Install Play Framework Windows 8.1 - windows

I'm trying to install the Play! Framework on Windows 8.1, I added path and I've tried to run 'play' command, and the output is:
Error during sbt execution: Could not find configuration file
What can I do?

You should try to install play in a directory that doesn't include spaces (= not Program Files). This can be the cause of your problem.

copy the play framework folder to c:\ it worked for me


sass is broken "'dart.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."

I have received this error:
'dart.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program > or batch file.
Sass was working one day, but the next it stopped and gave me this error, I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling. What could the issue be?
You need to install Dart. Check this out:
or this
or this
Please Update your Package manager.
example : you use chocolatey Package manager
choco update sass
Then your Dart Dependencies will Updated
Finally it will be work...!
I just had the exact same error. I found that I had to run the Command Prompt as administrator and then it worked fine.
Going between Mac and PC, I ran into this after mistakenly downloading the .zip file for Mac when I was on PC. No .exe files in the Mac version!
I found the solution after searching a lot.
Before downloading flutter from
Disable your antivirus.
Then move the folder to C: and add the exception for the antivirus you are using.
Remember to add to ENV path:
and value as
C:\Program Files\Git
If you use WSL on Windows 10, don't configure flutter from WSL's command prompt. Clean the flutter repo, configure everything from PowerShell and then it will hopefully work.

Google Cloud SDK installer fails on Windows 7 (gcloud crashed (UnicodeDecodeError))

My OS is win7. I want to install the clould SDK.
But it "Failed to install". The ERROR message is:
Output folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Cloud SDK
Downloading Google Cloud SDK core.
Extracting Google Cloud SDK core.
Create Google Cloud SDK bat file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Cloud SDK\cloud_env.bat
Installing components.
Welcome to the Google Cloud SDK!
ERROR: gcloud crashed (UnicodeDecodeError): 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xa4 in position 9: ordinal not in range(128)
If you would like to report this issue, please run the following command:
gcloud feedback
To check gcloud for common problems, please run the following command:
gcloud info --run-diagnostics
ERROR: Cannot use bundled Python installation to update Cloud SDK in
non-interactive mode. Please run again in interactive mode.
If you really want to run in non-interactive mode, please run the
following command before re-running this one:
FOR /F "delims=" %i in ( '""C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\bin\gcloud.cmd"" components copy-bundled-python'
) DO (
(Substitute `%%i` for `%i` if in a .bat script.)
Failed to install.
Can someone help me?
I Fixed it by re-installing google cloud sdk. (if you can't uninstall just rename folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Cloud SDK to something else and try installer)
And by setting the CLOUDSDK_PYTHON environment variable to C:\Python27\python.exe (installation folder of python v2.7)
Now installing the app-engine components worked again.
option 2
Check your config: gcloud config list if you see: disable_prompts = True. this is probably why google says the inter-active mode is disabled. if you remove this value it might remove this error.
I also had error on Windows 8
ERROR: gcloud failed to load: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte...
I checked my installation path. And it contained non-ascii symbol. So I restarted installer and changed installation path to C:\Program Files\Google\Cloud SDK
Afterwards I've got error
To use the Google Cloud SDK, you must have Python installed and on your PATH.
As an alternative, you may also set the CLOUDSDK_PYTHON environment variable
to the location of your Python executable.
Failed to install.
despite the checked option "Bundled Python" as manual proposes.
I downloaded from and installed latest Python 2.7.14 (Google SDK doesn't work with Python 3)
The default path to executable was C:\Python27\python.exe, so added it as CLOUDSDK_PYTHON system variable in my Control panel and started again.
Finally it is installed.
My local account name contains non-ASCII characters.
I workarounded this issue by creation of new local account with name of ASCII characters only.

Can't build with mozilla-apk-cli without zip/unzip

I'm trying to build a packaged open web app with mozilla-apk-cli. But when I try it tells me I need to install unzip and zip from Info-zip. But the Info-zip site is beyond dated and the .msi I ran from there doesn't appear to have done anything.
I'm on Windows 8.1 64bit.
How am I expected to do this?
Until #Ozten fixes this, you might want to just get some binaries somewhere else, like gnuwin32 (zip, unzip) and put then somewhere in your PATH.
I'm the author of mozilla-apk-cli. I don't develop on Windows, so I need your help!
1) I'll do some digging, I assumed (wrongly) that Info-zip would install on Windows 8.1 64-bit
2) What is the preferred tool for zip/unzip from the command line on Windows 8.1? Can you point me at it's documentation?
Thanks for your help in improving mozilla-apk-cli.
Also: I've filed
Update: I've documented how to install Info-ZIP. Thanks to Myk and nmaier.
I've tested this fix on Windows 8.1 and was able to build an APK.

GAE Go Windows - "Cannot run program", "is not a valid Win32 application"

I've been trying to run a GAE Go project I developed on my Mac on my Windows machine with GoClipse after installing and configuring the appropriate SDKs and so forth. When attempting to run the project, I get this error:
Exception occurred executing command line. Cannot run program
"C:\GoogleAppEngine\" (in directory
"D:\Golang\workspace\Project\src\pkg"): CreateProcess
error=193, %1 is not a valid Win32 application
How can I fix that error in order to run my project?
While the below configuration works on the Mac as it has Python installed by default, Windows requires a different configuration.
On Mac the GoClipse External Tools Configuration would be:
Location: /GoogleAppEngine/
Working Directory: ${workspace_loc:/Project/src/pkg}
Arguments: .
The Windows configuration should look like:
Location: C:\Python27\Python.exe
Working Directory:
Arguments: C:\GoogleAppEngine\ "${workspace_loc:/Project/src/pkg}"
Trying to run .py (Which IMO is a Python file?) wont work directly on windows. You will need to install Python and then pass the above filename to Python something like (I don't know Python so don't go by exact syntax, you might need to look around)
python "C:\GoogleAppEngine\
The reason it's working on Mac is because Python comes pre-installed on mac as cited here But on windows it doesn't. So you can install Python and add the Python's bin folder to path, and then run above script and it should run fine!

JarBundler ant task build (OS X) which does not start in mac's /Application folder - permission denied

I have used the jarbundler ant task to create an OSX (10.6.4) for my java app. The problem is that it starts fine in any other directory except the /Applications directory. A look at file permissions shows nothing amiss. I can get it to work by two methods - both not suitable for real deployments:
Build the .app with Jar Bundler GUI (hard to automate repeatedly)
Start and stop the .app file in another directory (e.g. my build dir) and then copy the .app file into /Applications/MyAppDir (not a solution for a install script!). It then works !
The error in OS X console is:
posix_spawn("/Applications/", ...): Permission denied
I have tried various options in Jar bundler task like StartOnMainThread=true.
Any suggestions ?
I have found the problem(s):
1. I am using izpack to deploy the app bundle in a mistaken effort to standardized install process across platforms. This was causing issues with JavaApplicationStub execute permissions.
2. Also jarbundler.jar ant task is apparently using an old JavaApplicationStub. When I replaced it with java 6 version all went well.
So lessons learnt:
- I will not try to create a 'universal' installer - this does not work
- Will use compressed disk images to deploy my app bundle
