Cannot get imgur v3 api request to authorize using curl or other bash utility - bash

I'm trying to scrape some public data from using the v3 imgur api but whenever I make a request using curl I'm getting a 401.
This is how I'm calling the API (using this example from the example python app) -
curl -F "Authorization=Client-ID <my_client_id_provided_by_registering_my_app>"
I've also tried
curl -F "client_id=<my_client_id>"
So my question is, what format is the imgur api expecting for the auth header and how can I leverage it using curl or some other common bash utility?

The switch -F (or --form) is for sending HTTP forms. What you should use instead is -H (--header):
curl --header "Authorization: Client-ID $YOUR_ID"


how to download google docs document exported as pdf from terminal using wget or curl

I'm trying to download my master thesis from google docs as a pdf file..
The ui method (pdf > download > PDF document) fails because of internet connection and the size of the document which is quite big.
I want to download it using wget command from a Linux server which had a good internet connection, I tried a lot of solutions such this one, but they didn't work..
any help please!
If your server can access the user interface of Docs I strongly recommend you to download the PDF with it to save complexity. If the server doesn't offer that option you could use this curl command below to capture Files.export() from Drive API.
curl \
'{DOC ID}/export?mimeType=application%2Fpdf' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS TOKEN}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--compressed >> Doc.pdf
You'll need an access token for a single use, so could use OAuth 2.0 Playground to generate one by selecting the scope and clicking on Exchange authorization code for tokens.

Azure Office 365 Management APIs

I am trying to get a response from Microsofts Office 365 Management API using bash curl commands-
I get the token like this-
TOKEN=$(curl -X POST "$TENANTID/oauth2/token" -d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=$CLIENTID&client_secret=$ACCESSCODE&resource=$RESOURCEURL" | jq -r '.access_token')
And then use the token to fetch the data like this-
RESULT=`curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json"$TENANTID/ServiceComms/Services`
I do get a token back with the first command, so that works fine and my tenant/client/resource strings are correct
But the second one always gives
"code":"","message":"Authorization has been denied for this request."
I pretty sure I have access-
What am I missing?
Turns out the resource URL i was using did not match the URL i was requesting data from

GET works through postman, but returns org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException in CLI

Using spring I wrote a method that should return an array of json objects when GET is called. I checked through PostMan everything works, but when I try to do the GET using curl I get
{"timestamp":1503570488519,"status":415,"error":"Unsupported Media Type","exception":"org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException","message":"Unsupported Media Type","path":"/audpro/report"}
This is the address for postman localhost:8080/audpro/report
My curl command
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/audpro/report" -H "accept:application/json"
Why is that?

Obtaining Authorization Code from Spring OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server programmatically

I am trying to obtain an authorization code from a Spring OAuth 2.0 authorization server using simple CURL command.
curl -v --header "Authorization: Basic hasfhfashfakhsfakhf712641246" ""
However, instead of getting back a redirect URL with the code, I am getting back a 302 redirect response to the login URL. Since I am already sending the username, password in the Authorization Header, is there a way to skip the login page redirect and get the Authorization Code directly?
you might need to tell curl to follow redirect with the -L flag
curl -L -v --header "Authorization: Basic hasfhfashfakhsfakhf712641246" ""

Google App Scripts curl authorization

Just trying to play with google app scripts. In anonymous mode things seem fine. Except that anyone can call my script simply like that snippet shows:
curl "\"$myIp\""
I used this manual for tips on how to authenticate through GoogleLogin. The problem is "401 Unauthorized" I received when sent auth token and "Me(owner)/Only myself" options were set on google side. (The token seems correct itself. If I omit password or mistype it, then I receive "Bad auth") If I set "Anyone, even anonymous" again, it works, but auth stuff seems like ignored. What's the correct way to do the trick?
GoogleAuthToken=`curl --silent --data-urlencode Email=$gmail \
--data-urlencode Passwd=$password -d accountType=GOOGLE -d source=YouDontSay -d service=lh2`
echo $GoogleAuthToken
GoogleAuthToken=$(echo "$GoogleAuthToken" | grep 'Auth=' | sed s/Auth=//)
echo $GoogleAuthToken
curl -L --silent --header "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=$GoogleAuthToken" "\"$myIp\""
You use ClientLogin
This is google error :
Important: ClientLogin has been officially deprecated since April 20,
2012 and is now no longer available. Requests to ClientLogin will fail
with a HTTP 404 response. We encourage you to migrate to OAuth 2.0 as
soon as possible.
