Why don't GWT launch configurations lookup sources in dependency projects by default? - maven

Why there's a difference in Default Source Lookup Path between GWT and java launch configurations?
In multi-module projects instead of containing projects, the Default folder contains the class folders of those projects!
It causes "Source not found" errors when the debugger steps into a dependency project.
I know I can add projects manually. Just want to know why this difference is needed.
The only project in the list is the associated with the .launch.

GWT needs '.java' source files of dependencies to be able to compile (translate to js) while the Java launcher needs only '.class' compiled files.
I suppose you know GWT has a different way to manage dependencies (through modules within the same project), which is good for some advanced GWT practices like loading a module's js lazily (this feature doesn't work with "foreign" libs/projects).
So this could also be an answer for why eclipse GWT doesn't suppose you will have more projects (but more modules instead)
Finally if you really have an independent GWT lib that you're maintaining this is an issue as you said.


building a jar library from a war project using maven?

We have a EAR project which has a WAR project. Maven is used, so pom.xml. As typical of any project, this project also contains a big feature (say Job Scheduling "JBS") among many other features. As it is planned to retire this whole project in the near future, it is discouraged heavily to spend much on working on this project (whether bugs or enhancements).
Therefore, for the sake of running the (JBS) feature as a separate application, the whole EAR project was duplicated (also to save time/cost). As a result, all the Java packages and classes (necessary for JBS project) were duplicated. In this situation, if we update one or more classes in the main project, this (JBS) feature project/application gets outdated (and needs update).
The fact is that this JBS feature project ONLY requires many packages of Java classes (from the main EAR-WAR project), and do not require 99% of the web modules and others. I am removing all the unnecessary things from JBS project. Then I would like to create a JAR library with all the java classes, so JBS project can have a dependency on this JAR.
I do not know if it is a good idea to separate these classes out of the main project (to create another Java project). I would like to continue to have these classes as part of the main project. Then, it will be good, as and when one or more of these classes are changed, a new version of the JAR will be generated (right away). And the JBS project would then make use of this updated JAR.
How can we accomplish this? I understand, through maven, we can do a build/package jar/war/ear on a project of that nature. I am not an expert with maven (and did not learn it systematically).
But, is there a way to create one or more JARs additionally from inside WAR pom.xml? In other words: I mean pom.xml of WAR will create a WAR. In addition to creating a WAR, can maven help create additional JAR? Or can maven create two packages out of one pom.xml?
Or should I create a separate module in the main project with all these packages/classes, and have its own pom.xml to generate the necessary JAR? For this, most probably I need to modify the structure of the main project. I would like to avoid this unless there is no way out.
Can you advice?
It seems like the best thing for you would be to create a multi-module project that both contains the JAR and the other project. This way, you can easily change/build them together, but you create separate artifacts.

Maven: Can I have parent and child modules in same Eclipse project?

I need to create a Spring MVC web application where each of the services should be created as a separate JAR file. Some of the docs suggest that multiple Maven modules can be used for this. But what I understood is, that each module also needs to be created as a separate Eclipse project.
Can I have all the controllers, service and DAOs in the same Eclipse project, while still creating separate jars for each service (and a war file for the whole application) with Maven?
Short answer:
Yes, you could create multiple build targets (jar files) out of single project by using maven-jar-plugin (profiles, executions).
Should you do it?
I believe most people will agree with me that you should not do it, you should stick to one of the most important core concepts of Maven: modularity.
Now, Have you asked yourself the question, Do I really need to create multiple modules (jar Files) for my application? Can I manage all pieces of code in one single project?
Maybe you just need some guidance about how to organize your java packages in one single project.
https://dzone.com/articles/layered-architecture-is-good - Using layered architecture
http://www.javapractices.com/topic/TopicAction.do?Id=205 - Packages by feature vs Layers
NOTE: If you think that your project will grow fast and the number of classes will be a large number, it is probably a good candidate to be a multi module application.
If you still have the feeling that you have to create multiple modules, there are several interesting posts about how to address modularity in the design of applications, in these posts they provide very interesting reasons/criteria why you should split your application into modules.
How to decompose a system into modules?
Spring Java Maven Project + Module Design
Good Luck!
What is the problem of separate modules and hence separate Eclipse projects? If you declare a Maven dependency between the modules, you'll be able to have compile dependencies between the classes in the corresponding Eclipse projects.
So I suppose that it is possible to force multiple Maven modules into one Eclipse project, but I don't know any good reason to do so.

How to setup multiproject structure with maven?

I'm fairly unexperienced and all new to the whole world of build tools so here's my situation: I am developing a webapp with JSF, PrimeFaces and Hibernate on wildfly-9.0.2-final. All java files (incl. ManagedBeans, DAOs, Model classes, etc.) are currently in a regular eclipse java project called MyApp-CORE. There is no html or any other resources in that project, but all the third-party libraries like PrimeFaces, commons-xy, etc. Then I got two dynamic web projects with all the .xhtml files and stuff. Both web projects include the CORE in their build path (all done via eclipse built-in tools). Basically I followed Structure for multiple JSF projects with shared code so far. All projects are versioned using Git. I was now asking myself how to mavenize the whole thing and also how to properly include tests. The final result should be:
I want a build file for each web project that includes the CORE dependency and all of it's transitive dependencies, creates a .war file and deploys it either on the production system or locally (Depending on some parameters I want to be able to maintain).
This buildfile could then for instance test and build the CORE and then the .war file.
Since I'm using JSF, mostly the only option for testing is JSFUnit. Should I test each web project individually and put all the test cases there (which would be highly redundant because they're mostly the same, just a few features are different) or should I rather create a separate web project called MyApp-TEST which tests the CORE.jar and also - depending on some configuration - each web project.
I've already created a structure that makes it possible to include the core in the web project but unfortunately I loose the perks of hot deployment in wildfly when just including it as a dependency from my local maven repository.
So, to summarize it:
What would be a best practice for this setup, eventually leading to a continuous integration scenario?
How should I include the test cases (full integration tests that test actual UI behaviour)?
Which Tool (Maven, Gradle, Ant, etc.) would be best for that task?
Keep using hot deployment for smooth development?
Thanks in advance for any comments, hints or shared experience!

Library development/debug with Maven

I am in the processing of integrating Maven into my my projects. While maven has plenty of pros i'm finding it difficult to figure out how to maintain my current development process, which is as follows:
For creating SDKs I will create a sample app, which will depend on and directly reference the SDK source code, all from within the same code project. This means that I can make easily change/debug the SDK code with one click run/debugging.
I fear this won't really be possible with Maven. Can I create some type of Hybrid approach, where I continue my normal development approach and then push builds to Maven when it is appropriate.
Update - For Clarity
My problem is that when everything is done through maven, the dependencies are built and published to Maven. Then, the dependent project pulls down compiled references and uses them. My issues is that I don't want to go through this whole process every time I make a small change to a dependency.Thanks.
You should try creating parent level pom.xml with two modules - your library and simple app to test it. In simple app's pom.xml provide a dependency on library module.
Then open in your IDE parent pom as maven project. This should be sufficient for normal debug.
Other possible approach - install you library artifact into maven repo with sources. In this case you will be able to debug it, but test app still have to load use jars from repo.

Update dependencies while in hosted mode in GWT

I have a GWT webapp split into two Maven projects where one is a dependency to the other. Each time I change something in the dependency and I'm running webapp in hosted mode I have to rebuild the subproject and restart hosted mode for changes to apply. It takes a lot of time so I'd like to ask you if there is any way to make GWT using "live" version of the dependency?
There are 2 cases:
for server-side code, assuming you use the DevMode's embedded server, rebuilding the app and then refreshing the server should be enough
for client-side code, AFAICT, you have to use the source and output directories of the dependency module rather than the JAR containing them (GWT will load the source from the classpath, but apparently it'll only see the modified sources if it comes from a folder rather than a JAR; at least that's what I found in my tests). This goes against The Maven Way™ but the only solution so far is to use a special profile that will import the sources of the dependency project as sources of the project you're running. You can see examples of that in my archetypes.
There's actually a bug opened for the gwt-maven-plugin, MGWT-332, to do that automatically when running a reactor build. I also mused about what's really needed, for the forthcoming official gwt-maven-plugin (rewritten from scratch, independent from the CodeHaus Mojo plugin).
If your dependency does not come from a reactor build, then you're out on your own: you chose to make it totally distinct, so that's how it'll behave: you'll have to release it (even a snapshot) each time you make a change to it, and use the new version in your app (which means re-launching the DevMode).
This can be circumvented by running DevMode on your own, without the help of the gwt-maven-plugin. You're left on your own managing the classpath though (using the Google Plugin for Eclipse, I suppose you could simply edit the launch configuration to add the source folders of your dependency project to the classpath, before the classpath provided by Maven, that would reference the JAR).
Remove the dependent other application jar file from the primary application lib folder under webapp.
Eclipse should then resolve the dependency using the other project in the workspace if you have added it to your primary application classpath.
As GWT build takes ages, we invested some money in a JRebel license. We have two separate Eclipse projects for our back-end and our GWT front-end. JRebel reloads the classes automatically and I never need to restart my local server while writing code. It proved to be a wonderful time saver. Definitely worth the investment.
