could not complete operation due to error c00ce514 - ajax

I have this code as an excel downloader. After the excel has been generated.
But I'm having an error. As stated in the question Title.
The error occurs at the line:
var strResponeText = XMLHttpRequestObject.responseText;
var strUrl = "POSSellThroughReportExcelOpener.aspx?getstatus=1&DateFrom=" + hdnDateFrom.value + "&DateTo=" + hdnDateTo.value + "&customer_id=" + hdnCustomerID.value + "&intdisplayby=" + hdnDisplayBy.value + "&monthorweek=" + hdnMonthOrWeek.value;
if (XMLHttpRequestObject) {"POST", strUrl);
XMLHttpRequestObject.onreadystatechange = function () {
if ((XMLHttpRequestObject.readyState == 4) && (XMLHttpRequestObject.status == 200)) {
var hdnRedirectUrl = document.getElementById("hdnRedirectUrl");
var strResponeText = XMLHttpRequestObject.responseText;
var intResponse = new Number(strResponeText);
var spanCallBackStatus = document.getElementById("spanCallBackStatus");
var trClose = document.getElementById("trClose");
if (!isNaN(intResponse)) {
if (intResponse == 1) {
spanCallBackStatus.innerHTML = "Excel Report has been generated." = "";
window.location.href = hdnRedirectUrl.value;
else {
else {
spanCallBackStatus.innerHTML = strResponeText;
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks.
Hi Guys,
I have found the cause of the error, it is because the content-type is called two times. During Page_Load event and at last line of the Generate Excel function which is not supposed to be. That is why the current content-type after the page loads has been replaced after the generate excel function. Hehe my bad I guess.
Anyway thanks for all the help, advice and useful links.
Good day to all. :D

Internet Explorer can't handle binary responses to AJAX requests like XMLHttpRequestObject, as discussed in this question. You need to handle the response in some other way, depending on what you need to do with it.


Transitioning from Session to ReactiveVar or ReactiveDict (Meteor)

So, I'm making an audio player and I've got a bit of code to get the audio duration of the selected file, for the timer. It was working really well with Session, but then, as I might want more than one player per page, I decided to switch to ReactiveVar or ReactiveDict and I don't think I quite grasped how they work, because my code broke. Can you help me? What am I doing wrong?
This is the code as it was with Session.
function() {
audio = $("audio").get(0);
audioduration: function() {
if (!Session.get("audioduration")) {
audioLenght = Meteor.setInterval(function() {
var totaltime = parseInt(audio.duration, 10);
var mins = Math.floor(audio.duration / 60, 10);
var secs = totaltime - mins * 60;
var gimmethetime = mins + ':' + (secs > 9 ? secs : '0' + secs);
Session.set("audioduration", gimmethetime);
return Session.get("audioduration");
}, 500);
} else {
return Session.get("audioduration");
This is my latest attempt at the same result with ReactiveVar. It came out with "TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined".
function() {
audio = $("audio").get(0);
this.audioduration = new ReactiveVar();
audioduration: function() {
if (!Template.audioduration.get()) {
audioLenght = Meteor.setInterval(function() {
var totaltime = parseInt(audio.duration, 10);
var mins = Math.floor(audio.duration / 60, 10);
var secs = totaltime - mins * 60;
var gimmethetime = mins + ':' + (secs > 9 ? secs : '0' + secs);
return gimmethetime;
}, 500);
} else {
return Template.instance().audioduration.get();
Thanks in advance!
I would add some information before answering your question. I have seen a lot of resources over the Internet using the Session variable to store temporary data and this stunned me a little. You must understand that the Session lifecycle start when you load the page and ends when you reload the page or close your browser. Let's say you store all your temporary data inside the session, if I take time to got through all the application then my session will be polute with data from all these pages. You are not faulty I just wanted to add some information on this. Anyone correct me if I'm wrong.
Now comes the place to answer.
In your helper, you have a test. In this test you try to access the reactiveVar with Template.audioduration. But as you have made for all the other calls it should be Template.instance().audioduration.get()
function() {
audio = $("audio").get(0);
this.audioduration = new ReactiveVar();
audioduration: function() {
if (!Template.instance().audioduration.get()) {
audioLenght = Meteor.setInterval(function() {
var totaltime = parseInt(audio.duration, 10);
var mins = Math.floor(audio.duration / 60, 10);
var secs = totaltime - mins * 60;
var gimmethetime = mins + ':' + (secs > 9 ? secs : '0' + secs);
return gimmethetime;
}, 500);
} else {
return Template.instance().audioduration.get();
Like this it should work...
You had a second error, I put it here for later reference and explanation.
"Exception in setInterval callback: TypeError: Cannot read property 'audioduration' of null". In order to correct it, I told you to create a variable in the helper scope with Template.instance().
This is a typical JS error. In JS, all the diffulty is to understand what is the scope of a function. In this case, it is possible to access the Template variable in the helper but it cannot be accessed inside the callback. If you reference the template instance inside the context of the helper then it can be accessed from the callback. I don't know much about how are linked the different contexts in this particular case. But it is quite usual that the this object cannot be accessed by callbacks, we are forced to user var that = this;. `See this post.

CasperJS: Iterating through URL's

I'm pretty new to CasperJS, but isn't there a way to open a URL and execute CasperJS commands in for loops? For example, this code doesn't work as I expected it to:
casper.then(function() {
var counter = 2013;
for (i = counter; i < 2014; i++) {
var file_name = "./Draws/wimbledon_draw_" + counter + ".json";
// getting some local json files
var json = require(file_name);
var first_round = json["1"];
for (var key in first_round) {
var name = first_round[key].player_1.replace(/\s+/g, '-');
var normal_url = "" + name;
// the casper command below only executes AFTER the for loop is done
casper.thenOpen(normal_url, function() {
Instead of Casper is calling thenOpen on each new URL per iteration, it gets only called AFTER the for loop executes. Casper thenOpen then gets called with the last value normal_url is set to. Is there no Casper command to have it work each iteration within the for loop?
Follow up: How do we make casper thenOpen return a value on the current iteration of the for loop?
Say for example, I needed a return value on that thenOpen (maybe if the HTTP status is 404 I need to evaluate another URL so I want to return false). Is this possible to do?
Editing casper.thenOpen call above:
var status;
// thenOpen() only executes after the console.log statement directly below
casper.thenOpen(normal_url, function() {
status = this.status(false)['currentHTTPStatus'];
if (status == 200) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
console.log(status); // This prints UNDEFINED the same number of times as iterations.
If you need to get context then use the example here:!topic/casperjs/n_zXlxiPMtk
I used the IIFE (immediately-invoked-function-expression) option.
for(var i in links) {
var link = links[i];
(function(index) {
var link = links[index]
var filename = link.replace(/#/, '');
filename = filename.replace(/\//g, '-') + '.png';
casper.echo('Attempting to capture: '+link);
casper.thenOpen(vars.domain + link).waitForSelector('.title h1', function () {
links could be an array of objects and therefore your index is a reference to a group of properties if need be...
var links = [{'page':'some-page.html', 'filename':'page-page.png'}, {...}]
As Fanch and Darren Cook stated, you could use an IIFE to fix the url value inside of the thenOpen step.
An alternative would be to use getCurrentUrl to check the url. So change the line
The problem is that normal_url references the last value that was set but not the current value because it is executed later. This does not happen with casper.thenOpen(normal_url, function(){...});, because the current reference is passed to the function. You just see the wrong url, but the correct url is actually opened.
Regarding your updated question:
All then* and wait* functions in the casperjs API are step functions. The function that you pass into them will be scheduled and executed later (triggered by You shouldn't use variables outside of steps. Just add further steps inside of the thenOpen call. They will be scheduled in the correct order. Also you cannot return anything from thenOpen.
var somethingDone = false;
var status;
casper.thenOpen(normal_url, function() {
status = this.status(false)['currentHTTPStatus'];
if (status != 200) {
this.thenOpen(alternativeURL, function(){
// do something
somethingDone = true;
console.log("status: " + status);
if (somethingDone) {
// something has been done
somethingDone = false;
In this example this.thenOpen will be scheduled after casper.thenOpen and somethingDone will be true inside casper.then because it comes after it.
There are some things that you need to fix:
You don't use your counter i: you probably mean "./Draws/wimbledon_draw_" + i + ".json" not "./Draws/wimbledon_draw_" + counter + ".json"
You cannot require a JSON string. Interestingly, you can require a JSON file. I still would use to read the file and parse the JSON inside it (JSON.parse).
Regarding your question...
You didn't schedule any commands. Just add steps (then* or wait*) behind or inside of thenOpen.

Do not automatically expand all subgrid rows when clicking grouping column's expand icon

After grouping, is there a way for expand/collapse icon of current row not automatically expand/collapse all of the subgrid's rows? Just leave it alone as it was.
var parmColumnName = 'Model';
groupCollapse: true,
groupField: ['name']
//Original setup after playing around with it. (See X5 under BMW)
//Collapse the grouped Make
//Then Expand the grouped Make (All of the model are expanded by default, I do not want it to change and I want it to look like the original snapshot above)
I find your question very interesting, but the solution for the problem is not easy. In my opinion the source code of two jqGrid methods groupingRender and especially groupingToggle should be changed. The solution which I suggest you can see on the demo. The demo overwrites the original code of groupingRender and groupingToggle methods. More full description of my suggestions you will find below.
First of all I want to describe the problem in my words. You used the words "the subgrid's rows" in the text of your question which bring misunderstanding. What you use is multilevel grouping. The first problem in my opinion is the behavior of groupCollapse: true option. In case of multilevel grouping jqGrid collapse currently only data instead of all grouping headers till the top level. The demo uses 3-level grouping and the option groupCollapse: true. It dysplays
instead of intuitively expected
Another problem which you formulate in your question is the current behavior of expending. The problem is that if the user have collapsed the nodes to that all looks compact, like on the last picture which I posted, end then the user expand some node jqGrid expand all children grouping headers of the node till the data. So if one expand for example only "test1" node then all its children nodes will be expanded instead of expending only the next grouping level.
To fix the first problem (opened sub-grouping headers in spite of groupCollapse: true) I changed one line of groupingRender method from
str += "<tr id=\""+hid+"\" role=\"row\" class= \"ui-widget-content jqgroup ui-row-"+$t.p.direction+" "+clid+"\"><td style=\"padding-left:"+(n.idx * 12) + "px;"+"\" colspan=\""+colspans+"\">"+icon+$.jgrid.template(grp.groupText[n.idx], gv, n.cnt, n.summary)+"</td></tr>";
str += "<tr id=\""+hid+"\"" +(grp.groupCollapse && n.idx>0 ? " style=\"display:none;\" " : " ") + "role=\"row\" class= \"ui-widget-content jqgroup ui-row-"+$t.p.direction+" "+clid+"\"><td style=\"padding-left:"+(n.idx * 12) + "px;"+"\" colspan=\""+colspans+"\">"+icon+$.jgrid.template(grp.groupText[n.idx], gv, n.cnt, n.summary)+"</td></tr>";
The main problem which you asked was a little more difficult. Below you can find the fixed version of
groupingToggle : function(hid){
var $t = this,
grp = $t.p.groupingView,
strpos = hid.split('_'),
//uid = hid.substring(0,strpos+1),
num = parseInt(strpos[strpos.length-2], 10);
var uid = strpos.join("_"),
minus = grp.minusicon,
plus = grp.plusicon,
tar = $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(hid)),
r = tar.length ? tar[0].nextSibling : null,
tarspan = $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(hid)+" span."+"tree-wrap-"+$t.p.direction),
getGroupingLevelFromClass = function (className) {
var nums = $.map(className.split(" "), function (item) {
if (item.substring(0, uid.length + 1) === uid + "_") {
return parseInt(item.substring(uid.length + 1), 10);
return nums.length > 0 ? nums[0] : undefined;
collapsed = false, tspan;
if( tarspan.hasClass(minus) ) {
if(grp.showSummaryOnHide) {
while(r) {
if($(r).hasClass('jqfoot') ) {
var lv = parseInt($(r).attr("jqfootlevel"),10);
if( lv <= num) {
r = r.nextSibling;
} else {
while(r) {
itemGroupingLevel = getGroupingLevelFromClass(r.className);
if (itemGroupingLevel !== undefined && itemGroupingLevel <= num) {
r = r.nextSibling;
collapsed = true;
} else {
var showData = undefined;
while(r) {
itemGroupingLevel = getGroupingLevelFromClass(r.className);
if (showData === undefined) {
showData = itemGroupingLevel === undefined; // if the first row after the opening group is data row then show the data rows
if (itemGroupingLevel !== undefined) {
if (itemGroupingLevel <= num) {
break;// next item of the same lever are found
} else if (itemGroupingLevel === num + 1) {
} else if (showData) {
r = r.nextSibling;
$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridGroupingClickGroup", [hid , collapsed]);
if( $.isFunction($t.p.onClickGroup)) { $$t, hid , collapsed); }
return false;
The demo demonstrates the results of all changes which I suggest. I'll post the changes as pull request to trirand. I hope that the changes will be included in the main code of jqGrid.
UPDATED: I posted the pull request with the changes which I suggested above.
UPDATED 2: My pull request was merged with the main code of jqGrid. The new 4.5.4 version of jqGrid published today includes the changed. The new demo uses jqGrid 4.5.4 and it works like you expect. So to fix the problem which you described in your question you need just update jqGrid.

Less CSS and local storage issue

I'm using LESS CSS (more exactly less.js) which seems to exploit LocalStorage under the hood. I had never seen such an error like this before while running my app locally, but now I get "Persistent storage maximum size reached" at every page display, just above the link the unique .less file of my app.
This only happens with Firefox 12.0 so far.
Is there any way to solve this?
P.S.: mainly inspired by Calculating usage of localStorage space, this is what I ended up doing (this is based on Prototype and depends on a custom trivial Logger class, but this should be easily adapted in your context):
"use strict";
var LocalStorageChecker = Class.create({
testDummyKey: "__DUMMY_DATA_KEY__",
maxIterations: 100,
logger: new Logger("LocalStorageChecker"),
analyzeStorage: function() {
var result = false;
if (Modernizr.localstorage && this._isLimitReached()) {
return result;
_isLimitReached: function() {
var localStorage = window.localStorage;
var count = 0;
var limitIsReached = false;
do {
try {
var previousEntry = localStorage.getItem(this.testDummyKey);
var entry = (previousEntry == null ? "" : previousEntry) + "m";
localStorage.setItem(this.testDummyKey, entry);
catch(e) {
this.logger.debug("Limit exceeded after " + count + " iteration(s)");
limitIsReached = true;
while(!limitIsReached && count++ < this.maxIterations);
return limitIsReached;
_clear: function() {
try {
var localStorage = window.localStorage;
this.logger.debug("Storage clear successfully performed");
catch(e) {
this.logger.error("An error occurred during storage clear: ");
document.observe("dom:loaded",function() {
var checker = new LocalStorageChecker();
P.P.S.: I didn't measure the performance impact on the UI yet, but a decorator could be created and perform the storage test only every X minutes (with the last timestamp of execution in the local storage for instance).
Here is a good resource for the error you are running into.
Gives some insight that localstorage only has so much room and you can max it out in each browser. Look into removing some data from localstorage to resolve your problem.
Less.js persistently caches content that is #imported. You can use this script to clear content that is cached. Using the script below you can call the function destroyLessCache('/path/to/css/') and it will clear your localStorage of css files that have been cached.
function destroyLessCache(pathToCss) { // e.g. '/css/' or '/stylesheets/'
if (!window.localStorage || !less || less.env !== 'development') {
var host =;
var protocol = window.location.protocol;
var keyPrefix = protocol + '//' + host + pathToCss;
for (var key in window.localStorage) {
if (key.indexOf(keyPrefix) === 0) {
delete window.localStorage[key];

AJAX send is giving "Access to restricted URI denied" code: "1012" nsresult: "0x805303f4 (NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI)"

I know this has been posted before but the answers do not solve my problems. I can't figure out what's going on. The only thing giving an error is 'req.send(null)' which doesn't make sense to me. I'm so confused.
Here's the code I have for my ajax script
function changeImg(dir) {
var img = document.getElementById("pic");
var src = img.src.substring(img.src.lastIndexOf("/")+1,img.src.length);
var url = 'ajax/'+src+'/'+dir;
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200)
}"GET", url, true);
function updateImg(req) {
var xml = req.responseXML.documentElement;
var src = xml.textContent;
document.getElementById('pic').src = src;
I'm using jetty with AJAX and I'm testing this on Firefox 3, but I haven't tested the code with my server yet. I can't get passed line 18 -_-
Any help would be highly appreciated.
P.S. I've tried moving send, open and onreadystatechange around but it doesn't fix anything.
