Magento MyGate Payment Gateway - magento

We have a Magento site ( that makes use of MyGate (been customised) as a payment gateway. We have a problem here, when a user checkout on our site and choose credit card as a payment method, the order has been placed. The order waits for a respond from MyGate regarding the 3D secure authorisation.
The payment should be settled once the payment has been authorised which it does, but what I don't understand is, why when the authorisation has failed the order status on Magento does become Canceled but it still settles the payment in Magento saying Total Paid = Amount and not Total Paid = R0.00. This issue is causing stock qty not to be restored when the order has been cancelled because total paid is paid when it is not.
Is this a coding issue in Magento or an issue on MyGate's side when responding back to Magento?


Magento 2 Multi-Address checkout issue with Braintree PSP

We are facing issue with Magento Multi-Address checkout. We have enabled this to allow customers to put through large orders to be sent to multiple addresses. Even though to the customer it looks to be one payment we know it actually splits the order by address and takes a payment per order. The challenge is we are having customers make large orders for up to 100 addresses and the first 5 orders/payments are going through fine but the subsequent payments for the remaining order are all being rejected by the bank and therefore the rest of the orders are not being created.
We are currently using it on Magento 2.4.2 with Braintree as the PSP.
We are expecting to process the multi address checkout payments with Braintree.

magento order show due payment even full payment is done

In magento site customer has placed order and via card submitted full payment but magento showing some amount as due payment. Actually my customer paid $1536 but order status show $1518 as paid and $18 as due.
I ask to customer and he said that $1536(full amount) is deducted from his account.
Please help me what may be issue.

How to stop magento from setting Payment-Status to "Completed" when Payment comes in via PayPal

Is there a way to stop magento setting the status of an order to "completed" after the payment comes in via PayPal?
The Problem is that I want do send an invoice when I start with the service, which is not possible when someone pays it before.
If I understand your problem right, try next:
In Magento PayPal settings, find field "Payment Action", and set it to "Authorization"
This mean:
payments are only authorized at the side of the PayPal system and only
an order is created in the backend of your store. The store
administrator needs log to on to the merchant account on the PayPal
site and capture the transaction.
So after order placed and user have paid transaction, status in your shop will stay at "Pending" or "Processing". After that you can generate invoice and send it to customer, and then go to your PayPal and finalize order.
Source here:

Magento / - "Credit card type is not allowed for this payment method"

I have a client that's running a Magento Community Edition site - version - they've been using PayPal for payments for over a year with no issues at all.
Last week we added as an option and configured it to authorize and capture payments. They have their account set to then connect up with their Sage Pay account on the accounting side.
Everything works great until attempting to submit a payment - no matter what card type is selected using the choices (Visa / MC / Dis / AMEX) upon submitting the form, it throws a Magento alert of "Credit card type is not allowed for this payment method".
I've been on Google and the Magento forums for a couple hours now trying to track down the issue, but I've come up empty. Most suggestions I found were to clear the cache - I've done so, both in the admin as well as clearing out var/cache and var/sessions, but it's made no difference.
We've contacted and verified that the account is active and ready to receive transactions from those 4 card types.
Any thoughts on why this would be occurring and how to correct it?
Thanks for your help,
This typically means the the account was set up as card present instead of card not present. Having the account changed to the right type will solve this issue.

Paypal orders not going through to Magento

We have noticed that some customer orders never made it through to magento, but they did go through Paypal. This used to happen when an order would go through a payment review, the payment would be cleared by Paypal after the review was completed, but Magento would never clear it. Is there a reason why some orders are completed on Paypal?s end, but never make it through to Magento?
Sounds like your missing the Callback IPN Url within Paypal itself.
