Spring Integration Poller too slow - performance

We have a Spring Integration project which uses a the following
directory="file:#{'${poller.landingzonepath}'.toLowerCase()}" channel="createMessageChannel"
filename-regex="${ingestion.filenameRegex}" queue-size="10000"
id="directoryPoller" scanner="leafScanner">
<!-- <int:poller fixed-rate="${ingestion.filepoller.interval:10000}" max-messages-per-poll="100" /> -->
<int:poller fixed-rate="10000" max-messages-per-poll="1000" />
We also have a leafScanner which extends from the default RecursiveLeafOnlyDirectoryScanner, our leafscanner doesn't do too much. Just checks a directory against a regex property.
The issue we're seeing is one where there are 250,000 (.landed [the ones we care about] files) which means about 500k actual files in the directory that we are polling. This is redesign of an older system and the redesign was to make the application more scalable, whilst being agnostic of the directory names inside the polled parent directory. We wanted to get away from a poller per specific directory, but it seems unless we're doing something wrong, we'll have to go back to this.
If anyone has any possible solutions, or configuration items we could try please let me know. On my local machine with 66k .landed files, it takes about 16 minutes before the first file is presented to our transformer to do something.

As the JavaDocs indicate, the RecursiveLeafOnlyDirectoryScanner will not scale well with large directories or deep trees.
You could make your leafScanner stateful and, instead of subclassing RecursiveLeafOnlyDirectoryScanner, subclass DefaultDirectoryScanner and implement listEligibleFiles and return when you have 1000 files after saving off where you are; and on the next poll, continue from where you left off; when you get to the end, start again at the beginning.
You could maintain state in a field (which would mean you'd start over after a JVM restart) or use some persistence.

Just an update. The reason our implementation was so slow was beacuse of locking (trying to prevent duplicates), locking (preventing duplicates) is automatically disabled by adding a filter.
The max-messages-per-poll is also very important if you want to add a thread pool. Without this you will see no performance improvements.


Spring Boot Kafka: Consume same message with all instances for specific topic

I have a spring boot application (let's say it's called app-1) that is connected to a kafka cluster and that consumes from a specific topic, let's say the topic is called "foo". Topic foo always receives a message when another application (let's say it's called app-2) has imported a new foo-item into the database.
The topic is primarily meant to be used in a third application (let's say it's called app-3) which sends out some e-Mail notification to people that may be interested in this new foo-item. App-3 is clustered, meaning there are multiple instances of it running at the same time. Kafka automatically balances the foo-topic messages between all these instances because they use the same consumer-id. This is good and in the case of app-3 it is actually desired.
In the case of app-2, however, the messages from the foo-topic are used for cache eviction. The logic is, basically, that if there is a new foo-item then the currently existing caches should probably be cleared, because their content depends on the foo-items. The issue is that app-2 is also clustered, which means that by default kafka-logic, every instance will only receive some of the messages sent to the foo-topic. This does not work correctly for this specific app tho, because whenever there is a new foo-item, all of the instances need to know about it because all of them need their clear their local caches.
From what I understand I have these two options if I want to keep the current logic:
Introduce a distributed cache for all instances of app-2 so that they all share the same cache. Then it does not matter if only one instance receives a foo-item, because the cache eviction will also affect the cache of the other instances; even though they never learned about the foo-item. I would like to avoid this solution, as a distributed cache would add a noticeable amount of complexity and also overhead.
Somehow manage to use a different consumer-id for each instance of app-2. Then they would be considered different consumers by kafka and they all would get each foo-topic message. However, I don't even know how to programmatically do this. The code of the application is not aware of replicated instances, there is no way to access any information about what node it is. If I use a randomly generated string on startup, then each time such instance restarts it would be considered a new consumer and would have to re-process all previous messages. That would be incorrect behavior as well.
Here is my bottom line question: Is it possible to make all instances of app-2 receive all messages from the foo-topic without completely breaking the way kafka is supposed to work? I know that it is probably very unconventional to use kafka-messages for cache eviction and I am entirely able to find an alternative mechanism for the cache eviction logic that does not depend on kafka-topic messages. However, the applications are for demonstration purposes and I thought it would be cool if more than one app read from this topic. But if I end up having to hack a dirty workaround to make it work then it's also bad for demonstration purposes and I would rather implement an alternative way of cache eviction.
As you mentioned, you could use different consumer ids with random strings.
If notifications are being read from the beginning, then you probably have ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG set to "earliest" somewhere in your consumer configuration. If this is the case, removing it will probably solve your problems - when the app will start it will only receive notification sent after the consumer started listening.

Nifi processor to route flows based on changeable list of regex

I am trying to use Nifi to act as a router for syslog based on a list of regexes matching the syslog.body (nb as this is just a proof of concept I can change any part if needed)
The thought process is that via a separate system (for now, vi and a text file 😃) an admin can define a list of criteria (regex format for each seems sensible) which, if matched, would result in syslog messages being sent to a specific separate system (for example, all critical audit data (matched by the regex list) is sent to the audit system and all other data goes to the standard log store
I know that this can be done on Route by content processors but the properties are configured before the processor starts and an admin would have to stop the processor every time they need to make an edit
I would like to load the list of regex in periodically (automatically) and have the processor properties be updated
I don’t mind if this is done all natively in Nifi (but that is preferable for elegance and to save an external app being written) or via a REST API call driven by a python script or something (or can Nifi send REST calls to itself?!)
I appreciate a processor property cannot be updated while running, so it would have to be stopped to be updated, but that’s fine as the queue will buffer for the brief period. Maybe a check to see if the file has changed could avoid outages for no reason rather than periodic update regardless, I can solve that problem later.
I think the easiest solution would be to use ScanContent, a processor which specifies a dictionary file on disk which contains a list of search terms and monitors the file for changes, reloading in that event. The processor then applies the search terms to the content of incoming flowfiles and allows you to route them based on matches. While this processor doesn't support regular expressions as dictionary terms, you could make a slight modification to the code or use this as a baseline for a custom processor with those changes.
If that doesn't work for you, there are a number of LookupService implementations which show how CSV, XML, property files, etc. can be monitored and read by the controller framework to provide an updated mapping of key/value pairs. These can also serve as a foundation for building a more complicated scan/match flow using the loaded terms/patterns.
Finally, if you have to rely on direct processor property updating, you can script this with the NiFi API calls to stop, update, and restart the processors so it can be done in near-real-time. To determine these APIs, visit the API documentation or execute the desired tasks via the UI in your browser and use the Developer Tools to capture the HTTP requests being made.

Turn recovery on after first message

I have a persistent actor which receives many messages. Fist message is CREATE (case class) and next messages are UPDATEs (case classes). So if it receives CREATE then it should not go into persistence to run recovery because the storage is empty for this actor. It's performance wasting from my perspective.
Is there any possibility to do not call recovery for particular input message (the first one which is CREATE), please?
A persistent actor will always have to hit the database, because there is no other way to know whether it having existed before - it could have been created in a previous instance of the application that was stopped or it could have been created on a different node in a cluster.
In general a good pattern for performance is to keep the actor in memory after it has been hit the first time, as that will allow as fast responses as possible. The most common way to do this is using Cluster Sharding (which you can read more about in the docs here: https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/cluster-sharding.html?language=scala#cluster-sharding
I have never heard of anyone seeing the hit for an empty persistent actor as a performance problem and I'm not sure it is possible to solve that in a general way, so if you have such a problem and somehow can know the actor was never created before you can not do that with Akka Persistence but would have to build a special solution for that yourself.

Concurrency Issue on Hashmap Stored in Apache Ignite

I am developing a Clustered Web Application with different WARS deployed, so I need session sharing (and not only this). I've started using Ignite as a good platform for Clustered(Replicated) cache server.
The issue I reached is this:
My cache Key is String and Value is a HashMap
CacheConfiguration<Integer, Map<String,String>> cfg = new CacheConfiguration<>("my_cache");
I am using this cache as a WEBSESSION. The issue is where one servlet gets the Map, Put some session specific values, and put it back to Ignite. After the first servlet gets the cache, second one enters and because it finishes after the first one, the second put will kill first one changes.
So my exact question is, what's the pattern to have concurrent map access issue solved is a high efficient way (without whole object locking).
It sounds a bit weird to me, because this scenario should be only possible when two there are two concurrent requests working with the same session. How is this possible?
But in any case, you can use TRANSACTIONAL cache for web session data. This will guarantee that these two requests will be processed within a lock and the data will be updated atomically.
<bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.CacheConfiguration">
<property name="name" value="web-sessions-cache"/>
<property name="atomicityMode" value="TRANSACTIONAL"/>

Queueing mechanism and Elasticsearch 1.4.0

I have a RabbitMQ broker, on which I post different messages that will end up as documents in Elasticsearch. There are multiple consumers from the broker, which are actually different threads in a task executor assigned to an amqp inbound gateway (using spring integration and spring amqp here).
Think at the following scenario: I have created a doc in ES with the structure
"field1" : "value1",
"field2" : "value2"
Afterwards I send two update requests, both updating the same field, let's say field1. If I send this messages one right after another(common use case in production), my consumer threads will fetch the messages in the right order(amqp allows this), but the processing could happen in the wrong order and the later updated value could be overwritten by the first one. I will end up having wring data.
How can I make sure my data won't get corrupted? =>Having 1 single consumer thread is not enough, because if I want to scale out by adding more machines with my consuming app, I will still end up having multiple consumers. I might need ordering of messages, but having multiple machines I will probably need to create some sort of a cluster aware component, I am using SI, so this seems really hard to do in my opinion.
In pre 1.2 versions of ES, we used an external version, like a timestamp, and ES would have thrown VersionConflictException in my scenario:first update would have had version 10000 let's say, the second 10001 and if the first would have been processed first, ES would reject the request with version 10000 as it's lower than the existing one. But from the latest versions, ES guys have removed this functionality for update operations.
One solution might be to use multiple queues and have a single consumer on each queue; use a hash function to always route updates to the same document to the same queue see the RabbitMQ Tutorials for the various options.
You can scale out by adding more queues (and changing your hash function).
For resiliency, consider running your consumers in Spring XD. You can have a single instance of each rabbit source (for each queue) and XD will take care of failing it over to another container node if it goes down.
Otherwise you could roll your own by having a warm standby - inbound adapters configured with auto-startup="false" and have something monitor and use a <control-bus/> to start a new instance if the active one goes down.
In response to the fourth comment below.
As I said above, to scale out, you would have to change the hash function. So adding consumers automatically while running would be tricky.
You don't have to hard-code the queue names in the jar, you can use a property placeholder and fill it from properties, system properties, or an environment variable.
This solution is the simplest but does have these limitations.
You could, however, build a management app that could scale it out - stop the producer, wait for all queues to quiesce, reconfigure the consumers and restart the producer - Spring Integration provides a <control-bus/> to start/stop adapters; you can also do it via JMX.
Alternative solutions are possible but will generally require maintaining some shared state across a cluster (perhaps using zookeeper etc), so are much more complex; and you still have to deal with race conditions (where the second update might arrive at some consumer before the first).
You can use the default mechanism for consistency checks. Basically you want to verify that you have the latest version of whatever you are updating.
So for that you need to fetch the _version with the object. In queries you can do this by setting version=true on the toplevel. That will cause the _version to be returned along with your query results. Then when doing an update, you simply set the version parameter in the url to the value you have and it will generate a version conflict if it doesn't match.
Nicer is to handle updates using closures. Basically this works as follows: have an update method that fetches the object by id, applies a closure (parameter to the update function) that encapsulate the modifications you want to make, and then stores modified object. If you trap the still possible version conflict, you can simply get the object again and re-apply the closure to the object. We do this and added a random sleep before the retry as well, this vastly reduces the chance of multiple updates failing and is a nice design pattern. Keeping the read and write together minimizes the chance of a conflict and then retrying with a sleep before that minimizes it further. You could add multiple retries to further reduce the risk.
