How to slide mouse in circular ?
Draw an arc and a mouse pointer in a canvas. Mouse should be drag gable on the circular path?
//function to create mouse event to drag the mouse hover the arc
function mousedrag() {
var canvasoffset = $(this.canvas).offset();
var offsetX = canvasoffset.left;
var offsetY =;
var mouseX = parseInt(e.offsetX || e.clientX - offsetX);
var mouseY = parseInt(e.offsetY || e.clientY - offsetY);
var radius = this.width / 2;
var twoPI = 2 * Math.PI;
var toRad = twoPI / 360;
var r_width = this.width * 0.8;
var radial_Angle = Math.atan2(mouseY - radius,mouseX - radius);
var p_side_x = radius + r_width * Math.cos(radial_Angle);
var p_side_y = radius + r_width * Math.sin(radial_Angle);
var p_mouse_x = radius + ((r_width+10) * Math.sin(radial_Angle));
var p_mouse_y = radius + ((r_width+ 10) * Math.sin(radial_Angle));
var imgData = this.ctx.getImageData(p_side_x, p_side_y, 1, 1).data;
var selectedColor = new Color(imgData[0], imgData[1], imgData[2]);
renderMouse(p_side_x, p_side_y, p_mouse_x, p_mouse_y);
mouse handle does not slide properly.
You can't actually force the mouse to be constrained into a circle.
But you can calculate the mouse position relative to a centerpoint.
// define a centerpoint
var cx=150;
var cy=150;
var angleVersusCenter=0;
// listen for mouse moves
function handleMouseMove(e){
// get the mouse position
// set the current radian angle of the mouse
// versus the centerpoint
var angleVersusCenter = Math.atan2( mouseY-cy, mouseX-cx );
A Demo:
Here is the jQuery roundSlider plugin for your requirement, check here This might helps you.
This roundslider having the similar options like the jQuery ui slider. It support default, min-range and range slider type. Not only the round slider it also supports various circle shapes such as quarter, half and pie circle shapes.
For more details check the demos and documentation page.
Please check the demo from jsFiddle.
Live demo:
width: 10,
handleSize: "+8",
value: "40"
width: 10,
circleShape: "half-top",
handleSize: "+8",
value: "80"
.rs-control {
display: inline-block;
float: left;
margin-left: 30px;
.rs-control .rs-path-color {
background-color: #e9e9e9;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<div id="slider" class="rslider"></div>
<div id="half-slider" class="rslider"></div>
Screenshots with different appearances:
Check more details about different theme from here.
I’m using a-frame and trying to accomplish this task - force the canvas to be rendered as “landscape” when a mobile device is in portrait orientation (ie. device-width = 414px and device-height = 736px).
I have successfully accomplished this with the following steps
camera.aspect = 736 / 414;
renderer.setSize(736, 414);
In css...
.a-canvas {
transform: rotate(90deg) translate(161px, 161px);
height: 414px !important;
width: 736px !important;
This all works great except for one major thing…I have 3D buttons in my scene and when I go to click them they don’t line up with the rotated canvas, instead their clickable position remains in the same place as before the canvas was rotated.
I’ve tried to set matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = true on the scene’s object3D along with updateWorldMatrix() with no luck. I tried calling refreshObjects on the raycaster with no luck. I tried rotating the scene and the camera with no luck.
I’m not sure what else to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks to Marquizzo and gman for the help. Here's the updated a-frame source code (v1.0.4) to make the raycaster handle this forced landscape canvas properly
// line: 66884
onMouseMove: (function () {
var direction = new THREE.Vector3();
var mouse = new THREE.Vector2();
var origin = new THREE.Vector3();
var rayCasterConfig = {origin: origin, direction: direction};
return function (evt) {
var bounds = this.canvasBounds;
var camera =;
var left;
var point;
var top;
// Calculate mouse position based on the canvas element
if (evt.type === 'touchmove' || evt.type === 'touchstart') {
// Track the first touch for simplicity.
point = evt.touches.item(0);
} else {
point = evt;
left = point.clientX - bounds.left;
top = point.clientY -;
// mouse.x = (left / bounds.width) * 2 - 1;
// mouse.y = -(top / bounds.height) * 2 + 1;
// HAYDEN's CODE: flipping x and y coordinates to force landscape
// --------------------------------------------------------------
let clickX = (left / bounds.width) * 2 - 1;
let clickY = - (top / bounds.height) * 2 + 1;
mouse.x = -clickY;
mouse.y = clickX;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
direction.set(mouse.x, mouse.y, 0.5).unproject(camera).sub(origin).normalize();
this.el.setAttribute('raycaster', rayCasterConfig);
if (evt.type === 'touchmove') { evt.preventDefault(); }
A-Frame uses a Raycaster internally to determine if the spot you clicked has hit an object. You can see in the Three.js documentation the raycaster needs the mouse x&y coordinates to determine where you clicked. Here's a working demo of that concept. However with your setup, x, y turns into -y, x.
I think you'll have to write your own Raycaster function to trigger on the click event instead of relying on the built-in AFrame functionality, and then swap the x&y values:
function onClick() {
let clickX = ( event.clientX / window.innerWidth ) * 2 - 1;
let clickY = - ( event.clientY / window.innerHeight ) * 2 + 1;
mouse.x = -clickY;
mouse.y = clickX;
// Then continue with raycaster.setFromCamera(), etc...
window.addEventListener( 'click', onClick, false );
I'm trying to build a d3js chart that zooms only on the X-axis but allows panning on both axes. The example below has the effect I desire:
However, I'm having trouble translating this into my own code. For one, I'm rendering to canvas so I don't have the ability to set the "transform" attribute on some element. Also my zooming uses rescaleX/rescaleY on copies of the scales, as is the "new way" to do zooming via d3-zoom, from what I understand:
const zoomBehavior = zoom().on('zoom', () => {
const xDomain = event.transform.rescaleX(x2).domain();
const yDomain = event.transform.rescaleY(y2).domain();
This works to zoom/pan on both axes. How can I modify it to get the same affect as in the fiddle? What am I supposed to do with deltaPanY (from the fiddle), in my code?
You could keep track of a second zoom transform (I'll call this yTransform) and use this to rescale the y axis. As you want the x to zoom normally, you can still use d3.event.transform.rescaleX() to rescale on the X axis, while the yTransform can be used to rescale on the Y axis.
When panning, the y translate value of yTransform should be updated with the current zoom state. Conversely, when zooming, yTransform should be used to override the change in the zoom state's y translate.
Perhaps something like:
var yTransform = d3.zoomIdentity; // initial state for the y transform
var zoom = d3.zoom()
.on("zoom", function() {
var t = d3.event.transform; // zoom state
x2 = t.rescaleX(x); // rescale x as normal (t.y is irrelevant)
// for a pan event, update the y translate
if (d3.event.sourceEvent.type != "wheel") yTransform.y = t.y;
// for a scroll, use the current y translate
else t.y = yTransform.y;
y2 = yTransform.rescaleY(y); // rescale y.
The k and x values for yTranslate don't matter: the scale is always 1 as we aren't zooming in, and the x translate is irrelevant to rescale on the y axis. The above doesn't account for double click events, but I'll add that below.
var dots = d3.range(100)
.map(function() {
return {x: Math.random(), y: Math.random()}
var x = d3.scaleLinear().range([0,500])
var x2 = x.copy();
var y = d3.scaleLinear().range([0,300])
var y2 = y.copy();
var canvas ="canvas")
var context = canvas.node().getContext("2d");
// Just for reference:
var axis = d3.axisRight(y);
var g ="svg").append("g");
var yTransform = d3.zoomIdentity;
var zoom = d3.zoom()
.on("zoom", function() {
var t = d3.event.transform;
x2 = t.rescaleX(x);
// For dbl clicks, d3.event.sourceEvent is null.
if (d3.event.sourceEvent && d3.event.sourceEvent.type != "wheel") yTransform.y = t.y;
else t.y = yTransform.y;
y2 = yTransform.rescaleY(y);
function render() {
dots.forEach(function(d) {
context.arc(x2(d.x), y2(d.y), 5, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
canvas, svg {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
svg {
<script src=""></script>
<canvas width="500" height="300"></canvas>
<svg width="500" height="300"></svg>
As I'm modifying properties directly - which is not the most ideal.
Alternatively, we could track a translate offset on the y (the difference between a y translate with dbl clicks/wheel events and without those events). Both y offset and y translate could be used to create an appropriate zoom transform:
var yOffset = 0;
var lastY = 0;
var zoom = d3.zoom()
.on("zoom", function() {
var t = d3.event.transform;
x2 = t.rescaleX(x);
// For dbl clicks, d3.event.sourceEvent is null.
if (d3.event.sourceEvent && d3.event.sourceEvent.type != "wheel") {
lastY = t.y - yOffset;
y2 = d3.zoomIdentity.translate(0,t.y-yOffset).rescaleY(y);
else {
yOffset = t.y - lastY; // ignore change in y for dbl click and wheel events
var dots = d3.range(100)
.map(function() {
return {x: Math.random(), y: Math.random()}
var x = d3.scaleLinear().range([0,500])
var x2 = x.copy();
var y = d3.scaleLinear().range([0,300])
var y2 = y.copy();
var canvas ="canvas")
var context = canvas.node().getContext("2d");
// Just for reference:
var axis = d3.axisRight(y);
var g ="svg").append("g");
var yOffset = 0;
var lastY = 0;
var zoom = d3.zoom()
.on("zoom", function() {
var t = d3.event.transform;
x2 = t.rescaleX(x);
// For dbl clicks, d3.event.sourceEvent is null.
if (d3.event.sourceEvent && d3.event.sourceEvent.type != "wheel") {
lastY = t.y - yOffset;
y2 = d3.zoomIdentity.translate(0,t.y-yOffset).rescaleY(y);
else {
yOffset = t.y - lastY; // ignore change in y for dbl click and wheel events
function render() {
dots.forEach(function(d) {
context.arc(x2(d.x), y2(d.y), 5, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
canvas, svg {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
svg {
<script src=""></script>
<canvas width="500" height="300"></canvas>
<svg width="500" height="300"></svg>
I have been asked, using Konvajs, to work out an animation that will rotate a circle as if spinning on its central x-axis. So imagine a coin spinning on a table. The intention is to reveal some text on the circle. At the start the circle is fully visible as if from behind so no text visible, then it flips to reveal the text.
I have this code that does a rotation like a spinning wheel.
Can anyone give me a tween / animation approach that would achieve the spinning coin effect?
// the tween has to be created after the node has been added to the layer
var tween = new Konva.Tween({
node: group,
duration: 4,
rotation: 360,
easing: Konva.Easings.BackEaseOut
After some research it looks like a 3D spin requires heavier lifting which may not be available or work well on mobile.
A good second-best appears to be using scaleX and animating from 0 > 1.
var tween = new Konva.Tween({
node: group,
duration: .25,
scaleX: 1,
easing: Konva.Easings.EaseOut
Here is an example of the second-best version using scaleX() effect. Because of the need to calculate scaleX() and control visibility of the text so as to make it appear that the disc is solid, I moved away from a tween and over to an animation().
// Set up the canvas / stage
var s1 = new Konva.Stage({container: 'container1', width: 300, height: 200});
// Add a layer for line
var layer = new Konva.Layer({draggable: false});
// just a plain JS object to keep common variables in hand.
var cfg = { w: 300, h: 200, r: 80, txtSize: 520};
var group = new Konva.Group();
var circle = new Konva.Circle({x: cfg.w/2, y: cfg.h/2, radius: cfg.r, fill: 'DodgerBlue', stroke: 'DeepPink', strokeWidth: 5})
var textValue = new Konva.Text({
id: "t1",
x: cfg.w/2,
y: cfg.h/2,
text: '',
fill: 'DeepPink ',
fontSize: cfg.txtSize
textValue.offset({x: textValue.getWidth()/2, y: textValue.getHeight()/2});
// to spin a group about a point, set the offset to that point, then set the x & y to that point to !
var pos = group.getClientRect();
RotatePoint(group, {x: pos.x + pos.width/2, y: pos.y + pos.height/2});
// Everything is ready so draw the canvas objects set up so far.
$('#st').on('click', function(){
var txt = $('#theText').val();
// set the offset for rotation to the given location and re-position the shape
function RotatePoint(shape, pos){ // where pos = {x: xpos, y: yPos}
var initialPos = shape.getAbsolutePosition();
var moveBy = {x: pos.x - initialPos.x, y: pos.y - initialPos.y};
// offset is relative to initial x,y of shape, so deduct x,y.
shape.x(initialPos.x + moveBy.x);
shape.y(initialPos.y + moveBy.y);
var setValue = function(newText){
// work out scaling to make text fit into the circle
var txt = this.layer.find('#t1')[0];
txt.text(newText).scale({x:1, y: 1})
var txtSize = txt.getClientRect();
var maxW = (cfg.r); // max allowed width of text
var txtScaleW = (txtSize.width > maxW ? ( maxW / txtSize.width) : 1);
var maxH = cfg.r; // max allowed height of text
var txtScaleH = (txtSize.height > maxH ? ( maxH / txtSize.height) : 1);
// finally decide which is the worst case and use that scaling
var txtScale = ( txtScaleW > txtScaleH ? txtScaleH : txtScaleW);
txt.scale({x: txtScale, y: txtScale});
txt.offset({x: txt.getWidth()/2, y: txt.getHeight()/2});
// set initial text & spin !
var anim, pos = 0, frameCnt = 0
if (anim) {anim.stop(); }
anim = new Konva.Animation(function(frame) {
frameCnt = frameCnt + 1;
if (frameCnt % 2 === 0){
pos = pos + .2
var scaleX = Math.sin(pos)
textValue.visible(scaleX < 0 ? false : true);
if (pos % 360 === 0){ console.log('spin') }
}, layer);
float: left;
margin: 0 5px;
margin: 0 5px 5px 0;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id='container1' style="width: 300px, height: 200px;"></div>
<p> <input type='text' id='theText' value='BBB' /> <button id='st'>Change text</button> </p>
I can draw gauge chart by canvas with function arc(). But, the shape is a half of circle.
Now, I'd like to draw gaugle chart like this (please ignore color or number).
How can I draw it? Thanks
I draw the chart by drawing 2 arc (I don't use ctx.lineWidth)
var min=Math.PI*.60;
var max=Math.PI*2+Math.PI*.40;
var R = 100;
var arcWidth = 40;
var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
ctx.arc(100, 100, R-arcWidth, max, min, true);
ctx.arc(100, 100, R, min, max);
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
However, at position of min and max, chart is line instead of round. I tried to use ctx.lineCap='round', but it not work.
Just stroke an arc with a sweep-angle based on your desired gauge percentage.
In your example the 0% angle is (estimating...)
PI * 0.60
and your 100% angle is (again estimating...)
PI*2 + PI*.40
So your arc will always start at angle = PI*0.60.
Your arc will end at the angle calculated like this:
zeroAngle + (hundredAngle-zeroAngle) * guagePercentageValue
Here's example code and a Demo:
var canvas=document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx=canvas.getContext("2d");
var cw=canvas.width;
var ch=canvas.height;
var PI=Math.PI;
var PI2=PI*2;
var cx=150;
var cy=150;
var r=80;
var min=PI*.60;
var max=PI2+PI*.40;
var percent=50;
ctx.font='24px verdana';
$myslider.on('input change',function(){
function drawGuage(){
// draw full guage outline
// draw percent indicator
<script src=""></script>
<input id=myslider type=range><br>
<canvas id="canvas" width=300 height=300></canvas>
I am trying to calculate the angle of rotation of a circle, I am using the following script:
var circle = new Kinetic.Circle({
x: 256,
y: 256,
radius: 140,
stroke: 'black',
strokeWidth: 4 ,
offset: [0, 0],
draggable: true,
dragBoundFunc: function (pos) {
var pos = stage.getMousePosition();
var xd = 140 - pos.x;
var yd = 140 - pos.y;
var theta = Math.atan2(yd, xd);
var degree = (theta / (Math.PI / 180) - 45);
return {
x: this.getAbsolutePosition().x,
y: this.getAbsolutePosition().y
I don't think it is accurate, I added a shape inside the circle to see the rotation but could not group them together, I would appreciate your suggestions on how to calculate the degree of rotation and how to group the shape with the circle so the rotate at the same time. The complete project script is at Thanks in advance.
Here is how you calculate the angle of the mouse position from "12 o'clock"
Pretend your canvas is a clock centered in the canvas.
Here's how to calculate the angle of the current mouse position assuming 12 o'clock is zero degrees.
function degreesFromTwelveOclock(cx,cy,mouseX,mouseY){
// calculate the angle(theta)
var theta=Math.atan2(mouseY-centerY,mouseX-centerX);
// be sure theta is positive
if(theta<0){theta += 2*Math.PI};
// convert to degrees and rotate so 0 degrees = 12 o'clock
var degrees=(theta*180/Math.PI+90)%360;
Here is complete code and a Fiddle:
body{ background-color: ivory; }
canvas{border:1px solid red;}
var canvas=document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx=canvas.getContext("2d");
var canvasOffset=$("#canvas").offset();
var offsetX=canvasOffset.left;
var centerX=canvas.width/2;
var centerY=canvas.height/2;
var radius=10;
// draw a center dot for user's reference
ctx.arc(centerX,centerY, radius, 0 , 2 * Math.PI, false);
function handleMouseMove(e){
$("#movelog").html("Mouse: "+ mouseX + " / " + mouseY);
$("#angle").html("Angle: "+parseInt(degreesFromTwelveOclock(centerX,centerY,mouseX,mouseY)));
function degreesFromTwelveOclock(cx,cy,mouseX,mouseY){
// calculate the angle(theta)
var theta=Math.atan2(mouseY-centerY,mouseX-centerX);
// be sure theta is positive
if(theta<0){theta += 2*Math.PI};
// convert to degrees and rotate so 0 degrees = 12 o'clock
var degrees=(theta*180/Math.PI+90)%360;
}); // end $(function(){});
<p id="movelog">Move</p>
<p id="angle">Out</p>
<canvas id="canvas" width=300 height=300></canvas>