My ultimate goal is to install Sass.
To do this I need to install RubyGems
To do this I need to install Ruby.
I installed Ruby with yum.
I then tried to install gem with yum yum install rubygem
The response is "nothing to do" and yet when I write gem install sass I get:
gem: command not found
I decided to try to install rubygems 2.2.2 manually. After downloading it, I tried to run ruby setup.rb and in response I get:
Rubygems now requires Ruby 1.8.7 or later
But yum does not seem to be able to install anything later than 1.8.5.
So now I'm trying to do this manually.
I downloaded Ruby 1.9.2 to my home directory and followed these instructions:
This seems to work, but the problem is ruby1.9.2 is installed in my home directory (i.e. ~/ruby1.9.3 not system wide.
Thus in the directory where I installed ruby 1.9.2 ruby -v still gives 1.8.5 but ./ruby -v returns 1.9.2. And which ruby returns /usr/bin/ruby (I suppose I could replace this with a symlink that points to ~/ruby1.9.2/ruby but this doesn't seem like a "best practice")
So my main question is where should install ruby 1.9.2 with Root Permissions so that 1.8.5 is replaced with 1.9.2 system wide.
My corollary question is: is there any easier way to do this? (perhaps install sass without install rubygems??)
I then tried to install gem with yum yum install rubygem
You have a typo in the package name, it is actually named rubygems.
Can i suggest Wayne Seguins excellent rvm (ruby version manager). As the home page states:
"RVM is a command-line tool which allows you to easily install, manage, and work with multiple ruby environments from interpreters to sets of gems".
Site has comprehensive installation instructions. I've posted a truncated Set of instructions for installing on POSIX systems below, but please refer to the projects' home page as:
"we have spent massive amounts of man hours debugging the installation process. Please use the install process(es) from this site only, as this is the only supported installation types and methods."
Install RVM (development version):
\curl -sSL | bash
Close out your current shell or terminal session and open a new one (preferred). You may load RVM with the following command:
user$ source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
test the installation was successful:
user$ type rvm | head -n 1
this should output "rvm is a function"
List all known rubies:
rvm list known //this will output a large list of rubies shortened here
# MRI Rubies
install the version you want:
rvm install 1.9.2
You can set a version of Ruby to use as the default for new shells. Note that this overrides the 'system' ruby:
rvm use 2.1 --default
You can also temporarily use another version of your ruby versions
rvm list known //lists system available rubies
Choose to use another ruby
rvm use 1.9.3
RVM is a great tool, well documented, and actively developed, it handles a wider scope of functionality than i can list here, and it's a tool I use everyday.
You can use rbenv to install ruby and rubygems that you need
I feel like a compelte idiot, but I've been wrking on this all day and getting no where.
I've restarted several times trying to get a full install of Ruby on my OSX environment, RVM, Brew, Ruby: and every time I get through to the Ruby install it bottoms out on the rubygems install.
The reason I'm having to start again is that the RVM wouldn't update in Jewelerybox after my first successfull install (used a packaged all-in-one RubyInstaller) so I couldn't manage my gems - a problem caused by the initial Ruby install on the system living in the /usr/local and not under my own directory. To fix this I uninstalled all my Ruby stuff and started again.
All ok until the ruby compiler started gacking on the rubygems install section when installing ruby 2.0.0. Checking out the OSX system files under usr/bin I see that rubygems isn't there either (it should be present by default on OSX). Any ideas? (note that XCode is up to date and has command line tools installed)
Last attempt was:
$ rvm get head --autolibs=3 # get the latest RVM and build required libs
$ rvm requirements # just in case, install all other required stuff
$ rvm remove 2.0.0
$ rvm install ruby-2.0.0
. . . which fires the following error:
[2013-03-19 23:21:50] /Users/matthew.evans/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p0/bin/ruby
Exception `LoadError' at /Users/matthew.evans/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p0/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems.rb:1073 - cannot load such file -- rubygems/defaults/operating_system
Exception `LoadError' at /Users/matthew.evans/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p0/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems.rb:1082 - cannot load such file -- rubygems/defaults/ruby
mkdir -p /Users/matthew.evans/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p0/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.0.0
install -c -m 0755 /var/folders/nq/wkj89k854tl0w97n68qdn820pzk_51/T/gem.84634 /Users/matthew.evans/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p0/bin/gem
rm /var/folders/nq/wkj89k854tl0w97n68qdn820pzk_51/T/gem.84634
ERROR: While executing gem ... (NoMethodError)
undefined method `fu_stream_blksize' for #<Gem::Commands::SetupCommand:0x007ffd0e054818>
Installing RubyGems
Installing gem executable
I had the exact same error installing ruby v2 within rvm today. I was in a user account on Ubuntu who needed to use 'sudo' -- and enter my account password for sudo -- in order to install OS dependencies.
Your question mentions running rvm requirements to install dependencies. That seems to be new behavior in rvm, as of v1.19. It seemed to install a bunch of dependencies just fine. But then installing ruby bombed.
In earlier rvm versions, typing rvm requirements would just list the dependencies for rvm and for ruby, as in Archonic's answer.
I typed rvm implode and then started over with:
\curl -L | bash -s 1.18.21
source /home/deploy/.rvm/scripts/rvm
rvm requirements
At that point I could install the libraries/tools that rvm said I needed for rvm and ruby, and then rvm install ruby-2.0.0-p0 succeeded.
I believe the issue is where RVM places your dependencies - global vs your user folder. From a book called "Agile development with rails":
First, you’ll need to make sure you have Xcode 3 or later installed...
$ xcodebuild -version
If you have Xcode version 3 installed, you’ll need to install the Git version control system separately. Verify your installation by running the following command:
$ git --version
Next, install RVM itself:
$ curl -L | bash -s stable
Exit your command window or Terminal application and open a new one. This causes your .bash_login to be reloaded. Execute the following command, which provides additional installation instructions tailored to your specific operating system:
$ rvm requirements
Look for the line that tells you how to install the necessary OS dependencies for Ruby (MRI). Once you complete those instructions, you can proceed to install the Ruby interpreter itself:
$ rvm install 2.0.0
The preceding step will take a while as it downloads, configures, and compiles the necessary executables. Once it completes, use that environment, and install rails:
$ rvm use 2.0.0
$ gem install rails --version 4.0.0.beta1 --no-ri --no-rdoc
With the exception of the rvm use statement, each of the above instructions need only be done once. The rvm use statement needs to be repeated each time you open a shell window. The use keyword is optional, so you can abbreviate this to rvm 2.0.0. You can also choose to make it the default Ruby interpreter for new terminal sessions with the following command:
$ rvm --default 2.0.0
You can verify successful installation using the following command:
$ rails -v
If you have trouble, try the suggestions listed under the Troubleshooting Your Install heading on the rvm site.
Hope that does it for you!
This worked for me:
rvm get head
rvm requirements
rvm install ruby-2.0
I am using Ubuntu 12.04 and I have system default ruby 1.8 and 1.9.1 and 1.9.3. The problem is that I do manage to switch to 1.9.3 but not the gems for the 1.9.3 and by default system is using the 1.9.1 gems. This causes a lot of errors while using the rails and other ruby libs which are dependent on the 1.9.3.
I tried to use
sudo update-alternatives --config ruby
sudo update-alternatives --config gems
and it doesn't offered me to choose 1.9.3 gems but only managed to switch the ruby interpreter. I tried rbenv and rvm but no use. While using the rails and the shoes, I get plenty of errors related to the gems of 1.9.1.
Also when I use the switch with rvm, it asks me to install ruby 1.9.3 which is already installed but doesn't show up for rvm and rbenv.
Is there something wrong with ruby on this system?
you might be confusing compatibility level with the real ruby version, all ruby 1.9.x will have 1.9.1 in their paths - it is the intended behavior.
using rvm you can mount system installed rubies:
rvm automount
rvm mount /path/to/bin/ruby193 -n system193
but those system rubies might have some extra configuration that can make them not to work well with RVM, you might be better with just installing fresh ruby:
rvm get head
rvm requirements # make sure to read it
rvm use 1.9.3 --install
if you care for performance and value your time you an use falcon patch and compilation on more cores:
rvm install 1.9.3 --patch falcon -j 3
rvm use 1.9.3
I'm on Linux Ubuntu 12.04, and I first installed Ruby 1.9.2.
After I tried installing rvm to use Octopress, ruby --version in bash results in ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]
How can I use RVM with ruby 1.9.2?
I don't really understand what RVM is all about...
The 1.9.2 version you installed first is not accessible from rvm.
While working with rvm, only the list of rubies installed through rvm is served. The previously installed versions of ruby - while still present in the filesystem - are not included.
With the steps you have done so far, you have a 1.9.2 version installed in one location, and a 1.8.7 version installed as part of rvm.
Install 1.9,2 version by running the rvm install 1.9.2 command. After that, when you run the rvm list command, you should see an output similar to the following:
$ rvm list
rvm rubies
ruby-1.8.7-p358 [ i686 ]
=* ruby-1.9.2-p320 [ x86_64 ]
# => - current
# =* - current && default
# * - default
You can switch between different versions of ruby managed by rvm with the rvm use 1.8.7 / rvm use 1.9.2 commands.
Here's a short blogpost with a good intro to rvm: Get started right with RVM
RVM is a version manager which enables you to decide which of multiple installed Ruby versions you want to use in your current shell session. RVM does this by providing a shell function named rvm which can be used to switch between versions in the current session. This changes environment variables, especially the GEM_HOME and PATH, to match the currently selected Ruby installation.
Every installed Ruby version can be selected by a specific identifier string. If you had a system-wide Ruby installation already before you installed RVM, that one should be referenced by the string system. The newly installed version in your case should be called 1.9.2.
To make RVM work as intended, it is necessary to load the rvm shell function into your shell. How to do this is described in the RVM Installation Documentation in section 2 - "Load RVM into your shell sessions as a function".
You can see if the shell function is correctly loaded when the command type rvm | head -n1 responds with:
rvm is a shell function
If not correctly loaded it will tell you something like this:
rvm is /home/someone/.rvm/bin/rvm
If you finally have it working you can switch your active Ruby version with commands like rvm 1.9.2 or rvm system. You can get a list of all Ruby versions and their identifier strings recognized by RVM by the command rvm list.
You can also specify which Ruby version shall be enabled in all new shell sessions from the beginning by issuing the following command once:
rvm --default 1.9.2
Perhaps you have not yet switched to the ruby version with:
rvm use 1.9.2 (assuming you did rvm install 1.9.2)
for a more general explanation I gave an answer here which might help.
I saw an answer saying I should use RVM. But I don't know how even after:
$ rvm system
$ rvm current
$ ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-12 patchlevel 174) [universal-darwin10.0]
The title of the question, "How to update system Ruby to 1.9.2 on Mac" makes me wonder if you are trying to upgrade Apple's installation of Ruby 1.8.7 to 1.9.2. If that is true, STOP and do NOT try that. The Ruby installed by Apple is for their use, and apps installed by Apple use it.
find /usr -name '*.rb'
will list the reasons why.
RVM and other apps allow you to install Ruby safely, so unless you have very good knowledge of how Unix and the Mac work I strongly recommend you stick to them.
A very common problem we see is that the installation wasn't completed. Read the "Installation" section in the RVM installation page to double-check you've completed everything.
To install Ruby 1.9.2 do:
rvm notes
and read and install the needed dependencies. Then do:
rvm install 1.9.2
rvm use 1.9.2 --default
will tell RVM to always use 1.9.2 as a default. You can switch to the system version installed by Apple using:
rvm use system
and switch back using
rvm default
If you don't want an RVM-based solution:
Download and install Apple's Xcode developer tools so you get GCC et al, the ability to build your own software. (This is 4.25GB, but you only need to download it once.)
Download and extract the Ruby Source Code. (10.6MB)
Open a Terminal window and change into the directory of the source code.
Run the command ./configure && make; get a cup of tea while you wait
Run the command sudo make install to install this Ruby; you'll need to supply your administrator password
Modify your PATH environment variable to put /usr/local/bin in front of /usr/bin (so that your new Ruby is found before the system Ruby). You can do this by creating or editing a .profile file in your home directory to have the line:
export PATH="/usr/local/bin::$PATH"
If you're running TextMate, you'll also want to go to TextMate ▸ Preferences ▸ Advanced ▸ Shell Variables
and add or edit a PATH variable like this:
After this, rvm use system will use your 1.9.2p180 (the current version as of this post) install.
I'm assuming you're not sure how to install a new version of ruby with RVM - try:
rvm install 1.9.2
To then make it the default version to use:
rvm use 1.9.2 --default
Consider also: "for OS X try using RailsInstaller for OS X or try the official RVM GUI JewelryBox" -- Quoted from from the 4rd or 5th screen the RVM install page found here
Whatever you do do not touch or mess with the system default Ruby that ships with your Mac I did that to see what would and my system was out of whack. If you would like to use a different version of Ruby use rvm.
I've run into a lot of issues whilst attempting to install RVM on Ubuntu 9.10. Here's the steps I've tried doing:
install ruby (via ruby site, no package manager)
download rvm
install rvm (make edit to .bashrc)
use rvm to install ruby version & gems
Is there any crucial step that I seem to be missing?
Be sure to have selected an installed ruby (the --default portion tells rvm you want this ruby to be your default ruby version). Something like:
rvm --default use 1.9.2
Also this command will tell you which ruby is currently selected:
rvm list
And hopefully you'll see something like:
rvm rubies
ruby-1.9.2-p0 [ x86_64 ]
=> ruby-1.8.7-p302 [ x86_64 ]
At this point, you'll be able to install gems and hopefully have a successful rvm install and working environment.
I've had issues in the past where I didn't have an rvm ruby selected and was still working with my distribution's ruby and gems and got mixed up easily. Make sure you're ruby and gem commands are working out of your ~/.rvm folder whith the following commands:
which ruby
which gem
Good luck!
What are the issues you're running into? Sometimes I forget to switch into the correct rvm environment (e.g. rvm ree), so it helps to place a .rvmrc file in project directories.
I would start off by removing ubuntu's ruby installation so that you don't have to worry about conflicts (although rvm will setup your PATH correctly). Following the instructions at RVM, run the following command to install rvm,
bash < <( curl )
and then install system dependencies as listed in rvm notes. and then install the specific ruby version you want (e.g. rvm install ree or rvm install 1.9.1)
Important : for a good installation try this :
type rvm | head -n1
Must return : rvm is a function
else add this line
[[ -s "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm"
in your profile.