VBScript function is taking out foreign characters - vbscript

I have an old function in VBScript for Classic ASP that strips out illegal characters when a form is submitted, but it's also stripping out foreign characters and replacing them with junk like A*#L, etc.
The function looks like this:
Private Function stripillegal(fieldcontents)
if isnull(fieldcontents) then
stripillegal = ""
Dim stripped, stripillegal_c, stripillegal_i
stripped = ""
if isempty(fieldcontents) then fieldcontents = ""
fieldcontents = CStr( fieldcontents )
fieldcontents = Trim( fieldcontents )
if Len(fieldcontents)>0 then
for stripillegal_i = 1 to Len(fieldcontents)
stripillegal_c = asc(mid(fieldcontents, stripillegal_i, 1))
select case stripillegal_c
case 39
stripped = stripped & "'"
case 37
stripped = stripped & "%"
case 34 ' quote (34)
stripped = stripped & """
case else
stripped = stripped & chr(stripillegal_c)
end select
' response.write stripped & "<br>"
end if
stripped = trim(stripped)
while Right(stripped, 1) = chr(13) OR Right(stripped, 1) = chr(10)
stripped = left(stripped, len(stripped)-1)
stripillegal = stripped
end if
End Function
I'm wondering how to tell it to allow foreign characters like those found in French or Spanish.

Regular Expressions can clean these strings up nicely while avoiding foreign characters.
More specificly, this function:
Function strClean (strtoclean)
Dim objRegExp, outputStr
Set objRegExp = New Regexp
objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
objRegExp.Global = True
objRegExp.Pattern = "[(?*"",\\<>&#~%{}+_.#:\/!;]+"
outputStr = objRegExp.Replace(strtoclean, "-")
objRegExp.Pattern = "\-+"
outputStr = objRegExp.Replace(outputStr, "-")
strClean = outputStr
End Function


How capitalize fullname in vb6

hi all i have this question as bellow
how capitalize full in one vb6 Vb6 string variable
‘my fullname
Dim fullname as string
Fullname = “abdirahman abdirisaq ali”
Msgbox capitalize(fullname)
it prints abdirahmanAbdirisaq ali that means it skips the middle name space even if I add more spaces its same .
this is my own code and efforts it takes me at least 2 hours and still .
I tired it tired tired please save me thanks more.
Please check my code and help me what is type of mistakes I wrote .
This is my code
Private Function capitalize(txt As String) As String
txt = LTrim(txt)
temp_str = ""
Start_From = 1
spacing = 0
For i = 1 To Len(txt)
If i = 1 Then
temp_str = UCase(Left(txt, i))
Start_From = Start_From + 1
If Mid(txt, i, 1) = " " Then
Start_From = i
spacing = spacing + 1
temp_str = temp_str & UCase(Mid(txt, Start_From + 1, 1))
Start_From = Start_From + 1
temp_str = temp_str & LCase(Mid(txt, Start_From, 1))
End If
End If
Next i
checkName = temp_str
End Function
It's far simpler than that. In VB6 you should use Option Explicit to properly type your variables. That also requires you to declare them.
Option Explicit
Private Function capitalize(txt As String) As String
Dim temp_str as String
Dim Names As Variant
Dim Index As Long
'Remove leading and trailing spaces
temp_str = Trim$(txt)
'Remove any duplicate spaces just to be sure.
Do While Instr(temp_str, " ") > 0
temp_str = Replace(temp_str, " ", " ")
'Create an array of the individual names, separating them by the space delimiter
Names = Split(temp_str, " ")
'Now put them, back together with capitalisation
temp_str = vbnullstring
For Index = 0 to Ubound(Names)
temp_str = temp_str + Ucase$(Left$(Names(Index),1)) + Mid$(Names(Index),2) + " "
'Remove trailing space
capitalize = Left$(temp_str, Len(temp_str) - 1)
End Function
That's the fairly easy part. If you are only going to handle people's names it still needs more work to handle names like MacFarland, O'Connor, etc.
Business names get more complicated with since they can have a name like "Village on the Lake Apartments" where some words are not capitalized. It's a legal business name so the capitalization is important.
Professional and business suffixes can also be problematic if everything is in lower case - like phd should be PhD, llc should be LLC, and iii, as in John Smith III, would come out Iii.
There is also a VB6 function that will capitalize the first letter of each word. It is StrConv(string,vbProperCase) but it also sets everything that is not the first letter to lower case. So PhD becomes Phd and III becomes Iii. Where as the above code does not change the trailing portion to lower case so if it is entered correctly it remains correct.
Try this
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Load()
MsgBox capitalize("abdirahman abdirisaq ali")
MsgBox capitalize("abdirahman abdirisaq ali")
End Sub
Private Function capitalize(txt As String) As String
Dim Names() As String
Dim NewNames() As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Names = Split(txt, " ")
j = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(Names)
If Names(i) <> "" Then
Mid(Names(i), 1, 1) = UCase(Left(Names(i), 1))
ReDim Preserve NewNames(j)
NewNames(j) = Names(i)
j = j + 1
End If
capitalize = Join(NewNames, " ")
End Function
Use the VB6 statement
Names = StrConv(Names, vbProperCase)
it's all you need (use your own variable instead of Names)

Remove duplicate values from a string in classic asp

I have below code in classic asp
"txt_str" is text box in a classic asp form page where I am entering below values:
response.write str
hence str will be 000-00001 000-00001 000-00001 000-00002
array = split(str,Chr(44))
if str <> "" then
for i = 0 to ubound(array)
if array(i) <> "" then
array_2 = split(array(i),chr(13) & chr(10))
for j = 0 to ubound(array_2)
if array_2(j) <> "" then
if x=empty then
x= "'" & array_2(j) & "'"
x= x & ",'" & array_2(j) & "'"
end if
end if
end if
End if
response.write x
hence x will be returned as '000-00001','000-00001','000-00001','000-00002'
I want to remove duplicate values from x and display only it as:
x = '000-00001','000-00002'
How can i achieve this.Any help on this would be appreciated.
To remove duplicates of string lists, the best option IMO is to use a Dictionary object. You can use this short function to do the task on a given string array:
Function getUniqueItems(arrItems)
Dim objDict, strItem
Set objDict = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For Each strItem in arrItems
objDict.Item(strItem) = 1
getUniqueItems = objDict.Keys
End Function
A simple test:
' -- test output
Dim arrItems, strItem
arrItems = Array("a","b","b","c","c","c","d","e","e","e")
For Each strItem in getUniqueItems(arrItems)
Response.Write "<p>" & strItem & "</p>"
This is a sample for your use case:
' -- sample for your use case
Dim strInput, x
strInput = Request.Form("txt_str")
x = "'" & join(getUniqueItems(split(str, Chr(44))), "','") & "'"
BTW, did you notice that Array and Str are VBScript Keywords, so you may run into issues with using such variable names. Therefore, I think it is common practice in VBScript to use prefixes for variable names.
If it's a ordered list, consider using a variable with last value:
lastval = ""
array = split(str,Chr(44))
if str <> "" then
for i = 0 to ubound(array)
if array(i) <> "" then
array_2 = split(array(i),chr(13) & chr(10))
for j = 0 to ubound(array_2)
if array_2(j) <> "" then
if array_2(j) <> lastval then
lastval = array_2(j)
if x=empty then
x= "'" & array_2(j) & "'"
x= x & ",'" & array_2(j) & "'"
end if
end if
end if
end if
End if

Asp Classic put the Sub in the function... Can i?

why now return ....Syntax error
Can i put the Sub rutine in the function? Or better way for this?!
Function SumerizePlanArrays(f_String, f_Type)
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Sub Add(s)
weight = Split(s,"$")(0)
values = Split(s,"$")(1)
pipes = Split(values, "|")
For Each line In pipes
val = Split(line, ",")
if f_Type = 1 then
dic(val(1)) = (dic(val(1))*weight/100) + CInt(val(2))
elseif f_Type = 2 then
dic(val(1)) = dic(val(1)) + CInt(val(2))
end if
End Sub
arrString = Split(f_String,"#")
For i = 0 to UBound(arrString)
'wei = Split(arrString(i),"$")(0)
Add arrString(i)
Set a = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
For Each key In dic.Keys
a.Add "0," & key & "," & dic(key)
result = Join(a.ToArray, "|")
SumerizePlanArrays = result
End Function
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03ea'
Syntax error
/inc_func_projects.asp, line 2592
Sub Add(s)
No - you can't put a sub within a function, except in JavaScript or in the server side version called JScript. VBScript and JScript are two completely different languages, however.
You should be doing this...
Function SumerizePlanArrays(f_String, f_Type)
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
arrString = Split(f_String,"#")
For i = 0 to UBound(arrString)
'NOTE: Updated the call to reflect comment by sadrasjd...
Add arrString(i, f_Type, dic)
Set a = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
For Each key In dic.Keys
a.Add "0," & key & "," & dic(key)
result = Join(a.ToArray, "|")
SumerizePlanArrays = result
End Function
Sub Add(s, type, dic)
'NOTE: ^Updated the parameters to reflect comment by sadrasjd^
weight = Split(s,"$")(0)
values = Split(s,"$")(1)
pipes = Split(values, "|")
For Each line In pipes
val = Split(line, ",")
if type = 1 then
dic(val(1)) = (dic(val(1))*weight/100) + CInt(val(2))
elseif type = 2 then
dic(val(1)) = dic(val(1)) + CInt(val(2))
end if
End Sub
NOTE: Updated the call to reflect the suggestion made by sadrasjd.

remove nul characters from text file using vbs

I have text files that are approximately 6MB in size. There are some lines that contain the NULL (Chr(0))character that I would like to remove.
I have two methods to do this: using Asc()=0 but this takes approximately 50s to complete, the other method uses InStr (line, Chr(0)) =0 (fast ~ 4sec)but the results remove vital info from the lines which contain the NULL characters.
First line of text file as example:
First method (works but VERY slow)
function normalise (textFile )
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
writeTo = fso.BuildPath(tempFolder, saveTo & ("\Output.arc"))
Set objOutFile = fso.CreateTextFile(writeTo)
Set objFile = fso.OpenTextFile(textFile,1)
Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
strCharacters = objFile.Read(1)
If Asc(strCharacters) = 0 Then
objOutFile.Write ""
nul = true
if nul = true then
objOutFile.Write(VbLf & strCharacters)
end if
nul = false
End If
end function
The output looks like this:
Second method code:
filename = WScript.Arguments(0)
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
sDate = Year(Now()) & Right("0" & Month(now()), 2) & Right("00" & Day(Now()), 2)
file = fso.BuildPath(fso.GetFile(filename).ParentFolder.Path, saveTo & "Output " & sDate & ".arc")
Set objOutFile = fso.CreateTextFile(file)
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(filename)
Do Until f.AtEndOfStream
line = f.ReadLine
If (InStr(line, Chr(0)) > 0) Then
line = Left(line, InStr(line, Chr(0)) - 1) & Right(line, InStr(line, Chr(0)) + 1)
end if
objOutFile.WriteLine line
but then the output is:
Can someone please guide me how to remove the NULLS quickly without losing information. I have thought to try and use the second method to scan for which line numbers need updating and then feed this to the first method to try and speed things up, but quite honestly I have no idea where to even start doing this!
Thanks in advance...
It looks like the first method is just replacing each NULL with a newline. If that's all you need, you can just do this:
OK, sounds like you need to replace each set of NULLs with a newline. Let's try this instead:
strText = fso.OpenTextFile(textFile, 1).ReadAll()
With New RegExp
.Pattern = "\x00+"
.Global = True
strText = .Replace(strText, vbCrLf)
End With
objOutFile.Write strText
Update 2:
I think the Read/ReadAll methods of the TextStream class are having trouble dealing with the mix of text and binary data. Let's use an ADO Stream object to read the data instead.
' Read the "text" file using a Stream object...
Const adTypeText = 2
With CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
.Type = adTypeText
.LoadFromFile textFile
.Charset = "us-ascii"
strText = .ReadText()
End With
' Now do our regex replacement...
With New RegExp
.Pattern = "\x00+"
.Global = True
strText = .Replace(strText, vbCrLf)
End With
' Now write using a standard TextStream...
With fso.CreateTextFile(file)
.Write strText
End With
I tried this method (update2) for reading a MS-Access lock file (Null characters terminated strings in 64 byte records) and the ADODB.Stream didn't want to open an already in use file. So I changed that part to :
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.GetFile(Lfile)
z = f.Size
set ts = f.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading, 0) 'TristateFalse
strLog = ts.Read(z)
set f = nothing
' replace 00 with spaces
With New RegExp
.Pattern = "\x00+"
.Global = True
strLog = .Replace(strLog, " ")
End With
' read MS-Access computername and username
for r = 1 to len(strLog) step 64
fnd = trim(mid(strLog,r, 32)) & ", " & trim(mid(strLog,r+32, 32)) & vbCrLf
strRpt = strRpt & fnd

vb6 How would I edit this to make the extension only count to 3 characters(string parsing)

Someone posted a great little function here the other day that separated the full path of a file into several parts that looked like this:
Function BreakDown(Full As String, FName As String, PName As String, Ext As String) As Integer
If Full = "" Then
BreakDown = False
Exit Function
End If
If InStr(Full, "\") Then
FName = Full
PName = ""
Sloc% = InStr(FName, "\")
Do While Sloc% <> 0
PName = PName + Left$(FName, Sloc%)
FName = Mid$(FName, Sloc% + 1)
Sloc% = InStr(FName, "\")
PName = ""
FName = Full
End If
Dot% = InStr(Full, ".")
If Dot% <> 0 Then
Ext = Mid$(Full, Dot%)
Ext = ""
End If
BreakDown = True
End Function
However if the line continues past that point it counts it as part of the extension, is there anyway to make this only count to 3 characters after the last period in a string?
Dot% = InStrRev(Full, ".") ' First . from end of string
If Dot% <> 0 Then
Ext = Mid$(Full, Dot%, 3)
Ext = ""
End If
Mid$ syntax: Mid(string, start[, length])
If you just have blank characters then just add this as the first line
Full = Trim(Full)
If you have other characters then
Ext = Mid$(Full, Dot%)
Ext = Mid$(Full, Dot%, 3)
