hox to redirect page with Ajax - ajax

I have this piece of code.
$('#river-selector').change(function() {
var url = window.location.href;
if (window.location.search.length) {
url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf('?'));
url += '?' + $(this).val();
Instead of using the redirection (ie forward), I would use an ajax request but I do not know how?
Someone would have an idea?

Do you want to redirect to a given URL? is that what you want?
Here is how to redirect in javascript to a given url
// HTTP redirect
// similar behavior as clicking on a link
window.location.href = url;

You cannot redirect a page with AJAX, but you can:
change a page with ajax via PAjax like techs;
change the url of current page with History API in modern browsers.


Do I sent two requests to the ActionResult?

I have an ASP.net MVC project and depending on the filter options chosen by the user I am sending different ajax requests to the same actionresult, for example:
$(document).on("click", "#filter_reset_button", function () {
var url = "/Admin/Index";
url: url,
type: "get",
data: { reset: true },
successCallback: function () {
window.location.href = url;
Other listeners sent different data, something like:
data: { page: 2, filterUpdate: true }
and so on. The Index ActionResult returns different lists of items, depending on different options chosen in the data and the code works completely fine.
A colleage of mine told me, that my code is actually sending two get requests to the AR everytime, so its not efficient. Is that true? And if its the case, how can I refactor it. to make it just one request? If I let window.location.href = url part out, the site actually doesnt load the server response.
Yes you are doing 2 request in button click. First in Ajax Get, Second in Success Call Back.
But Why are you calling window.location.href = url; success call back. ?
If you want update the page after click, you can do partial updates to page. Check this post.
That is correct 2 request called.
First request when you call AJAX get to Action Index in Admin Controller.
Second request when you set window.location.href = url, it will same as you enter /Admin/Index in browser.
In this case you only need window.location.href = '/admin/index?reset=true' in click function
You can see the post here at this post
Actually on success callback you must change your code accordingly to the above post

Laravel: controller not teletransporting me (redirect-ing me) to the page

from Ajax the controller does get the keyword I want, as it confirms it (because I echo it), and my idea was that on getting that keyword, it should redirect to the page I want. Yet, it does not, and also, while it does change the locale, I have to reload the page, otherwise, it won't show any translation and locale changes on the page. In Firebug when I hover over the POST, I get the correct URL to where I would want to go: sort of http://myweb.com/es but the controller does not change the http URL box of my browser on my web to go there.
I am simplifying the Controller code here, but actually I will want it to go to different URLs depending on the keyword it gets, something that I would do with a switch statement or IF else if etc.
So the controller is as simple as this:
public function changelanguage()
$lang = \Input::get('locale');
echo "I got $lang";
Session::put('locale', $lang);
return redirect('/es');
If instead of using ajax I use a Form, then I dont need to reload, the Action of the form makes the controller change the locale and translate the page without reloading. But I need to use ajax and in any case, the controller does get correctly the keyword ('en', 'es', 'de' etc ) for languages, so it should take it from there and redirect me to the URL page, but it just doesnt move.
if you are curious about the Ajax, here it is, but it does send the keyword as I said.
$('.choose-language').on('click', function(e){
var selectedlanguage = $(this).data('value');
$.ajax({ // so I want to send it to the controller
type:"POST", // via post
url: 'language',
data:{'locale': selectedlanguage},
Route::post('language', array(
'as' =>'language',
'uses' => 'LanguageController#changelanguage'
If you’re trying to perform the redirect in the AJAX-requested script, then it won’t work. You can’t redirect from a script request via AJAX otherwise people would be doing all kinds of nefarious redirects.
Instead, set up a “success” handler on your AJAX request that refreshes your page if the request was successful. It can be as simple as:
var url = '/language';
var data = {
locale: $(this).data('value');
var request = $.post(url, data)
.success(function (response) {
// Script was successful; reload page
I’m not sure how you’re allowing users to select locales, but since you need a reload any way I think AJAX is pointless here. Just have a traditional form that submits the new locale to an action, set the locale in a session/cookie/whatever, and then redirect back to the referring page.

query string to url with Ajax

I want to update my url, based on some checkboxes...
I now have an url that looks like www.mywebsite.com/index.php?city=Amsterdam
The city parameter I use to get data from mysql and display that on my page. On the page I also have some checkboxes. I want to update the url if a user clicks on a checkbox, refresh the page, and use the new url to make a new query to the database.
On http://api.jquery.com/serialize/ I found something I liked ;) The example on the bottom shows what I want. Only this example displays the result. Can someone help me to get that result in the url ?
So after clicking on some checkboxes I would like to have an url that looks like www.mywebsite.com/index.php?city=Amsterdam&single=Single2&multiple=Multiple3&radio=radio1
I know PHP, but my knowledge of jquery and ajax is 0 ;) I used google to search, but after some hours I still didn't find anything use-full. Is there someone who can help me ?
try this
url:"www.mywebsite.com/index.php"; // path to your url
type: "get", //post or get
success:function(){ //function called when ajax is completed
If you need to refresh the page with a new url, you need to serialize the form when user click on a checkbox and update the url (updating url will refresh page, if you don't want to refresh page, you will have to user pushstate functionality or a hash in the url).
Try this:
var $form = $('form');
$('#my-checkbox').on('click', function() {
window.location.search = '?' + $form.serialize();

how can I redirect in .jsp while working with Ajax

I am developing application using Ajax and jsp.
My index.jsp page has HTML code for Login and some Ajax code in javascript. Ajax will call my another CheckLogin.jsp page
CheckLogin.jsp page checks on server for valid username and password. It returns "success" if it's valid otherwise will return message stating "username or password is not valid."
Now, when username and passwrod is valid, instead of success, I want to redirect the page to "Home.jsp" what should I do?
I am new to jsp. I appreciate your help on this.
JSP code gets run once on the server before it goes to the client, so JSP/JSTL cannot do a redirect following the success or otherwise of an AJAX call (without a full page refresh - which obviates the use of AJAX). You should to do the redirect with Javascript:
if (success) {
var successUrl = "Home.jsp"; // might be a good idea to return this URL in the successful AJAX call
window.location.href = successUrl;
On successful AJAX call/validation, the browser window will reload with the new URL (effectively a redirect).
Since I don't see your code, you can integrate this somewhere inside your validation :
function Edit() {
var allVals = $('#NEWFORMCampaignID').val();
if (allVals > 0) {
window.location = '/SMS/PrepareSMS?id='+allVals;
alert("Invalid campaign to Edit")
In order to redirect using Button click and pass some parameters, you can call the Controller Path(#RequestMapping(value="/SMS/PrepareSMS")) and then handle it there..

Spring MVC and Ajax Operation using JQuery

I have a JSP page called CreateProcessGroup.jsp and I use an annotation controller to map requests to CreateProcessGroup.htm to that page. But I'm having an interesting issue when I request the page from browser it works, when send a request using jQuery $.get method I get 404 (CreateProcessGroup.htm not found) is there a difference between two requests?
My JSP page just under WebContent dir and JS file under WEBContent/Jquery my function sending the request like below:
function SendCreateProcessGroupRequest()
var pid = $('#pid').val();
var description = $('#processGroupDescription').val();
var x = "/CreateProcessGroup.htm";
$.get(x, { pid: 62, description: description },
alert("Data Loaded: " + data);
Do I need to give the URL as ../CreateProcessGroup.htm? Indeed I tried:
My guess is DispatcherServlet can not map Ajax requests to Controllers but this is stupid isn't it?
How can i get rid of the situation?
Thanks all.
Try this instead:
var x = "CreateProcessGroup.htm";
If the page you're requesting is beside the one making the request there's no need for a path in front, it will (by default) make a request to the same path just with that page/handler on the end.
