Quantity Bought Confusion on Magento Software - magento

We have a Magento software and we are using platform to sell travel deals.
Now when we for instance block say 20 spaces and someone makes a purchase for say 10 people in one bulk purchase, the Quantity bought shows as 1 and it is possible to buy for more people because because the remaining quantity left shows as 19 out of 20 and this is a huge problem because people will still be able to purchase products that are sold out.
Does anyone know how to make the Quantity remaining be a subtraction of the total bought from the total quantity (as opposed to seeing every bulk purchase as 1 Quantity?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I think you are defining stock value for block size which is not good way. Add custom attribute for block size and disable stock management, follow steps below
Admin -> System -> Configuration
Select Inventory under Catalog (on left nav bar)
Look Product Stock Options, Set No to Manage Stock. and Save


WC: Negative Stock from Order while Backorder is disabled

This is my problem: a customer bought a product that was out of stock. So the stock went from 0 to -1.
My out of stock threshold is at 0 and back ordering is disabled with all products.
I tried to recreate the scenario on my staging site but it was not possible to me. The product is greyed out and not selectable when I set its quantity to 0.
I thought maybe some caching issue (I'm using Hummingbird) prevented it from updating the stock. So these were the further scenarios I tried:
- selecting product on single product page, set stock in back-end to 0 --> not possible
- product in basket, set stock in back-end to 0 --> not possible
- product in checkout, set stock in back-end to 0 --> not possible
Would anyone of you know how it could have happened? I'm not sure how to proceed.
After carefully reading the WooCommerce source code I think you can recreate the problem if you have two computers.
Consider a product P with stock quantity equal to 1. There are 2 different customers A and B. Customer A puts product P into his cart. Before customer A places his order customer B puts product P into his cart. Then customer A places his order reducing the stock quantity of product P to 0. Then customer B places his order reducing the stock quantity of product P to -1. Unfortunately to test this it requires two computers (or two browsers) since you need two simultaneously logged in customers. I only have one computer and don't want to install another browser.
The problem is in the function WC_Cart::add_to_cart(). It calls WC_Product::has_enough_stock() with references to only the stock quantity of the product and the quantity ordered in its cart. It doesn't not take into account the quantities of the product that exists in other carts. In fact WooCommerce should be able to do better as it has knowledge of the contents of customer A's cart when customer B adds product P to his cart A.
Of course there is a bit of a dilemma here because if WooCommerce prevents customer B from adding product P to his cart because customer A has it in his cart and customer A doesn't actual place the order then the company may have lost a sale.
Alternatively, WooCommerce can reject customer B's order when B places the order but unless I missed something I did not see any code to do that. That would seem to me to be a reasonable solution.

How can I solve cs-cart free product promotions issue?

How can I solve cscart promotion free product issue.
Issue description:
When I purchase 10 products, then I get 1 product free. <--this is working
But when I purchase 20 products, I also get 1 product free, instead of 2 products as free <---issue
How can I solve this problem?
The only way to solve this case is to create several pormotions.
if there are more than 10 but lese than 20 then customer gets 1 free
if there are more than 20 but less than 30 then customer gets 2 free
and so on.
The main point is that conditions in CS-Cart are universal and there is no options like scaling bonus depending on condition.

Magento - BtB and BtC different amounts

I am going to make a new webshop in Magento, and I have a problem that I can find a solution on.
When a BtB customer is buy a product, the there have to be some minimum amounts pr. product. So lets say a BtB customer will buy a chair, then they need to buy 5 chairs, then cannot only buy 1.
But the BtC customers can choose as many the wants. So if the BtC customers only wants to buy 1 then is okay.
I have search after a module or solution on this problem, but I cant find any?
Go to System >> Configuration >> Inventory Tab and find the Product Stock Options to limit the product restriction based on user groups

Expresso Store - Exclude Product from Order Quantity

I'm using Expresso-Store to process product orders for a non-profit. In addition to selling a range of handmade products we are offering visitors an option to donate.
I have most of the donation stuff working just fine. I used Justin Long's advice posted here: http://iamjustinlong.com/blog/single/accepting_donations_with_expresso_store/
As suggested I have created a channel for all the products and then a separate channel which holds a single "Donation" product with a cost of $1.00. The visitor adjusts the quantity of this item which results in a donation amount of $1.00 * qty.
The specific problem I'm running into is displaying the total quantity of items in the cart when there's also a "Donation" product added. Since the donation amount is determined by quantity * $1.00 but in reality it represents a single donation, my {order_qty} is way off since it includes the many multiples of Donation products.
I have a small cart icon that is displaying a number above and next to it with the {order_qty} but I need to exclude the donation product from this calculation. How might I go about this?
This would be fairly difficult to do using the current version. The best I can suggest is not to display the {order_qty} on your checkout page (most sites only display the total anyway).
However, in saying that, the next version of Store has first-class donations support, so it will soon be possible.

Magento: Adding a Product: Tier Price

I was wondering whether anyone could guide me on the purpose
of the Tier Price section when adding a product to the catalog.
What is a tier price and how does this section of the page work
in terms of what can be accomplished with this field?
Magento documentation is a bit limited, not sure where to find
this information, and would like to have a grasp on the genric
concept as well as the details.
Tier prices are remarkably easy - once you understand them. Getting your head around all fo the things Magento throws at you at first can be overwhelming and make you overthink some things. So, hopefully I can explain tier prices in Magento a bit for you.
Tiered prices allow you to have multiple prices based on the quantity that the user wants to purchase (and the customer group). For example:
Qty | Price
1 | $10
5 | $12
10 | $13
Customer groups (if you don't know what they are) allow you to group various customers together and set up different rules and settings for each group - like separate price tiers. For example, my company is a B2B supply-level company, and in order to have an account on our site, you have to be a verified distributor of ours, or member of a sales organization that does business in our industry. Our customers would get mad if their customers were able to logon to our site and see what they (as our distributors) are paying. To remedy the situation, we have one price tier we show for the "Not Logged In" customer group that contains MSRP. We also don't want to have to make the customer work too hard in figuring out what they will actually be paying, so we then have a "Logged In" price tier that displays the actual distributor prices.
We also have a third price tier for some of our "Rewards" program customers that do a certain dollar amount of business with us in a specific time period - but that is just another example of how it can be used.
Hopefully this helps. Let me know if you have other questions.
