBase export to push the HBase data into Hadoop and write your job to process the data, but Mapreduce can access both systems one at a time.
You must be very careful when designing your HBase files as HBase does not natively support indexing fields within that file, HBase only indexes the primary key. Many tips and tricks help work around this fact.
Ok, so if im still accurate to this point, this would be a valid use case.
You build the site with HBase. You use HBase the same as you would any other NoSql or RDBMS to build out your functionality. Once thats done, you put your metrics logging points in the code to record your metrics in say, log4j. You create a new appender in log4j with rules that say when the log file reaches 1 gig in size, push it to the hadoop cluster, delete it, create a new file, go on with life.
Later, a Mapreduce developer can write a routine that uses HBase export to grab a data set from HBase, say a list of user ID's, then go to the logs that are stored in Hadoop and find the bread crumb trail for each user thru the system for a given timespan.
Ok, with that all said, now for the specific question. Are statements 1 - 6 accurate?
**********Edit one,
i have updated my beliefs above based on the answers received.
You can access the file in HDFS directly via HDFS shell or HDFS API.
I am not familiar with CouchDB or RavenDB, but in HBase you can not have secondary-index, so you must carefully design your row key to speed up your query. There are a lot of HBase schema design tips on the internet you can google for.
I think it is more appropriate to say Hadoop is a computing engine to a database engine. If you want to import HDFS data to HBase, you can use Apache Pig as stated in this post. If you want to export HBase data to HDFS, you can use the export utility.
MapReduce is a component of Hadoop framework and it does not sit on top of HBase. You can access HBase data in a MapReduce job because of HBase uses HDFS for its storage. I don't think you want to access the HFile directly from a MapReduce job because the raw file is encoded in a special format, it is not easy to parse and it might change in future releases.
Since HBase and Hadoop are different database engines, one can not access the data in the other directly. For HBase to get something out of Hadoop, it must go thru Mapreduce and vice versa.
This is not true since Hadoop is not a database Engine. Hadoop is a collection of File System (HDFS) and Java APIs to perform computation on HDFS.
Furthermore Map Reduce is not technology, it is a Model to where you can work parallel on HDFS data.
