Manually Removed Joomla Component but Title Still Showing Up in Extension Manager - joomla

I had a component cause a bunch of errors at installation in my Joomla website. I tried the normal way of removing it by visiting the extension manager and clicking uninstall. This did not work, so I visited these two locations and deleted all the files:
I then went into phpmyadmin and dropped all the tables that were associated with com_badcomponentname.
The only thing that is left is the listing in the extension manager. I want to be 100% done with this component, but the name still shows up. I can disable the listing and that gets it out of the components drop down list in the admin panel. Where can I go to manually remove the reference?

You say that you dropped all the tables that were associated with the component, however if it is still showing in the Extension Manager, then go back into PhpMyAdmin, go into the table jos_extensions (jos being the prefix which may be different for you) and remove the reference in there too

Ideally you would want to to a search on all tables for the name of the component with or without the prefix com_.
Also inspecting the install SQL files would give you a better idea if you deleted all the associated tables.

In my case, based on #Valentin Despa's answer, I grep'd the full SQL dump of the site, and found the stale menu items in the jos_menu table.


How can I manually remove a joomla 2.5 extension?

I accidentally installed a more recent component of J2XML designed for Joomla 3 into my J2.5 site... and now I have no idea how to remove it. The only Admin page that works is the main Admin page... all the other admin pages are blank... I'm assuming it's logging the error somewhere, but I have no idea where that would be.
Can I manually remove the extension/module? What database tables should i remove?
I have already removed the folder of files, but I'm not familiar enough with the Joomla db structure to know what damage has been caused.
And in this case, backups have failed me.
you should able to look at _components table and remove J2XML entry so it doesn't show in administrator panel

moving cs cart to another directory without data

Firstly, I have made a sub directory for development and installed cs cart MVE in it.
I want to copy the current cs cart sub-directory and add it to the main domain folder without the testing dummy data I have added in the development phase.
How can I do that?
Secondly, if I have made new changes in the future on the development folder, how can I apply this change to the main domain folder?
Thanks a lot for the help in advance.
Note: a step-by-step guide will be very helpful!
There are a few ways to accomplish those results. First of all, if you just want the demo data to be removed you can alter the database and do the following:
Alter the table and remove every single product, property, banner, etc. Though if you have this code setup you could just run it in one time. Though I do not recommend this as this is way more work than needed and this wont get rid of the images and such stored by the demo data.
You can also do the following:
Go to the products section, click the checkbox in the top left and after that click the gear icon in the top right and select: "Delete selection". Do this a few times and for everything needed (banners, payment methods, shipping methods, etc.) and you are all set.
Or you can do this (recommended):
You can do a store-import of your current store and then switch the directories around so you have no downtime. This is also the way I do my development. You can get the store-import addon for free in the cs-cart marketplace.
But if you were looking for a way just to copy a store without transferring any data you could think about what you want to copy. Basically every setting is stored in the database (so are this similar?). Furthermore every image path, etc. is stored in the database (so are these similar?). And so on. The best way I see how you can do this is by running a store import (this will give you the option to remove all the demo data before importing the new data, you could install a new version of cs-cart with no data, then it will delete all the current data you allready have.)
Hopefully my answer suffices, feel free to ask if you stumble across some problems.

Joomla Quickstart advice

Please I need some guidelines (or link of tutorials) in creating Joomla (3 - 3.5) website with the purchased template design. I wonder how professionals with experience are solving my doubts in practice.
Do you recommend the installation of the purchased blank template with a single installation and configuration of modules and components or installation of template with demo examples (Quickstart)? I know the differences but I was wondering how you are doing.
Till now I've almost always used the Quickstart installation.
I wonder if you clone the main menu (and other navigation and modules) and than you rename a copy for your needs and you change the content or you delete all navigation items except Home and than you are re-creating items according to your needs.
I'm not sure if I can copy the main menu or I copy only his necessary items and than delete overage of template.
It happens to me sometimes if I click on some of category it leads me to the main menu from original item, not to the desired custom copy, even though the path is set (the default items). Therefore, I am not sure which is better... copy main menu and items or to delete all navigation and content of the Quickstart installation and form my own navigation, content and modules.
In short, how to sort out all unnecessary items, and those that I am using should I copy and modify, modify existing, or delete all and make my own needed items.
I believe you will know my concerns.
Thank you and regards,
I have created several websites in Joomla with blank template and also with quickstart package.
Advantages with Blank Template
You will get the core theme without any unnecessary content and
basic modules and plugins. You dont have to delete any
contents/articles later.
You will be having authority to place modules at your desired positions. To check the modules position at the frontend simply do this
Disadvantage of Blank Template
There are some module style settings embedded in quickstart package that you wont be able to set yourself without going through full documentation. So sometimes your menu seems distorted.
Disadvantage of Quickstart Package
Deleteing unnecessary articles, removing unnecessary modules is a big headache.
Database size unnecessarily increases.
Steps I follow
I create a quickstart package in localhost and create a blank site with blank template in live site. Whatever settings I need I copy from the local website so that I am saved from removing unnecessary contents from live site. Also sometimes deleting some contents give rise to some other issues. Its better t go with a Blank template.

Magento Admin Backend Blank Page after disabling Mage_ extension accidentally

I was disabling the extensions one by one to check a problem, but accidentally disabled some of the core extensions. Immediately the backend went blank and so I tried to enable all the extensions that I disabled in etc/modules. After that I cleared everything inside var folder but it was still not working.
So I copied the whole of etc/modules folder to replace but it still doesn't work after clearing cache by deleting cache folder.
Then I copied app folder and change local.xml, but it still doesn't work.
How can I restore back my admin page?
My Magento Version is 1.7
Since you have disabled the modules from backend you need to enable it directly from database.The table core_config_data holds the data whether the module is enabled/disabled.Execute the below query and it will list all the available modules
SELECT * FROM `core_config_data` WHERE `path` LIKE '%advanced/modules_disable_output/%'
Now choose the appropriate row and set the value to 0.

Magento admin CMS pages content in wrong tab

I've got a Magento site however when I login into the admin area to create a new CMS page the content box is appearing in the Page Information tab and not the Content tab. This is causing the validation to fail when I add the content.
Any help would be much appreciated
Try disabling any third party extensions/customizations you may of installed.
It could also be caused by corrupted database entries.
Try reinstalling Magento to a new database and seeing if the issue persists.
If it's fixed, then it's a problem with your data. If it isn't, then it must be a extension or customization causing the bug.
Go to System>Configuration>Advanced and you will see a brand of extension you recently installed. Set it to disabled and hit Save Config. Flush Cache, log out and log back in to admin and it should be corrected. If it is, contact the extension creator and report the bug as it shouldnt do that.The only realy way for that to happen is for something to overrule its placement which would be a 3rd party extension.
The other possibility is that you moved some folders in adminhtml by accident. If thats the case, try uploading an original copy of adminhtml.
